Social justice and education: Websites
This guide is for those interested in social justice and education, both research and practice, including service-learning.
- Doerr Center for Social Justice"Established in 1996 thanks to an endowment by the Doerrs, descendents of a 1937 graduate, the Center funds an annual Social Justice Night event, featuring important keynote speakers on social justice issues, as well as faculty research and awards to students for international travel and dissertations."
- Educators for Social Justice"Our mission is to develop and support socially just, equitable, and sustainable practices in schools and communities. We are committed to connecting educators across the lifespan and building networks to mobilize resources to promote progressive change. We work to promote the idea that developing socially just curriculum is a form of activism."
- Equity in LearningPart of Stanford Accelerator for Learning.
"The initiative on equity in learning analyzes the roles of race, culture, poverty, community, and identity in learning and teaching, and designs solutions to address the factors that perpetuate educational disparities." - Rethinking Schools"While the scope and influence of Rethinking Schools has changed, its basic orientation has not. Most importantly, it remains firmly committed to equity and to the vision that public education is central to the creation of a humane, caring, multiracial democracy. While writing for a broad audience, Rethinking Schools emphasizes problems facing urban schools, particularly issues of race."
- The UCEA Center for Educational Leadership and Social Justice"The UCEA Center for Educational Leadership and Social Justice is a community of academics and practitioners working to bridge the gap between educational leadership and social justice. Our work involves bringing together stakeholders from schools, the academy and communities to work on the behalf of young people. We work to advance equity and excellence on behalf of young people, especially those who have been marginalized, mistreated and neglected."
- Last Updated: Jan 22, 2025 11:23 AM
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