Critical pedagogy: Background information
This guide is for those interested in critical pedagogy in all its many forms, including culturally relevant pedagogy--both research and practice.
Background information
Handbook of critical education research: qualitative, quantitative, and emerging approaches by Michelle D. Young; Sarah Diem
Publication Date: 2024This handbook offers a contemporary and comprehensive review of critical research theory and methodology. Showcasing the work of contemporary critical researchers who are harnessing and building on a variety of methodological tools, this volume extends beyond qualitative methodology to also include critical quantitative and mixed-methods approaches to research.Handbook of critical approaches to politics and policy of education by Kenneth J. Saltman; Nicole Nguyen
Publication Date: 2022"The Handbook of Critical Approaches to Politics and Policy of Education provides a broad overview of educational policy and politics from critical perspectives engaging with both foundational and cutting-edge topics. In critical perspectives, educational policy debates and programs for reform are about more than narrow questions of efficacy say to raise test scores or for simply more educational inclusion, fairer school spending, or even cultural responsiveness. Rather, policy and reform debates represent contested visions for schools and society by social groups vying for hegemony"--Handbook of critical race theory in education by Marvin Lynn; Adrienne D. Dixson
Publication Date: 2021"This handbook illustrates how education scholars employ Critical Race Theory (CRT) as a framework to bring attention to issues of race and racism in education. It covers innovations in educational research, policy and practice in both schools and in higher education, and the increasing interdisciplinary nature of critical race research. New chapters broaden the scope of theoretical lenses to include LatCrit, AsianCrit and Critical Race Feminism, as well as coverage of Disability Studies, Research Methods, and other recent updates to the field."The handbook of critical literacies by Edited by Jessica Zacher Pandya, Raúl Alberto Mora, Jennifer Helen Alford, Noah Asher Golden
Publication Date: 2022"The Handbook of Critical Literacies aims to answer the timely question: what are the social responsibilities of critical literacy academics, researchers, and teachers in today's world."Handbook of the cultural foundations of learning by Roy Pea (Ed.); Carol D. Lee (Ed.); Maxine McKinney de Royston (Ed.); Na'ilah Suad Nasir (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2020Edited by a diverse group of expert collaborators, the Handbook of the Cultural Foundations of Learning is a landmark volume that brings together cutting-edge research examining learning as entailing inherently cultural processes. Conceptualizing culture as both a set of social practices and connected to learner identities, the chapters synthesize contemporary research in elaborating a new vision of the cultural nature of learning, moving beyond summary to reshape the field toward studies that situate culture in the learning sciences alongside equity of educational processes and outcomes.The SAGE handbook of critical pedagogies by Shirley R. Steinberg (Editor); Barry Down (Editor)
Publication Date: 2020This extensive Handbook will bring together different aspects of critical pedagogy with the aim of opening up a clear international conversation on the subject, as well as pushing the boundaries of current understanding by extending the notion of a pedagogy to multiple pedagogies and perspectives.Handbook of research on promoting cross-cultural competence and social justice in teacher education by Jared Keengwe (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2016The Handbook of Research on Promoting Cross-Cultural Competence and Social Justice in Teacher Education elucidates the benefits, challenges, and strategies necessary to prepare teachers to meet the needs of a diverse student body. Featuring the newest research and pedagogical tools written by diverse scholars in the field of teacher training...Critical Thinking and Teacher Education Pedagogy by Sandra P. A. Robinson (Ed.); Verna Knight (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2019The Handbook of Research on Critical Thinking and Teacher Education Pedagogy examines and explains how new strategies, methods, and techniques in critical thinking can be applied to classroom practice and professional development to improve teaching and learning in teacher education and make critical thinking a tangible objective in instruction.The Wiley Handbook of Educational Foundations by Alan S. Canestrari (Ed.); Bruce A. Marlowe (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2018Promotes a model of critique for teachers, scholars, and policy makers to challenge established educational practice in a global context.The Wiley handbook of Paulo Freire by Carlos Alberto Torres (Editor)
Publication Date: 2019Provides new insights on the lasting impact of famed philosopher and educator Paulo Freire 50 years after the publication of his masterpiece, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, this book brings new perspectives on rethinking and reinventing Brazilian educator and philosopher Paulo Freire.
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