Materials science and engineering: Expand your search
Expand your search
When you are ready to conduct your own research, it's important to complete a thorough literature review. You want to make sure you find all the prior, relevant research so that can conduct a well-informed study.
Stanford Libraries subscribes to several article databases that you can use to search for relevant research across many journals. The database you choose will depend on the nature of your research.
Is your topic new or broad-ranging?
If your topic is new or broad-ranging, we recommend using a multidisciplinary database to find research publications from across different disciplines. When you work in a new area, there may not be enough research in your field to help guide you. A multidisciplinary database will allow you to find relevant research publications from other fields.
- Web of science--all databasesFind research publications from the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.
- ScopusFind research publications from the physical sciences, health sciences, life sciences, and social sciences.
- ProQuest. Research libraryFind research publications from a wide range of subject areas, including: business, education, literature, political science, and psychology.
Is your topic well-researched or specialized?
If your topic is well-researched or specialized, we recommend using a discipline-specific database. When you work in an area that is well established, there will be a plethora of relevant research available. A discipline-specific database will allow you to focus in on that research and not become overwhelmed or distracted by other content.
- Engineering villageFind research publications from across all major engineering disciplines.
- MRS Online Proceedings LibraryFind peer-reviewed papers presented at meetings of the Materials Research Society
- SciFinderFind research publications on topics in chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, materials science, nanotechnology, physics, environmental science and other science and engineering disciplines. SciFinder is searchable by topic, author, substance name, CAS Registry Number, chemical structures, substructure, or reaction. (Please note that you will need to register with SciFinder before using this tool).
Engineering Librarian for Research & Teaching Support
- Last Updated: Sep 25, 2024 10:57 AM
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