Quantitative research in education: Recent print books
This guide is for those interested in quantitative methods applied to education research, including statistical analysis and data sciences.
Recent print books
QuantCrit: an antiracist quantitative approach to educational inquiry by Nichole M. Garcia (Ed.); Nancy López (Ed.); Verónica N. Vélez (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Critical race theory (CRT) in education centers, examines and seeks to transform the relationship that undergirds race, racism, and power. CRT scholars have applied a critical race framework to advance research methodologies in the form of qualitative interventions. Informed by this work, this book reconsiders the possibilities of CRT applications to quantitative methodologies through 'QuantCrit'.Introduction to quantitative analysis for international educators by Melissa Whatley
Publication Date: 2022This textbook introduces international education scholars, professionals and graduate students to quantitative research methods. It provides them with the most foundational and useful concepts in quantitative analysis, using international education themes for all examples and practice problems.Statistics made simple for school leaders : a new approach for using student, staff, and community data by Susan Rovezzi Carroll; David J. Carroll
Publication Date: 2022Statistics can make data-based decision-making efficient and ultimately support school leaders with the most critical task - accurately interpreting what is discovered. This book serves as a handbook for school leaders. With this book, they can confidently and successfully execute data-based decisions to the benefit of their schools, students, staff and community.Computational psychometrics : new methodologies for a new generation of digital learning and assessment: with examples in R and Python by Alina A. von Davier (Ed.); Robert J. Mislevy (Ed.); Jiangang Hao (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021This book defines and describes a new discipline, named "computational psychometrics," from the perspective of new methodologies for handling complex data from digital learning and assessment. The editors and the contributing authors discuss how new technology drastically increases the possibilities for the design and administration of learning and assessment systems, and how doing so significantly increases the variety, velocity, and volume of the resulting data.The ethical use of data in education: promoting responsible policies and practices by Ellen B. Mandinach (Ed.); Edith S. Gummer (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021This volume brings together experts on various aspects of education to address many of the emerging issues and problems that affect how data are being used or misused in educational contexts. Readers will learn about the importance of using data effectively, responsibly, and ethically to fully understand how cognitive fallacies occur and how they impact decision-making. They will understand how codes of ethics deal with the use of data within education as well as in other disciplines.
- Last Updated: Jan 22, 2025 8:44 AM
- URL: https://guides.library.stanford.edu/quantitative_research_in_ed
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