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Africa International Relations, Africa Foreign Affairs: Africa International Relations, Africa Foreign Affairs, A - I

Africa's relations with China, Russia, USA, UK, France, Canada, Denmark, Japan, Israel, Norway. Role of activist NGOs, think tanks, peacekeeping, security and the military, conflict resolution, diplomatic studies and summits, migration, intergovernmental

Africa International Relations, Africa Foreign Affairs, A - I

Has a Database to locate scholars on African-Asian relations. Maintained by The National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR) and the Asia Society.

Africa Action (Washington, D.C.)
Formerly Washington Office on Africa, combines the American Committee on Africa, The Africa Fund, and Africa Policy Information Center (APIC). "a national organization that works for political, economic and social justice in Africa." "We monitor Congressional legislation and executive policies and actions and issue action alerts to advance progressive legislation and policy." Has full text briefing papers, statements on issues. Has a directory, Key Congressional committees and administration officials related to Africa, 1999-2000.

Africa and Europe in 2015 [Online conference, Feb. - Oct./Nov. 2000]
Site closed. Archived by the Internet Archive. In Dutch. "virtual conference which is organized by the Dutch Labour Party (PvdA, Partij van de Arbeid) and the Evert Vermeer Foundation (a Dutch NGO for development cooperation). The PvdA is thinking about the future of Africa and Europe. What will Africa look like in the year 2015 and what role can Europe play?" "...the commission needs visions and opinions of Africans and Europeans."

Africa Centre for Strategic Studies
The Africa Center for Strategic Studies is located within the U.S. Department of Defense’s National Defense University. It "fosters professional development of Africa’s civilian and military leaders, supports democratic governance in Africa, and facilitates long-term, continuing dialogue with and among leaders from Africa, Europe, and the United States." Has highlights from a roundtable discussion on "September 11: Terrorism from an African Perspective." [KF]

Africa-China Centre for Policy and Advisory 
 "a Sino-African research and policy think tank and advisory firm"  Articles include "Unraveling the Truth: Dispelling Key Myths About Africa-China Relations". Based in Accra, Ghana.

Africa-China Reporting Project, ACRP
"to improve the quality of reporting on Africa-China issues by providing facilitation and capacity building for journalists via reporting grants, workshops and other opportunities."  Funded by the Ford Foundation.  Based at the University of the Witwatersrand, Journalism Department, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Africa Faith and Justice Network (Washington, D.C.)
"...a Catholic network of individual and group members focused on Africa and the experience of its people. AFJN is committed in faith to collaborate in the task of transforming United States mentality and policy on Africa. It seeks to be an instrument of education and advocacy on behalf of justice for Africa.

Africa Focus
"...a free independent electronic publication providing reposted commentary and analysis on African issues, with a particular focus on U.S. and international policiesAfricaFocus Bulletin is edited by William Minter.

Africa Portal 
Closed June 1, 2022. Policy research on Africa. Has a Digital Library and Experts Directory. Maintained by the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI, Waterloo, Canada) and the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA, Johannesburg). [KF]

Africa Reparations Movement
Site has closed. See the Internet Archive which archived some pages. Information on the movement to obtain reparations for the enslavement and colonisation of African people in Africa and the African Diaspora. Also to secure the return of African artefacts taken from Africa. Includes paper by Chinweizu on "Reparations and a New Global Order", speech by British Prime Minister William Gladstone in 1871 on looted Ethiopian artefacts, a discussion list, ARM Talk, and a chronology of slavery. 

African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes, ACCORD (Durban, South Africa)
"...organisation involved in Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Preventive Diplomacy throughout the continent of Africa." Has the full text of some Occasional Papers on topics such as peacekeeping, conflict management, Sierra Leone, Lesotho, SADC. Has full text of articles from its journal, Conflict Trends.

African Commission on Human & Peoples' Rights (Banjul, The Gambia)
In English and French. Established by the former Organization of African Unity. "is charged with ensuring the promotion and protection of Human and Peoples' Rights throughout the African Continent." Has a directory of NGOs with observer status, the full text of Basic Instruments, the Mauritius Plan of Action 1996-2001 etc. Email:

African Development Bank
The ADB is a multinational development bank supported by 77 nations (member countries) from Africa, North and South America, Europe and Asia, headquartered in Abidjan. Has speeches, press releases re loans and grants, information on each member country, a chart comparing basic indicators for all countries, resolutions and annual meeting records in MS Word 7.0, projects approvedselected publications.[KF]

African Journal of International Affairs (Dakar, Senegal)
A bi-annual publication of CODESRIA, Dakar, Senegal. Has the tables of contents and abstracts of article. Photocopies of articles can be ordered. Pay by check or money order. From International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (London).

African Journal of International Affairs and Development (Ile-Ife, Nigeria)
Published by College Press Ltd. Has the table of contents and abstracts of articles. One can order photocopies of articles; $20 for up to two articles Pay by cheque or money order in £sterling or US$. Libraries pay $40 per year.

African Press Organization - APO Source
In English and French. Database of press releases related to Africa. Includes the situation of journalists, the media, press freedom; relations with the US;relations with France;relations with China; the European Union; etc.  Has a mailing list on companies in Africa. Based in Lausanne, Switzerland.

African Security Review (Pretoria)
Quarterly journal of the Institute for Security Studies, Pretoria, South Africa. Has the table of contents for recent issues and some full text articles from older issues. 

African Union
In English and French. The Organization of African Unity heads of state summit in Lusaka, July 2001 approved tranforming the OAU into an African Union along the lines of the European Union. News, reports, speeches, communiques, decisions, links to related sites.
See also: AfriMAP has a guide to the African Union. Pub. Jan. 2010. It includes "Suggestions on how to influence AU decisions and policy processes."

African Union - BBC Articles

AFRICOM, United States Africa Command
"United States Africa Command, in concert with other U.S. government agencies and international partners, conducts sustained security engagement through military-to-military programs, military-sponsored activities, and other military operations as directed to promote a stable and secure African environment in support of U.S. foreign policy." Based at Kelley Barracks in Stuttgart, Germany.

Archives Unbound. Gale Primary Sources -  JFK and Foreign Affairs, 1961-1963
Access requires a paid license. Documents from the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library.
64,126 images. Date Range: 1958-1964

Association for Asian Studies in Africa, A-ASIA
Founded in Zambia in 2012. Based at the University of Ghana, Centre for Asian Studies,Legon, Ghana.

Association for Diplomatic Studies & Training
Has interviews with US foreign service officers which are also in the LIbrary of Congress web site, Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training  ADST is a non-profit based in Arlington, Virginia.
Has short essays such as -
Peace Corps to Ambassador: Thomas Hull in Sierra Leone.
Political and Ethnic Strife in the South Sudanese Civil War.

Association of Concerned Africa Scholars
The Internet Archive has archived past sites. ACAS is an organization of scholars concerned with the policies of the U.S. govt. towards Africa, developing action networks with African scholars, and mobilizing support in the U.S. on issues related to Africa. Their web site includes addresses for key Senate and House members. 

Brazzaville Foundation
Independent non-governmental organisation. Works on conflict resolution, environmental, and health issues. Facilitated the meeting June 16-17, 2023 of African leaders with President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine and President Vladimir Putin of Russia. Founded by Jean-Yves Ollivier.. Partners include King Baudouin Foundation United States. Based in London, U.K.

BRICS Summit 2023, 22 – 24 August, Johannesburg
A partnership of Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, China and South Africa. "BRIC was formalised with the first BRIC Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, held............. in September 2006."  The 2023 Summit in South Africa added Egypt and Ethiopia as members. Publications, statements, speeches, statistical publications.

Brookings Institution
A private, independent, nonprofit research organization in Washington, D.C. "Brookings... addresses current and emerging policy challenges and offers practical recommendations for dealing with them." Scholars working on Africa are Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Thomas Pickering, Landry Signé. Past scholars were Francis M. Deng, Howard Wolpe.

Bundu, Abass - Democracy by Force?: A study of international military intervention in the conflict in Sierra Leone from 1991-2000
Book available for sale in print or online (in Adobe PDF). One can see the first 25 pages free (in Adobe PDF). 330 p. Published by Universal Publishers/, 2000.

Canada. Foreign Affairs - Canada and Sub-Saharan Africa
Canadian Government site. Canada's relations with Africa. Embassies and Consulates in Africa

Cato Institute
Public policy institute, supports "limited government, free markets, individual liberty, and peace". Has the full text of  U.S. Aid to Anti-Communist Rebels (1986), by Ted Carpenter, the World Bank vs. the World's Poor (1987 re Tanzania, Ethiopia, etc.), by James Bovard, Can Foreign Aid Prevent International Crises?, by Doug Bandow, What's Wrong with Trade Sanctions (1985 re South Africa), by Bruce Bartlett and abstracts of books by George Ayittey and Walter E. Williams on Africa and South Africa respectively. Has a keyword search for the site.

Center for Global Development, CGD
Independent think tank which works to reduce poverty in developing countries. Based in Washington D.C.

  • Articles on Africa include What Is the Point of Schooling? The Politics of Education Policy in Tanzania Since 1961 by Ken Opalo, Opportunities for US–Africa Space Cooperation and Development by Rose Croshier, The Electricity Situation in Ghana by Ebenezer Nyarko Kumi, Why Is China Building So Much in Africa? by Charles Kenny.
  • Podcasts include "Lagos to Mombasa," commentary by Gyude Moored which will dicuss climate in Africa. Fellows include Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala. CGD funders include the Australian Govt., Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Ford Foundation, Imperial College, London, International Rescue Committee. 

Chatham House / Royal Institute of International Affairs - Africa Region
Think tank "conducts research and convenes.... debates to generate ideas and analysis on African countries, sub-regions and their international relations." "focuses on relations with the EU, Gulf states, south-east Asia and Russia, and explores African agency within the international system." Began in 1920 as the British Institute of International Affairs. Publishes the journal, International Affairs.

China Academic Journals
in Chinese. Full text articles on China-Africa relations. From EastView Online.
See also China Core Newspapers (full text articles in Chinese).

China-Africa Business Council, CABC
In Chinese and English. Promotes Chinese investment in Africa. The "(CABC) is jointly founded by the China Society for Promotion of the Guangcai Program, the United Nations Development Programme and the Ministry of Commerce/China International Center for Economic & Technical Exchanges. It is a non-governmental organization." China's Africa policy, news. Based in BeiJing, China.

China-Africa Development Fund, CADFund 
In EnglishChinese, French. Fund set up as a result of the "2006 (Nov. 4) Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation." Supports Chinese businesses investing in Africa. Based in Beijing, China.

China Africa Knowledge Project
Older site. Project of the Social Science Research Council an independent, international, nonprofit organization founded in 1923. Has list of researchers, PhDs. Articles by scholars, syllabi, bibliographies, books. Based in Brooklyn, New York.

[China] Afro-Sino Centre of International Relations
Studies Africa - China ties. Executive Director - Pamela Carslake. Deputy Director - Arhin Acheampong. Senior Research Fellows includes Adams Bodomo, Joseph Onjala, and Aaron Tesfaye. Based in Accra, Ghana.

China Daily - News on Africa
Based in China. Offices in Nairobi and other cities.

[China] Forum Macao. Forum for Economic and Trade Cooperation Between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries
In Portuguese, Chinese, English.  Launched October 2003. An initiative by China’s Central Government, in co-ordination with Angola, Brazil, Cabo Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal and East Timor. São Tomé and Príncipe joined Forum Macao in March 2017. Collaborates with the Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region. Conference reports, trade data, investment guides, etc.

[China] Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, FOCAC
In EnglishFrench, Chinese. Organization for China-Africa relations. Documents, speeches by China's President and other officials. Commentary by scholars. See bottom of site - Directory of Chinese Diplomatic Missions in AfricaChinese academic institutions.

[China] Georgetown University. Africa-China Initiative
Dr. Yoon Jung Park - “Given the ongoing circulation of misinformation (e.g. ‘debt trap diplomacy’) and heavily politicized narratives that demonize China and dismiss African agency, we feel it is imperative to educate our audiences with the complicated and nuanced realities of Africa-China engagements." From Georgetown University's African Studies Program and Asian Studies Program at the School of Foreign Service.

[China] German Institute for Global and Area Studies, GIGA
Publishes bibliographies on Africa - China relations, covering journal articles, books, and online literature. Based in Hamburg, Germany.

China Global South Project
Independent organization co-founded in 2010 by journalist Eric Olander and media scholar Dr. Cobus van Staden. Has free podcasts (also on YouTube) such as Africa in the Era of Great Power Competition, Politics of Chinese-financed Infrastructure Development in East Africa, U.S.-China Tech Competition in the Middle East, Wolf Warriors 2: Why a China-Africa Blockbuster is Blowing Up the Box Office. Subscription required for analysis, news.

China in Africa - the Real Story
"Digging into the myths and realities of Chinese aid, investment and economic engagement" Blog on China-Africa relations by Deborah Brautigam, Professor in American University's International Development Program.

[China] Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies - China Africa Research Initiative
Has online reports, a data directory on China-Africa FDI, trade, contracts, agricultural investment, foreign aid, and Chinese workers in Africa. Had a Chinese Loans to Africa (CLA) Database now run by Boston University. The Initiative was launched in 2014. The organization's Director is Professor Deborah Brautigam. Based in Washington D.C.

China. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
In English and Chinese. Embassies in Africa. The Africa section contains information on trade, exchanges, important agreements, full text communiques between China and African countries.  Ambassadors to Africa Past and Present

[China]  Peking University. Center for African Studies

China. State Council Information Office 
The Belt and Road Initiative: A Key Pillar of the Global Community of Shared Future.
White paper. October 2023. Published on the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative.

[China] Stellenbosch University. Centre for Chinese Studies, CCS
Has online reports, articles, publishes African East-Asian Affairs. The China Monitor (Stellenbosch, South Africa).

Conference May 2020. Hearing on “China’s Strategic Aims in Africa”

[China] Zhejiang Normal University. Institute of African Studies

In English and French. "ChinAfrica, launched in January 1988, is China's only monthly magazine featuring news, views and analysis, and targeting an African audience" Has official documents such as speeches by President Xi Jinping. Began publication Jan. 1988. Beijing Review member. Based in Beijing,  China.

China's Trade Safari in Africa
May 2005 article, in Le Monde diplomatique, by Jean-Christophe Servant, on China's relations with Africa. Inlcudes footnotes. "60% of the 4m cubic metres of undressed timber exported from Africa every year go to Asia, almost all of that to China." "in 2004 it [China] contributed more than 1,500 troops to the UN presence..."

Chinaview -
In English, French, Chinese, Arabic, etc. News from Xinhua News Agency, the state and worldwide news agency in China. Current news about Africa. Use the Search box to find news about African countries.

Chinese in Africa/Africans in China Research Network 
Non-profit for "discussion about the growing relationship between Chinese and Africans through an active community of researchers and experts". The web site has syllabi, reading lists, web sites, podcasts, new books list, films, YouTube videos. Began in 2007 with scholars from South Africa and Hong Kong, has over over 1,200 members on Google Groups and WeChat. Based at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.

Chinese Loans to Africa (CLA) Database
"an interactive data project tracking loan commitments from Chinese policy and commercial banks, government entities, companies and other financiers, to African governments and state-owned enterprises." Includes official government documents, contractor websites, fieldwork, interviews and media sources. Managed by the Boston University Global Development Policy (GDP) Center.

[Clinton] President Bill Clinton's Africa Trip (March 22 - April 2, 1998)
President Bill Clinton's Africa trip.

[Clinton] Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's Africa Trip, August 3 - 14, 2009
The trip covers Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria, Angola, Liberia, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Cape Verde. This is the earliest trip by a U.S. Secretary of State to Africa of any administration. It is the longest foreign trip for Secretary of State Clinton's first year in office. State Department speeches, video, photographs, articles from the press, commentary on the trip.

Columbia International Affairs Online
Subscription only; some universities subscribe. Use their Search to locate many full text articles, reports, conference papers, books, briefings, by keyword, author, date, institution. Has an events section. Full text books include: Anthropology of Anger: Civil Society and Democracy in Africa, (1996) by Celestin Monga and Linda Fleck and Hemmed In: Responses to Africa's Economic Decline (1993) by John Ravenhill and Thomas M. Callaghy.

COMESA, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
"COMESA [formerly the PTA] exists as an organisation of free independent sovereign states which have agreed to co-operate in developing their natural and human resources for the good of all their people'. With its 19 member states and population of 300 million it forms a major integrated trading block." Information on customs tariffs by country, road/transport including road distances, economic profiles for each country (Angola, Burundi, Comoros, D.R. Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe) etc. Has the text of Doing Business with COMESA: the Handbook, legal guides to establishing business, etc.

Commission for Africa
The site is closed. The Internet Archive has archived some pages.  "...launched by Prime Minister Tony Blair on 26 February 2004 to generate action for a strong and prosperous Africa." Includes press releases, the initial Consultation Document,Action for a Strong and Prosperous Africa (Nov. 2004. 16 p.), reports, photographs of meetings. [KF]

Committee for Academic Freedom in Africa Newsletter

The Commonwealth
The Commonwealth Secretariat is based in London, United Kingdom.

Corporate Council on Africa
Formed in 1992 is "a non-profit, non-partisan, membership organization of American corporations and individuals that are committed to developing the African private sector and strengthening the commercial relationship between the United States and Africa." Has information on its 1999 April Summit (participants include heads of state, prime ministers, high-level U.S. officials), various speeches, etc.

Corporate Watch
" online magazine and resource center investigate and analyze corporate activity. We are committed to exposing corporate greed by documenting the social, political, economic and environmental impacts of these transnational giants."   Use their keyword search to locate, for ex., information on the Chad-Cameroon oil pipeline. Based in San  Francisco, CA.

Council on Foreign Relations
Has an Africa program.  Publishes the journal, Foreign Affairs. The Council, based in New York, is a think tank founded in 1921 whose mission is " to foster America's understanding of other nations,..." [KF]

DANIDA, Danish International Development Assistance Reports
Many reports (full report and a summary) on Danish development assistance. Includes Cape Verde, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, Zimbabwe and the African National Congress (South Africa).

Darwin's Nightmare
Documentary film directed by Hubert Sauper. 107 minutes. "an extraordinary work of visual journalism" - New York Times Aug. 3, 2005. Best Documentary 2004 - European Film Awards. "cargo planes come daily to collect the latest catch [of fish] in exchange for their southbound cargo… Kalashnikovs and ammunitions for the uncounted wars in the dark center of the continent." Filmed in Tanzania.

Denmark. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Has full text reports on development co-operation with African countries (Angola, Benin (in Danish), Eritrea, Ghana (in Danish) Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Southern Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe.) Has some statements on disposal of pesticides in Mozambique.

Digital National Security Archives
License required for access. Full text primary sources, some in Adobe PDF format, on U.S. foreign relations. Mainly one page each. Includes memos, cables re Angola, military training by South Africa for the Contras, African reaction to the Cuban missile crisis, Zambia, Mozambique, etc. "The National Security Archive is a non-profit research institute and library in Washington, D.C., which provides unprecedented public access to declassified government documents obtained through extensive use of the US Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)."

East African Community
The East African Community (EAC) is the regional intergovernmental organisation of Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda. Has the full text of the Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community, press releases, speeches, statistics databases, staff directory. Based in Arusha, Tanzania.

ECOWAS, Economic  Community of West African States
In English, French, Portuguese. ECOWAS created in 1975, promotes "economic integration in 'all fields of economic activity, particularly industry, transport, telecommunications, energy, agriculture, natural resources, commerce, monetary and financial questions, social and cultural matters ....."  The 16 member countries are: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Cote d'Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo. Statistics & financial information. See also ECOWAS Parliament. and
Has the street address, phone, fax of embassies in Washington D.C. Also links to the web pages of embassies.

Foreign Policy Association
Many full text reports on Africa. Use the Site Search. The FPA is a non-profit, non partisan NGO founded in 1918. Has a link to World Affairs Councils throughout the US. Based in New York city.

Foreign Policy in Focus
Policy briefs on foreign policy issues pub. by the Institute for Policy Studies (Washington, D.C.) and the Interhemispheric Resource Center (Albuquerque, NM). Has In Focus briefs on Africa (U.S. economic policy & Africa, Burundi, Congo-K, Eritrea, Nigeria, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Western Sahara) which "offer recommendations for alternative policy directions [to] make the United States a more responsible global partner." Publishes The Progressive Response on new issues in U.S. foreign policy.

Foreign Policy Research Institute
Has an Africa Program. Publishes a journal, Orbis, Has an online panel, African views on US-China competition in Africa. Based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Foreign Relations of the United States Ebooks
Information about the Foreign Relations of the US series.

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961-1963, Volume 9: Foreign Economic Policy
Editors: Evans Gerakas and others. Washington, D.C.: Office of the Historia, U.S. Dept. of State, 1995. Full text. From the print volume. Covers aid to Africa, German-U.S. coordination regarding aid, relations with South Africa with regard to U.S. Strategic Materials and Commodities Policy during the administration of President John F. Kennedy. (Dept. of State Publication, 10229) [KF]

Foreign relations of the United States, 1964-1968. Volume 24, Africa
Editors, Nina Davis Howland, David S. Patterson.Washington, D.C. : Office of the Historian, U.S. Dept. of State, 1999. Full text primary documents (letters, telegrams, memoranda, etc.) regarding U.S. relations with Africa. (Dept. of State Publication 10627). [KF]

France. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Section on Africa.

French Foreign Legion - Légion étrangère

G20, Group of 20
 Founded in 1999 for global financial stability. The first leaders' summit was held in 2008. The 2023  9-10 September meeting in Delhi, India added the African Union (of 55 states) as a permanent member. South Africa was previously the only African member. The African Union includes Western Sahara.

Global Issues That Affect Everyone
"...looks into global issues....and aims to show how most issues are inter-related." Links to related articles, reports. The Conflict in Africa section compares the response to conflicts in Africa to the response on Kosovo, examines corporate interests in Nigeria and oil, the Democratic Republic of the CongoSierra LeoneEthiopia and EritreaAIDS in Africa. Other topics: Aid is a lever to impose Structural Adjustment policies on the Third World, Myths about Aid, use of children in the military, globalization, corporations, environmental issues, population, and other issues. Maintained by Anup Shah who is based in England. [KF]

INCORE Guides to Sources on Conflict and Ethnicity
The Initiative on Conflict Resolution and Ethnicity (INCORE), is a joint initiative of the University of Ulster, Northern Ireland and the United Nations University. INCORE has annotated guides to internet sources on conflict and ethnicity in Algeria, Angola, Burundi, DRC / Congo-Kinshasa, Cote d'Ivoire, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Liberia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda..

Institut de recherche pour le développement (Paris)
In French. "L'IRD est un établissement public à caractère scientifique et technologique, placé sous la tutelle des [French] ministres chargés de la Recherche et de la Coopération. Depuis cinquante ans [formerly ORSTOM], il conduit des recherches sur les milieux intertropicaux." Has offices in Africa. Has a journal citation database, HORIZON, photo images in their INDIGO database, a database of the map library holdings (maps from the early 1900s), database of mosquito viruses, a database of fish, the Observatoire de la Pêche dans le Delta Intérieur du Niger (Mali).

InterGovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)
"....the Authority superseding the Intergovernmental Authority on Drought and Development (IGADD) which was created in 1986 by the six drought stricken countries of Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan and Uganda to co-ordinate development in the Horn of Africa.....Eritrea became the seventh member of IGADD in September 1993 after its independence. IGAD headquarters is in Djibouti." Has communiques and resolutions of Summit meetings, press releases (esp. on Somalia). [KF]

International Action Network on Small Arms, IANSA (London)
A global network of NGOs concerned with the proliferation and unlawful use of small arms. Has a wealth of full text documents from different organizations, includes information on the 2001 United Nations Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects, a directory of its over 40 African participants, events list. [KF]

International Court of Justice (The Hague, Netherlands)
The principal judicial organ of the United Nations. The Court's role is to settle in accordance with international law the legal disputes submitted to it by States, and to give advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it by duly authorized international organs and agencies. Has a huge collection of ful text documents on cases submitted. Recent cases - Cameroon / Nigeria boundary dispute, Kasikili / Sedudu Island (Botswana/Namibia) boundary dispute, Guinea-Bissau / Senegal case, and the Libya / Chad dispute.

International Crisis Group - CrisisWeb (Brussels)
Current full text reports and analysis of events for Central Africa (Burundi, Congo-Kinshasa, Rwanda, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. ICG is a private organization with offices in Bruxelles and Washington, D.C. [KF]

International Law Institute
Has an Africa centre for Legal Excellence which offers continuing education and research for lawyers, finance officials, and other professionals from all nations of sub-Saharan Africa. The Austrian government is the primary sponsor of training activities for the Centre. Course presentations and materials are oriented towards African conditions. The Centre provides "internships to students interested in international trade and development issues in the sub-Saharan region."

International Organization for Migration (IOM) - Africa Programs
IOM's Return and Reintegration of Qualified African Nationals Programme (RQAN), with funds from the European Union and in cooperation with participating African governments, offers to eligible candidates assistance in returning to employment or self-employment in target or non-target African countries, in sectors of priority to the recipient country’s development." The IOM also works in Angola and has assisted Rwandans returning to Kigali from Kinshasa.

Israel, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Information on relations with African countries.

Italian Institute for International for International Political Studies
Conducts research on Africa and its relations with Italy. Reports on Kenya, Ukraine and Africa, trade, Western Sahara, Mali, Ethiopia, China, Russia, coups, etc.