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Mali News and Newspapers, Mali Actualités Online: Mali News and Newspapers, Mali Actualités Online

News sources for Mali - newspapers, radio, television.

Mali News and Newspapers

In French. Politics, economy, society, culture, sport, society, security, commentary, etc.
In French. Older news. Published by the Weblogy Group Ltd. Has ads from your search history.

Actu Globe
In French. Society, politics, education, security, economy, health.

In French. Current Mali news. Early pioneer of the internet in Mali from the late 1990s. Part of a directory of information and web sites on Mali, based in Bamako, Mali.

Agence Malienne de Presse (Bamako)
In French. Government press agency. - Mali News
Current news from African and U.N. sources. From the long-time publisher of the former Africa News print newletter.

All Eyes on Wagner
"a project focusing on Wagner mercenaries: tracking their activities and verifying claims of human rights and economic abuses. We rely on open source information and witnesses accounts/leads sent to us which are collected, archived and verified."  Some funds from the Open Society Foundation.

In French. Politics,the security situation in the North, economy, sports, etc.

BBC - Mali News

In French. Site exposes fake news, scam sites such as "OpenAI Mali". Articles about young business people, Mali culture.  Facebook page.

Bridges from Bamako
Blog by Bruce Whitehouse, a former Peace Corps Volunteer residing in Bamako, Mali.

Depeches du Mali
In French. Politics, economics, culture, science, tech, sports.

Deutsche Welle (DW) - Mali News
In English. Current news. DW is funded by Germany's taxes.

L'Essor (Bamako)
In French. Daily and weekly government newspaper. Published by Agence Malienne de Presse et de Publicité.

Express du Mali
In French. Independent. Politics, society, environment, security, etc.

In French. Economy, politics, society, healthl, science & tech, sports, etc.

France24 - Mali News
In English.

Info-Mali - Radio Kledu
In French. Politics, sports, health, etc. Has Mali government communiques. Includes a Bamako radio station, Radio Kledu (in French and Bambara).

Info-Matin (Bamako)
In French. Daily newspaper. Has a selection of articles.

Le Jalon
In French. "créé par un collectif de journalistes maliens en janvier 2020" Has the MailCheck section to expose fake news.  Politics, health, success stories, TV programs. Support from Organisation internationale de la Francophonie, the U.S. Embassy in Bamako, Mali, and the non-profit, Internews (Arcata, California). Based in Bamako, Mali. [KF]

Journal du Mali
In French. Current news, government press releases, economy, sports, commentary, culture, health, etc.

In French. Older news. Politics, economy, security, society, people.

Mali Tribune - Facebook Page
In French. Bi-weekly newspaper.

In French. Politics, Government information, society, New book announcements. Said to be pro-Russian. Includes ORTM Mali TV and some Mali radio stations (in French). Based in Bamako, Mali.

In French. Politics, society, economy, culture, etc.

Le Malien
In French. Recent and older news. Economy, politics, technology, sports.

In French. Older news. Sports, politics, society, security,people, video news. Edité par la société Malivox Médias et Services SARL
In French. Current news from Mali newspapers. Videos.

Le Monde Diplomatique (Paris)
In French. - Mali Newspapers
In  French. Pay to read Mali newspapers. Has L'Aube, Essor, Reporter Hebdo, Republicain, Echos, Echos Hebdo.

New Humanitarian - Mali News
Older news on conflicts, foreign relations, health, etc. Independent, non-profit news organization (formerly IRIN News) founded by the United Nations in 1995. Funded by governments and foundations.  [KF]

Notre Nation
In French. Politics, economy, environment, culture, sports, technology, science, health, education.

Office de Radio-Télévision du Mali (Bamako)
In French. National Mali broadcaster. Has official communiques.

Le Républicain
In French. Some news articles on the Afribone site. Pay to read Republicain on the web site. 

La Réussite Mali
In French. "journal de l’Entreprise et de l’Ecole malienne." Some news articles on Afribone. Based in Bamako, Mali.

RFI - Mali News
In French. Radio France Internationale is a French news public radio station.

Sahara Media
In Arabic and French. Current news, commentary, interviews, etc. Includes Mali news. Subscribe to their free newsletter. Has an FM radio station (in Arabic).

Studio Tamani (Bamako)
Daily radio programs, in (French, Bambara, Peulh, Tamasheq, Sonrhaï). An issues discussion program, "Le Grand Dialogue. Created by the Swiss organization, Fondation Hirondelle,  in partnership with URTEL (Union of Free Radios and Televisions of Mali). Themes - poltics, human rights, elections, fact checking, etc. Magazines on youth, women, traditional leaders, the environment, economy, child rights, health, craftswomen, social security.

United Nations, ReliefWeb
Maintained by the UN Dept. of Humanitarian Affairs.

VOA, Voice of America - Mali News
U.S. Government owned.