Science and engineering mobile apps: Structure drawing
Structure drawing
The ChemDoodle Web Components (CWC) library is a pure JavaScript chemical graphics and cheminformatics library derived from the ChemDoodle® application and produced by iChemLabs. The Help page contains a thorough help guide. Also available: mobile version. By iChem labs.
ChemDrawCloud provides cloud storage and ChemDraw chemical sketching capabilities to chemists regardless of operating system or browser. ChemDraw Cloud is included with Stanford's site license for ChemDraw Professional and ChemOffice Professional v16. By Perkin Elmer.
ChemWriter is a new system for displaying and editing chemical structures using standard web technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. ChemWriter is also an ergonomic chemical structure editor that can be used in both Web pages and on mobile devices. By Metamolecular, LLC.
iSpartan is a versatile app for molecular modeling on the iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. The app allows any chemist fast and easy access to computational methods that have proven reliable for a large range of molecules. By Wavefunction, Inc.
JSDraw a chemical structure drawing tool, built on pure javascript, supporting all platforms including iPad and iPhone. Mobile-friendly web interface. By Scilligence.
Mobile molecular datasheet (MMDS) provides a way to view and edit chemical structure diagrams. The unique and innovative sketcher is optimized for the touchscreen interface, and allows professional quality molecular structures to be drawn quickly and efficiently. By Molecular Materials Informatics, Inc.
MolPrime is a chemical structure drawing tool based on the unique sketcher from the Mobile Molecular DataSheet (MMDS). By Molecular Materials Informatics, Inc.
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- Last Updated: Nov 6, 2024 8:00 AM
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