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Data Farm Quick-Start: Analyze data with notebooks

Analyze data with notebooks

A notebook node in a Redivis project provides an integrated environment for performing data analysis, connecting Redivis tables to the scientific compute stack in Python, R, SAS, and Stata. Redivis notebooks are built on top of Jupyter notebooks and the .ipynb notebook format. From within a notebook, you will be able to query and analyze any data within your project.

 In this example, we will use the output from our previous query in a notebook. Select the Notebook node.

Screenshot of selecting the notebook node, as described on this page


 A modal will appear in which you can name the notebook and select a programming language. In this example, I have named my notebook "Business Section" and selected Python. Finally, select Create.

Screenshot of modal to create notebook, as explained on this page


➌ The notebook node in visual data pipeline now corresponds to an active notebook on the right-hand side of the page.

Screenshot of active notebook on the right side of the project page, as described on this page