Indigenous peoples and education: Background information
"This guide is for those interested in the education of indigenous peoples, including Native Americans."
Background information
Handbook of research on teachers of color and indigenous teachers by Conra D. Gist; Travis J. Bristol
Publication Date: 2022"A first of its kind, the Handbook of Research on Teachers of Color and Indigenous Teachers addresses key issues and obstacles to ethnoracial diversity across the life course of teachers careers, such as recruitment and retention, professional development, and the role of minority-serving institutions. Including chapters from leading researchers and policy makers, the Handbook is designed to be an important resource to help bridge the gap between scholars, practitioners, and policy makers. In doing so, this research will serve as a launching pad for discussion and change at this critical moment in our country's history."Handbook of indigenous education by Elizabeth Ann McKinley (Ed.); Linda Tuhiwai Smith (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2019This book is a state-of-the-art reference work that defines and frames the state of thinking, research and practice in indigenous education. The book provides an authoritative overview of the subject in one text. The work sits within the context of The UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples that states "Indigenous peoples have the right to the dignity and diversity of their cultures, traditions, histories and aspirations which shall be appropriately reflected in education" (Article 14.1).Routledge handbook of indigenous wellbeing by Christopher Fleming (Ed.); Matthew Manning (Ed.); Adrian Miller (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2019The Routledge Handbook of Indigenous Wellbeing consists of five themes, namely, physical, social and emotional, economic, cultural and spiritual, and subjective wellbeing. It fills a substantial gap in the current literature on the wellbeing of Indigenous people and communities around the world. This handbook sheds new light on understanding Indigenous wellbeing and its determinants, and aids in the development and implementation of more appropriate policies, as better evidence-informed policymaking will lead to better outcomes for Indigenous populations.Handbook of research on social, cultural, and educational considerations of indigenous knowledge in developing countries by Patrick Ngulube (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2017The Handbook of Research on Social, Cultural, and Educational Considerations of Indigenous Knowledge in Developing Countries is a source for scholarly research on the importance of knowledge and value systems at the community level and ways indigenous people utilize this information, highlighting impacts on culture and education in developing nations.State of the world's Indigenous Peoples : education by United Nations Publications
Publication Date: 2017At its first session, the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) requested the United Nations System to produce a report on the state of the world's indigenous peoples (SOWIP). The first edition covered all six thematic areas of the Forum's mandate (Economic and social development, Culture, Environment, Education, Health and Human rights. The second edition focused on Indigenous Peoples' Access to Health Services. This third edition of SOWIP provides a comprehensive overview of the current achievements and challenges facing indigenous peoples centred on the theme of education.
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