Critical pedagogy: Recent e-books
This guide is for those interested in critical pedagogy in all its many forms, including culturally relevant pedagogy--both research and practice.
Recent e-books
Teach truth: the struggle for antiracist education by Jesse Hagopian
Publication Date: 2025In the face of relentless attacks on antiracist education, a much-needed reckoning with the roots of this latest wave of censorship and an urgent call to action to defend education. In just the last few years, scores of states have introduced or passed legislation that would require teachers to lie to students about structural racism and other forms of oppression. Books have been cut from curricula and pulled from school library shelves. Teachers have been fired and threatened with discipline.Policy development, curriculum design, and administration of language education by Gülin Zeybek (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Policy Development, Curriculum Design, and Administration of Language Education unites a wide range of voices, viewpoints, and research methods to illuminate the complex difficulties encountered by language educators. The book provides insights that are applicable to different educational policies, and ongoing professional development for language instructors. Covering topics such as collaborative writing, linguistically responsive teachers, and second language teaching...Improving equity in data science: re-imagining the teaching and learning of data in K-16 classrooms by Colby Tofel-Grehl (Ed.); Emmanuel Schanzer (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Improving Equity in Data Science offers a comprehensive look at the ways in which data science can be conceptualized and engaged more equitably within the K-16 classroom setting, moving beyond merely broadening participation in educational opportunities. This book makes the case for field wide definitions, literacies and practices for data science teaching and learning that can be commonly discussed and used, and provides examples from research of these practices and literacies in action.Inquiries of pedagogical shifts and critical mindsets among educators by Aaron R. Gierhart (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Inquiries of Pedagogical Shifts and Critical Mindsets Among Educators delves into unexplored pedagogy through a compendium of original research studies. The focus is on narrative inquiries, case studies, and phenomenological investigations, offering a nuanced understanding of pedagogical shifts and critical mindsets among P-16 educators. Inspired by Novoa's conceptualization of "Tipping Points," the book unfolds the narratives and lived experiences that propel educators toward transformative shifts in their teaching methodologies.How to better serve racially, ethnically, and linguistically diverse (RELD) students in special education: a guide for under-resourced educators and high-needs schools by Buruuj Tunsill
Publication Date: 2024This important guide offers practical teaching solutions to address the challenges facing RELD students in special education, particularly in high needs schools where the number of students identified as needing special education is above the national average.Storytelling and improvisation as anti-racist pedagogies: challenging white supremacy in elementary education by Samuel Jaye Tanner; Erin T. Miller
Publication Date: 2024This book theorizes and describes the concept of transformative critical whiteness pedagogies that are rooted in theories and practices of improvisation.Dismantling disproportionality in practice: a guide to fostering culturally responsive districts and schools by María G. Hernández; Reed Swier; Hui-Ling Sunshine Malone; Pedro A. Noguera (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2024This resource offers culturally responsive processes and concrete tools to address disproportionality and create more equitable schools. The authors draw on their work with school districts to demonstrate how using a theory of change can address disproportionate outcomes of special education placement and exclusionary discipline for students of color.Reclaiming the cultural politics of teaching and learning: skooled in punk by Greg Vass
Publication Date: 2024This monograph is focused on how and why punk can productively contribute to efforts that are responding to the influences of dominant culture in education, such as the effects of standardization, heightened accountabilities, and 'gap talk'. For this Element, punk can be thought of as social practices that generate cultural resources that can be utilized to critique dominant culture. Hence, this Element aims to make the case that punk sensibilities offer educators opportunities to reclaim the cultural politics of teaching and learning.Challenging bias and promoting transformative education in public schooling through critical literacy by Lyndsey Aubin Benharris (Ed.); Katharine Covino (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Public education faces a significant problem with the acquisition of literacy through conventional methods, which can perpetuate biases and reinforce the dominant culture. To address this issue, Challenging Bias and Promoting Transformative Education in Public Schooling Through Critical Literacy presents powerful solutions. Edited by Lyndsey Benharris and Katharine Covino, this groundbreaking book explores how critical literacy can be effectively employed by public school educators to challenge biases, center marginalized voices, and foster inclusive learning environments.Integrating mindfulness into anti-oppression pedagogy: social justice in higher education by Beth Berila
Publication Date: 2024Drawing from mindfulness education and social justice teaching, this book explores an effective anti-oppressive pedagogy for university and college classrooms.Disrupting hierarchy in education: students and teachers collaborating for social change by Hakim Mohandas Amani Williams (Ed.); Hana Huskić (Ed.); Christina M. Noto (Ed.); Antonia. Darder (Foreword; Monisha Bajaj (Afterword)
Publication Date: 2024This timely book features rich examples of students and teachers, defined as learning partners, disrupting hierarchy in education by collaborating on social change projects. At the book's core is Paulo Freire's theorization of students and teachers working together toward co-liberation. Co-written by learning partners, each chapter in this collection highlights a social change project that puts Freire's theories into action.Pro-Blackness in early childhood education: diversifying curriculum and pedagogy in K-3 classrooms by Gloria Swindler Boutte; George Lee Johnson; Jarvais J. Jackson; Saudah N. Collins; Janice R. Baines; Anthony Broughton; George Lee Johnson; Joyce E. King (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2024Drawing from a critical case study of K-3 teachers who use Pro-Black teaching in their daily instruction, this important book puts forth positive perspectives regarding Blackness and Black people that are not evident in most educational settings. An easy-to-understand text provides evidence-based curriculum examples, pedagogies, and resources; demonstrates how teachers can achieve Pro-Black teaching while also addressing curricular standards and other demands on their time; and explains the benefit of Pro-Black teaching for all children.Antiracist research on K-12 education and teacher preparation: policy making, pedagogy, curriculum, and practices by Molly Zhou (Ed.); Terrell Brown (Ed.); James Thompson (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Antiracist Research on K-12 Education and Teacher Preparation: Policy Making, Pedagogy, Curriculum, and Practices provides current research on anti-racist education in teacher education and K-12 education. This book intends to engage teachers and educators in general to discuss diversity topics such as racism and how to react in the larger picture of teaching in K-12 and in higher education with a focus on teacher preparation.Debunking the grit narrative in higher education: drawing on the strengths of African American, Asian American, Pacific Islander, Latinx, and Native American students by Angela M. Locks; Rocío Mendoza; Deborah Faye Carter
Publication Date: 2024Debunking the Grit Narrative in Higher Education examines pressing structural issues currently impacting African American, Asian American, Pacific Islander, Latinx, and Native American students accessing college and succeeding in U.S. postsecondary environments.Start with radical love : antiracist pedagogy for social justice educators by Crystal Belle
Publication Date: 2024In this groundbreaking book, educator, poet, and activist Dr. Crystal Belle challenges traditional educational practices and offers a new approach to teaching rooted in radical love and social justice. Combining research with personal experiences and interviews, Dr. Belle explores the roots and practical application of a social justice education framework grounded in Critical Race Theory (CRT), heart healing, educator beliefs, and a deep understanding of the structural inequities in education.Culturally responsive schooling for indigenous Mexican students by William Perez; Rafael Vásquez
Publication Date: 2024This book uncovers the social and educational experiences of an increasing yet understudied population of young immigrants in the US, focusing on multilingual students who speak one of three Indigenous languages: Zapotec, Mixtec and P'urhépecha. It explores students' ethnoracial identities, Indigenous language use and transnational practices and the influence of these factors on school adjustment, academic achievement and educational pathways.Weaving hope through our education system by Shirley R. Steinberg (Series ed.); Derrique DeGagné (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Weaving Hope Through Our Education System is an invitation to emerging, novice, and experienced educators to reflect, a reminder to connect, and a call to action. In its pages, a diverse group of artists, educators, and leaders examine hope's relationship with courage, connection, compassion, curiosity, and creativity. Through poetry, narrative, articles, interviews, and plays, authors respond to the prompt: How do you foster hope in our education landscape?Teaching humanities with cultural responsiveness at HBCUs and HSIs by DuEwa M. Frazier (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This compelling book is a testament to the power of collective insight, a comprehensive response to the pressing need for transformative educational practices. It offers an array of research-driven solutions, bridging the gap between conventional teaching methods and the diverse, dynamic realities of HBCU and HSI classrooms. The book deftly explores topics such as teaching ESL and EFL students, integrating accommodations for disabilities, embracing hip-hop pedagogies, and fostering social justice education.Making a difference: instructional leadership that drives self-reflection and values the expertise of teachers by Ian M. Mette; Dwayne Ray Cormier; Yanira Oliveras
Publication Date: 2024The US continues to grapple with social domination based on various sociocultural identities such as race, ethnicity, gender, class, sexual orientation, identity, ability, and other lived experiences. This book aims to equip educators with a framework for providing instructional leadership that ensures culturally responsive instruction. Changing what is taught, how it is taught, and who it is intended for is one of the most effective ways of contributing to a more progressive, equitable, and inclusive society.
Antiracist pedagogy in action: curriculum development from the field by Erin T. Miller (Ed.); Angela V. Walker (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023This book provides precise definitions and concrete examples to demonstrate how antiracist pedagogy is a way of teaching and learning that engages past failures of American democracy in order to inspire students to take action toward fulfilling the promise of American democracy.Becoming an antiracist school leader: dare to be real by Patrick A. Duffy; James A. Banks (Series ed.)
Publication Date: 2023This book describes an adaptive framework that includes ten tenets for developing structural and curricular antiracist leadership. In three parts, school leaders are asked to: Know Themselves through self-reflection and racial autobiography; Distinguish Knowledge From Foolishness through critical race ethnography and an exploration of racial identity development; and Build for Eternity by using a model for student-centered antiracist leadership development.bell hooks' engaged pedagogy for the 21st century classroom: radical spaces of possibility by Kristin Comeforo (Ed.); Mala L. Matacin (Ed.); Kelsey Evans-Amalu; Ellen Balis; Lori Baralt; Becky Beucher; Sydney Curtis; Agustin Diaz; Sheryl D. Fairchild; Elizabeht Hernandez; Leandra Hernández; Siti Muflichah; Stevie M. Munz; Becky Pizer; Duxiana Ruiz; Alejandra Torres; Amy M. Wilkinson; Marcel Williams
Publication Date: 2023Through critical commentary reflections on classroom experiences and original teaching activities, the authors in bell hooks' Engaged Pedagogy for the 21st Century Classroom: Radical Spaces of Possibility provide inspiration for teachers with the will to learn and the courage to teach about intersecting systems of oppression in meaningful, radical ways.Brave community: teaching for a post-racist imagination by Robin D. G. Kelley (Foreword); Janine de Novais; William. Ayers (Series ed.); Therese Quinn (Series ed.)
Publication Date: 2023At the core of the intractability of racism is the persistent cultivation of our collective ignorance of it. This book argues that this cultivated ignorance compels us to support a status quo that we abhor. We are stuck because we cannot imagine a world beyond racism.Challenges of the educational system in contemporary society by Jordi Manuel Antolí Martínez
Publication Date: 2023Challenges of the Educational System in Contemporary Society presents an overview of the pedagogical innovation experienced in the 21st century. It shares a novel and transformative view on education practice. Using empirical research, as well as including theoretical chapters, this volume tackles some of the most relevant topics currently discussed in educational sciences. Covering topics such as intercultural awareness, emotional recognition, and gender equality policies...Code for what?: computer science for storytelling and social justice by Clifford Lee; Elisabeth Soep; Kyra Kyles (Epilogue by); Christopher Emdin (Foreword by)
Publication Date: 2023In Code for What? Clifford Lee and Elisabeth Soep ask the question, "code for what?" What if coding were a justice-driven medium for storytelling rather than a narrow technical skill? What if "democratizing" computer science went beyond the usual one-off workshop and empowered youth to create digital products for social impact?Critical theory and pedagogy: towards the reconstruction of educationCritical Theory and Pedagogy by Douglas Kellner
Publication Date: 2023The decolonization of education necessarily involves a critique of dominant ideologies, pedagogies, and the current organization of education, to be replaced by what, in 1970, Paulo Freire called "the pedagogy of the oppressed." Critical Theory and Pedagogy presents a theory for decolonizing, democratizing, and reconstructing education in order to meet the challenges of a global and technological society.Culturally responsive and sustaining education: framing diversity, equity, and social justice education in a local to global context by Edited by Cameron White
Publication Date: 2023The book suggests that culturally responsive and sustaining education should be the guiding principle in our schools, and that community partnerships be developed in a similar light. Although many of the chapters focus on specific content or places, a transdisciplinary problem and project-based experiential critical pedagogy is an ultimate goal. This necessitates developing awareness, advocacy and action / engagement regarding issues of race, ethnicity, gender, ability, choice, and culture to promote equity and social justice.Culturally responsive leadership for social justice and academic equity for all by Bethel E. Cager (Ed.); Leslie Haas (Ed.); Jill Tussey (Ed.); Monica Burke (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Culturally Responsive Leadership for Social Equity and Academic Justice in Schools offers a multi-faceted approach to culturally responsive leadership as it connects the concept to the various responsibilities of school leaders. The book also challenges school leaders to see the connective and comprehensive nature of culturally responsive leadership in their daily duties and responsibilities, introduces the concept of culturally responsive leadership and its benefits for all students, and prompts and initiates an educational leadership mindset that seeks to explore the impact of culturally responsive leadership further.Educating for equity and excellence: enacting culturally responsive teaching by Geneva Gay; James A. Banks (Series ed.)
Publication Date: 2023In this collection of articles, Geneva Gay invites readers to make educational equity and excellence for all students a reality, not just an ethic or an ideal. Through teaching narratives and pragmatic examples, Gay illustrates that a combination of ideology, ethics, personal commitment, and praxis on the part of educators is essential to achieving equity for underachieving racial and ethnic minority students. The text is organized into three themes: Identity (how the identities and behaviors of educators are influenced by their membership in ethnic and cultural groups); Ideology (how the beliefs, attitudes, and expectations of educators shape their behaviors and instruction); and Action (suggestions for equitable teaching, classroom management, curriculum development, and teacher preparation).Equity-oriented critical curricula: envisioning hope with students by Angela Miller-Hargis; Delane A. Bender-Slack
Publication Date: 2023Designed to balance theory and praxis, this book offers opportunities for teachers to begin building integrated critical literacy curricula that prioritizes the lived experiences and insights of their students.Equity doesn't just happen: stories of education leaders working toward social justice by Jo Smith (Ed.); Elisabeth Crowell Kim (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023This volume offers a mix of theory and application on equity work in schools, districts, and states.For the love of teaching : how minority serving institutions are diversifying and transforming the professionFor the Love of Teaching by Alice Ginsberg; Marybeth Gasman; Andrés Castro Samayoa
Publication Date: 2023The authors detail how Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs)--nearly 800 colleges and universities across the nation that educate nearly 45% of all students of color--are preparing culturally proficient teachers using new methods centered on integrating culturally relevant pedagogy, creating a culture of belonging through faculty engagement and cohort models, enriching student teaching and clinical practice through residencies and school-university partnerships, and working closely with families and communities.Foundations of critical race theory in education by Edward Taylor (Ed.); David Gillborn (Ed.); Gloria Ladson-Billings (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Editors and contributors are amongst the most highly regarded scholars in CRT in the world Includes seminal legal writings on which critical race theory is based alongside cutting edge educational research Revised edition includes new material on applying CRT to quantitative data, the social funding of race, post-Obama political backlashes, and racialized immigration policies.Humanizing education for immigrant and refugee youth: 20 strategies for the classroom and beyond by Monisha Bajaj; Daniel Walsh; Lesley Bartlett; Gabriela Martínez; William. Ayers (Series ed.); Therese Quinn (Series ed.)
Publication Date: 2023This important book offers strategies, models, and concrete ideas for better serving newcomer immigrant and refugee youth in U.S. schools, with a focus on grades 6-12. The authors present 20 strategies grouped under three categories: (1) classroom and instructional design, (2) school design, and (3) extracurricular, community, and alumni partnerships.Inclusive college classrooms: teaching methods for diverse learners by Lauren S. Cardon; Anne-Marie Womack
Publication Date: 2023"Inclusive College Classrooms provides instructors with research-based practices and tools to create an effective and inclusive classroom environment. This important book responds to the current obstacles facing higher education institutions by filling a visible gap in pedagogical training books, as well as in graduate pedagogy courses and new faculty pedagogy orientations, to help instructors improve the methods they are already using, identify new methods that could enhance their courses, and become more confident overall as they develop a discourse for talking about teaching."Mindfulness in multicultural education: critical race feminist perspectives by Kathryn Esther McIntosh
Publication Date: 2023Grounded in critical race feminism, this book explores mindfulness as an empowering approach in multicultural education. The author explores how learners of multicultural education--by (re)centering the body through mindfulness with concrete strategies and scaffolded practice--can be empowered to handle the activated emotions and deep self-inquiry that come with the work of social justice, liberation, and anti-racism.Perspectives on indigenous pedagogy in education by Sheila Cote-Meek (Ed.); Taima Moeke-Pickering (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023As Indigenous pedagogy continues to grow in the modern educational landscape, it is critical to fully understand key questions such as what Indigenous pedagogy is, why Indigenous pedagogy is important, and how you link Indigenous theory and practice in the classroom. Further study is required to ensure Indigenous pedagogy is utilized appropriately in education. Perspectives on Indigenous Pedagogy in Education: Learning From One Another explores the complexities of negotiating and integrating Indigenous pedagogies in education and presents a variety of global perspectives on Indigenous pedagogies in education.Phenomenological studies in education by Jason D. DeHart (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Phenomenological Studies in Education explores and applies methods associated with phenomenological work to build knowledge of experiences in education and pedagogy. Covering topics such as building inclusive environments, descriptive phenomenology, and phenomenological interviewing experiences...Reckoning with the Whiteness of English education: transformative pedagogies in English language arts and beyond by Pauli Badenhorst (Ed.); Samuel Jaye Tanner (Ed.); Justin Grinage (Ed.); Zachary Casey (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2023This volume directly confronts persistent iterations of whiteness in English education through advancing antiracist dispositions and practices. Readers will find a variety of practical implementations of teaching and learning in English Language Arts, English literacy, and English as a Second Language.Reconceptualizing education for newcomer students: valuing learning experiences inside and outside of school by Jordan Corson
Publication Date: 2023Using research from a newcomer school located in New York City, the author explores the everyday lives of nine immigrant students outside of school, showing that youth are not simply waiting for school reforms. Their educational lives are not bound to institutional spaces or the logics of schooling. Instead, youth routinely take up educational practices that are intellectually rigorous, joyous, resilient, and fulfilling.
Bringing critical media literacy into ELA classrooms by William Kist (Ed.); Mary T. Christel (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022During a time of increased book banning and censoring, of scrutiny of the word critical, and even calls for surveillance of K-12 teachers, the burgeoning field of critical media literacy is more important than ever. These new challenges demonstrate the importance of teaching media literacy to address some of the most pressing needs of our youth.Contemplative practices and anti-oppressive pedagogies for higher education: bridging the disciplines by Greta Claire Gaard; Bengü Ergüner-Tekinalp
Publication Date: 2022This volume explores mindfulness and other contemplative approaches as strategic tools for cultivating anti-oppressive pedagogies in higher education. Research confirms that simply providing students with evidence and narratives of economic, social, and environmental injustices proves insufficient in developing awareness and eliciting responses of empathy, solidarity, and a desire to act for change. From the environmental humanities to the environmental sciences, legal studies, psychology, and counseling, educators from a range of geographical and disciplinary standpoints describe their research-based mindfulness pedagogies.Culturally sustaining language and literacy practices for pre-K-3 classrooms: the children come full by Kindel Turner Nash
Publication Date: 2022Literacy educators are often unequipped to help young children contend with the world we inhabit, where linguistic, literate, and cultural pluralism are not always valued or sustained. In fact, educators are routinely bombarded by programs that position literacy as a simple, one-size-fits-all practice. This resource will help pre-K-3 teachers create and interpret literacy teaching processes, practices, and spaces that honor and extend children's fullness.Curriculum work and social justice leadership in a post-reconceptualist era: attaining critical consciousness and learning to become by Allan Michel Jales Coutinho
Publication Date: 2022The author purposefully connects methods and concepts from curriculum, social studies and the arts, and offers insights into identity formation, social position, and social transformation. As such, Coutinho presents an opportunity for curricularists to evaluate the connections between their lives and their work within and across mutually-constitutive discursive and material contexts, and critically analyze their agency, their relational encounters, and their position as changemakers within unjust social realities.Engaging in culturally relevant math tasks: fostering hope in the elementary classroom
Publication Date: 2022Engaging in Culturally Relevant Math Tasks helps teachers to design and refine inspiring mathematics learning experiences driven by the kind of high-quality and culturally relevant mathematics tasks that connect students to their world.Pedagogy, presence, and motivation in online education by Aaron Michael Perez (Ed.); Senol Orakci (Ed.
Publication Date: 2022Pedagogy, Presence, and Motivation in Online Education provides best practice techniques and utilizes analogies from brick-and-mortar education to provide a conceptual framework to a better understanding of how online education functions and shows how to engage students and build a positive digital culture. Covering topics such as hybrid classrooms, self-directed learning skills, and principal leadership...Pedagogy of resistance: against manufactured ignorance by Henry A. Giroux
Publication Date: 2022Henry A. Giroux argues that education holds a crucial role in shaping politics at a time when ignorance, lies and fake news have empowered right-wing groups and created deep divisions in society. Education, with its increasingly corporate and conservative-based technologies, is partly responsible for creating these division. It contributes to the pitting of people against each other through the lens of class, race, and any other differences that don't embrace White nationalism.Purposeful teaching and learning in diverse contexts: implications for access, equity, and achievement by Darrell C. Hucks (Ed.); Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz (Editor); Victoria Showunmi (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022What are the obstacles and challenges teachers and students face in their respective school settings and how do they grapple with and overcome them? Finally, what do these teachers and students know that motivates and informs their work? The scholars in this volume will take up these questions and share the findings of their research in the field of leadership, teacher education, and achievement.Reclaiming personalized learning: a pedagogy for restoring equity and humanity in our classrooms by Paul Emerich France
Publication Date: 2022In the second edition of this groundbreaking book, newly streamlined, and updated with insights from the pandemic, Paul France presents a vision of humanized personalization that rejects the corporate mindset and instead holds equity and inclusion at its center.Reconceptualizing social justice in teacher education: moving to anti-racist pedagogy by Susan Browne (Ed.); Gaëtane Jean-Marie (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This edited volume explores and extends themes in contemporary educational research on teacher preparation and the evolution in social justice education to antiracist pedagogy.Teaching with poverty and equity in mind: succeed with the students who need you mostTeaching with Poverty and Equity in Mind by Eric Jensen
Publication Date: 2022In this thought-provoking book, renowned educator and learning expert Eric Jensen takes his most personal, profound look yet at how poverty and inequity hurt students and their chances for success in life-and how teachers across all grade levels and subject areas can infuse equity into every aspect of their practice.Technology and critical literacy in early childhood by Vivian Maria Vasquez; Carol Branigan Felderman; Bryan Woods
Publication Date: 2022Now in its second edition, this popular text explores classrooms where technology and critical literacies are woven into childhood curricula and teaching. Using real-world stories, it addresses what ICTs afford critical literacy with young children, and how new technologies can be positioned to engage in meaningful and authentic learning.Towards queer literacy in elementary education: always becoming allies by Selena E. Van Horn
Publication Date: 2022This book blends multiple research studies, historical and current events, reflective teaching examples, and guidance for LGBTQ+ inclusion and queer pedagogy in elementary schools.Un-silencing youth trauma: transformative school-based strategies for students exposed to violence and adversity by Garo, Laurie A.
Publication Date: 2022Although there are guidelines for trauma-sensitive approaches, few are culturally responsive. And it is now critical that educators consider the traumatic impacts of a dual pandemic (covid-19 and racism) on children and their education. This timely book thus serves to inform and inspire transformative healing and empowerment among traumatized children and youth in pandemic/post-pandemic school and after-school settings.
Advancing racial literacies in teacher education: activism for equity in digital spaces by Detra Price-Dennis; Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz; Jabari Mahiri (Foreword by); Rebecca Rogers (Afterword by)
Publication Date: 2021Today's students use their digital expertise and the power of their voice to respond to issues of inequity in society. It is essential that teacher educators develop their own racial literacies and those of their preservice and classroom teachers to support student digital activism. From talking about race and racism to resisting the harmful narratives that circulate online but impact face-to-face interactions in the classroom, teacher educators must navigate sociotechnical spaces with a critical lens and develop strategies to help their preservice teachers do the same.The equity and social justice education 50: critical questions for improving opportunities and outcomes for Black students by Baruti K. Kafele
Publication Date: 2021The Equity & Social Justice Education 50 will help you understand the importance of having an equity mindset when teaching students generally and when teaching Black students in particular. It defines social justice education and sheds light on the issues and challenges that Black people face, as well as the successes they've achieved, providing you with a pathway to infusing social justice education into your lesson plans.Fostering meaningful learning experiences through student engagement by Despo Ktoridou; Eli Doukanari; Nikleia Eteokleous
Publication Date: 2021The book examines engagement and meaningful learning techniques in both face-to-face and online instruction, covering topics that include active learning, language learning, teacher experiences, and teacher-student relationships.Handbook of research on transforming teachers' online pedagogical reasoning for teaching K-12 students in virtual learning environments by Margaret L. Niess (Ed.); Henry Gillow-Wiles (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024The Handbook of Research on Transforming Teachers' Online Pedagogical Reasoning for Engaging K-12 Students in Virtual Learning examines the best practices and pedagogical reasoning for designing online strategies that work for K-12 virtual learning. The initial section provides foundational pedagogical ideas for constructing engaging virtual learning environments that leverage the unique strengths and opportunities while avoiding the weaknesses and threats of the online world. The following chapters present instructional strategies for multiple grade levels and content areas: best practices that work, clearly describing why they work, and the teachers' pedagogical reasoning that supports online implementations.Strategies and methods for implementing trauma-informed pedagogy by Carianne Bernadowski (Ed.); Keshona Carianne Beasley (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021Strategies and Methods for Implementing Trauma-Informed Pedagogy is a critical reference book that helps teachers and administrators identify manifestations of trauma in children and explain the characteristics and classroom interventions and resources that can aid educators in supporting students who have experienced trauma. This text explains the effects of trauma and the ways in which it manifests in children, explores resources and community options to support children who have experienced trauma, presents strategies to help students who have experienced trauma to learn in the classroom, and teaches the management of behaviors in positive ways to cultivate a community of learners.Teaching and learning practices that promote sustainable development and active citizenship by Sandra Saúde (Ed.); Maria Albertina Raposo (Ed.); Nuno Pereira (Ed.); Ana Isabel Rodrigues (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021Teaching and Learning Practices That Promote Sustainable Development and Active Citizenship provides comprehensive research on education as a fundamental factor in empowering citizens to understand and act on the multiple risks and challenges to the sustainability of our society and world, highlighting a range of critical learning strategies such as global and critical education, development education, and transformational education.TESOL guide for critical praxis in teaching, inquiry, and advocacy by Jenifer Crawford (Ed.); Robert A. Filback (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021TESOL Guide for Critical Praxis in Teaching, Inquiry, and Advocacy is an essential reference that provides practical and equitable step-by-step guides for TESOL educators through the current best practices and methods for effective and equity-minded teaching, critical inquiry, and transformative advocacy. This book is of particular value as it bridges theories to practices with a critical look at racial and social justice in English language teaching, which will lead to the integration of social justice-focused practice across the new curriculum.The thoughtful teacher: making connections with a diverse student population by James D. Kirylo
Publication Date: 2021A thoughtful teacher is one who works to foster an inspiring classroom environment where students fall in love with learning. Indeed, it is incumbent on the teacher to understand self, to be prepared, to possess command of subject matter, to teach in a developmentally appropriate manner, to mindfully incorporate culturally relevant practices, and to illuminate a sense of connection with a diverse student population.
Africanizing the school curriculum: promoting an inclusive, decolonial education in African contexts by Anthony Afful-Broni; Jophus Anamuah-Mensah; Kolawole Raheem; George J. Sefa Dei
Publication Date: 2020Connecting cultures to educational settings is an essential component of critical pedagogy. This book addresses many of the key issues and challenges in decolonizing the African school curriculum. It highlights important philosophical arguments on the challenges and possibilities of achieving these goals in a meaningful manner.Critical Pedagogy in Uncertain Times by Sheila L. Macrine (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2020This edited volume, now in its second edition, brings together the some of the most important figures in the evolution of Critical Pedagogy and a number of up-and-coming scholars. Together they provide comprehensive analyses related to the struggles against the triangulation of Neoliberalism, Conservatism, and Nationalism, not just in education but in all of social life, through the democratizing forces of critical pedagogy.Critical race theory in the academy by Vernon L. Farmer; Evelyn Shepherd W. Farmer
Publication Date: 2020Critical Race Theory in the Academy explores the deep implications of race and its effects on the expanse of the American social fabric and its fragile democratic process. This volume contributes to a more effective, powerful, and insightful theorization of racism across the social spectrum while furthering the movement for greater equity in higher education and beyond.Critical social justice education and the assault on truth in White public pedagogy: the US-Dakota war re-examined by Rick Lybeck
Publication Date: 2020This book explores tensions between critical social justice and what the author terms white justice as fairness in public commemoration of Minnesota's US-Dakota War of 1862. First, the book examines a regional white public pedagogy demanding "objectivity" and "balance" in teaching-and-learning activities with the purpose of promoting fairness toward white settlers and the extermination campaign they once carried out against Dakota people.Educational politics for social justice by Catherine Marshall; Cynthia Gerstl-Pepin; Mark Johnson; Enrique Alemán (Foreword by)
Publication Date: 2020Employing a social justice framework, this book provides educational leaders and practitioners with tools and strategies for grappling with the political fray of education politics. The framework offers ways to critique, challenge, and alter social, cultural, and political patterns in organizations and systems that perpetuate inequities. The authors focus on the processes through which educational politics is enacted, illustrating how inequitable power relations are embedded in our democratic systems.Equity in school-parent partnerships: cultivating community and family trust in culturally diverse classrooms by Socorro G. Herrera; Lisa Porter; Katherine Barko-Alva; Luciana C. de Oliveira (Foreword by)
Publication Date: 2020Starting from the premise that children learn better when their learning community respects their families and cultures, this thought-provoking resource shows what it means--and what it takes--to include today's diverse parents in their children's learning.Human rights education: forging an academic discipline by Sarita Cargas
Publication Date: 2020It was also in the 1970s, Sarita Cargas observes, when the first classes in international human rights began to be taught in law schools and university political science departments in the United States. Cargas argues that the time has come for human rights to be acknowledged as an academic discipline.Living literacies: literacy for social change by Kate Pahl; Jennifer Rowsell; Diane Collier (Contribution by); Steve Pool (Contribution by); Zanib Rasool (Contribution by)
Publication Date: 2020This book approaches literacy as lived and experienced in the everyday. A living literacies approach draws not only on such official, schooled activities as reading, writing, speaking, and listening but also on such routine, tacit activities as scrolling through Instagram, watching news footage, and listening to music. It goes beyond well-worn framings of literacy as an object of study to reimagine literacy as constantly in motion, vital, and dynamic, filled with affective intensities.Multicultural literature in the content areas: transforming K-12 classrooms into engaging, inviting, and socially conscious spaces by edited by Lakia M. Scott, Barbara Purdum-Cassidy
Publication Date: 2020This book provides educational stakeholders with culturally relevant and affirming techniques for utilizing multicultural literature as a pedagogical tool in social studies, mathematics, science, and reading.On critical pedagogy by Henry A. Giroux
Publication Date: 2020Alongside Paulo Freire, Henry A. Giroux is widely considered to be the founding father of critical pedagogy. This classic work represents his best writing on critical pedagogy spanning the past 40 years.Racial microaggressions: using critical race theory to respond to everyday racism by James A. Banks (Series ed.); Lindsay Pérez Huber; Daniel G. Solórzano
Publication Date: 2020Drawing from over 2 decades of research, this book offers an in-depth analysis of a systemic form of everyday racism commonly experienced by People of Color. Racial microaggressions are layered and cumulative assaults, often carried out in subtle and unconscious ways, which take a psychological and physiological toll on the body, mind, and spirit.Radical Hope by Kevin M. Gannon
Publication Date: 2020Radical Hope is at once political and practical--the work of an activist, teacher, and public intellectual grappling with some of the most pressing topics at the intersection of higher education and social justice.Reconceptualizing teacher education: a Canadian contribution to a global challenge by edited by Anne M. Phelan, William F. Pinar, Nicholas Ng-A-Fook, and Ruth Kane
Publication Date: 2020"In this collection, Canadian scholars articulate a response to their collective concerns about the impact of global policy on teacher education, provoking a far-reaching dialogue about teacher education in and for our times."Reconceptualizing the role of critical dialogue in American classrooms : promoting equity through dialogic education by Amanda Kibler; Guadalupe Valdés; Aída Walqui
Publication Date: 2020"Acknowledging teacher and student dialogue as key to student development, this volume takes a critical perspective on notions of classroom participation, extending previous scholarship to illustrate how critical, dialogic pedagogies can promote equity and inclusivity. In proposing and outlining the parameters of "critical dialogic education," the contributors to this volume document and discuss examples of classroom discourse practices that challenge the monolithic and uncritical discourse practices that traditionally silence minoritized students."Reinventing Pedagogy of the Oppressed: contemporary critical perspectives by James D. Kirylo (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2020Since its publication in 1968 Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed has maintained its relevance well into the 21st century. This book showcases the multitude of ways in which Freire's most celebrated work is being reinvented by contemporary, educators, activists, teachers, and researchers. The chapters cover topics such as- spirituality, teacher identity and education, critical race theory, post-truth, academic tenure, prison education, LGBTQ educators, critical pedagogy, posthumanism and indigenous education.Teaching history for justice: centering activism in students' study of the past by Christopher C. Martell; Kaylene M. Stevens; Wayne Journell (Series ed.)
Publication Date: 2020Learn how to enact justice-oriented pedagogy and foster students' critical engagement in today's history classroom. Over the past 2 decades, various scholars have rightfully argued that we need to teach students to "think like a historian" or "think like a democratic citizen." In this book, the authors advocate for cultivating activist thinking in the history classroom.Teaching toward a decolonizing pedagogy: critical reflections inside and outside the classroom by Victoria F. Trinder
Publication Date: 2020Teaching Toward a Decolonizing Pedagogy outlines educational practitioner development toward decolonizing practices and pedagogies for anti-racist, justice-based urban classrooms.Unschooling racism: critical theories, approaches and testimonials on anti racist education by Pierre W. Orelus
Publication Date: 2020This book draws on critical race theories and teachers' testimonials grounded in 20 years of teaching experiences to reveal the ways in which racial and cultural biases are embedded in school curricula, and both their intended and unintended consequences on the learning and well being of students of color. More specifically, this book examines how these biases have played a significant role in the mis-education, misrepresentation, and marginalization of African American, Native American, Latino and Asian students.
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