Science education: Recent print books
This is a guide for those interested in science education, both research and practice.
Recent print books
Transformative science teaching: a catalyst for justice and sustainability by Daniel Morales-Doyle
Publication Date: 2024Transformative Science Teaching reveals Daniel Morales-Doyle's vision for science education that supports meaningful learning in the sciences. In this sensible and sensitive assessment of science instruction in the United States, Morales-Doyle outlines both what science education is and what it could be. He suggests that a judicious shift in the field's goals and methods--for example, incorporating practice-based teacher education, justice-centered science pedagogy, and youth participatory science--could give all students, not just those preparing for STEM careers, opportunities to be engaged with the sciences, with their communities, and in the world.Frameworks for integrated project based instruction in STEM disciplines by Anthony J. Petrosino; Candace Walkington; Denise Ekberg
Publication Date: 2024"Frameworks for Integrated Project-Based Instruction in STEM Disciplines presents an original approach to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) centric project based instruction. We approach project based instruction from an engineering design philosophy and the accountability highlighted in a standards-based environment."Science as active inquiry: a teacher's guide to the development of effective science teaching by Selma Wassermann; J. W. George Ivany
Publication Date: 2022This new text lays out the rationale for teaching science as active inquiry and presents a "teaching for thinking" theoretical framework that is rooted in extensive field research and classroom practice. This introductory section is followed with information and guidelines for how teachers may organize their science programs with a focus on hands-on student involvement in active inquiry.Science and drama: contemporary and creative approaches to teaching and learning by Peta J. White (Ed.); Jo Raphael (Ed.); Kitty van Cuylenburg (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021This edited volume presents interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches to drama and science in education. Drawing on a solid basis of research, it offers theoretical backgrounds, showcases rich examples, and provides evidence of improved student learning and engagement.Social-emotional learning through STEAM projects, grades 4-5 by Season S. Mussey
Publication Date: 2022Social-Emotional Learning Through STEAM Projects, Grades 4-5 helps educators target the development of social and emotional learning (SEL) competencies for high-ability learners through interdisciplinary, project-based inquiry. Aligned with STEAM content standards, each of the nine projects introduces students to a real-world problem through essential questions and the presentation of a primary source document.Instructional sequence matters, grades 9-12: explore-before-explain in physical science by Patrick Brown
Publication Date: 2021"I designed Instructional Sequence Matters, Grades 9-12: Explore-Before-Explain in Physical Science primarily for high school teachers wanting to address new standards while ensuring their students leave success-ready. Instructional Sequence Matters is all about explore-before-explain teaching, which is not a prescribed program but a way of thinking more purposefully and carefully about the nature of how we design instruction."Action research in STEM and English language learning: an integrated approach for developing teacher researchers by Aria Razfar
Publication Date: 2022Responding to the linguistic and cultural diversity of the U.S. K-12 student population and an increasing emphasis on STEM, this book offers a model for professional development that engages teachers in transformative action research projects and explicitly links literacy to mathematics and science curriculum through sociocultural principles.Critical thinking in biology and environmental education: facing challenges in a post-truth world by Blanca Puig (Ed.); María Pilar Jiménez-Aleixandre (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This volume seeks to broaden current ideas about the role of critical thinking (CT) in biology and environmental education considering educational challenges in the post-truth era.Complexity and simplicity in science education by David Geelan (Ed.); Kim Nichols (Ed.); Christine V. McDonald (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This edited volume brings together a broad range of international science education studies, focusing on the interplay of teaching and learning science. It recognizes the complexity present in today's education, associated with major science related issues faced by society, such as climate change, diseases and pandemics, global conflicts over energy, food and water.Makerspaces, innovation and science education: how, why, and what for? by Michael Tan
Publication Date: 2022While makerspaces have attracted much attention as innovative sites for learning, less attention has been placed on the curriculum purposes of making--what, exactly, should learning in makerspaces constitute, what ends ought it serve, and how should activities be structured towards these ends? In this book, Michael Tan and contributors respond to these problems from the perspective of the nature of producing scientific knowledge, the role of design in innovation, and the underappreciated distinction between the representative and performative aspects of the practice of science.- Science notebooks in student-centered classrooms by Jessica Fries-GaitherPublication Date: 2022"This practical guide shows how notebooks can become a tangible record of students emerging understanding of and proficiency in science. Students can use their notebooks to pose questions, write down observations, work through puzzling data, or think through new ideas. Teachers can use them to ascertain each students strengths and challenges in participating in the academic work of science."
Crosscutting concepts: strengthening science and engineering learning by Jeffrey Nordine; Okhee Lee
Publication Date: 2021Crosscutting Concepts: Strengthening Science and Engineering Learning is designed to help teachers at all grade levels (1) promote students sensemaking and problem-solving abilities by integrating CCCs with science and engineering practices and disciplinary core ideas; (2) support connections across multiple disciplines and diverse contexts; and (3) use CCCs as a set of lenses through which students can learn about the world around them.Integrating Indigenous and Western education in science curricula: relationships at play by Eun-Ji Amy Kim
Publication Date: 2021This book explores diverse relationships at play in integrating Indigenous knowledges and Western Science in curricula. The readers will unravel ways in which history, policy, and relationships with local Indigenous communities play a role in developing and implementing 'cross-cultural' science curricula in schools.Cracking key concepts in secondary science by Adam Boxer; Heena Dave; Gethyn Jones
Publication Date: 2021Cracking some of the trickiest concepts in biology, chemistry and physics, with walkthrough explanations and examples inspired by direct instruction, this book will bring a fresh perspective to your teaching.Beyond science standards: play, art, coherence, community by Charles R. Ault; Charles R. Ault
Publication Date: 2021Ranging across examples from elementary to university level classrooms and grounded in philosophy and history, the stories address dimensions beyond the realm of bureaucratic standards. Its thesis brings into question the premise of scientific unity and its representation in school as notions of method, process, nature, and practice.
The A in STEAM: lesson plans and activities for integrating art, ages 0-8 by Jerilou J. Moore and Kerry P. Holmes
Publication Date: 2022Discover new and exciting ways to teach STEM content through the arts in your early childhood program with this innovative and comprehensive guidebook. Chapters feature playful activities divided by age band that bridge early academic learning and social, emotional, physical, and mental development with active engagement in the arts.Design make play for equity, inclusion, and agency: the evolving landscape of creative STEM learning by Harouna Ba; Katie McMillan Culp; Margaret Honey
Publication Date: 2022A follow-up to the popular book Design, Make, Play (2013), this volume combines new research, innovative case studies, and practical advice from the New York Hall of Science (NYSCI) to define and illustrate a vision for creative and immersive learning, focusing on STEM learning experiences that are truly equitable and inclusive, and that foster learners' agency.Elementary science methods: an assets-based approach to teaching, learning, and advocacy, grades K by Lauren Madden
Publication Date: 2022This book is designed to meet the needs of future elementary teachers preparing to teach science using an assets-based approach to science teaching and tools for advocating for scientific teaching and learning with respect to the NGSS.Leadership in integrative STEM education: collaborative strategies for facilitating an experiential and student-centered culture by Rachel Louise Geesa (Ed.); Mary Annette Rose (Ed.); Krista Marie Stith (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022In the face of complex local and global problems, there is a critical need to prepare PK-12 students to be innovative, resilient problem-solvers and well-equipped STEM-literate citizens. With focus upon integrated content, college and career readiness, authentic problems, and action-oriented pedagogies, integrative STEM education provides a promising approach to address this challenge.Reimagining science education in the Anthropocene by Maria F. G. Wallace (Ed.); Jesse Bazzul (Ed.); Marc Higgins (Ed.); Sara Tolbert (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This open access edited volume invites transdisciplinary scholars to re-vision science education in the era of the Anthropocene. The collection assembles the works of educators from many walks of life and areas of practice together to help reorient science education toward the problems and peculiarities associated with the geologic times many call the Anthropocene.STEM education from Asia: trends and perspectives by edited by Tang Wee Teo, Aik-Ling Tan and Paul Teng
Publication Date: 2022Why do Asian students perform so well in STEM-related subjects? This book answers this by examining the STEM education policies and initiatives in Asian economies, as well as the training programmes undertaken by STEM teachers in Asia.
Addressing wicked problems through science education: the role of out-of-school experiences by Marianne Achiam (Ed.); Justin Dillon (Ed.); Melissa Glackin (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021This book discusses a number of ways in which out-of-school science education can uniquely engage learners with 'wicked' global problems such as biodiversity loss and climate change.Gender equity in STEM in higher education: international perspectives on policy, institutional culture, and individual choice by Hyun Kyoung Ro; Frank Fernandez; Elizabeth Ramon
Publication Date: 2021"This timely volume brings together a range of international scholars to analyse cultural, political, and individual factors which contribute to the continued global issue of female underrepresentation in STEM study and careers."- Once upon a physical science book: 12 interdisciplinary activities to create confident readers by Jodi Wheeler-Toppen; Karen Kraus; Matthew HackettPublication Date: 2021"Once Upon a Physical Science Book shows you how to integrate reading, writing, and physical science. Practical and easy to use, the book provides everything you need to boost students' skills in both science and reading."
Preparing teachers to teach the STEM disciplines in America's urban schools by Cheryl J. Craig; Paige K. Evans; Donna W. Stokes
Publication Date: 2021Bridging a gap in the literature by offering a comprehensive look at how STEM teacher education programs evolve over time, this book explores teachHOUSTON, a designer teacher education program created to respond to the lack of adequately prepared STEM teachers in Houston and the emerging urban school districts that surround it.STEAM meets story: using adolescent fiction and film to spark deeper learning by Gloria Campbell-Whatley; Diane Rodriguez; Jugnu Agrawal
Publication Date: 2021This innovative STEAM guide will help general and special education teachers to increase effective instruction with adolescents (grades 5-10). The authors show teachers how to link STEM concepts with popular fiction and film selections as a catalyst to launch student interactions, discussions, projects, and investigations. This approach will promote problem solving and reasoning skills by initiating the scientific process, rather than simply presenting established facts.
- Last Updated: Feb 7, 2025 10:25 AM
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