PWR 1TD: Anatomy of a Discipline: Rhetorics of Health, Illness, and Medicine.: Find ONLINE background and reference sources
A library research guide for PWR 1TD: Anatomy of a Discipline: Rhetorics of Health, Illness, and Medicine. Diener, T.
Online Background and reference sources
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Alternative Medicine? by Roberta Bivins
Call Number: e-bookPublication Date: 2007Comparing the medical systems of China, India, and the west - both mainstream and alternative - shows how medical expertise has migrated from one culture to another.The Amazing Language of Medicine by Robert B. Taylor
Call Number: e-bookPublication Date: 2017This book tells the intriguing and often colorful stories of the medical words we use.Disability, Culture and Identity by Sheila Riddell; Nick Watson
Call Number: e-bookPublication Date: 2014Disability and Diversity by Mark Sherry
Call Number: e-bookPublication Date: 2008Highlights the social, cultural, and political factors that portray that some social groups experience disabilities more often than others. It also highlights the barriers that particular groups face in trying to address their medical needs. These difficulties can range from problems with insurance to language problems in dealing with health professionals, or even sexism in medicineEssential Writing, Communication and Narrative Skills for Medical Scientists Before and after the COVID Era by Gian Carlo Di Renzo (Editor)
Call Number: e-bookPublication Date: 2021Narrative Matters in Medical Contexts Across Disciplines by Franziska Gygax (Editor); Miriam A. Locher (Editor)
Call Number: e-bookPublication Date: 2015Occupying Disability: Critical Approaches to Community, Justice, and Decolonizing Disability by Pamela Block (Editor); Devva Kasnitz (Editor); Akemi Nishida (Editor); Nick Pollard (Editor)
Call Number: e-bookPublication Date: 2015Inspired by disability justice and "Disability Occupy Wall Street / Decolonize Disability" movements in the US and related movements abroad, this book builds on politically engaged critical approaches to disability that intersect occupational therapy, disability studies and anthropology.Understanding Patients' Voices by Elizabeth M. Goering; Marta Antón
Call Number: e-bookPublication Date: 2015
- Lane Library SearchThe Lane Medical Library website has a search box you can use to find articles, books, clinical trials, reports, and more. It's great for medical topis
- Online Journal: Rhetoric of health & medicineThis new journal publishes studies of health and medicine that take a rhetorical perspective. Such studies combine rhetorical analysis with any number of other methodologies, including critical/cultural analysis, ethnography, qualitative analysis, and quantitative analysis. Published by University of Florida Press, a good resource to browse -- you may find a topic to explore here.
- Last Updated: Jan 23, 2025 2:02 PM
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