Reading instruction: Recent print books
This guide is for those interested in the issues surrounding reading instruction, both research and practice.
Recent print books
Understanding and using reading assessment, K-12 by Peter Afflerbach
Publication Date: 2025Well established as a teaching resource and course text, this guide to the "whats," "how-tos," and "whys" of reading assessment is now in a thoroughly revised fourth edition. Peter Afflerbach succinctly introduces major types of assessments, including formative and summative performance assessments, teacher questioning, and high-stakes testing. He provides an innovative framework (the CURRV model) for evaluating the suitability of assessments and combining them effectively to meet all students' needs.Reading and relevance, reimagined: celebrating the literacy lives of young men of color by Katie Sciurba; Alfred W. Tatum (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2024What do we mean when we say that a text is relevant to a young person or to a group of young people? And how might a reimagining of relevance, shaped through the voices of young men of color, enhance literacy teaching and learning? Based on case studies of six young Black, Latino, and South Asian men and their reading experiences, this book reconceptualizes the term relevance as it applies to and is applied within literacy education (middle school through college). The author reveals how four dimensions of relevance--Identity, Spatiality, Temporality, and Ideology--can guide educators in supporting the reading and meaning-making experiences of students in ways that honor the complexities of their lives and enhance their criticality.Cultivating diversity and inclusion: using global and multicultural children's literature in grades K-5 by Paula Saine
Publication Date: 2024Cultivating Diversity and Inclusion: Using Global and Multicultural Children's Literature in Grades K-5, Second Edition shows educators how to assist students in cultivating and appreciating diversity and inclusion in K-5 classrooms. This text offers new children's book titles from across the world in each chapter, advances to grades four and five, engages students with rich cultural language experiences, and provides ways to incorporate apps and social media activities in the classroom.The Fountas & Pinnell literacy continuum : a tool for assessment, planning, and teaching: grades preK-8 by Irene Fountas; Gay Su Pinnell
Publication Date: 2022There has never been a more comprehensive resource available to teachers that does what the continuum does - provide specific behaviors and understandings that are required at each level for students to demonstrate thinking within, beyond, and about the text. These behaviors and understandings describe what students will be expected to do in order to effectively read and understand the text.Shake up shared reading: expanding on read alouds to encourage student independence by Maria Walther
Publication Date: 2022In Shake Up Shared Reading, veteran teacher Maria Walther offers teachers a simple but robust scaffolding for moving from teacher-led demonstration of read aloud to student-led discovery of literacy skills--across the bridge of shared reading.The joy of reading by Donalyn Miller; Teri Lesesne
Publication Date: 2022For too many young readers, reading is joyless. It is something that is required of them, but not something that they choose to do. Here's the truth: It is possible to teach children how to read well without killing their love for reading in the process. The Joy of Reading is a guide for teachers, librarians, administrators, and families to create the conditions for joyful reading.Reading across the disciplines by Karen Manarin (Ed.); Rachel Henry; Pat Hutchings; Rebecca Kersnar; Aimee Knupsky; Ryne Leuzinger; Margaret Mackey; Elizabeth Marquis; Trent W. Maurer; Brett McCollum; Layne A. Morsch; Joyce Tang Boyland; Daniel Shapiro; Catelyn Shipp; Dana Statton Thompson; Kris Vasquez; Jakob T. Zehms; Angela Zito; M. Soledad Caballero; Yvonne Davila; Heather C. Easterling; John Eliason; Nelson Graff; Rosemary Green; Neela Griffiths
Publication Date: 2022Reading Across the Disciplines offers a collection of twelve essays detailing a range of approaches to dealing with students' reading needs at the college level.Rebellious read alouds: inviting conversations about diversity with children's books by Vera Ahiyya
Publication Date: 2022Students need to see themselves and their peers in the books they read, and to engage with varying viewpoints. In Rebellious Read Alouds,author Vera Ahiyya empowers teachers to encourage classroom conversations about important and culturally relevant topics using daily read alouds as an entry point.Expanding reading comprehension in grades 3-6: effective instruction for all students by Katherine A. Dougherty Stahl; Georgia Earnest García
Publication Date: 2022Students in grades 3-6 need to use increasingly sophisticated comprehension skills and strategies as they read and build knowledge across disciplinary content areas. Grounded in research, this book presents effective practices for integrating literacy instruction with literature, science, and social studies.Structured literacy interventions: teaching students with reading difficulties, grades K-6 by Louise Spear-Swerling (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022Comprehensive and evidence-based, Structured Literacy (SL) approaches place a high value on explicit, systematic, and sequential instruction. This book brings together leading experts on key components of literacy to help K-6 teachers design and target SL interventions for particular student profiles.Guiding gifted students with engaging books: a teacher's guide to social-emotional learning through reading and reflection by Thomas Hebert
Publication Date: 2022Guiding Gifted Students With Engaging Books supports teachers and counselors in their facilitation of book discussions designed to guide bright young people to self-understanding through high-quality literature.Developing mathematical literacy through adolescent literature by Paula Greathouse (Ed.); Holly Anthony (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022Giving students opportunities to read like mathematicians as they explore content has the potential to move their thinking and understandings in monumental ways. Each chapter presented in this volume provides readers with approaches and activities for pairing a young adult novel with specific mathematics concepts.Queer adolescent literature as a complement to the English language arts curriculum by Paula Greathouse (Ed.); Henry "Cody" Miller (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This text offers secondary ELA educators guided instructional approaches for including queer-themed young adult (YA) literature in the English language arts classroom. Each chapter spotlights the reading of one queer-themed YA novel, and offers pre-, during-, and after reading activities that guide students to a deeper understanding of the content while increasing their literacy practices.Alphabetics for emerging learners: building strong reading foundations in PreK by Heidi Anne E. Mesmer with Anna E. Kambach
Publication Date: 2022Discover how to help PreK students develop pre-reading competencies that build capacity for future reading phonological awareness, print concepts, and alphabetics. Research-based and accessible, this essential guidebook helps readers sidestep common errors and create engaging, child-appropriate curriculum that lays a strong foundation for future reading skills. Filled with effective resources, activities, and a simple scope and sequence to guide instruction, this critical toolkit equips educators to set emerging learners up for success.Teaching readers (not reading): moving beyond skills and strategies to reader-focused instruction by Peter Afflerbach
Publication Date: 2022Reading instruction is too often grounded in a narrowly defined "science of reading" that focuses exclusively on cognitive skills and strategies. Yet cognition is just one aspect of reading development. This book guides K-8 educators to understand and address other scientifically supported factors that influence each student's literacy learning, including metacognition, motivation and engagement, social-emotional learning, self-efficacy, and more.Stop the pendulum: public policy and personal experience in reading instruction and reform by William D. Bursuck; Craig Peck
Publication Date: 2022This is a book about the struggles over reforming reading instruction and the corresponding effort to improve reading achievement in the United States over the last seven decades.
5 kinds of nonfiction: enriching reading and writing instruction with children's books by Melissa Stewart; Marlene Correia
Publication Date: 2021In 5 Kinds of Nonfiction: Enriching Reading and Writing Instruction with Children's Books, Melissa Stewart and Dr. Marlene Correia present a new way to sort nonfiction into five major categories and show how doing so can help teachers and librarians build stronger readers and writers.Book talk: growing into early literacy through read-aloud conversations by Sherry Sanden; Cassandra Mattoon; Sandra L. Osorio; Mariana Souto-Manning (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2021Discover the language and learning possibilities of young children's active engagement with book experiences, in which they talk with one another as they make meaning from literature centered around their lives and interests. Drawing from their backgrounds as teachers and researchers, as well as their many experiences facilitating and observing read-alouds with diverse students, the authors provide a practical guide to conducting book discussions that promote deep engagement and the natural development of literacy skills (PreK-2).- CoreEmpathy: literacy instruction with a greater purpose by Christie Kesler; Mary KnightPublication Date: 2021Provides teachers a practical and powerful way to connect academics with social emotional learning using classroom anecdotes combined with anchor charts and student writing.
Dyslexia defused: reading struggles and reading solutions by Nickie Simonetti
Publication Date: 2021For students who struggle with learning to read, time is of the essence. Dyslexia Defused: Reading Struggles and Reading Solutions offers an effective and efficient instructional plan to expedite mastery. Supplementing the strongest elements of research-based programs, the original strategies readily apply to all levels of reading instruction (developmental, corrective, remedial, and adult literacy). The novel and concise techniques address all task components: phonics, decoding, sight vocabulary, oral reading, fluency, contextual analysis, and comprehension.Learning words from reading: a cognitive model of word-meaning inference by Megumi Hamada
Publication Date: 2021Clarifying the connection between reading and word learning processes, Megumi Hamada proposes a new model, the Cognitive Model of Word-Meaning Inference, to describe how we obtain and use word-form and contextual information for learning words and the pedagogical applications of this.Literacy beginnings: a prekindergarten handbook, 3rd ed. by Gay Su Pinnell; Irene Fountas
Publication Date: 2021In their latest professional book, Gay Su Pinnell and Irene Fountas show you how to tap into young children's excitement to introduce them to the world of literacy in joyful, engaging ways.The literacy specialist : leadership and coaching for the classroom, school, and community by Rita M. Bean; Virginia J. Goatley
Publication Date: 2021The definitive practitioner resource and text for developing excellence as a PreK-12 literacy/reading specialist is now updated to reflect key changes in the field. Delving into the literacy specialist's multiple leadership roles, the book provides strategies for teaching children experiencing difficulty with reading and writing; supporting teachers through coaching and professional learning opportunities; designing curricula; conducting assessments at the student, classroom, and school levels; and building strong school, family, and community partnerships.Reading and teaching with diverse nonfiction children's books: representations and possibilities by Thomas Crisp (Ed.); Suzanne M. Knezek (Ed.); Roberta Price Gardner (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021Argues for the importance of including in K-8 classrooms high-quality diverse books that accurately and authentically represent the world students live in and explores the ways in which engaging with diverse nonfiction children's lit provides opportunities to counter constricted curricula and reposition the possibilities of pedagogical policies and mandates through centering the histories, lives, and cultures of historically marginalized and underrepresented people.Teaching with children's literature: theory to practice by Margaret Vaughn; Dixie D. Massey; Elfrieda H. Hiebert (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2021Perhaps no factor has a greater influence on children's literacy learning than exposure to engaging, authentic, culturally relevant texts. This concise practitioner resource and course text helps K-8 teachers make informed choices about using children's literature in their classrooms, from selecting high-quality texts to planning instruction and promoting independent reading.
- Last Updated: Feb 6, 2025 8:57 AM
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