Race, ethnicity and education: Background information
This guide is designed for those beginning research of how race, racism, ethnicity, ethnic identity, and discrimination based on race or ethnicity impact education. It covers both research and practice.
Background information
Research anthology on racial equity, identity, and privilege by Information Resources Management Association (Editor)
Publication Date: 2022Past injustice against racial groups rings out throughout history and negatively affects today's society. Not only do people hold onto negative perceptions, but government processes and laws have remnants of these past ideas that impact people today. To enact change and promote justice, it is essential to recognize the generational trauma experienced by these groups.Handbook of critical race theory in education by Marvin Lynn; Adrienne D. Dixson
Publication Date: 2021"This handbook illustrates how education scholars employ Critical Race Theory (CRT) as a framework to bring attention to issues of race and racism in education. It covers innovations in educational research, policy and practice in both schools and in higher education, and the increasing interdisciplinary nature of critical race research. New chapters broaden the scope of theoretical lenses to include LatCrit, AsianCrit and Critical Race Feminism, as well as coverage of Disability Studies, Research Methods, and other recent updates to the field."Encyclopedia of critical whiteness studies in education by Zachary A. Casey (Vol. Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021While critical whiteness studies as a field has been attacked from both within and without, the ongoing realities of systemic white supremacy across the globe necessitate new and better understandings of whiteness, white racial identity, and their links with education. Encyclopedia of Critical Whiteness Studies in Education offers readers a broad summary of the multifaceted and interdisciplinary field of critical whiteness studies, the study of white racial identities in the context of white supremacy, in education.The Oxford handbook of language and race by H. Samy Alim (Ed.); Angela Reyes (Ed.); Paul V. Kroskrity (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2020The Oxford Handbook of Language and Race positions issues of race as central to language-based scholarship. In twenty-one chapters divided into four sections--Foundations and Formations; Coloniality and Migration; Embodiment and Intersectionality; and Racism and Representations--authors at the forefront of this rapidly expanding field present state-of-the-art research and establish future directions of research.The Oxford handbook of philosophy and race by Naomi Zack (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2017The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Race provides up-to-date explanation and analyses by leading scholars of contemporary issues in African American philosophy and philosophy of race.Handbook of Research on Social Inequality and Education by Sherrie Wisdom (Editor); Lynda Leavitt (Editor); Cynthia Bice (Editor)
Publication Date: 2019The Handbook of Research on Social Inequality and Education provides insights into social influences on school and educational settings. Featuring an array of topics including online learning, social mobility, and teacher preparation...The Palgrave handbook of race and ethnic inequalities in education by Peter A. J. Stevens (Ed.); A. Gary Dworkin (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2019Studying 25 different national contexts drawn from every inhabited continent on earth and building upon material from the earlier edition, the work analyses educational policies, practices and research on minority students, immigrants and refugees. The editors and contributors explore principal research traditions from countries as diverse as Argentina, China, Norway and South Africa, examining the factors promoting social cohesion as well as considerations regarding the use of international test score data.Handbook of research on race, culture, and student achievement by Jared Keengwe (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023The Handbook of Research on Race, Culture, and Student Achievement highlights cross-cultural perspectives, challenges, and opportunities of providing equitable educational opportunities for marginalized students and improving student achievement. Additionally, it examines how race and culture impact student achievement in an effort to promote cultural competence, equity, inclusion, and social justice in education.
- Last Updated: Mar 6, 2025 2:33 PM
- URL: https://guides.library.stanford.edu/race_and_ed
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