Philosophy of education: Recent e-books
This guide is for those beginning research on the philosophy of education.
Recent e-books
The essential Howard Gardner on education by Howard Gardner
Publication Date: 2024During his long and distinguished career as scholar and teacher, Howard Gardner has made vast contributions to our understanding of learning and how to create environments that support growth in all learners across their lifespans. In this compelling collection of his writings, Gardner lays out his principal ideas about education.
Educating for equity and excellence: enacting culturally responsive teaching by Geneva Gay; James A. Banks (Series ed.)
Publication Date: 2023In this collection of articles, Geneva Gay invites readers to make educational equity and excellence for all students a reality, not just an ethic or an ideal. Through teaching narratives and pragmatic examples, Gay illustrates that a combination of ideology, ethics, personal commitment, and praxis on the part of educators is essential to achieving equity for underachieving racial and ethnic minority students. The text is organized into three themes: Identity (how the identities and behaviors of educators are influenced by their membership in ethnic and cultural groups); Ideology (how the beliefs, attitudes, and expectations of educators shape their behaviors and instruction); and Action (suggestions for equitable teaching, classroom management, curriculum development, and teacher preparation).The hip-hop mindset: success strategies for educators and other professionals by Toby S. Jenkins; Walter Kimbrough (Foreword); James A. Banks (Series ed.)
Publication Date: 2023This book presents The Hip-Hop Mindset Framework--a perspective that gives us the permission to show up in life as our full authentic selves and to shine in our own culturally unique ways. Centered primarily in the field of education, this book introduces the hip-hop mindset as a professional practice that holds relevance for students, educators, and ambitious leaders in any profession.
Culture and the university: education, ecology, design by Ronald Barnett; Søren S. E. Bengtsen; Rikke Toft Nørgård
Publication Date: 2022Written by three leading scholars of higher education and the philosophy of higher education, the book opens the debate about the cultural purpose of universities and higher education. The authors argue that the university should be and can be an institution of culture, of great cultural significance in the digital age, and exercise cultural leadership in society.The main enterprise of the world: rethinking education by Philip Kitcher
Publication Date: 2022Philip Kitcher's The Main Enterprise of the World offers a sweeping vision of the goals of education. Kitcher considers the ways in which schools and universities should advance their goals, explores the social changes required to make high-quality education available to all, and argues that these reforms are economically sustainable. Kitcher build his arguments from three broad goals of education as an institution: career development and professionalization, civic participation, and human fulfilment.Piaget and Vygotsky in XXI century: discourse in early childhood education by Nikolay Veraksa (Ed.); Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022The book provides a comprehensive analyses of Vygotsky's and Piaget's theories implementation in modern preschool education. It analyzes the problem of the relationship between the natural and the cultural in the context of Vygotsky and Jean Piaget theories.
The educational philosophy of Luis Emilio Recabarren: pioneering working-class education in Latin America by María Alicia Rueda
Publication Date: 2021"Through close analysis of the textual archives and press writings, The Educational Philosophy of Luis Emilio Recabarren offers comprehensive insight into Recabarren's belief in education as essential to the empowerment, emancipation, and political independence of the working class, and emphasises the importance he placed on the education of workers through experiential learning in their organizations and press.Liberatory practices for learning: dismantling social inequality and individualism with ancient wisdom by Julio Cammarota (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021This book promotes collaborative ways of knowing and group accountability in learning processes to counteract the damaging effects of neoliberal individualism prevalent in educational systems today. These neoliberalist hierarchies imposed through traditional, autocratic knowledge systems have driven much of the United States' educational policies and reforms, including STEM, high stakes testing, individual-based accountability, hierarchical grading systems, and ability grouping tracks. The net effect of such policies and reforms is an education system that perpetuates social inequalities linked with race, class, gender, and sexuality. Instead, the author suggests that accountability pushes past individualism in education by highlighting democratic methods to produce a collective good as opposed to a narrow personal success.
Catastrophe and higher education: neoliberalism, theory, and the future of the humanities by Jeffrey R. Di Leo
Publication Date: 2020Catastrophe and Higher Education argues that the future of the humanities is tied to the fate of theory as a form of resistance to neoliberalism in higher education. It also offers that the fate of the academy may very well be in the hands of humanities scholars who are tasked with either rejecting theory and philosophy in times of catastrophe--or embracing it.Higher education divided: national expectations and the bifurcation of purpose and national identity, 1946-2016Higher Education Divided by Allison L. Palmadessa
Publication Date: 2020This book critically considers how tertiary institutions of higher education in the United States are charged with the duty of preserving democracy, teaching citizenship literacy, and contributing to economic stability. The author offers a comparative analysis of how presidential and national policy agendas shape these social institutions' re-creation and re-constitution of ideological identities that influence the social position of the participants in the institution types, creating a divide in the realization of national identity across institutional and class lines.Kantian genesis of the problem of scientific education: emergence, development and future prospects by Rasoul Nejadmehr
Publication Date: 2020Kantian Genesis of the Problem of Scientific Education terms the dominant educational paradigm of our time as scientific education and subjects it to historical analysis to bring its tacit racial, colonial and Eurocentric biases into view. Using archaeology and genealogy as tools of investigation, it traces the emergence of scientific education and related racial and colonial inequities in Western modernity, especially in the works of the defining figure of Western Enlightenment, Immanuel Kant.Radical Hope by Kevin M. Gannon
Publication Date: 2020Radical Hope is at once political and practical--the work of an activist, teacher, and public intellectual grappling with some of the most pressing topics at the intersection of higher education and social justice.
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