Second language learning: Recent print books
This guide is for those interested in second language learning, both research and practice. This includes bilingual and multilingual education at all levels.
Recent print books
Lessons from a dual language bilingual school: celebrando una década de Dos Puentes Elementary by Consuelo Villegas (Ed.); Tatyana Kleyn (Ed.); Victoria Hunt (Ed.); Alcira Jaar (Ed.); Rebeca Madrigal (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This edited book showcases the lessons, successes and challenges of starting and growing a fully bilingual school. Reflecting on the first 10 years of Dos Puentes Elementary School in New York City, it explores the evolution of the school through its four founding pillars: (1) bilingüismo, biliteracidad y multiculturalismo, (2) las familias son partners, leaders and advocates, (3) investigaciones and hands-on learning, and (4) partnerships with universities, organizations y la comunidad. The chapter authors include families, teachers, school administrators and university partners, centering the voices of those directly involved in the school community and highlighting key moments in the life of the school.Equity in multilingual schools and communities: celebrating the contributions of Guadalupe Valdés by Amanda K. Kibler (Ed.); Aída Walqui (Ed.); George C. Bunch (Ed.); Christian J. Faltis (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This book honors the impactful contributions of Guadalupe Valdés toward equity in multilingual schools and communities. As one of the first language education scholars to examine the vibrant language practices of bilingual users in the US Southwest, her work marked a departure from traditional foreign language approaches and sparked a movement focused on valuing heritage languages and creating more equitable educational systems for young people from linguistically minoritized backgrounds.Overcoming the gentrification of dual language, bilingual and immersion education: solution-oriented research and stakeholder resources for real integration by M. Garrett Delavan (Ed.); Juan A. Freire (Ed.); Kate Menken (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This volume proposes solutions to the gentrification of dual language, bilingual and immersion education by examining how it operates across diverse school and community contexts. It brings together studies in a number of areas including instruction, curriculum development, classroom interaction, school leadership, parent and community engagement, ideological discourse and language policy.Learning additional languages in plurilingual school settings: autochthonous, foreign, regional and heritage languages by Zehra Gabillon
Publication Date: 2022This book is intended for readers who seek information on issues related to plurilingualism and the integration of subject content teaching with additional languages such as heritage, autochthonous, regional and foreign languages that are taught in school contexts.Learning by design and second language teaching: theory, research, and practice by Gabriela C. Zapata
Publication Date: 2022Provides an in-depth picture of the significance of this pedagogy for L2 learning through the establishment of connections between L2 students' needs and the principles and tenets of the framework.Curriculum design and praxis in language teaching: a globally informed approach by edited by Fernanda Carra-Salsberg, Maria Figueredo, and Mihyon Jeon
Publication Date: 2022Curriculum Design and Praxis in Language Teaching presents a variety of methodologies and theoretical perspectives for current and future postsecondary instructors in the areas of linguistics, second-language acquisition, and world literatures. Offering valuable insights for instructors, the materials presented in this book integrate perspectives and resources from various target languages, world regions, and cultures into areas related to teaching and learning within the field of language.Teacher education for inclusive bilingual contexts : collective reflection to support emergent bilinguals with and without disabilities by Patricia Martínez-Álvarez
Publication Date: 2022"Through analysis of rich qualitative data, Teacher Education for Inclusive Bilingual Contexts shows how group reflection supports pre-service educators to recognize the intersectional challenges faced by students, and understand their identities beyond the confines of disability. This, in turn, engenders reconceptualization of standardized expectations and implicates the educator in developing student agency through individualized use of routine, language, and materials."The ESL/ELL teacher's survival guide: ready-to-use strategies, tools, & activities for teaching all levels by Larry Ferlazzo; Katie Hull Sypnieski
Publication Date: 2022The ESL/ELL Teacher's Survival Guide: Ready-to-Use Strategies, Tools, and Activities for Teaching English Language Learners of All Levels, 2nd Edition offers readers a comprehensive range of instructional strategies and educational resources for teaching English.Research methods in language teaching and learning: a practical guide by Kate Mastruserio Reynolds (Ed.); Kenan Dikilitas (Ed.); Li Wei (Series ed.)
Publication Date: 2022Research Methods in Language Teaching and Learning provides practical guidance on the primary research methods used in second language teaching, learning, and education. Designed to support researchers and students in language education and learning, this highly accessible book covers a wide range of research methodologies in the context of actual practice to help readers fully understand the process of conducting research.Educating young children with diverse languages and cultures by Karen N. Nemeth
Publication Date: 2022This comprehensive textbook prepares early childhood educators to effectively work with and support young children (ages 0-8) with diverse languages, cultures, and learning needs. With a multipurpose, multilevel format, this dynamic resource focuses on the central role of language development and culture in all aspects of learning.Advocacy for social and linguistic justice in TESOL : nurturing inclusivity, equity, and social responsibility in English language teaching by Christine E. Poteau; Carter A. Winkle
Publication Date: 2022"Recognizing the need for increased social justice in the fields of TESOL and English Language Teaching (ELT) globally, this volume presents a range of international case studies and empirical research to demonstrate how English language instruction can promote social and linguistic justice through advocacy-oriented pedagogies and curricula."Effective teacher collaboration for English language learners: cross-curricular insights from K-12 settings by edited by Bogum Yoon
Publication Date: 2022This volume explores the value of teacher collaboration in meeting the needs of diverse English language learners (ELLs). A range of research-based chapters demonstrate examples of effective collaboration between English language specialists and content area teachers and offer recommendations for collaborative practice.Argumentative writing in a second language: perspectives on research and pedagogy by Alan R. Hirvela; Diane Belcher
Publication Date: 2021Argumentative Writing in a Second Language is a collection on teaching argumentative writing, offering multiple vantage points drawn from the contributors' own teaching and research experiences. This volume shifts attention to teachers and argumentative writing instruction, especially within increasingly common multimodal and digital literacy settings.Researching and teaching second language writing in the digital age by Mimi Li
Publication Date: 2022This book presents a comprehensive approach to issues related to researching and teaching second language (L2) writing in digital environments. This book provides up-to-date coverage of the main areas of L2 writing and technology, including digital multimodal composing, computer-mediated collaborative writing, online teacher and peer feedback, automated writing evaluation, and corpus-based writing instruction.Teaching and learning second language pragmatics for intercultural understanding by Troy McConachy; Anthony J. Liddicoat
Publication Date: 2022"This collection argues for the need to promote intercultural understanding as a clear goal for teaching and learning pragmatics in second and foreign language education. The volume sees the learning of pragmatics as a challenging yet enriching process whereby the individual expands their capacity for understanding how meaning making processes influence social relationships and how assumptions about social relationships shape the interpretation and use of language in context."Teaching creative writing to second language learners : a guidebook by Ryan Thorpe
Publication Date: 2022"This timely and accessible book offers engaging guidance to teachers of second language students on teaching creative writing in their classrooms. Creative writing is a tool that can inspire second language learners to write more, play with language, and enjoy and improve not only their writing, but also their speaking, listening, and reading skills."A transdisciplinary lens for bilingual education: bridging cognitive, sociocultural, and sociolinguistic approaches to enhance student learningA Transdisciplinary Lens for Bilingual Education by Eurydice B. Bauer
Publication Date: 2022"Addressing the intersections between cognitive, sociocultural, and sociolinguistic research, this volume explores bilingual development across educational contexts to discuss and uncover the influences and impact of language in school programming and everyday practices. Confronting a standard monolingual lens, this collection highlights the importance of applying cross-disciplinary approaches to examine bilingualism in relation to topics such as language politics, linguistic identities, students experiences at home and in schools, asset-based teaching and curricula, and overall benefits."Transformative translanguaging espacios: Latinx students and their teachers rompiendo fronteras sin miedoTransformative Translanguaging Espacios by Maite T. Sánchez (Ed.); Ofelia García (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This book contributes to the understanding of the transformative power of incorporating translanguaging, the dynamic language practices of bi/multilingual communities, in the schooling of US Latinx children and youth. It showcases instructional spaces in US education where Latinx children's and youths' translanguaging is at the center of their teaching and learning. By centering racialized Latinx bilingual students, including their knowledge systems and cultural and linguistic practices, it transforms the monolingual-white supremacy ideology of many educational spaces.
Bilingualism for all?: raciolinguistic perspectives on dual language education in the United States by Nelson Flores (Ed.); Amelia Tseng (Ed.); Nicholas Subtirelu (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021It is common for scholarly and mainstream discourses on dual language education in the US to frame these programs as inherently socially transformative and to see their proliferation in recent years as a natural means of developing more anti-racist spaces in public schools. In contrast, this book adopts a raciolinguistic perspective that points to the contradictory role that these programs play in both reproducing and challenging racial hierarchies.Developing and evaluating quality bilingual practices in higher education by Fernando D. Rubio-Alcalá (Ed.); Do Coyle (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021This book provides an overview and evaluation of the quality of bilingual education found in internationalised higher education institutions. Its authors focus on the multifaceted roles that language(s) play in these growing multilingual spaces and analyse and identify the many factors that account for quality multilingual degree programmes.Learning words from reading: a cognitive model of word-meaning inference by Megumi Hamada
Publication Date: 2021Clarifying the connection between reading and word learning processes, Megumi Hamada proposes a new model, the Cognitive Model of Word-Meaning Inference, to describe how we obtain and use word-form and contextual information for learning words and the pedagogical applications of this.(M)othering labeled children: bilingualism and disability in the lives of Latinx mothers by María Cioè-Peña
Publication Date: 2021This book takes a distinctive approach to exploring the experiences and identities of minoritized Latinx mothers who are raising a child who is labeled as both an emergent bilingual and dis/abled. It showcases relationships between families and schools and reveals the myriad of ways in which school-based decisions regarding disability, language and academic placement impact family dynamics.Pragmatics and its applications to TESOL and SLA by Salvatore Attardo; Lucy Pickering
Publication Date: 2021Pragmatics and its Applications to TESOL and SLA offers an in-depth description of key areas of linguistic pragmatics and a review of how those topics can be applied to pedagogy in the fields of second language acquisition (SLA) and teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL).Research-driven curriculum design: developing a language course by Gülçin Mutlu; Ali Yildirim
Publication Date: 2021This book presents a curriculum design study in the field of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) which aims to link curriculum theory to educational practice through research-oriented course development activities. It is a practical guide for teachers and curriculum designers primarily in languages, but also provides perspectives into curriculum design processes in other areas.
Embracing multilingualism across educational contexts by Connie Seals; Vincent Ieni Olsen-Reeder
Publication Date: 2020Embracing Multilingualism Across Educational Contexts brings together researchers, practitioners, and community stakeholders from around the world to present international case studies of multilingualism in education. This book seeks to empower the speakers and teachers of heritage, Indigenous, and minority languages around the world, as translanguaging also seeks to do. It challenges research agendas and pushes our understanding of linguistic terminology, especially in areas of social justice.- In the pursuit of justice: students' rights to read and write in elementary school by Mariana Souto-Manning (Editor)Publication Date: 2020Provides vivid examples of how elementary school teachers make NCTE's position statements on students' rights to read, write, and use their own languages come alive in their diverse classroom settings.
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