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PWR 1KA: Rhetoric of Innovation: Transformations and Missed Opportunities: Discovering articles and e-books in SearchWorks Articles+

A library research guide for PWR 1KA: The Rhetoric of Innovation: Transformations and Missed Opportunities

Find articles and e-books in Searchworks Articles+

Navigate to Searchworks Articles+

You can use SearchWorks Articles+ to find articles. Navigate to the Articles+ webpage from the main SearchWorks page from the submenu under “Catalog".

SearchWorks screenshot highlighting the catalog submenu with the option to navigate to the articles+ webpage.

Refine your search results

Articles+ search results include articles from magazines, newspapers, academic journals, and much more. You have several options to refine your search results, such as resource type, topic, date, language, etc. Use the menus under “Refine your results" to explore the different options.

Articles+ webpage screenshot showing the expanded submenu option “Source type" under “Refine your results”.

Search for a known citation

SearchWorks Articles+ is particularly good for finding articles where you already know the citation.

You can search for an known article by title (using quotes is more efficient). Type the title of the article in the search box. You can select "Article title" from the search options. You can also choose to search "all fields" and put more information, such as author and journal title.

Articles + webpage screenshot showing entering the title of an article in the title field of Searchworks Articles+

Wepage screenshot of Article+ results from a search for a known title.

Search settings

There are 2 check boxes for search settings,

  • If you check the box to limit your results to scholarly & peer reviewed you will only get scholarly article results. You may want to see magazine and newspaper results; in that case you want to uncheck that box. 
  • If you check the box for Direct access to full text you will not see results that you could get another way, which you will be able to see using the Find fullt text or request option that is part of the article record.

screenshot showing the "Direct access to fulltext"  box to uncheck, and highlighting the "Find Fulltext or request" link.

Find it @ Stanford page

If the article record has a "find full text or request" link, that link will take you to the Find it @ Stanford webpage. There you will see the options for getting full text. One of the options is "Request from Stanford interlibrary service providers". A request form will open up with all the citation information filled in.

Wepage screenshot of the "Find it" page for an article that was not available in full text.