Asian education: Recent print books
This guide is for those beginning research in Asian education and the education of Asian students abroad, including South Asia.
Recent print books
Good wife, wise mother: educating Han Taiwanese under Japanese rule by Fang Yu Hu; James Lin (Series ed.); William Lavely (Series ed.); Madeleine Yue Dong (Series ed.)
Publication Date: 2024In Good Wife, Wise Mother, female education and citizenship serve as a lens through which to examine Taiwan's uniqueness as a colonial crossroads between Chinese and Japanese ideas and practices. A latecomer to the age of imperialism, Japan used modernization efforts in Taiwan to cast itself as a benevolent force among its colonial subjects and imperial competitors. In contrast to most European colonies, where only elites received an education, in Taiwan Japan built elementary schools intended for the entire population, including girls.Fixing the foundation: teachers and basic education in East Asia and Pacific by Rythia Afkar
Publication Date: 2023Countries in East Asia and the Pacific were already experiencing a learning crisis when the COVID-19 pandemic made things worse. This report examines key factors affecting learning outcomes in the region, including teaching, the use of educational technologies (EdTech), and public spending on education.Dreaming the new woman: an oral history of missionary schoolgirls in Republican China by Jennifer Bond
Publication Date: 2024Based on extensive oral history interviews, Dreaming the New Woman uncovers the experiences of girls who attended missionary middle schools in Republican China in the first half of the twentieth century. Chinese missionary schoolgirls were often labelled "foreign puppets" or seen as passive recipients of a western-style education. By focusing on the pupils' own perspectives and drawing on seventy-five oral history interviews conducted with missionary school alumnae, alongside student writings, missionary reports, and newspaper sources, this fascinating book provides fresh insights into what it meant to be Chinese, female, and Christian during the first half of China's turbulent twentieth century.Indoctrinating the youth: secondary education in wartime China and postwar Taiwan, 1937-1960 by Jennifer Liu
Publication Date: 2024Indoctrinating the Youth examines how the Guomindang (GMD or Nationalists) sought to maintain control of middle-school students and cultivate their political loyalty over the trajectory of the Second Sino-Japanese War, Chinese Civil War, and postwar Taiwan.Last to eat, last to learn: my life in Afghanistan fighting to educate women by Pashtana Durrani; Tamara Bralo
Publication Date: 2024Inspired by generations of her family's unwavering belief in the power of education, Pashtana Durrani recognized her calling early in life: to educate Afghanistan's girls and young women, raised in a society where learning is forbidden. In a country devastated by war and violence, where girls are often married off before reaching their teenage years and prohibited from leaving their homes, heeding that call seemed both impossible and dangerous. Pashtana was raised in an Afghan refugee camp in Pakistan where her father, a tribal leader, founded a community school for girls within their home. Fueled by his insistence that despite being a girl, she mattered and deserved an education, Pashtana was sixteen when, against impossible odds, she was granted a path out of the refugee camp: admittance to a preparatory program at Oxford.Rhetoric of the Asia higher education rankings by Kolawole Samuel Adeyemo
Publication Date: 2023This book offers a perspective from the Global South to analysing the Asian higher education ranking system. The narratives and major debates on world university rankings is examined and discussed to provide critical perspectives on the social implications of rankings for Asia. Specifically, the implications of the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) world university rankings are analysed to gain insights into the usefulness of reputation rankings in addressing social inequality.Cultivating the Confucian individual: the Confucian education revival in China by Canglong Wang
Publication Date: 2023This book explores the complexities of cultivating 'Confucian individuals' through classics study in contemporary China by drawing on the individualization thesis and its implications for the Confucian education revival.Female madrasas in Pakistan: religious, cultural and pedagogical dimensions by Faiza Muhammad Din
Publication Date: 2023This study sets out to explain and understand the worldview of students at Female madrasas (FeM) in Pakistan. Beginning as an indigenous informal institute for female education at home, FeM has evolved to country-wide formal theological seminaries that award women graduate degrees in Islamic studies.New threats to academic freedom in Asia by Dimitar D. Gueorguiev (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022New Threats to Academic Freedom in Asia examines the increasingly dire state of academic freedom in Asia. Using cross-national data and in-depth case studies, the authors shed light on the multifaceted nature of academic censorship and provide reference points to those working in restrictive academic environments.The fruits of opportunism: noncompliance and the evolution of China's supplemental education industry by Le Lin
Publication Date: 2022An in-depth examination of the regulatory, entrepreneurial, and organizational factors contributing to the expansion and transformation of China's supplemental education industry.Teaching expertise in three countries: Japan, China, and the United States by Akiko Hayashi; Joseph Tobin (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2022A comparison of the development of expertise in preschool teaching in China, Japan, and the United States. In Teaching Expertise in Three Countries, Akiko Hayashi shows how teachers from Japan, China, and the United States think about what it means to be an expert teacher. Based on interviews with teachers conducted over the span of fifteen years and videos taken in their classrooms, Hayashi gives us a valuable portrait of expert teachers in the making.Handbook of research on teacher education: innovations and practices in Asia by Myint Swe Khine (Ed.); Yang Liu (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This comprehensive book presents emerging research findings and promising reform practices in the field of teacher education, curriculum, assessment, teaching and learning approaches, pedagogical innovations, and professional development in educating the next generation of globally competent students. It reflects the current trends and highlights contemporary teacher education programs in twenty greater Asian countries and regions.Risk society and education in post-disaster Fukushima by Kaoru Miyazawa
Publication Date: 2022"In response to the explosion of the Fukushima Daiichi power plant in March 2011, this book examines how the concept of a risk society was handled in the various education programs implemented in post-disaster Fukushima."Education in South Korea: reflections on a seventy-year journey by Won-Ki Kim; Jae-Woong Kim; Sam-Geun Kwak; Don-Hee Lee; Myung-Hee Lee; Dong-Joon Park; Jung-Ho Yang
Publication Date: 2022This book, the result of a landmark colloquium held in Korea to reflect on the role of education in Korean society, provides fascinating insights into the interplay of political evolution and pedagogy.Empires of ideas: creating the modern university from Germany to America to China by William C. Kirby
Publication Date: 2022William C. Kirby examines the successes of leading universities--The University of Berlin and the Free University of Berlin in Germany; Harvard, Duke, and the University of California, Berkeley, in the United States--to determine how they rose to prominence and what threats they currently face. Kirby draws illuminating comparisons to the trajectories of three Chinese contenders: Tsinghua University, Nanjing University, and the University of Hong Kong, which aim to be world-class institutions that can compete with the best the United States and Europe have to offer.Emerging pedagogies for policy education: insights from Asia by Sreeja Nair (Ed.); Navarun Varma (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This edited book captures key trends that are driving changes in policy education and presents a repertoire of pedagogies to prepare educators and policy programme designers to teach for better impact in learning and policy practice. Supported with observations from selected Asian universities the chapters cover the experiences of authors in working with students at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, as well as professional programmes such as executive education, training, and capacity building for mid-career professionals and practitioners.Handbook of higher education in Japan by Paul Snowden (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021Just as higher education (HE) in Europe had its beginnings in religious training for the priesthood, HE in feudal Japan, too, provided instruction for a religious life. But while the evolution to secular instruction was gradual in Europe, in Japan it came with a big bang: the "opening" of the country and consequent Westernization and all that that involved in the mid-19th century.Changing higher education in East Asia by Simon Marginson (Series Ed.); Xin Xu (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022East Asia is a most dynamic region and its fast developing higher education and research systems are gathering great momentum. East Asian higher education has common cultural roots in Chinese civilization, and in indigenous traditions, each country has been shaped in different ways by Western intervention, and all are building global strategies. Shared educational agendas combine with long political tensions and rising national identities.The political economy of education in South Asia: fighting poverty, inequality, and exclusion by John Richards, Manzoor Ahmed, and Shahidul Islam
Publication Date: 2022With the exception of Sri Lanka, South Asian countries have not achieved quality basic education - an essential measure for escaping poverty, inequality, and social exclusion. In The Political Economy of Education in South Asia, John Richards, Manzoor Ahmed, and Shahidul Islam emphasize the importance of a dynamic system for education policy.
Between sacred and secular knowledge: rationalities and education of a Muslim village in Northwest China by Yanbi Hong
Publication Date: 2022This book examines how different social forces, including state ideology and policies, religious culture and ethnic identities, and economic market forces, affect Muslim parents' perceptions and attitudes toward public and religious education. Combining ethnographic fieldwork and a cognitive rationality framework, this book investigates ethnic minorities' educational attainment and its shaping mechanisms. Instead of attributing the undereducation of ethnic minorities solely to structural factors such as economic constraints, cultural conflicts and state policies, this study focuses on the critical role of perceptions and expectations through which many structural factors function.China's formal online education under COVID-19: actions from government, schools, enterprises and families by Zehui Zhan, Liming Huo, Xiao Yao, and Baichang Zhong
Publication Date: 2022This book investigates how schools, enterprises and families in China have coped with the formal online education in the light of government policy throughout the COVID-19 epidemic outbreak, with special focus on the problems they have encountered and possible solutions. Using grounded theory, over 1000 posts retrieved from public online forums were analyzed under a 4*4 framework, referring to four special time nodes (proposal period, exploratory period, full deployed period, exiting period) and four major subjects (government, schools, enterprises, families).Social studies education in South and South East Asian contexts by edited by Kerry J Kennedy
Publication Date: 2022This edited volume explores the contexts that characterise South and South East Asia and their influence on social studies education. There is not a single context across this broad geographical expanse, rather different religions, different political systems and different values exert influences that create distinctive programmes that characterise different countries. Yet there are also commonalities such as the post-colonial nature of most of the countries portrayed in this book, determined efforts at establishing new national communities and multiple value systems that lead to distinctive local priorities.STEM education from Asia: trends and perspectives by edited by Tang Wee Teo, Aik-Ling Tan and Paul Teng
Publication Date: 2022Why do Asian students perform so well in STEM-related subjects? This book answers this by examining the STEM education policies and initiatives in Asian economies, as well as the training programmes undertaken by STEM teachers in Asia.
Building teacher quality in India: examining policy frameworks and implementation outcomes by Alexander W. Wiseman (Ed.); Preeti Kumar (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021In India, which has one of the largest student populations and fastest growing economies in the world, the quality of teaching is blamed for the poor performance by Indian students on internationally-comparative assessments. As a result, Indian national policy documents and curriculum frameworks have repeatedly called for drastic improvements in teacher preparation and performance, but with few widespread results. By identifying and analyzing various measures of teacher quality, and how teacher quality varies in India, this book provides an evidence-based framework for policymakers to further improve teacher quality in India.Contesting education and identity in Hong Kong by Liz Jackson
Publication Date: 2021This text examines the intersection of youth civic engagement, identity, and protest in Hong Kong, through the lens of education. It explores how education and identity have been protested in Hong Kong, historically and today, and the mark that such contestations have left on education.Creating responsive adult learning opportunities in Japan by OECD
Publication Date: 2021We have both print and online versions.
The COVID-19 crisis has reiterated the importance of adult learning and career guidance services as many adults have lost their jobs and now require upskilling and reskilling opportunities in order to keep pace with the rapidly evolving world of work. To foster the development of responsive and more widespread adult learning opportunities in Japan, this report analyses several policy options to expand access to training, remove the barriers to training participation, and ensure that the training provided is aligned with Japan's labour market needs.Knowledge society and education in the Asia-Pacific: recent trends and future challenges by José Ernesto Rangel Delgado (Ed.); Antonina Ivanova Boncheva (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021This book analyzes how education relates to the knowledge society in the Asia Pacific region, and considers global issues such as environmental degradation, climate change, pollution, soil erosion, growth of the population. It discusses how these issues concerns parents, educators, civil societies and governments of the countries around the Pacific Circle.Meritocracy and its discontents: anxiety and the national college entrance exam in China by Zachary M. Howlett
Publication Date: 2021Meritocracy and Its Discontents investigates the wider social, political, religious, and economic dimensions of the Gaokao, China's national college entrance exam, as well as the complications that arise from its existence.A social history of literacy in Japan by Richard Rubinger (Ed. and Trans.)
Publication Date: 2021Despite the great interest in and the availability of enormous literature about education in Japan, this book is a translation of the first work written in Japanese on the history of literacy in Japan. The authors are each accomplished scholars of Japanese educational history, and each provides solid empirical evidence and original analyses of literacy in their own particular specialty, from Heian aristocrats, to religious sects in the medieval period, to Christian believers in the sixteenth century, to a variety of farmers and merchants in early modern times.
Kenkoku University and the experience of pan-Asianism: education in the Japanese empire by Yuka Hiruma Kishida
Publication Date: 2020Kenkoku University and the Experience of Pan-Asianism makes a fresh contribution to the recent effort to re-examine the Japanese wartime ideology of Pan-Asianism by focusing on the experiences of students at Kenkoku University or "Nation-Building University," abbreviated as Kendai (1938-1945). Located in the northeastern provinces of China commonly designated Manchuria, the university proclaimed to realize the goal of minzoku kyowa ("ethnic harmony"). It recruited students of Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Taiwanese, Mongolian and Russian backgrounds and aimed to foster a generation of leaders for the state of Manchukuo.Ready to learn: before school, in school, and beyond school in South Asia by The World Bank (Editor)
Publication Date: 2020Countries that have sustained rapid growth over decades have typically had a strong public commitment to expanding education as well as to improving learning outcomes. South Asian countries have made considerable progress in expanding access to primary and secondary schooling, with countries having achieved near-universal enrollment of the primary-school-age cohort (ages 6-11), except for Afghanistan and Pakistan. Secondary enrollment shows an upward trend as well.Transforming higher education in Asia and Africa: strategic planning and policy by Fred M. Hayward
Publication Date: 2020"Drawing on over fifty years of on-the-ground experience, Fred M. Hayward's Transforming Higher Education in Asia and Africa analyzes change processes in higher education in eight Asian and African countries. The twelve cases range from the push to upgrade and transform higher education in Afghanistan in the midst of a war to the successful struggle against apartheid in South African institutions as well as thwarted efforts in Sierra Leone and Madagascar."
- Last Updated: Jan 22, 2025 1:02 PM
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Subjects: Asian studies, Education, South Asian studies, Southeast Asian studies
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