Higher education: Recent e-books
This guide is for those interested in higher education, both research and practice.
Recent e-books
Tracing the impact of first-year writing: identity, process, and transfer at a public university by Laura Wilder
Publication Date: 2024Tracing the Impact of First-Year Writing presents the results of a large-scale longitudinal study of college writers that explores the impact of a required first-year writing course with a comparative approach not previously available. Over five years Laura Wilder conducted 143 interviews with, and collected 774 pages of writing from, 58 students, half of whom had taken a new first-year writing course and half who had not. Wilder found that while in many ways the experiences of both groups are comparable--demonstrating how students receive valuable educations in rhetoric and writing from a variety of sources beyond a first-year writing course--students who took the first-year writing course were much more likely to identify as writers.Managing innovation inside universities: systematic change for research, service and learning by Randolph Hall
Publication Date: 2024This book offers guidance on capturing the creative forces of the faculty, staff and students at universities. Given their unique and central role in America and the world, it examines how university research, learning and service can be integrated to address the needs of society as it is both enabled and changed by technology. In turn, the book assesses the challenges and opportunities for universities to be more successful and impactful through innovation, viewing universities as integrated systems.Inaccessible access: rethinking disability inclusion in academic knowledge creation by Kelly Fagan Robinson (Ed.); Mark T. Carew (Ed.); Nora Ellen Groce (Ed.); Indigo Ayling (Ill.); Michele Friedner (Afterword); Carol Rivas; Julia F. Sauma; Julia K. Modern; Valéria Aydos; Harshadha Balasubramanian; Rebekah Cupitt; Sara M. Acevedo; Sumi Colligan; Valerie Black; Nell A. Koneczny; Erin L. Durban; Krisjon Olson; Mark R. Bookman
Publication Date: 2025Inaccessible Access ethnographically addresses barriers to inclusion within knowledge-making. It focuses on the social, environmental, communicative, and epistemological barriers that people with disabilities confront and embody throughout the course of their learning and living and in the specific context of their higher education institutions and in research. It is presented by a neurodiverse, disabled, and non-cis cohort of authors, all of whom acknowledge a continuum of (in)access that is available to each contributor contingent on their inherent intersectionalities and alterities.Networks of trust: the social costs of college and what we can do about them by Anthony Simon Laden
Publication Date: 2024Higher education is a familiar battlefield in today's culture wars. The right accuses colleges and universities of indoctrinating conservative students with liberal values; the left, with failing to be sufficiently inclusive. The anxieties expressed on both sides of the political spectrum have much in common, however, and they are triggered not by colleges' failures but by their successes.Yet another costume party debacle: why racial ignorance persists on elite college campuses by Ingrid A. Nelson
Publication Date: 2024Drawing on interviews and archival research, Yet Another Costume Party Debacle shows us how colleges both contest and reproduce racialized systems of power. Sociologist Ingrid A. Nelson juxtaposes how students and administrators discuss race with how they behave in the aftermath of racially charged campus controversies.Polarized by degrees: how the diploma divide and the culture war transformed American politics by Matt Grossmann; David A. Hopkins
Publication Date: 2024Over the past several decades, American society has experienced fundamental changes - from shifting relations between social groups and evolving language and behavior norms to the increasing value of a college degree. These transformations have polarized the nation's political climate and ignited a perpetual culture war.A forgotten migration: Black Southerners, segregation scholarships, and the debt owed to public HBCUs [digital] by Crystal R. Sanders
Publication Date: 2024A Forgotten Migration tells the little-known story of "segregation scholarships" awarded by states in the US South to Black students seeking graduate education in the pre-Brown v. Board of Education era. Under the Plessy v. Ferguson decision, decades earlier, southern states could provide graduate opportunities for African Americans by creating separate but equal graduate programs at tax-supported Black colleges or by admitting Black students to historically white institutions. Most did neither and instead paid to send Black students out of state for graduate education. Crystal R. Sanders examines Black graduate students who relocated to the North, Midwest, and West to continue their education with segregation scholarships, revealing the many challenges they faced along the way.Factors impacting student well-being and coping tactics by Peter Jo Aloka (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Factors Impacting Student Well-Being and Coping Tactics presents a comprehensive analysis of the factors influencing mental, emotional, and social health in higher education settings. This book explores the intrinsic and extrinsic elements shaping student well-being through meticulously curated chapters, from risk factors to protective mechanisms. By offering evidence-based strategies and practical recommendations, the book empowers academics, administrators, and counselors to proactively address students' challenges and foster a supportive environment conducive to personal and scholarly growth.Learning to lead: undocumented students mobilizing education by Jennifer R. Nájera
Publication Date: 2024In Learning to Lead, Jennifer R. Nájera explores the intersections of education and activism among undocumented students at the University of California, Riverside. Taking an expansive view of education, Nájera shows how students' experiences in college--both in and out of the classroom--can affect their activism and advocacy work. Students learn from their families, communities, peers, and student and political organizations. In these different spaces, they learn how to navigate community and college life as undocumented people.Sharing the legacy and narrative leadership experiences of black women in education by Ashley N. Storman (Ed.); Destiny Reddick (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Sharing the Legacy and Narrative Leadership Experiences of Black Women in Education invites readers to step into the shoes of black women as leaders in academia and education, providing an authentic and raw glimpse into their experiences. The book challenges societal workplace expectations and attempts to reshape conversations around how intersectionality cross-connects with diversity, equity, and inclusion. By intertwining powerful storytelling with compelling research, it seeks to dismantle the barriers that have hindered the progress of black women with a focus on offering relevant theoretical frameworks and the latest academic research.Transdisciplinary approaches to learning outcomes in higher education by Rajendra Kumar (Ed.); Eng Tek Ong (Ed.); Subuh Anggoro (Ed.); Tin Lam Toh (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024The isolated nature of academic disciplines restricts the potential for collaborative problem-solving and innovative approaches to teaching and learning. This fragmentation limits the effectiveness of educational outcomes and fails to prepare students for the multidimensional demands of the modern world. To address this pressing issue, Transdisciplinary Approaches to Learning Outcomes in Higher Education provides a comprehensive framework for transdisciplinary research in higher education. This book offers a systematic approach to transdisciplinary research and equips researchers, educators, and policymakers with the tools needed to break down disciplinary barriers and foster interdisciplinary collaboration.Robot-proof: higher education in the age of artificial intelligence by Joseph E. Aoun
Publication Date: 2024In 2017, Robot-Proof, the first edition, foresaw the advent of the AI economy and called for a new model of higher education designed to help human beings flourish alongside smart machines. That economy has arrived. Creative tasks that, seven years ago, seemed resistant to automation can now be performed with a simple prompt. As a result, we must now learn not only to be conversant with these technologies, but also to comprehend and deploy their outputs. In this revised and updated edition, Joseph Aoun rethinks the university's mission for a world transformed by AI, advocating for the lifelong endeavor of a "robot-proof" education. Aoun puts forth a framework for a new curriculum, humanics, which integrates technological, data, and human literacies in an experiential setting, and he renews the call for universities to embrace lifelong learning through a social compact with government, employers, and learners themselves.Higher admissions: the rise, decline, and return of standardized testing by Marvin Krislov; Prudence Carter; Nicholas Lemann; Patricia Gándara
Publication Date: 2024"The widespread adoption of the test accompanied the development of the world’s first mass higher education system—and served to promote the idea that the United States was becoming a “meritocracy” in which admission to selective higher education institutions would be granted to those who most deserved it. In Higher Admissions, Nicholas Lemann reflects on the state of America’s aspirational meritocracy and the enduring value and meaning of standardized testing."Class dismissed: when colleges ignore inequality and students pay the price by Anthony Abraham Jack
Publication Date: 2024Elite colleges are boasting unprecedented numbers with respect to diversity, with some schools admitting their first majority-minority classes. But when the twin pandemics of COVID-19 and racial unrest gripped the world, schools scrambled to figure out what to do with the diversity they so fervently recruited. And disadvantaged students suffered. Class Dismissed exposes how woefully unprepared colleges were to support these students and shares their stories of how they were left to weather the storm alone and unprotected.Degrees of risk: navigating insecurity and inequality in public higher education by Blake R. Silver
Publication Date: 2024An ethnographic analysis of how insecurity is at the heart of contemporary higher education. Institutions of higher education are often described as "ivory towers," places of privilege where students exist in a "campus bubble," insulated from the trials of the outside world. These metaphors reveal a widespread belief that college provides young people with stability and keeps insecurity at bay. But for many students, that's simply not the case. Degrees of Risk reveals how insecurity permeates every facet of college life for students at public universities.A just future: getting from diversity and inclusion to equity and justice in higher education by Nimisha Barton
Publication Date: 2024A Just Future addresses the precarious future of American higher education and diversity and inclusion initiatives along with it. From a global pandemic to a national reckoning with anti-Blackness, the 2020 historical conjuncture brutally revealed the impact of structural inequalities on historically marginalized communities and galvanized college students, diversity officers, and educators on a scale not seen since the 1960s. In so doing, it exposed the unfinished business of the civil rights era and the limits of diversity and inclusion reforms. Barton draws on abolitionist frameworks of social change to provide a bold, comprehensive guide to abolitionism in education, not only for diversity, equity, and inclusion practitioners but also higher education leaders and faculty.Rebuilding support for higher education: practical strategies for principled leaders by Paul L. Gaston
Publication Date: 2025Once closely associated with the common good, higher education is now regarded principally as a benefit for individuals. As a consequence, support for colleges and universities has declined dramatically over the past 50 years, having serious implications for both public and private institutions. After summarizing the erosion of public funding, acknowledging examples of "self-inflicted damage," and proposing tactics for improvement, this book suggests how to engage natural allies and advocates of higher education, describes three key priorities that every higher education leader should pursue, and emphasizes the importance of maintaining rigorous and conspicuous transparency.
Academic integrity in the age of artificial intelligence by Saadia Mahmud (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Academic Integrity in the Age of Artificial Intelligence takes a panoramic view, transcending academia to explore the reverberations of AI ethics across industries. As medicine and the arts also grapple with the AI conundrum, the ramifications of academic integrity stretch far beyond lecture halls and research labs.Advancing student employability through higher education by Bryan Christiansen (Ed.); Angela M. Even (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Higher education, traditionally responsible for developing personnel, struggles to bridge the mismatch between the skills taught in academia and those demanded by employers. From fundamental communication skills to advanced problem-solving and collaborative thinking abilities, the deficiencies hinder organizations in an era of heightened competition. Advancing Student Employability Through Higher Education offers a comprehensive solution to address this critical deficiency.AI approaches to literacy in higher education by Oscar Oliver Eybers (Ed.); Alan Muller (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024AI Approaches to Literacy in Higher Education delves into the synergies between advanced technology and the cultivation of literacy skills, illuminating innovative methodologies and applications that redefine educational paradigms. This book is a comprehensive analysis of AI's potential to elevate literacy among higher education students. The book strategically integrates research studies, case analyses, and theoretical perspectives to construct a nuanced understanding of AI's role in shaping literacy outcomes.Attacking the elites: what critics get wrong--and right--about America's leading universities by Derek Bok
Publication Date: 2024Drawing on over fifty years of experience as a student, professor, dean, and president of Harvard University, Derek Bok examines the current disputes involving admissions, diversity, academic freedom and political correctness, curriculum and teaching, and even athletics in order to determine which complaints are unsubstantiated, which are valid, and how elite universities can best respond to their critics.Autoethnographic tactics to closing the gap on educational attainment by Anika Chanell Thrower (Ed.); Alex Evangelista (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Through their work, the co-editors are committed to promoting access to higher education and improving outcomes for marginalized populations. This essential resource is designed for scholars interested in promoting cultural awareness, equity, and diversity in higher education institutions, and it provides must-read perspectives for instructors teaching stress management courses, diversity and inclusion departments, campus sustainability departments, and others. This book offers a detailed analysis of the enrollment crisis, strategies to address its many sources, and is an important contribution to the ongoing conversation about equity and access in higher education.Brain research and learning theory: implications to improve student learning and engagement by Perry R. Rettig; Toni M. Bailey
Publication Date: 2024Virtually anyone who has attended college can attest to poor teaching approaches by very bright professors. Professors simply are not trained or taught how to best teach their content. They are not aware of learning theories, brain research, pedagogy and andragogy. They teach the way they were taught--their mimetic isomorphism.Not only will this book share insights from all these areas, but it will also help professors prepare syllabi, create curriculum, prepare lesson plans, create assignments, and develop assessments with these concepts in mind.Capital of mind: the idea of a modern American university by Adam R. Nelson
Publication Date: 2024Capital of Mind is the second volume in a breathtakingly ambitious new economic history of American higher education. Picking up from the first volume, Exchange of Ideas, Adam R. Nelson looks at the early decades of the nineteenth century, explaining how the idea of the modern university arose from a set of institutional and ideological reforms designed to foster the mass production and mass consumption of knowledge.Career journeys of diverse leaders in higher education: climbing the rough side of the mountain by George R. Blumenthal; Josefina Castillo Baltodano; Ding-Jo H. Currie
Publication Date: 2024This book provides a study of diverse leadership development through the extraordinary journeys of ten retired presidents and chancellors who have left an indelible impact on higher education.Career narratives and academic womanhood: in the spaces provided by Lisa Ortiz-Vilarelle
Publication Date: 2024"Career Narratives and Academic Womanhood is a collection of essays in which life writing scholars theorize their early-career, mid-career, and late-career experiences with the documents that shape their professional lives as women: the institutional auto/biography of employment letters, curriculum vitae, tenure portfolios, promotion applications, publication and conference bios, academic website profiles, and other self-authored narratives required by institutions to compete for opportunities and resources."City of intellect: the uses and abuses of the university by Nicholas B. Dirks
Publication Date: 2024During his four years as the tenth Chancellor of Berkeley (2013-17), Nicholas B. Dirks was confronted by crises arguably more challenging than those faced by any other college administrator in the contemporary period. This thoughtfully candid book, emerging from deep reflection on his turbulent time in office, offers not just a gripping insider's account of the febrile politics of his time as Berkeley's leader, but also decades of nuanced reflection on the university's true meaning (at its best, to be an aspirational 'city of intellect').Creating space for ourselves as minoritized and marginalized faculty: narratives that humanize the academy by edited by Claudia García-Louis, Sonja Ardoin, Tricia R. Shalka, Keon M. McGuire, and Eugene T. Parker III
Publication Date: 2024Creating Space for Ourselves as Minoritized and Marginalized Faculty moves away from conventional faculty success books by providing early career faculty with innovative perspectives about successfully navigating the professoriate, while humanizing their lived experiences and naming the unspoken. Through the use of interdisciplinary methods, such as creative artistic expression, testimonios, and personal narratives, chapter authors share experiences learned about surviving, thriving, navigating, and succeeding as early career underrepresented and marginalized faculty.A cross-cultural examination of women in higher education and the workplace by Abu-Lughod (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024A Cross-Cultural Examination of Women in Higher Education and the Workplace delves deep into this global movement, comprehensively exploring the multifaceted challenges and triumphs women face as they navigate the intricate tapestry of higher education and professional environments. This book weaves together insights from diverse fields such as social stratification, women's studies, race and ethnic studies, public policy, and ethics.Debunking the grit narrative in higher education: drawing on the strengths of African American, Asian American, Pacific Islander, Latinx, and Native American students by Angela M. Locks; Rocío Mendoza; Deborah Faye Carter
Publication Date: 2024Debunking the Grit Narrative in Higher Education examines pressing structural issues currently impacting African American, Asian American, Pacific Islander, Latinx, and Native American students accessing college and succeeding in U.S. postsecondary environments.Delivering promise: equity-driven educational change and innovation in community and technical colleges by Xueli Wang
Publication Date: 2024In Delivering Promise, award-winning scholar of higher education Xueli Wang tells a story of educational change and innovation that has and continues to occur at countless campuses of community and technical colleges. Wang weaves together a careful account of how faculty, staff, administrators, institutional researchers, and college leaders rapidly adjusted to crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic, while grappling with a new or renewed commitment to centering equity in their work.Design and implementation of higher education learners' learning outcomes (HELLO) by Kuntal Barua (Ed.); Neyara Radwan Mohammed Hassan (Ed.); Virendra Singh (Ed.); Ronnie Figueiredo (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024The Higher Education Learners' Learning Outcomes (HELLO) project offers a comprehensive solution to the challenge of creating comparative metrics of learning outcomes that are valid across various cultures, languages, and higher education institution types. Traditional methods of assessing learning outcomes in higher education have limited institutions' abilities to compare student performance to that of their peers, hindering efforts to improve teaching practices and enhance student learning. This project creates learning outcome measures that are culturally and linguistically appropriate for different types of higher education institutions, enabling institutions to compare student performance to that of their peers as part of efforts to improve teaching practices and enhance student learning.Designing personalized learning experiences: a framework for higher education and workforce training by Helen Fake; Nada Dabbagh
Publication Date: 2024This book offers practical strategies on how to design and implement effective personalized learning interventions, advance learning and engagement, encourage ownership over the learning process, and decrease attrition. Professionals in instructional design, learning and development, organizational development, consultancies, and beyond will be emboldened by the work to leverage a mix of technology-enabled social and content interactions.The development of personal learning environments in higher education: promoting culturally responsive teaching and learner autonomy by edited by Yilin Sun and Xiaoshu Xu
Publication Date: 2024This book offers forward-thinking insights into the variety of student-centered learning interactions, particularly culturally and linguistically responsive pedagogies, that can be integrated into PLEs. Attending to quality assessment rubrics, the nuances of stakeholders’ needs, and theoretically sound frameworks, these cross-cultural, interdisciplinary chapters explore how leaders, instructors, technologists, and learners can form a precise yet flexible ecosystem to fully realize PLEs in which co-created, intercultural narratives yield rich, relevant digital learning experiences.Diverse experiences of Latinas in higher education: chingonas on their own terms by Rocío D. Hernández (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024By sharing the collective experiences of Latinas in Higher Education, this book provides a diverse range of empowering testimonios from Chingonas living on their own terms, who are defining professionalism for themselves. Chingona means "badass" and is a term that has been reappropriated by Latinas as an expression of empowerment both inside and outside of education. This anthology is a collection of twelve voices, representative of the experiences of empowered Chingonas across various roles in higher education who identify as Latinas.Emancipatory human rights and the university: promoting social justice in higher education by Felisa Tibbitts (Ed.); André Keet (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024"This volume explores the application of human rights to higher education through a critical lens. Combining theoretical and applied perspectives, it asks what a human rights framework grounded in liberation and justice can offer to ways of working and teaching practices in higher education."Empowering students and elevating universities with innovation centers by Giuseppe Cantafio (Ed.); Afzal Sayed Munna (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024As educational institutions strive to prepare students for an unpredictable future, traditional models of teaching and learning face obsolescence. The digital age demands a large shift in educational approaches, necessitating creative solutions to equip students with the skills required to navigate an era defined by rapid technological advancements and societal complexities. It is within this context that Empowering Students and Elevating Universities With Innovation Centers unfolds, offering a detailed exploration into the pivotal role of innovation centers in reshaping the educational narrative.Empowering teams in higher education: strategies for success by Tashieka Simone Burris-Melville; Shalieka Tiffia Burris; Kristin Bledsoe
Publication Date: 2024In higher education, students often graduate without the necessary teamwork skills, leaving them unprepared for the demands of the modern workplace. Empowering Teams in Higher Education: Strategies for Success addresses these challenges head-on, offering a practical guide for improving teamwork and creating a collaborative learning environment. By providing insights, strategies, and real-world examples, this book equips students and educators alike with the tools they need to succeed.Engaging higher education teachers and students with transnational leadership by Gareth Richard Morris (Ed.); Shayna Kozuch (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Engaging Higher Education Teachers and Students With Transnational Leadership provides a comprehensive roadmap for navigating the future of higher education from a leadership and management perspective. Drawing on real-world examples and concrete advice, it offers insights into critical topics such as employee wellbeing, AI, digital transformation, and student engagement. The book equips leaders and managers with the tools they need to adapt and thrive in uncertainty by exploring new education models, institutional governance, and the impact of new technologies.Enhancing curricula with service learning models by Sharon Valarmathi (Ed.); Jacqueline Kareem (Ed.); Veerta Tantia (Ed.); Kishore Selva Babu (Ed.); Patrick Jude Lucas (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Enhancing Curricula with Service Learning Models provides a comprehensive blend of theoretical frameworks, practical experimentation, and real-world examples to guide educators, administrators, and policymakers in fostering profound student engagement. It emphasizes the role of emerging educational paradigms, like service-learning, in instilling a sense of civic duty and purpose in students. By enriching the educational dialogue with an emphasis on the pivotal role of student engagement in creating transformative and purposeful learning experiences, this book empowers educators and institutions to create impactful and sustainable programs.Enhancing higher education and research with OpenAI models by Şirvan Şen Demir Demir (Ed.); Mahmut Demir (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Enhancing Higher Education and Research With OpenAI Models explores the intersection of artificial intelligence and higher education, focusing on the social sciences. A collaborative team of academics and AI expert's analyses aims to illuminate the transformative potential of integrating AI technologies into traditional educational settings. The book unravels the rich tapestry of the history of higher education in the social sciences, tracing the evolution from conventional blackboards to the modern digital landscape. It meticulously examines the increasing integration of technology in classrooms. It sets the stage for the impact of AI-driven tools and data analytics on pedagogy, personalized learning experiences, and broader access to education.Enhancing inclusive instruction: student perspectives and practical approaches for advancing equity in higher education by Tracie Marcella Addy; Derek Dube; Khadijah A. Mitchell
Publication Date: 2024The book centers the voices of students of diverse backgrounds to explore how instructors can approach equitable, inclusive teaching. Modeling the importance of continuous growth, it provides the knowledge and skills to further any college instructor's inclusive teaching journey.Evaluating global accreditation standards for higher education by Arshi Naim (Ed.); Alok Saklani (Ed.); Shad Ahmad Khan (Ed.); Praveen Kumar Malik (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Evaluating Global Accreditation Standards for Higher Education, is a comprehensive guide for overcoming the modern accreditation conundrum. This invaluable resource equips academic scholars and professionals with the tools and knowledge they need to successfully navigate the accreditation process at both local and international levels. From program criteria and curriculum development to faculty professional development and alumni engagement, this book offers a roadmap to excellence.Facilitating global collaboration and knowledge sharing in higher education with generative AI by Poshan Yu (Ed.); James Mulli (Ed.); Zain Ali Shah Syed (Ed.); Laila Umme (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Facilitating Global Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing in Higher Education With Generative AI delves into the promising prospects and challenges of applying generative AI in education while employing a critical interdisciplinary perspective. The book offers comprehensive insights into the transformative effects of generative AI on teaching, learning, and research. However, the application of generative AI in education also brings ethical, pedagogical, and technical challenges to the forefront.Faculty learning communities: working towards a more equitable, just, and antiracist future in higher education by Kristin N. Rainville (Ed.); David G. Title (Ed.); Cynthia G. Desrochers (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024"This edited book on Faculty Learning Communities (FLCs) provides and explores powerful examples of FLCs as a impactful form of professional learning for faculty in higher education. The chapters describe faculty learning community initiatives focused on diversity, equity, and belonging in higher education. "Global perspectives on decolonizing postgraduate education by Mishack Thiza Gumbo (Ed.); Michael Gaotlhobogwe (Ed.); Constantino Pedzisai (Ed.); Zingiswa Mybert Monica (Ed.); Christopher B. Knaus (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Global Perspectives on Decolonizing Postgraduate Education serves as a compelling solution to the problem at hand. It offers a comprehensive roadmap to decolonize postgraduate education, infusing it with indigenous approaches, paradigms, theories, and methods. Through critical examination and practical strategies, this book empowers academics, curriculum designers, and postgraduate students to embark on a transformative journey. Through this book, readers will gain the tools and insights needed to critically assess Western-oriented postgraduate education.Grad school life: surviving and thriving beyond coursework and research by Jacqueline M. Kory-Westlund
Publication Date: 2024Grad school isn't easy. It's even less easy when you're also managing a second job, a family, or depression--or when you are a first-generation student, or if you come from an underrepresented group or a lower socioeconomic-status background. That's where this book comes in. It will help you keep up a personal life, make the most of your time, and prepare for your career--whether in academia or beyond. This pragmatic book explains how to persevere through the grad school long haul, covering challenges both on and off campus.HBCU: the power of historically Black colleges and universities by Marybeth Gasman; Levon T. Esters
Publication Date: 2024Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) play a pivotal role in promoting social and economic mobility for African Americans and in mentoring the next generation of Black leaders. In HBCU, Marybeth Gasman and Levon T. Esters explore the remarkable impact and contributions of these significant institutions.Her truth and service: Lucy Diggs Slowe in her own words by Lucy Diggs Slowe; Amy Yeboah Quarkume (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Lucy Diggs Slowe (1885-1937) was one of the most remarkable and accomplished figures in the history of Black women's higher education. She was a builder of institutions, organizing the first historically Black sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha, while a student at Howard University in 1908; establishing the first junior high school for Black students in Washington, D.C.; and founding as well as leading other major national and community organizations. In 1922 Slowe was appointed the first Dean of Women at Howard, making her the first Black woman to serve as dean at any American university.Higher education and the carceral state: transforming together by Annie Buckley (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024"Higher Education and the Carceral State: Transforming Together explores the diversity of ways in which university faculty and students are intervening in the system of mass incarceration through the development of transformative arts and educational programs for students in correctional institutions."The impact of ChatGPT on higher education: exploring the AI revolution by Caroline Fell Kurban; Muhammed Sahin
Publication Date: 2024The Impact of ChatGPT on Higher Education takes you on a trailblazing journey into ChatGPT's transformative potential and the ethical considerations in higher education. Authored by experts at the forefront of educational transformation and technology's impact on learning, this book offers invaluable insights for educators, leaders, policymakers, and AI enthusiasts. Dive deep with the authors as they navigate from theory to practice, unravelling power dynamics, social structures, and ChatGPT's profound influence.Indebted mobilities: Indian youth, migration, and the internationalizing university by Susan Thomas
Publication Date: 2024Indebted Mobilities draws on Susan Thomas's close shadowing of a group of middle-class Indian migrant men who attended a public university in New York just as the institution sought to "internationalize" its campus in the wake of ongoing withdrawal of state funding. Thomas takes the reader along with the young men as they study, work, and socialize, pursuing the successful futures they believed to be promised when they migrated for an American education. All the while, they must face their marginalization as they become enmeshed in the fraught inclusion politics of contemporary university life in the United States. At the heart of these encounters is these students' relationship to debt--not just material ones that include student loans, but moral and affective debts as well.Innovative approaches to teaching and assessing teamwork in higher education: setting priorities, using evidence-informed practices, and avoiding pitfalls by Cynthia G. Campbell; Iryna Babik; R. Eric Landrum
Publication Date: 2024* offers a persuasive argument for the importance of teamwork in college courses. * presents innovative techniques grounded in the science of teamwork, along with multifaceted contemporary teamwork assessment methods for advancing and assessing teamwork skills in all disciplines.Is grad school for me?: demystifying the application process for first-gen BIPOC students by Yvette Martínez-Vu; Miroslava Chavez-Garcia
Publication Date: 2024Is Grad School for Me? is a calling card and a corrective to the lack of clear guidance for historically excluded students navigating the onerous undertaking of graduate school--starting with asking if grad school is even a good fit. This essential resource offers step-by-step instructions on how to maneuver the admissions process before, during, and after applying. Unlike other guides, Is Grad School for Me? takes an approach that is both culturally relevant and community based.Lifting the veil on enrollment management: how a powerful industry is limiting social mobility in American higher education by Stephen J. Burd (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024In Lifting the Veil on Enrollment Management, Stephen J. Burd brings together higher education journalists, researchers, and industry insiders to examine how this industry has evolved to shape US college admissions since its inception in the 1980s. Noting the inequities that have been caused or perpetuated by enrollment management strategies, the contributors offer specific recommendations and policy proposals to reduce the industry's influence and restore equitable access to education.A light in the tower: a new reckoning with mental health in higher education by Katie Rose Guest Pryal
Publication Date: 2024Written from the perspective of a bipolar-autistic professor, A Light in the Tower is both a bracing account of the mental health crisis in higher education and a passionate and informed proposal for how to teach with mental health in mind. Pryal contends that higher education's mental health crisis is the result of long-term systemic problems in education that demand nothing short of a revolution.Pedagogies of quiet: silence and social justice in the classroom by Monica Edwards
Publication Date: 2024Pedagogies of Quiet: Silence and Social Justice in the Classroom started with one teacher's frustration with a room full of quiet students and shifted into exploring why and how teachers can incorporate a quiet praxis into their classrooms. Mindful of students who have been historically silenced or ignored-LGBTQ students and introverted students-this book dives into the historical and theoretical forces that shape classroom participation.Perspectives on transforming higher education and the LGBTQIA student experience by Andrew Herridge (Ed.); Kaity Prieto (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Perspectives on Transforming Higher Education and the LGBTQIA Student Experience is a comprehensive academic exploration of the intricate world of LGBTQIA students in higher education. This book sheds light on the multifaceted challenges and complexities that LGBTQIA students face, transcending the boundaries of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, ability, and socio-economic class.Promoting crisis management and creative problem-solving skills in educational leadership by Afzal Sayed Munna (Ed.); Uzoechi Nwagbara (Ed.); Yahaya Alhassan (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024In the ever-evolving field of education, leaders face unprecedented challenges that require effective crisis management and creative problem-solving skills. However, there is a significant research gap in this area, with limited resources available to guide leaders in the post-pandemic world. To address this pressing issue, Promoting Crisis Management and Creative Problem-Solving Skills in Educational Leadership offers a comprehensive solution. This book, authored by renowned scholars and practitioners, provides a roadmap for reimagining educational leadership and equipping leaders with the necessary skills to thrive in challenging times.Promoting meaningful student-faculty experiences in graduate education by Eugene T. Parker, III (Ed.); Teniell L. Trolian (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Covers three salient and critical topics associated with student-faculty engagement for graduate and professional students: a) curriculum and teaching, b) identity and experiences, and c) graduate and professional student mentoring.Quotas: the "Jewish question" and higher education in Central Europe, 1880-1945 by Michael L. Miller (Ed.); Judith Szapor (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024In 1920, the Hungarian parliament introduced a Jewish quota for university admissions, making Hungary the first country in Europe to pass antisemitic legislation following World War I. Quotas explores the ideologies and practices of quota regimes and the ways quotas have been justified, implemented, challenged, and remembered from the late nineteenth century until the middle of the twentieth century.Radical university-district partnerships: a framework for preparing justice-focused school leaders by Jennifer Goldstein (Ed.); Nell Scharff Panero (Ed.); Maritza Lozano (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This inspirational book provides a concrete model of why university-district partnerships are essential to preparing justice-focused school leaders, and how these partnerships can thrive. Readers will find details of one such partnership, Leadership Education for Anaheim Districts (LEAD), which incorporated high-impact practices for equity, self-knowledge, and system change.Rebuilding higher education systems impacted by crises: navigating traumatic events, disasters, and more by Mustafa Kayyali (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024The 21st century has witnessed a rapid escalation in the frequency and severity of crises affecting higher education institutions. These crises span from the abrupt shift to online learning necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic to the enduring ramifications of climate change on campus infrastructure. Additional factors such as financial pressures, evolving demographics, and the ever-changing technological landscape further complicate the challenge. This book embarks on a deep exploration of these challenges and offers practical solutions, making it an indispensable resource for anyone vested in the future of higher education.Reshaping entrepreneurial education within an industry 4.0 context by Vannie Naidoo (Ed.); Rahul Verma (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Reshaping Entrepreneurial Education Within an Industry 4.0 Context sheds light on the barriers preventing widespread technological adoption and the profound changes that Industry 4.0 brings to education. As the fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0, continues to unfold, this book delves into how this phenomenon is reshaping the field of education. With an increasing number of tertiary education students around the world, the necessity for higher education institutions to undergo radical transformations driven by technological advancements is greater than ever before. This book presents a comprehensive analysis of how digital technology and capabilities are becoming integral to building more flexible and adaptive tertiary education systems in regions like Latin America and the Caribbean.Restructuring general education and core curricula requirements by Julie Tatlock (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Many faculty members find themselves at a crossroads where their influence on curriculum management is subject to fluctuation. Moreover, those dedicated to teaching core courses face a dwindling number of tenure-track positions. Restructuring General Education and Core Curricula Requirements is a groundbreaking book that emerges as the solution to these pressing challenges. This remarkable work serves as a beacon of hope in these turbulent times, offering a comprehensive exploration of the core curricula dilemma and paving the way for transformative change. It addresses the need for thoughtful reflection on the meaning of core curricula in the modern world, diving into its history, and presenting innovative solutions for institutions seeking to provide students with a rigorous and relevant core education.The right to learn: resisting the right-wing attack on academic freedom by Jennifer Ruth (Ed.); Valerie C. Johnson (Ed.); Ellen Schrecker (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024The Right to Learn speaks out fearlessly against the far right's decades-long war against intellectual freedom. This essential anthology outlines and contextualizes the culture wars' demonization of critical race theory, Ron DeSantis's "Don't Say Gay" law, and other hot-button issues. With an introduction that places the current crisis within the broader context of the ongoing attacks on American democracy, The Right to Learn features the testimony and analysis of activists, scholars, and attorneys with firsthand experience in the struggle against well-funded conservative groups' assaults on academic freedom.The role of generative AI in the communication classroom by Sanae Elmoudden (Ed.); Jason S. Wrench (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024The Role of Generative AI in the Communication Classroom delves into the multifaceted dimensions of AI, specifically focusing on OpenAI's revolutionary Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (Chat GPT) and its profound influence on the landscape of communication education. This book navigates the intersection of technology, education, and ethics, shedding light on the imperative need for a collaborative approach to shape AI's evolution.The shaping of American higher education: emergence and growth of the contemporary system by Carrie B. Kisker; Arthur M. Cohen
Publication Date: 2024Combining historical perspective with in-depth coverage of current events, The Shaping of American Higher Education offers an authoritative account of the past, present, and future of higher education in the United States. Readers will gain a thorough understanding of trends in student access and equity, faculty professionalization, curricular expansion, institutional growth, college administration and governance, public and private funding, outcomes, and accountability.Success in graduate school and beyond: a guide for STEM students and postdoctoral fellows by Nana Lee; Reinhart Reithmeier
Publication Date: 2024Success in Graduate School and Beyond is designed to empower graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in STEM with practical tools, tips, and skill development strategies to plan and create their dream career pathway. Intended as a professional development course book, this balanced, self-reflective guide to workplace readiness is organized into five sections that support graduate student development: self-reflection, wellness, skills, networking, and planning for future success.Teaching and confronting racial neoliberalism in higher education: autoethnographic explorations of the race studies classroom by Michelle D. Byng
Publication Date: 2024"This book examines the way in which professors must confront the social implications of racial neoliberalism. Drawing on autoethnographic research from the authors combined 100 years of teaching experience, it recognizes the need for faculty to negotiate their own experiences with race, as well as those of their students. It focuses on the experiential nature of teaching, supplementing the fields focus on pedagogy, and recognizes that professors must in fact highlight, rather than downplay, the realities of racial inequalities of the past and present."Teaching humanities with cultural responsiveness at HBCUs and HSIs by DuEwa M. Frazier (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This compelling book is a testament to the power of collective insight, a comprehensive response to the pressing need for transformative educational practices. It offers an array of research-driven solutions, bridging the gap between conventional teaching methods and the diverse, dynamic realities of HBCU and HSI classrooms. The book deftly explores topics such as teaching ESL and EFL students, integrating accommodations for disabilities, embracing hip-hop pedagogies, and fostering social justice education.To advance the race: Black women's higher education from the antebellum era to the 1960s by Linda M. Perkins
Publication Date: 2024From the United States' earliest days, African Americans considered education essential for their freedom and progress. Linda M. Perkins's study ranges across educational and geographical settings to tell the stories of Black women and girls as students, professors, and administrators. Beginning with early efforts and the establishment of abolitionist colleges, Perkins follows the history of Black women's post-Civil War experiences at elite white schools and public universities in northern and midwestern states.Trends in assessment: ideas, opportunities, and issues for higher education by Stephen P. Hundley (Ed.); Caleb J. Keith (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Informed by sessions at the Assessment Institute in Indianapolis, the oldest and largest U.S. event focused on assessing and improving higher education, this second edition of Trends in Assessment is intended to encapsulate lessons learned from the recent past, reflect the current state, and inspire future directions for higher education assessment.Try to love the questions: from debate to dialogue in classrooms and life by Lara Schwartz
Publication Date: 2024Try to Love the Questions gives college students a framework for understanding and practicing dialogue across difference in and out of the classroom. This invaluable guide explores the challenges facing students as they prepare to listen, speak, and learn in a college community and encourages students and faculty alike to consider inclusive, respectful communication as a skill--not as a limitation on freedom.Utilizing AI for assessment, grading, and feedback in higher education by Nasser Hamed Al Harrasi (Ed.); Mohamed Salah El Din (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Utilizing AI for Assessment, Grading, and Feedback in Higher Education emerges as a beacon of guidance for academic scholars, policymakers, and administrators in response to this pressing dilemma. Through a meticulous analysis of contemporary literature, the book comprehensively explores AI's role in higher education. By delving into topics ranging from assessment automation to ethical considerations, it equips readers with the knowledge and insights needed to harness AI's transformative potential while mitigating its pitfalls. With contributions from leading experts across diverse disciplines, this book catalyzes interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation.Utilizing AI tools in academic research writing by Anugamini Priya Srivastava (Ed.); Sucheta Agarwal (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Utilizing AI Tools in Academic Research Writing unfolds a transformative journey through the symbiotic relationship between AI and academic inquiry. It offers practical insights into the myriad ways AI can revolutionize academic pursuits. This book extends beyond theoretical discussions, delving into practical dimensions of AI integration, demonstrating how it facilitates topic identification, refines research design, empowers data analysis, and enriches literature reviews.Whiteness in the ivory tower: why don't we notice the white students sitting together in the quad? by Nolan L. Cabrera; James A. Banks (Series ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Whiteness is the foundation of racism and racial violence within higher education institutions. It is deeply embedded in the ideologies and organizational structures of colleges and universities that guide practices, policies, and research. The purpose of this book is not to simply uncover these practices but, rather, to intentionally center the harm that Whiteness causes to communities of Color broadly in order to transform these practices.Women in the higher education C-suite: diverse executive profiles by Lisa Mednick Takami; Barbara Gellman-Danley (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2024Women in the Higher Education C-Suite: Diverse Executive Profiles explores the personal narratives of a diverse group of women CEOs and senior executives serving in two- and four-year public and private colleges and universities in the United States. Emphasizing real-world leadership, this book focuses on the remarkable women who continue to break barriers and inspire the next generation of leaders.
"Whatever it is, I'm against it" : resistance to change in higher education by Brian Rosenberg
Publication Date: 2023In "Whatever It Is, I'm Against It," president emeritus of Macalester College Brian Rosenberg draws on decades of higher education experience to expose the entrenched structures, practices, and cultures that inhibit meaningful postsecondary reform, even as institutions face serious challenges to their financial and educational models. A lively insider's account, the book pinpoints factors that hinder the ability of U.S. colleges and universities to be creative and entrepreneurial amid calls to improve affordability, access, and equity for students.Academic star wars: excellence initiatives in global perspective by Maria Yudkevich (Ed.); Philip G. Altbach (Ed.); Jamil Salmi (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Academic excellence initiatives (AEIs)-special government-sponsored programs to improve research universities-have provided billions of dollars to top universities and represent perhaps the most significant effort in the past half-century to jumpstart academic research. The contributors to Academic Star Wars, superbly edited by Maria Yudkevich, Philip G. Altbach, and Jamil Salmi, analyze AEIs in nine European and Asian countries, including China, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Taiwan, Denmark, France, Germany, and Russia, and offer penetrating insights into the successes and problems of these initiatives, as well as into the broader system of higher education itself.Acute crisis leadership in higher education: lessons from the pandemic by Gabriela Cornejo Weaver (Ed.); Kara M. Rabbitt (Ed.); Suzanne Wilson Summers (Ed.); Rhonda Phillips (Ed.); Kristi N. Hottenstein (Ed.); Juanita M. Cole (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023This book explores higher education leadership during times of extreme pressures and limited, changing information. Organized around different functional units in higher education institutions, chapters describe the ways in which campus communities were affected by and responded to the early pandemic crisis.Addressing the queen bee syndrome in academia by Karis L. Clarke (Ed.); Noran L. Moffett (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Addressing the Queen Bee Syndrome in Academia discusses the Queen Bee Syndrome and the relationships between women in higher education settings, as well as their paths to leadership positions. Covering key topics such as bullying, sisterhood, intimidation, and gender bias...Artificial intelligence and learning futures: critical narratives of technology and imagination in higher education by Stefan Popenici
Publication Date: 2023As AI becomes integral to both pedagogy and profitability in today's colleges and universities, a critical discourse on these systems and algorithms is urgently needed to push back against their potential to enable surveillance, control, and oppression. This book examines the development, risks, and opportunities inherent to AI in education and curriculum design, the problematic ideological assumptions of intelligence and technology, and the evidence base and ethical imagination required to responsibly implement these learning technologies in a way that ensures quality and sustainability.Asian American educators and microaggressions: more than just work(ers) by Andrew Wu
Publication Date: 2023This book explores the effects of racial microaggressions on Asian American (AA) faculty members currently at higher education institutions utilizing the frameworks of the Model Minority Myth and Perpetual Foreigner Stereotype. The book delves into how AAPI faculty members were able to individually navigate and transcend at college and universities.Assessment by design: a practical approach to improve student learning by Sheri H. Barrett
Publication Date: 2023Written with faculty in mind, Assessment by Design is a practical resource that will also be useful to student affairs staff and administrators dedicated to using assessment to improve learning in curricular and co-curricular settings. This book presents the Cycle of Assessment as a framework that supports assessment in service of improving student learning. The framework consists of the following stages: Developing Your Assessment Question; Planning Decisions to Consider; Collecting and Scoring the Data; Analyzing and Discussing Assessment Data; and Report and Act on Assessment Findings.Autonomy-supportive teaching in higher education: a practical guide for college professors by Patrick M. Whitehead
Publication Date: 2023Using everyday language, Autonomy-Supportive Teaching in Higher Education: A Practical Guide for College Professors synthesizes the mountain of research conducted using autonomy-supportive teaching (AST) in the classroom. This book summaries the state-of-the-art motivation psychology for the classroom, provides eight workshops demonstrating evidence-based and classroom tested strategies for applying AST, and explores faculty and student reflections on the strengths and weaknesses of AST.Black and queer on campus by Michael P. Jeffries
Publication Date: 2023Michael P. Jeffries shows that Black and queer college students often struggle to find safe spaces and a sense of belonging when they arrive on campus at both predominantly white institutions and historically black colleges and universities. Many report that in predominantly white queer social spaces, they feel unwelcome and pressured to temper their criticisms of racism amongst their white peers. Conversely, in predominantly straight Black social spaces, they feel ignored or pressured to minimize their queer identity in order to be accepted.Black feminist epistemology, research, and praxis: narratives in and through the academy by Christa J. Porter; V. Thandi Sulé; Natasha N. Croom
Publication Date: 2023"While there has been an increase of Black women faculty in higher education institutions, the academy writ large continues to exploit, discriminate, and uphold institutionalized gendered racism through its policies and practices. Black women have navigated, negotiated, and learned how to thrive from their respective standpoint and epistemologies, traversing the academy in ways that counter typical narratives of success and advancement. This edited volume bridges together foundational and contemporary intergenerational, interdisciplinary voices to elucidate Black feminist epistemologies and praxis."Campus economics: how economic thinking can help improve college and university decisions by Sandy Baum; Michael McPherson
Publication Date: 2023Emphasizing the unique characteristics of the academic enterprise and the primacy of the institutional mission, Baum and McPherson use economic concepts such as opportunity cost and decisions at the margin to facilitate conversations about how best to ensure an institution's ongoing success. The problems facing higher education are more urgent than ever before, but the underlying issues are the same in good times and bad. Baum and McPherson give nontechnical, user-friendly guidance for navigating all kinds of economic conditions and draw on real-world examples of campus issues to illustrate both institutional constraints and untapped opportunities.Campus misinformation: the real threat to free speech in American higher education by Bradford Vivian
Publication Date: 2023Campus Misinformation shows how misinformation about colleges and universities has proliferated in recent years, with potentially dangerous results. Popular but highly misleading claims about a so-called free speech crisis and a lack of intellectual diversity on college campuses emerged in the mid-2010s and continue to shape public discourse about higher education across party lines. Such disingenuous claims impede constructive deliberation about higher learning while normalizing suspect ideas about First Amendment freedoms and democratic participation.Cancel wars: how universities can foster free speech, promote inclusion, and renew democracy by Sigal R. Ben-Porath
Publication Date: 2023Philosopher Sigal R. Ben-Porath takes head-on arguments that infantilize students who speak out against violent and racist discourse on campus or rehash interpretations of the First Amendment. Ben-Porath sets out to demonstrate the role of the university in American society and, specifically, how it can model free speech in ways that promote democratic ideals. In Cancel Wars, she argues that the escalating struggles over "cancel culture," "safe spaces," and free speech on campus are a manifestation of broader democratic erosion in the United States.Challenging antisemitism: lessons from literacy classrooms by Mara Lee Grayson (Ed.); Judith Chriqui Benchimol (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Challenging Antisemitism: Lessons from Literacy Classrooms provides theoretical framing and historical context for understanding contemporary antisemitism and offers teachers curricular ideas and practical strategies to address antisemitism and amplify Jewish voices in secondary and post-secondary literacy classrooms.College admissions and admissions testing in a time of transformational change by Kurt F. Geisinger
Publication Date: 2023In this foundational volume, renowned chapter authors address a diverse set of themes related to college admissions, examining new perspectives, exploring the strengths and weaknesses of current practices, and discussing how institutions might use different techniques to attract diverse students, particularly those who have not traditionally attended college.Decolonising African university knowledges. Volume 2: Challenging the neoliberal mantra by Amasa P. Ndofirepi (Ed.); Felix Maringe (Ed.); Simon Vurayai (Ed.); Gloria Erima (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023This book explores the influence of neoliberal globalisation on African higher education, considering the impact of the politics of neoliberal ideology on the nature and sources of knowledge in African universities.Developing inclusive environments in education: global practices and curricula by Kiyoji Koreeda (Ed.); Masayoshi Tsuge (Ed.); Shigeru Ikuta (Ed.); Elizabeth Minchin Dalton (Ed.); Linda Plantin Ewe (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Many K-12 classrooms and higher education institutions struggle to provide environments that cater to the diverse needs of all students. This persistent problem calls for a transformative solution and Developing Inclusive Environments in Education: Global Practices and Curricula led by Kiyoji Koreeda is the definitive resource that offers practical strategies and insights to address this issue. By delving into the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework, this book provides a comprehensive guide to making learning inclusive and transformative for all students.Developing scholars: race, politics, and the pursuit of higher education by Domingo Morel
Publication Date: 2023In Developing Scholars, Domingo Morel explores the history and political factors that led to the creation of college access programs for students of color in the 1960s. Through a case study of an existing community-centered affirmative action program, Talent Development, Morel shows how protest, including violent protest, has been instrumental in the maintenance of college access programs. He also reveals that in response to the college expansion efforts of the 1960s, hidden forms of restriction emerged that have significantly impacted students of color. Developing Scholars argues that the origin, history, and purpose of these programs reveal gaps in our understanding of college access expansion in the US that challenge conventional wisdom of American politics.Dismantling constructs of whiteness in higher education: narratives of resistance from the academy by Teresa Y. Neely; Margie Montañez
Publication Date: 2023This book offers counternarratives from People of Color (POC) engaged in varied departments, faculties, and institutions in higher education to interrogate and challenge the construct of whiteness as an ideological form reproduced across campuses throughout the United States. Documenting individuals' lived experiences, the text uses narratives, personal stories, and autoethnographic approaches to explore how social and racial injustices manifest themselves at both a macro- and micro-level through structures and ideologies of whiteness, as well as personal and group interactions.Elevating intentional education practice in graduate programs by Abeni El-Amin
Publication Date: 2023"Elevating Intentional Education Practice in Graduate Programs analyzes how higher education leaders implement performance improvements for graduate education and provides an interdisciplinary perspective of how issues and challenges concerning graduate program performance effectiveness impact stakeholders."The essentials of college teaching: a guide for new and adjunct college instructors by Constance Jones
Publication Date: 2023The target audience for The Essentials of College Teaching: A Guide for New and Adjunct College Instructors are adjunct (non tenure-track) instructors. Adjuncts now constitute 76.4 % of U.S. faculty across all institutional types, with a staggering 80% at two-year institutions. Although teaching a heavy load, adjuncts are not typically included in on-campus professional development opportunities to improve their teaching skills. This book would be particularly helpful for first time or relatively novice college-level instructors, including doctoral graduate students teaching their first sections, new community college instructors, and new four-year college and university instructors.Facing campus sexual assault and relationship violence with courage: a guide for institutions and clinicians on prevention, support, and healing by Helen W. Wilson; Christina T. Khan
Publication Date: 2023Leveraging knowledge from psychiatry, college mental health, and higher education, Facing Campus Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence With Courage offers a holistic approach to preventing, addressing, and mitigating the effects of campus sexual and relationship violence. This guide combines the latest science with real-world knowledge and practical application.First-generation student experiences in higher education: counterstories by Carl E. James; Leanne E. Taylor
Publication Date: 2023In First-Generation Student Experiences in Higher Education: Counterstories, we meet eight students who attended university through an access program, and hear their stories of deciding to enter university, navigating and negotiating the institution, and bringing their university experiences with them into adult life. Their counterstories--drawn from application statements, weekly group meetings, diary entries, group conversations, interviews, and media reports--challenge the stereotypes commonly applied to marginalized students in higher education.Formative and shared assessment to promote global university learning by José. Sánchez-Santamaría (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Formative and Shared Assessment to Promote Global University Learning offers an updated and comprehensive review of F&SA in university teaching from an international perspective. In this regard, this publication provides an update of the concepts and approaches to F&SA and suggests a review of the methods, techniques, and instruments of F&SA as well as the conditions of validity and reliability to garner high quality. Covering topics such as feminist pedagogies, learning-oriented tasks, and student engagement...Global perspectives on the difficulties and opportunities faced by migrant and refugee students in higher education by Sameerah Tawfeeq Saeed (Ed.); Min Zhang (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Global Perspectives on the Difficulties and Opportunities Faced by Migrant and Refugee Students in Higher Education focuses on the formal and informal educational opportunities that are available to migrant students, as well as the barriers that prevent them from fully accessing these opportunities. The book also discusses how the experiences of migrant and refugee students in higher education have evolved and the impact that this evolution has had on their educational experiences. Finally, the book considers the ways in which higher education institutions have responded to the educational needs of migrant and refugee students and the role that the education industry has played in this response both formally and informally.Global perspectives on the internationalization of higher education by John D. Branch (Ed.); Mehmet Durnali (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Global Perspectives on the Internationalization of Higher Education documents contemporary perspectives on the internationalization of higher education and considers its history throughout the years in order to understand potential future directions. Covering key topics such as student recruitment, institutional branding, and student mobility...Handbook of higher education and disability: international perspectives by Joseph W. Madaus (Ed.); Lyman L. Dukes III (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023This Handbook is an essential starting point for cross-national examinations, comparisons, and discussions about state-of-the-art practices in higher education accessibility and service delivery support for disabled students. Spanning a broad geographical range, the topics addressed are examined within the context of the practice and philosophy of different countries.Handbook of research on global movements toward inclusive settings in K-12 classrooms and higher education settings by Kiyoji Koreeda; Masayoshi Tsuge; Shigeru Ikuta; Linda Plantin Ewe; Elizabeth Minchin Dalton (Editor)
Publication Date: 2023The Handbook of Research on Global Movements Toward Inclusive K-12 and Higher Education Settings discusses various inclusive practices in K-12 classrooms and higher education all over the world and presents problems and challenges that educators are struggling to overcome.Handbook of research on implications of sustainable development in higher education by Eleni Meletiadou (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Implications of Sustainable Development in Higher Education: Teaching, Learning, and Assessment provides insight regarding the implications of ESD for teaching, learning, and assessment in higher education and demonstrates the value of adopting an ESD lens by broadening and strengthening the evidence base of the impact that this can make for students, educators, and society as a whole. Covering key topics such as assessment, globalization, and inclusion...Handbook of research on revisioning and reconstructing higher education after global crises by Shalin Hai-Jew (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023The Handbook of Research on Revisioning and Reconstructing Higher Education After Global Crises explores how global higher education will recover from the global pandemic at the micro-, meso-, and macro-levels, and how they will re-establish their relevance for teaching and learning, research and innovation, and social contributions.How to engage in difficult conversations on identity, race, and politics in higher education: a practical guide for faculty by Tammy Hodo; Jacques Whitfield; Brian Van Brunt; Poppy Fitch
Publication Date: 2023* Each chapter in Part II provides multiple activities, discussion questions, and cases studies to encourage engagement on challenging issues. * Includes FAQ with sample responses that can be used in real conversations. * Covers some of the most contentious issues in America today, including immigration, white supremacy in academia, women's rights, Black Lives Matter movement, Trans Rights, among many others.Impact of global university ranking systems on developing countries by Omwoyo Bosire Onyancha; Tella Adeyinka
Publication Date: 2023Impact of Global University Ranking Systems on Developing Countries presents a collection of perspectives from scholars and other stakeholders on the impact of the global ranking systems on developing countries. The book is an additional resource for discussion and discourse as far as the global university ranking systems are concerned and opens new frontiers for further research.Implementing diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in educational management practices by Abeni El-Amin (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Implementing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in Educational Management Practices provides an interdisciplinary perspective of how issues and challenges pertaining to DEIB affect organizational performance and educational management practices. It shares the experiences of leaders when DEIB issues arise and seeks areas of improvement. Covering topics such as diversity and inclusion leadership, culturally relevant mentoring, and STEM education...Improving higher education models through international comparative analysis by Valerie A. Storey (Ed.); Thomas E. Beeman (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Improving Higher Education Models Through International Comparative Analysis explores critical aspects and challenges in the higher education setting, describes and analyzes initiatives being taken to address these challenges, and presents case studies to help foster a better understanding and create competency in strategic thinking and problem solving for higher education leadership. Covering key topics such as sustainability, education systems, and the digital age...Inclusive college classrooms: teaching methods for diverse learners by Lauren S. Cardon; Anne-Marie Womack
Publication Date: 2023"Inclusive College Classrooms provides instructors with research-based practices and tools to create an effective and inclusive classroom environment. This important book responds to the current obstacles facing higher education institutions by filling a visible gap in pedagogical training books, as well as in graduate pedagogy courses and new faculty pedagogy orientations, to help instructors improve the methods they are already using, identify new methods that could enhance their courses, and become more confident overall as they develop a discourse for talking about teaching."Innovations in teacher development, personalized learning, and upskilling the workforce by Sriya Chakravarti (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Innovations in Teacher Development, Personalized Learning, and Upskilling the Workforce disseminates the best practices on high-quality education, teaching training, teacher/student entrepreneurship, and wealth-generating careers. It presents information on refining education through teacher development sessions and training.Instructional moves for powerful teaching in higher education by Jeremy T. Murphy; Meira Levinson
Publication Date: 2023Based on work conducted through the Instructional Moves project at Harvard University, Instructional Moves for Powerful Teaching in Higher Education outlines the many ways in which good college and graduate school teaching is rooted in deliberate pedagogical choices that support active learning. Jeremy T. Murphy and Meira Levinson distill good instruction to its essential components, analyzing the careful steps successful instructors take to create learning spaces that encourage all students to do ambitious work.International perspectives on leadership in higher education by Alasdair Blair; Darrell Evans; Christina Hughes; Malcolm Tight
Publication Date: 2023International Perspectives on Leadership in Higher Educationexamines how contemporary leaders in higher education - in different disciplines, at different levels and in different parts of the world - are identified, developed and supported. Employing a mixture of theoretical, practical and personal perspectives, it shows how notions and expectations of leadership in higher education are changing, discusses the varied reasons behind these trends, and speculates on possible future developments.Know that you are worthy: experiences from first generation college graduates by Adam J. Rodríguez (Ed.); Yolanda Norman (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2023An inspiring and affordable first-hand look at the experiences of first-generation college students in their own voices, looking back after graduation at the rewards and challenges for them, and what a first-generation education means to families and communities.Leading innovation and creativity in university teaching: implementing change at the programme level by Sam Nolan (Ed.); Steve Hutchinson (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Providing practical tips and guidance to support those designing or redesigning higher education curricula, this book highlights approaches and solutions to leading change in learning and teaching. Covering all areas from an overview of external pressures, through to developing a vision and strategy for a programme, to classroom practice and sustainability, leading thinkers in the field of university learning and teaching share their experiences of driving and sustaining change in departmental practice.Merze Tate: the global Odyssey of a black woman scholar by Barbara D. Savage
Publication Date: 2023Born in rural Michigan during the Jim Crow era, the bold and irrepressible Merze Tate (1905-1996) refused to limit her intellectual ambitions, despite living in what she called a "sex and race discriminating world." Against all odds, the brilliant and hardworking Tate earned degrees in international relations from Oxford University in 1935 and a doctorate in government from Harvard in 1941. She then joined the faculty of Howard University, where she taught for three decades of her long life spanning the tumultuous twentieth century.Queerness as being in higher education: narrating the insider/outsider paradox as LGBTQ+ scholars and practitioners by edited by Antonio Duran, Ryan A. Miller, T.J. Jourian, and Jesus Cisneros
Publication Date: 2023Drawing on autotheoretical methods, this insightful volume explores how LGBTQ+ scholars, practitioners, and scholar-practitioners exist within and negotiate an insider/outsider paradox within higher education, highlighting issues of affect, legibility, and embodiment.Re-building university capabilities: public policy and managerial implications to innovation and technology by Maribel Guerrero (Ed.); Marina Dabić (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023This book explores the ways in which universities have re-built multiple capabilities to support the development of applied innovation and manage new technologies. Concretely, this book (1) theoretically addresses the university managers' view for re-building university capabilities due to the public policy agendas demands; and (2) empirically addresses the documentation of experiences and strategies adopted by universities in different contexts to achieve public policy agendas.Reparative universities: why diversity alone won't solve racism in higher ed by Ariana González Stokas
Publication Date: 2023In Reparative Universities, Ariana González Stokas undertakes a critical and decolonial analysis of DEI work, linking contemporary practices of diversity to longer colonial histories. González Stokas argues that diversity is an insufficient concept for efforts concerned with anti-oppression, anti-racism, equity, and decolonization. Given its historical ties to colonialism, can higher education foster reconciliation and healing? Reparation is offered as a pathway toward untangling higher education from its colonial roots.Resistance from the right: conservatives and the campus wars in modern America by Lauren Lassabe Shepherd
Publication Date: 2023This book explores the story of how stakeholders in American higher education organized and reacted to challenges to their power from the New Left and Black Power student resistance movements of the late 1960s. By examining the range of conservative student organizations and coalition building, Shepherd shows how wealthy donors and conservative intellectuals trained future GOP leaders such as Karl Rove, Bill Barr, Jeff Sessions, Pat Buchanan, and others in conservative politics, providing them with tactics to consciously drive American politics and culture further to the authoritarian right and to "reclaim" American higher education.Restorative resistance in higher education: leading in an era of racial awakening and reckoning by Richard J. Reddick
Publication Date: 2023In Restorative Resistance in Higher Education, diversity researcher and educator Richard J. Reddick shares the wisdom gained from three decades of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) work in educational settings. Reddick centers DEI efforts as challenging yet essential components of college life, recognizing campus environments not just as mirrors reflecting societal values and biases but also as crucibles for social change.Rising to full professor: pathways for faculty of color by Nancy Cantor (Foreword); Caroline Sotello Viernes Turner (Ed.); Christine A. Stanley (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Academe has made little progress in hiring and advancing faculty of color.Through the narratives of full professors of color, this book aims to make visible their journeys -- beset with lack of criteria transparency, marginalization, discouragement, and discrimination on the way to success -- to provide insights for junior and mid-level scholars as they negotiate their pathways to full professorship.The role of educators as agents and conveyors for positive change in global education by Jabbar Al-Obaidi (Ed.); Jacquelynne Anne Boivin (Ed.); Madhu Rao (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023The Role of Educators as Agents and Conveyors for Positive Change in Global Education highlights the role of educators as agents and conveyors for positive change in local, regional, and global arenas. As such, it analyzes various conventional and modern educational and learning theories and teaching pedagogies to promote global citizenship among students and teachers.Safe space rhetoric and race in the academy: a reckoning by James Gerard Noel
Publication Date: 2023Safe Space Rhetoric and Race in the Academy: A Reckoning complicates discussions about safe space rhetoric and race in academia by providing provocative explorations of physical and intellectual safety and by examining the ways that the political landscape can reflect definitions of safety in America's school system.Seven steps to college success: a pathway for students with disabilities by Elizabeth C. Hamblet
Publication Date: 2023In this essential guide, college learning disabilities specialist Elizabeth C. Hamblet builds a foundation of knowledge step-by-step and answers your urgent questions. In 7 Steps to College Success, you'll learn how: - students access accommodations, and which ones commonly are and aren't approved - parents and professionals can help students develop the key personal and academic skills needed for self-management at college - students can find colleges that are a good fit in all of the important ways and what admissions directors want them to know about the application process.Student engagement, higher education, and social justice: beyond neoliberalism and the market by Corinna Bramley; Keith Morrison
Publication Date: 2023This ground-breaking book provides a powerful theory of student engagement, rooted in critical theory and social justice. It sets out a compelling argument for student engagement to promote social justice and to repel neoliberalism in, and through, higher education, addressing three key questions: Student engagement in what? Student engagement for what? Student engagement for whom?Sustaining higher education through resource allocation, learning design models, and academic development by Manyane Makua (Ed.); Mariam Akinlolu (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Sustaining Higher Education Through Resource Allocation, Learning Design Models, and Academic Development fills a gap in the existing literature by introducing current practices and procedures in the face of the new normal as they affect the higher education sector. The book also addresses the various issues of current interest in the higher education sector relative to teaching and learning, student support, staff development, curriculum development, educational technologies, learning design models, and resource allocation. Covering key topics such as student engagement, assessment practices, and academic development...The synthetic university: how higher education can benefit from shared solutions and save itself by James L. Shulman
Publication Date: 2023Instead of wishful thinking about collaboration or miraculous subsidies, The Synthetic University describes intermediary organizations that can provide innovative, cost-effective solutions. Offering answers to challenges jointly faced by thousands of institutions, James Shulman lays out a compelling new vision of how to reduce spending while enabling schools to maintain their particular contributions.Teaching at its best: a research-based resource for college instructors by Todd D. Zakrajsek; Linda B. Nilson
Publication Date: 2023This higher education playbook provides a wealth of research-backed practices for nearly every aspect of effective teaching throughout higher education. It is filled with practical guidance and proven techniques designed to help you improve student learning, both face-to-face and online.Toward abolishing white supremacy on campus by Virginia Stead (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Toward Abolishing White Supremacy in Higher Education allows higher education professionals to dive in and consider how their roles impact BIPOC students, faculty, and staff. Through personal anecdotes, case studies, scholarly research, and historical references, this seminal work centers the experiences of Black, Indigenous, and people of color in the academic community while offering tools toward abolishing white supremacy in higher education.Transformation of higher education through institutional online spaces by Rotimi Taiwo; Bimbola Idowu-Faith; Simeon Ajiboye
Publication Date: 2023"Transformation of Higher Education Through Institutional Online Spaces presents multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches to promotional discourses as presented on higher institution online spaces. Covering topics such as brand building and marketing, content marketing, curriculum marketing, digital marketing, higher education digital marketing, and higher education marketing campaigns..."Transforming Hispanic-serving institutions for equity and justice by Gina Ann Garcia
Publication Date: 2023In Transforming Hispanic-Serving Institutions for Equity and Justice, Gina Ann Garcia argues that in order to serve Latinx students and other students of color, these institutions must acknowledge how whiteness operates across the organization, from the ways that it is governed and how decisions are made to how education and knowledge are delivered. Diversity alone is insufficient for achieving a dynamic learning environment within higher education institutions. Garcia's framework for transforming HSIs into truly Latinx institutions is grounded in critical theories, yet it advances new ways of thinking about how to organize colleges and universities that are actively serving students of color, low-income students, and students from other minoritized backgrounds.Unequal choices : how social class shapes where high-achieving students apply to college by Yang Va Lor
Publication Date: 2023In Unequal Choices, Yang Va Lor examines the college application choices of high-achieving students, looking closely at the ways the larger contexts of family, school, and community influence their decisions. For students today, contexts like high schools and college preparation programs shape the type of colleges that they deem appropriate, while family upbringing and personal experiences influence how far from home students imagine they can apply to college. Additionally, several mechanisms reinforce the reproduction of social inequality, showing how institutions and families of the middle and upper-middle class work to procure advantages by cultivating dispositions among their children for specific types of higher education opportunities.Vital and valuable: the relevance of HBCUs to American life and education by James V. Koch; Omari H. Swinton
Publication Date: 2023In Vital and Valuable, two distinguished economists provide a groundbreaking analysis of HBCUs. James V. Koch and Omari H. Swinton give a balanced assessment of the performance of HBCUs, examining metrics such as admissions and enrollment trends, graduation and retention rates, administrative expenses, spending on intercollegiate athletics, and student debt. They emphasize the distinctive features that make HBCUs what they are, considering whom they serve and how, while contextualizing these institutions within the landscape of American higher education. Based on this analysis, Koch and Swinton offer actionable policy recommendations that can help HBCUs build on their successes and address their weaknesses.Women in higher education and the journey to mid-career: challenges and opportunities by Heidi L. Schnackenberg (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Women in Higher Education and the Journey to Mid-Career: Challenges and Opportunities considers specific challenges, issues, strategies, and solutions that are associated with female academics during mid-career phases. The book includes a variety of emerging evidence-based professional practice and narrative personal accounts as written by administrators, faculty, staff, and students. The book considers strategies for remaining vibrant and productive and suggestions from successful mid-career women academics and reflections from women who have passed the mid-career phase.
Administratively adrift : overcoming institutional barriers for college student success by Scott A. Bass
Publication Date: 2022Inspired by his leadership in a university-wide initiative that focused on how students' interactions with both academic and professional staff affect their success and well-being, Scott A. Bass presents fresh insights on the inner workings of traditional nonprofit four-year degree residential institutions. The book describes the influences of history, tradition, and internal and external pressures on the American university, highlighting its evolution to its staid and fragmented structure; it distills voices of students, faculty, and staff; and it explores how successful organizations outside of higher education deliver services, with potential applicability for the academy's ability to meet students where they are. to meet students where they are.African American leadership and mentoring through purpose, preparation, and preceptors by Henrietta Williams Pichon (Ed.); Yoruba Mutakabbir (Ed.); Alaric Williams (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022African American Leadership and Mentoring Through Purpose, Preparation, and Preceptors provides an exhaustive exploration of leadership and mentorship through purpose, preparation, and preceptors. This edited book explains how to identify ways that individuals can strengthen their career trajectory, determine strategies to employ for career advancement, establish lasting and impactful connections with key stakeholders per career aspirations, provide guidance for individuals seeking advancement within the academy, and explore current theoretical and practical nuances with regard to research, literature, and application of leadership and mentorship of African Americans in the academy.Becoming a student-ready college : a new culture of leadership for student success by Tia Brown McNair; Susan Albertine; Nicole McDonald; Michelle Asha Cooper
Publication Date: 2022Higher education leaders are responsible for preparing their institutions to serve the students they admit in the best way possible. By asking ourselves how we can transform our institutions into student-ready colleges to create a new culture of leadership that is responsive to current challenges and focuses on understanding and utilizing student assets and social capital to achieve shared goals for student success. Becoming a Student-Ready College shows you how.Becoming great universities: small steps for sustained excellence by Richard J. Light; Allison Jegla
Publication Date: 2022Becoming Great Universities highlights ten core challenges that all colleges and universities face and offers practical steps that everyone on campus--from presidents to first-year undergraduates--can take to enhance student life and learning.The betrayal of the humanities: the university during the Third Reich by Bernard M. Levinson (Ed.); Oren Gross; Michael Cherlin; Emmanuel Faye; Aniko Szabo; Franklin Hugh Adler; Alvin H. Rosenfeld; Robert P. Ericksen (Ed.); Alan E. Steinweis; Suzanne L. Marchand; Christopher J. Probst; Anders Gerdmar; Thomas Schneider; Johannes Renger; Bettina Arnold
Publication Date: 2022The Betrayal of the Humanities: The University during the Third Reich is a collection of groundbreaking essays that shed light on this previously overlooked piece of history. The Betrayal of the Humanities accepts the regrettable news that academics and intellectuals in Nazi Germany betrayed the humanities, and explores what went wrong, what occurred at the universities, and what happened to the major disciplines of the humanities under National Socialism.Black female leaders in academia: eliminating the glass ceiling with efficacy by Jennifer T. Butcher (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022Black Female Leaders in Academia: Eliminating the Glass Ceiling With Efficacy, Exuberance, and Excellence features full-length chapters authored by leading experts offering an in-depth description of topics related to the trajectory of Black female leaders in higher education. It provides evidence-based practices to promote excellence among Black females in academic leadership positions. The book informs higher education top-level administration, policy experts, and aspiring leaders on how to best create, cultivate, and maintain a culture of Black female excellence in higher education settings.Black women navigating historically white higher education institutions and the journey toward liberation by Stephanie R. Logan (Ed.); Tyra Good (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022Black Women Navigating Historically White Higher Education Institutions and the Journey Toward Liberation provides a collection of ethnographies, case studies, narratives, counter-stories, and quantitative descriptions of Black women's intersectional experience learning, teaching, serving, and leading in higher education. This publication also provides an opportunity for Black women to identify the systems that impede their professional growth and development in higher education institutions and articulate how they navigate racist and sexist forces to find their versions of success.Bridging the gap between the abundance of American higher education talent and the immense foreign demand for it: the great chasm in global education by Richard J. Joseph
Publication Date: 2022The gap between the abundance of American higher education talent and the immense foreign demand for it is the great chasm in global education. It is a gulf of lost opportunities. It is also a space of great economic potential. This book describes the great chasm, examines factors underlying it, and suggests ways to bridge the gap to realize this potential.Campus sexual violence: a state of institutionalized sexual terrorism by Sarah Prior; Brooke Heer
Publication Date: 2022Campus Sexual Violence: A State of Institutionalized Sexual Terrorism conceptualizes sexual violence on college campuses as a form of sexual terrorism, arguing that institutional compliance and inaction within the neoliberal university perpetuate a system of sexual terrorism. Using a sexual terrorism framework, the authors examine a myriad of examples of campus sexual violence with an intersectional lens and explore the role of the institution and the influence of neoliberalism in undermining sexual violence prevention efforts.Can college level the playing field?: higher education in an unequal society by Sandy Baum; Michael McPherson
Publication Date: 2022In this eye-opening book, two of today's leading economists argue that higher education alone cannot overcome the lasting effects of inequality that continue to plague us, and offer sensible solutions for building a more just and equitable society. Sandy Baum and Michael McPherson document the starkly different educational and social environments in which children of different races and economic backgrounds grow up, and explain why social equity requires sustained efforts to provide the broadest possible access to high-quality early childhood and K-12 education.Centers of excellence: niche methods to improve higher education in the 21st century by Darrel W. Staat (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022There are many Centers of Excellence (COE) in community colleges and universities in the United States. Presently, a number of these provide approximately an extra year beyond various existing degrees. Most of these COEs deal with a variety of training and educational needs and work directly with the appropriate business communities. They provide students with additional training and expertise beyond the normal degree programs.The channels of student activism: how the left and right are winning (and losing) in campus politics today by Amy J. Binder, Jeffrey L. Kidder
Publication Date: 2022As Amy J. Binder and Jeffrey L. Kidder show in this surprising analysis of the relationship between political activism on college campuses and the broader US political landscape, while liberal students often outnumber conservatives on college campuses, liberal campus organizing remains removed from national institutions that effectively engage students after graduation. And though they are usually in the minority, conservative student groups have strong ties to national right-leaning organizations, which provide funds and expertise, as well as job opportunities and avenues for involvement after graduation.Co-creating equitable teaching and learning: structuring student voice into higher education by Alison Cook-Sather
Publication Date: 2022Co-Creating Equitable Teaching and Learning invites readers to help forge a more inclusive and accessible college education by incorporating student voices via pedagogical partnerships.Coloniality and racial (in)justice in the university: counting for nothing? by Sunera Thobani (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022Coloniality and Racial (In)Justice in the University examines the disruption and remaking of the university at a moment in history when white supremacist politics have erupted across North America, as have anti-racist and anti-colonial movements.Contemplative practices and anti-oppressive pedagogies for higher education: bridging the disciplines by Greta Claire Gaard; Bengü Ergüner-Tekinalp
Publication Date: 2022This volume explores mindfulness and other contemplative approaches as strategic tools for cultivating anti-oppressive pedagogies in higher education. Research confirms that simply providing students with evidence and narratives of economic, social, and environmental injustices proves insufficient in developing awareness and eliciting responses of empathy, solidarity, and a desire to act for change. From the environmental humanities to the environmental sciences, legal studies, psychology, and counseling, educators from a range of geographical and disciplinary standpoints describe their research-based mindfulness pedagogies.The COVID-19 impact on higher education stakeholders and institutional services by Michael G. Strawser (Ed.); Linda C. Hodges; R. Benjamin Hollis; Tara M. Hughes; Jill M. Leafstedt; Melissa Looney; Jennifer Marcinkiewicz; Stephanie Medden; Andrea L. Meluch; Carrie Reif-Stice; Sarah Smith-Frigerio; Laura Alberti; Jessica Stollings-Holder; Elizabeth Tolman; Kyle R. Vareberg; David Westerman; Kathryn E. Anthony; Karin L. Becker; Jessica Beckham; Tina D. Bhargava; Maria Butauski; Russell Carpenter; Kevin Dvorak
Publication Date: 2022The COVID-19 Impact on Higher Education Stakeholders and Institutional Services provides different perspectives regarding the impact of COVID-19 on the institutional functionality of universities and colleges. Contributors argue that although the quick pivot to online in 2020 was unique to the times, the ramifications of this institution-altering shift far exceeded expectations as the pandemic forced higher education institutions to reconsider their daily operations.Creating inclusive online communities: practices that support and engage diverse students by Sharla Berry; Kathryn E. Linder (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2022Sharla Berry offers faculty practical strategies for building asynchronous, synchronous, and blended online courses and programs that are inclusive and engaging for diverse learners. Recognizing that community is a complex, contextual and constantly shifting concept, Sharla Berry opens this book by addressing how to develop an inclusive approach to online teaching that takes into account the experiences and needs of historically marginalized and underrepresented students.Cultivating virtue in the university by Jonathan Brant (Ed.); Edward Brooks (Ed.); Michael Lamb (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022What is the role of colleges and universities in educating the character of students? Should universities even attempt to cultivate virtue? If so, how can they do so effectively in a pluralistic context? Cultivating Virtue in the University seeks to answer these questions by gathering diverse perspectives on character education within twenty-first century universities.Culture and the university: education, ecology, design by Ronald Barnett; Søren S. E. Bengtsen; Rikke Toft Nørgård
Publication Date: 2022Written by three leading scholars of higher education and the philosophy of higher education, the book opens the debate about the cultural purpose of universities and higher education. The authors argue that the university should be and can be an institution of culture, of great cultural significance in the digital age, and exercise cultural leadership in society.Decolonising African university knowledges. Volume 1, Voices on diversity and plurality by Amasa Ndofirepi; Felix Maringe; Simon Vurayai; Gloria Erima
Publication Date: 2022This timely work investigates the possibility of unyoking and decolonising African university knowledges from colonial relics. It claims that academics from socially, politically, and geographically underprivileged communities in the South need to have their voices heard outside of the global power structure.Decolonising knowledge and knowers: struggles for university transformation in South Africa by Mlamuli Nkosingphile Hlatshwayo; Hanelie Adendorff; Margaret A. L. Blackie; Aslam Fataar; Paul Maluleka
Publication Date: 2022Decolonizing Knowledge and Knowers contributes to the current struggles for decolonizing education in the global South, focusing on the highly illuminating case of South Africa higher education.The decolonization of knowledge: radical ideas and the shaping of institutions in South Africa and beyond by Jonathan D. Jansen; Cyrill A. Walters
Publication Date: 2022In 2015, students at the University of Cape Town used the slogan #RhodesMustFall to demand that a monument of Cecil John Rhodes, the empire builder of British South Africa, be removed from the university campus. Soon students at Oxford University called for the removal of a statue of Rhodes from Oriel College. The radical idea of decolonization at the forefront of these student protests continues to be a key element in South African educational institutions as well as those in Europe and North America. This book explores the uptake of decolonization in the institutional curriculum, given the political demands for decolonization on South African campuses, and the generally positive reception of the idea by university leaders.Degrees of dignity: Arab higher education in the global era by Elizabeth Buckner
Publication Date: 2022Presenting an analysis of higher education in eight countries in the Arab Middle East and North Africa, Degrees of Dignity works to dismantle narratives of crisis and assert approaches to institutional reform. Drawing on policy documents, media narratives, interviews, and personal experiences, Elizabeth Buckner explores how apolitical external reform models become contested and modified by local actors in ways that are simultaneously complicated, surprising, and even inspiring.Developing entrepreneurial ecosystems in academia by Muhammad Nawaz Tunio (Ed.); Erum Shaikh (Ed.); Kiran Chaudhary (Ed.); Tiep Le Thanh (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022Developing Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Academia provides implications, best practices, and approaches for countries to improve their economic systems using entrepreneurship and increasing entrepreneurial education. As the world population is expanding and resources are shrinking, it creates a challenging environment for people in low-income and transition economies, as well as developed countries. This book discusses entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial education as a potential solution and critical concept.Digital distractions in the college classroom by Abraham Edward Flanigan (Ed.); Jackie HeeYoung Kim (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022Digital Distractions in the College Classroom explores the challenges that arise from student digital distraction along with potential solutions, including how mobile technology can be leveraged to improve student motivation, self-regulation of learning, and achievement, addressing topics such as academic motivation and instructional design.Digital transformation and disruption of higher education by Andreas Kaplan (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This book analyses higher education's digital transformation and potential disruption from a holistic point of view, providing a balanced and critical account from a variety of interdisciplinary viewpoints. It looks at case studies on educational and emerging technology, their impact, the potential risk of digitalization disrupting higher education, and also offers a glimpse into what the future of digitalization will likely bring.Doing the right thing: how colleges and universities can undo systemic racism in faculty hiring by Marybeth Gasman
Publication Date: 2022Even as institutions publicly champion inclusive excellence and the number of doctoral students of color increases, Gasman reveals the entrenched constraints contributing to the faculty status quo. Impediments to progress include the alleged trade-off between quality and diversity, the power of pedigree, the rigidity of academic pipelines, failures of administrative leadership, lack of accountability among administration and faculty, and the opacity and arbitrariness of the recruitment and hiring process.Education reform in the aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic by Oluwunmi Ariyo (Ed.); Ansa Reams-Johnson (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022Education Reform in the Aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic educates individuals regarding the impact of COVID-19 on higher education institutions internally and externally and considers the lessons learned as well as what could be next. The book also presents solutions to the challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic wrought on universities and colleges and looks toward using those solutions for future applications.The ethical university: transforming higher education by Wanda Teays (Ed.); Alison Dundes Renteln (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022Wanda Teays and Alison Dundes Renteln present a collection of sixteen original essays tackling the most vital issues facing universities. An impressive team of highly regarded philosophers, ethicists, and legal scholars to address the timely concerns, such as Fraud & misrepresentation in student applications, Bribery of college officials, Misuse of family connections, Age discrimination, Inflated resumes, Exploitation of adjuncts and teaching assistants, Sexual assault and misconduct, Coaches involved in recruiting violations, Ties to corporations and/or big pharmaceutical companies, Issues in fundraising, and Bias in hiring & tenure decisions.An evidence-based guide to college and university teaching: developing the model teacher by Aaron S. Richmond; Guy A. Boysen; Regan A. R. Gurung
Publication Date: 2022An Evidence-based Guide to College and University Teaching outlines a definition of model teaching based on research evidence and accepted best practices in high education. Teachers at all levels of skill and experience can benefit from clear, objective guidelines for defining and measuring quality teaching.The evolving college presidency: emerging trends, issues, and challenges by Quincy Martin III (Ed.); Matthew A. Cooney (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022The Evolving College Presidency: Emerging Trends, Issues, and Challenges provides guidance and career trajectory advice for aspiring college presidents as they prepare to take on this challenging and dynamic role. The text also explores the emerging trends, issues, and challenges of the college presidency including issues such as diversity and inclusion, funding and fundraising, and political issues.The future of Black leadership in higher education: firsthand experiences and global impact by John A. Kuykendall; Dimitra Jackson Smith; Joy Jackson; Dantrayl LeShun Brady Smith
Publication Date: 2022The Future of Black Leadership in Higher Education: Firsthand Experiences and Global Impact provides experiences, narratives, and best practices that are more inclusive of Black faculty by providing them the opportunity to seek advancement in these critical roles. It presents critical knowledge about academic leadership for Black people and familiarizes readers with policies, practices, and procedures.Global perspectives on microaggressions in higher education : understanding and combating covert violence in universities by Christine L. Cho (Ed.); Julie K. Corkett (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This book recognizes microaggression as a pervasive issue in colleges and universities around the world and offers critical analyses of the local and institutional contexts in which such incidences of violence and discrimination occur. Authors from Egypt, Barbados, South Africa, Canada, and the United States explore the origins and forms of microaggression which impact students, faculty, and staff in higher education and address issues including xenophobia, sexual violence, linguistic discrimination, and racial prejudice.Global perspectives on quality assurance and accreditation in higher education institutions by Hesham Magd (Ed.); Kunjumuhammed Kariyilaparambu Siraj (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022Global Perspectives on Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education Institutions provides a comprehensive framework for HEIs to address quality assurance and quality accreditation requirements and serves as a practical tool to develop and deploy well-defined quality management systems in higher education. The book focuses on the critical aspects of quality assurance; the need to develop a concise and agile vision, mission, values, and graduate attributes; and to develop a system that effectively aligns the various activities of the HEI to the attainment of the strategic priorities listed in the institutional plans.Handbook of research on opening pathways for marginalized individuals in higher education by Stephanie P. Huffman (Ed.); Denise D. Cunningham (Ed.); Marjorie Shavers (Ed.); Reesha Adamson (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022The Handbook of Research on Opening Pathways for Marginalized Individuals in Higher Education examines specific case studies and stories from the field, analyzes the research breadth for supporting the creation of policies to foster equitable educational access, and studies higher education inclusive policies that promote leadership, social justice, and the health and well-being of faculty and students. The book also helps to alleviate and remedy issues of "historical privilege" with a lens on diversity and support through the creation of inclusive communities of equitable educational access.Harvard's quixotic pursuit of a new science: the rise and fall of the department of social relations by Patrick L. Schmidt
Publication Date: 2022In Harvard's Quixotic Pursuit of a New Science, Patrick L. Schmidt tells the little-known story of how some of the most renowned social scientists of the twentieth century struggled to elevate their emerging disciplines of cultural anthropology, sociology, and social and clinical psychology.Identity excellence: a theory of moral expertise for higher education by Perry L. Glanzer
Publication Date: 2022American higher education-historically and inherently-is a morally formative endeavor. Yet, in order to respond to America's moral pluralism, higher education has increasingly taken a reductionistic approach to moral formation. Consequently, it abandoned the effort to supply students with moral expertise. Current approaches help students learn how to be excellent professionals and citizens, but they fail to provide the necessary tools for living the good life-in college and beyond. Identity Excellence: A Theory of Moral Expertise for Higher Education addresses this problem by setting forth a multi-disciplinary theory of moral expertise for fostering moral excellence in an array of important identities.Implementing sustainable change in higher education: principles and practices of collaborative leadership by Brent D. Ruben; Doug Lederman (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2022This book offers formal and informal leaders at all levels of their institution theory-informed and practical guidance on implementing and sustaining change through collaborative leadership. The framework and concepts presented are applicable at the department, program, campus, or system level to guide minor, incremental, or transformative change. Achieving a shared organizational vision can be a daunting challenge, given the multiple missions of higher education, varied and often conflicting stakeholder viewpoints, siloed organizational structures, traditions of shared governance, and a highly educated workforce bringing together colleagues with diverse disciplinary perspectives.Inclusive teaching: strategies for promoting equity in the college classroom by Kelly A. Hogan; Viji Sathy
Publication Date: 2022In a book written by and for college teachers, Kelly Hogan and Viji Sathy provide tips and advice on how to make all students feel welcome and included. They begin with a framework describing why explicit attention to structure enhances inclusiveness in both course design and interactions with and between students.Indigenous motherhood in the academy by Robin Zape-tah-hol-ah Minthorn (Ed.); Christine A. Nelson (Ed.); Heather J. Shotton (Ed.); Tiffany S. Lee; Leola Tsinnajinnie-Paquin; Susan Faircloth; Nicole Reyes; Nizhoni Chow-Garcia; Michelle Johnson-Jennings; Alayah Johnson-Jennings; Ahnili Johnson-Jennings; Dwanna L. McKay; Miranda Belarde-Lewis; Shelly Lowe; Tria Blu Wakpa; Symphony Oxendine; Denise Henning; Renée Holt; Otakuye Conroy-Ben; Theresa Gregor; Sloan Woska-pi-mi Shotton; Pearl Brower; Erin Kahunawaika?ala Wright; Kaiwipuni Lipe; Charlotte Davidson; Stephanie Waterman
Publication Date: 2022Indigenous Motherhood in the Academy highlights the experiences and narratives emerging from Indigenous mothers in the academy who are negotiating their roles in multiple contexts. More specific to Indigenous motherhood in the academy is how culture and place impacts mothering (specifically, if Indigenous mothers are not in their traditional homelands as they raise their children), how academia impacts mothering, how mothering impacts scholarship, and how to negotiate loss and other complexities between motherhood and one's role in the academy.Inequalities and the paradigm of excellence in academia by Fiona Jenkins
Publication Date: 2022Policy makers have increasingly placed emphasis on gender equality as part of a strategy for achieving research excellence, and efforts to reduce gender bias have become mainstream. This book suggests that this goal has remained elusive in practice due to continuing under-representation of women across many academic and scientific fields. Questioning the old structures of male-dominance still prevalent in national research policy, the book explores the effects of institutional values and practices on the careers of academics, particularly the academic identities of women and their career developments.Instructor social presence: an essential tool for online student engagement and persistence in higher education by Catheryn Reardon
Publication Date: 2022In Instructor Social Presence: An Essential Tool for Online Student Engagement and Persistence in Higher Education, Catheryn Reardon argues that the social presence of the instructor plays a critical role in online student engagement and persistence in higher education. Although the results presented in this study were inconclusive, the findings revealed some important areas for future research including the role that empathy plays in a virtual environment.Integrating transparency in learning and teaching (TILT): an effective tool for providing equitable opportunity in higher education by Devi Akella (Ed.); Laxmi Paudel (Ed.); Nadeepa Wickramage (Ed.); Michael Rogers (Ed.); Annalease Gibson (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022Integrating Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TILT): An Effective Tool for Providing Equitable Opportunity in Higher Education provides information on Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TILT) concepts and how they can be used in course development to improve student learning and performance. It focuses on bringing positive learning experiences to college students, especially first-generation students, which can lead to higher levels of academic success. It strongly advocates for transparent education and provides guidance for overcoming the existing accessibility gap in higher education.International environments and practices of higher education by Andrea Caputo (Ed.); Deborah Lock (Ed.); Dieu Hack-Polay (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022Taking forward the notion of the scholar without borders, International Environments and Practices of Higher Education provides a critical review of the teaching practices in higher education in international contexts. Sticky problems and debates about inclusivity, diversity, and cultural representation in the curriculum and classroom are explored through the eyes of the academics who negotiate complex teaching landscapes either on a temporary or permanent basis.The ivory tower: perspectives of women of color in higher education by Kimetta R. Hairston (Ed.); Tawannah G. Allen (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022The Ivory Tower: Perspectives of Women of Color in Higher Education highlights the voices of women of color in academia. When institutions ignore these voices by continuing to overlook the obstacles and experiences of women of color in higher education, they systematically derail their success. Hearing and understanding the firsthand accounts of women of color is a critical component in the recruitment, retention, and success of women of color.Leadership wellness and mental health concerns in higher education by Cynthia J. Alexander (Ed.); Amy Tureen (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022Leadership Wellness and Mental Health Concerns in Higher Education offers diverse perspectives about whether and how campus leaders around the world are sustaining and advancing health and wellness in unprecedented times and amplifies diverse voices in the exploration of how to advance individual and collective wellbeing in higher education.LGBTQ leadership in higher education by Raymond E. Crossman (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022In this book 15 LGBTQ presidents and chancellors in higher education provide insight into their experiences and highlight the importance of queer leadership for the academy and the world. Prior to this century, there were few known gay or lesbian presidents in North American higher education.Linguistic justice on campus: pedagogy and advocacy for multilingual students by Brooke R. Schreiber (Ed.); Eunjeong Lee (Ed.); Jennifer T. Johnson (Ed.); Norah Fahim (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This book supports writing educators on college campuses to work towards linguistic equity and social justice for multilingual students. It demonstrates how recent advances in theories on language, literacy, and race can be translated into pedagogical and administrative practice in a variety of contexts within US higher educational institutions.Maybe teaching is a bad idea: why faculty should focus on learning by Larry D. Spence; Maryellen Weimer
Publication Date: 2022This book proposes a radical restructuring of teaching so that it conforms to how people learn. Spence maintains that teaching cannot and should not be aimed at transferring knowledge from teacher brains into student brains. In his words: "Decades of experience have made perfectly clear that this approach frustrates teachers, bores students, and results in minimal learning."Meeting the needs of nontraditional undergraduate students by Stephanie Babb
Publication Date: 2022Meeting the Needs of Nontraditional Undergraduate Students has the potential to impact the field of adult higher education and nontraditional students by advancing and further honing already identified differences between nontraditional and traditional students. The book also considers tools and techniques to address these students' requirements to meet their educational goals. Covering topics such as gender, stressors, and flexible learning...Narratives of South Asian and South Asian American social justice educators by Anita Rao Mysore (Edi.); Christine Sleeter (Foreword); Nina Asher; Anita Chikkatur; Dimpal Jain; Saili S. Kulkarni; Anand R. Marri; Hema Ramanathan; Dilys Schoorman; Raji Swaminathan
Publication Date: 2022Narratives of South Asian and South Asian American Social Justice Educators carries the voices of faculty in higher education. Caught between the stereotypes of the model minority and invisibleness, the authors narrate their triumphs, trials and tribulations as social justice educators in US teacher education and in allied fields.Neoliberalizing diversity in liberal arts college life by Bonnie Urciuoli
Publication Date: 2022As neoliberalism has expanded from corporations to higher education, the notion of "diversity" is increasingly seen as the contribution of individuals to an organization. By focusing on one liberal arts college, author Bonnie Urciuoli shows how schools market themselves as "diverse" communities to which all members contribute.New perspectives on using accreditation to improve higher education by Eglantina Hysa (Ed.); Russell Foote (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022New Perspectives on Using Accreditation to Improve Higher Education outlines key issues that must be addressed if accreditation agencies globally are to achieve their primary objective of ensuring that universities and the degree programs they offer are of even greater quality than they are at present.s.Other people's colleges: the origins of American higher education reform by Ethan W. Ris
Publication Date: 2022For well over one hundred years, people have been attempting to make American colleges and universities more efficient and more accountable. Indeed, Ethan Ris argues in Other People's Colleges, the reform impulse is baked into American higher education, the result of generations of elite reformers who have called for sweeping changes in the sector and raised existential questions about its sustainability. When that reform is beneficial, offering major rewards for minor changes, colleges and universities know how to assimilate it. When it is hostile, attacking autonomy or values, they know how to resist it.Poison ivy: how elite colleges divide us by Evan Mandery
Publication Date: 2022An eye-opening look at how America's elite colleges and suburbs help keep the rich rich--making it harder than ever to fight the inequality dividing us today The front-page news and the trials that followed Operation Varsity Blues were just the tip of the iceberg. Poison Ivy tells the bigger, seedier story of how elite colleges create paths to admission available only to the wealthy, despite rhetoric to the contrary. Evan Mandery reveals how tacit agreements between exclusive "Ivy-plus" schools and white affluent suburbs create widespread de facto segregation.Preparing globally competent professionals and leaders for innovation and sustainability by Linyuan Guo-Brennan; Michael J. Guo-Brennan
Publication Date: 2022Preparing Globally Competent Professionals and Leaders for Innovation and Sustainability is centered on international higher education's role for the global common good. It critically examines the need for globally competent citizens, professionals, and leaders in the 21st century and higher education's role in the global common good for a sustainable world. The book presents an evidence-based interdisciplinary framework and promising strategies to allow all learners to develop global citizenship and global leadership while addressing the need to prepare human capital for the global knowledge economy and digital transformation of the 21st century.A problem of fit: how the complexity of college pricing hurts students--and universities by Phillip B. Levine
Publication Date: 2022How much does it cost to attend college in the United States today? The answer is more complex than many realize. College websites advertise a sticker price, but uncovering the actual price--the one after incorporating financial aid--can be difficult for students and families. This inherent uncertainty leads some students to forgo applying to colleges that would be the best fit for them, or even not attend college at all. The result is that millions of promising young people may lose out on one of society's greatest opportunities for social mobility. Colleges suffer too, losing prospective students and seeing lower enrollments and less socioeconomic diversity.Public policy and universities: the interplay of knowledge and power by Andrew Gunn; Michael Mintrom
Publication Date: 2022In the global knowledge economy universities are of paramount importance to governments worldwide. This creates a strong rationale for an element exploring how the interactions between universities and the state are being reconfigured, while highlighting the role policy analysis can play in explaining these dynamics. Specifically, this element draws on four theoretical approaches - New-Institutionalism, the Advocacy Coalition Framework, the Narrative Policy Framework, and Policy Diffusion and Transfer - to inform the analysis. Examples are drawn from a range of countries and areas of potential research informed by policy theory are identified.Queer & trans advocacy in the community college by Joshua Moon Johnson; Emilie Mitchell; Lemuel W. Watson
Publication Date: 2022There are more than 1,000 community colleges in the U.S. Even with the extraordinary number of students that the community college system educates, approximately 15 institutions nationally have paid staff to provide LGBTQ services to students. That being said, community colleges are now putting a larger emphasis on understanding and supporting this community. For example, The California Community College (CCC) system's 116 colleges now require all campuses to create a plan on how to improve success rates of LGBTQ+ students.Queering STEM culture in US higher education: navigating experiences of exclusion in the academy by Kelly J. Cross; Stephanie M. Farrell; Bryce Hughes
Publication Date: 2022"Adopting an intersectional lens, this timely volume explores the lived experiences of members of the queer and trans community in post-secondary STEM culture in the US to provide critical insights into progressing socially just STEM education pathways."Reimagining internationalization and international initiatives at Historically Black Colleges and Universities by Krishna Bista (Ed.; Anthony L. Pinder (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This book explores the internationalization policy, programs, and initiatives at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in the United States. This book addresses the value and impact of internationalization for all students at HBCUs and beyond. Internationalization can be leveraged as a tool for social justice and diversity thus moving students who are often placed at the periphery of society to the center. It also highlights the tensions between internationalization and institutional policies and priorities, while still serving, who have been historically marginalized.The right to higher education: a political theory by Christopher Martin
Publication Date: 2022The move from educational provision for children to educational provision for adults marks a troubling transformation in this public conversation: from one about how it can improve the lives of all individuals, to one preoccupied with fairness, competition, merit, personal responsibility, and the sharing of benefits and burdens. Problems of status, stratification, and selectivity capture as much, if not more, of our attention than the question of what higher education institutions should aim to achieve.Sister resisters: mentoring black women on campus by Janie V. Ward; Tracy L. Robinson-Wood
Publication Date: 2022Sister Resisters advances a robust model of mentorship in support of young Black women on campus. The book offers a multifaceted approach to cross-racial mentoring in higher education that promises growth and change for both mentees and their mentors.Strategy, policy, practice, and governance for AI in higher education institutions by Mashiur Rahman (Ed.); Jahangir Sultan (Ed.); Sarkar Jahan (Ed.); Cristina Almaraz-López (Ed.); Carmen López-Esteban (Ed.); Alexander Maz-Machado (Ed.); Fernando Almaraz Menéndez (Ed.); Richa Goel (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022Strategy, Policy, Practice, and Governance for AI in Higher Education Institutions offers both empirical and theoretical information focused on artificial intelligence and its various applications in higher education institutions. It includes research results, authoritative overview articles, high quality analysis on trends, comparative studies, and analysis of cases that focus on issues including ethical issues and risks for applying AI in higher education, policies to introduce AI in curricula, and applications in teaching and learning.Talking college: making space for Black language practices in higher education by Anne H. Charity Hudley; Christine Mallinson; Mary Bucholtz
Publication Date: 2022Talking College shows that language is fundamental to Black and African American culture and that linguistic justice is crucial to advancing racial justice, both on college campuses and throughout society. Writing from a linguistics-informed, Black-centered educational framework, the authors draw extensively on Black college students' lived experiences to present key ideas about African American English and Black language practices. The text presents a model of how Black students navigate the linguistic expectations of college.Title IX and the protection of pregnant and parenting college students: realities and challenges by Catherine L. Riley; Alexis Hutchinson; Carley Dix
Publication Date: 2022"This book explores the discrepancies among what protections Title IX provides to pregnant and parenting students, what colleges communicate, and what pregnant and parenting students actually experience. To actually protect pregnant and parenting students, the authors argue that a school must provide multi-faceted support that is effectively communicated to an entire campus community, including students who are parenting, who are pregnant, and who may become pregnant."Trauma-informed pedagogies: a guide for responding to crisis and inequality in higher education by Phyllis Thompson (Ed.); Janice Carello (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This book centers equity in the approach to trauma-informed practice and provides the first evidence-based guide to trauma-informed teaching and learning in higher education.The Tuskegee student uprising: a history by Brian Jones
Publication Date: 2022In 1966, when one of their classmates was murdered by a white man in an off-campus incident, Tuskegee students began organizing under the banner of Black Power and fought for sweeping curricular and administrative reforms on campus. In 1968, hundreds of students took the Board of Trustees hostage and presented them with demands to transform Tuskegee Institute into a "Black University." This explosive movement was thwarted by the arrival of the Alabama National Guard and the school's temporary closure, but the students nevertheless claimed an impressive array of victories.Universities as transformative social spaces : mobilities and mobilizations from South Asian perspectives by Andrea Kolbel (Ed.); Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka (Ed.); Susan Thieme (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022The essays in this volume take a critical look at universities across South Asia, more specifically, at the dynamics of student mobility and mobilizations existing in such localized social spaces, and compares these with their counterparts in universities across the world. While elite universities in South Asia, as elsewhere, have been caught in a stiff international competition and are aspiring for the highest ranks, students from the most excluded communities and remote parts of the country seek entry to badly endowed universities, facing obstacles during their courses, and upon seeking entry into employment. The volume evaluates such universities as spaces for mobility opportunity and mobilizations in a globally networked world.Unraveling faculty burnout: pathways to reckoning and renewal by Rebecca Pope-Ruark
Publication Date: 2022Burnout, a mental health syndrome caused by chronic workplace stress, is endemic to higher education in a patriarchal, productivity-obsessed culture. In this unique book for women in higher education, Rebecca Pope-Ruark, PhD, draws from her own burnout experience, as well as collected stories of faculty in various roles and career stages, interviews with coaches and educational developers, and extensive secondary research to address and mitigate burnout.Unsettling the university: confronting the colonial foundations of US higher education by Sharon Stein
Publication Date: 2022Over the past several decades, higher education in the United States has been shaped by marketization and privatization. Efforts to critique these developments often rely on a contrast between a bleak present and a romanticized past. In Unsettling the University, Sharon Stein offers a different entry point--one informed by decolonial theories and practices--for addressing these issues. Stein describes the colonial violence underlying three of the most celebrated moments in US higher education history: the founding of the original colonial colleges, the creation of land-grant colleges and universities, and the post-World War II "Golden Age."The walls around opportunity : the failure of colorblind policy for higher education by Gary Orfield
Publication Date: 2022For many young people, racial inequality puts them at a disadvantage from early childhood. The Walls around Opportunity argues that colorblind policies have made college inaccessible to a large share of students of color, and reveals how policies that acknowledge racial inequalities and set racial equality goals can succeed where colorblindness has failed.The Wiley handbook of collaborative online learning and global engagement by Deirdre Johnston (Ed.); Irene López (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022The Wiley Handbook of Collaborative Online Learning and Global Engagement is designed to help educators develop and conduct high-impact, globally-connected courses across the humanities, the fine arts, and the social and natural sciences. This comprehensive guide covers collaborative practices, course design variables, student learning approaches, logistical planning, and more. An international team of contributors from diverse geographic, cultural, and academic backgrounds offer insight into enhancing pedagogical practice, coordinating study abroad experiences, and promoting both students' and faculty's global competencies.Young, gifted and missing: the underrepresentation of African American males in science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines by Anthony G. Robins (Ed.); Locksley Knibbs (Ed.); Ted N. Ingram (Ed.); Michael N. Weaver Jr. (Ed.); Adriel Hilton (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022The authors track the experiences of African American male students in STEM at every level of the educational system in order to produce successful models of achievement. The number of African American males who enroll in STEM degree programs as opposed to the lower numbers that ultimately graduate portends poorly for U.S. communities and democracy.
Anchoring innovation districts: the entrepreneurial university and urban change by Costas Spirou
Publication Date: 2021After the economic crisis of 2008, many colleges and universities attempted to generate alternative sources of revenue and pursued aggressive economic development strategies. Some universities even began to actively invest resources in the rebirth (and rebranding) of urban cores, encouraging the development of entrepreneurial, technology-oriented innovation districts. In Anchoring Innovation Districts, Costas Spirou explains that these districts have emerged as geographic clusters of technology startups, business incubators, and accelerators.Applications of work integrated learning among Gen Z and Y students by Trevor Gerhardt (Ed.); Paulette J. Annon (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021Applications of Work Integrated Learning Among Gen Z and Y Students presents educational and theoretical concepts related to WIL and Gen Z and Y students as a workforce. The chapters include coverage not only on these concepts, but in-depth research on the implications of WIL on these generations, educational themes in WIL, and WIL innovation. The topic of WIL and all its applications are covered in a global context and for all fields of work, focusing on the skills and expertise gained from the students of work-based learning along with insights on how work-based learning is implemented by teachers and educational administrations.Assessing university governance and policies in relation to the covid-19 pandemic by Mansoor A. Alaali (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021Assessing University Governance and Policies in Relation to the COVID-19 Pandemic presents the latest research and studies investigating information on university governance and adapting previous, existing, and proposed models for the current pandemic. This book is comprised of chapters contributed by various leading international authors to discuss and analyze all aspects of university governance in relation to their impact on strategies in finance, sustainability, academic issues, research, faculty and students, leadership, campus, employment and recruitments, and more.The attack on higher education: the dissolution of the American university by Ronald G. Musto
Publication Date: 2021American higher education is under attack today as never before. A growing right-wing narrative portrays academia as corrupt, irrelevant, costly, and dangerous to both students and the nation. Budget cuts, attacks on liberal arts and humanities disciplines, faculty layoffs and retrenchments, technology displacements corporatization, and campus closings have accelerated over the past decade.The beauty and the burden of being a black professor by Cheron H. Davis (Ed.); Adriel A. Hilton (Ed.); Ricardo Hamrick (Ed.); F. Erik Brooks (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021Including personal essays written by Black professors, this volume showcases personal insights and inspirational stories from leading Black scholars across the US. It highlights and problematizes the uncomfortable truth of the lack of diversity in many higher education institutions in order to further discussions on the topic of race in academia, and to assist academics of color in preparing for their careers.Cases on active blended learning in higher education by Brenda Padilla Rodriguez; Alejandro Armellini
Publication Date: 2021Active blended learning (ABL) is a pedagogical approach that combines sensemaking activities with focused interactions in appropriate learning settings. ABL has become a great learning tool as it is easily accessible online, with digitally rich environments, close peer and tutor interactions, and accommodations per individual learner needs. It encompasses a variety of concepts, methods, and techniques, such as collaborative learning, experiential learning, problem-based learning, team-based learning, and flipped classrooms.Community colleges and workforce preparation in the 21st century: emerging research and opportunities by Dimitra Smith (Ed.); Rhonda Lewis (Ed.); Leslie Singleton (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021Community Colleges and Workforce Preparation in the 21st Century: Emerging Research and Opportunities is a comprehensive reference source that covers the essential role of community colleges in developing a skilled workforce via varying educational opportunities that include degree completion, workforce development, and skill enhancement. Readers will benefit from the book's ability to advocate for the need for individuals with skillful trade options, provide different areas to consider as trade options, discuss the role of community colleges in preparing a workforce, examine the challenges that can arise for individuals with a trade, and present a global outlook on the workforce of the 21st century.Complaint! by Sara Ahmed
Publication Date: 2021In Complaint! Sara Ahmed examines what we can learn about power from those who complain about abuses of power. Drawing on oral and written testimonies from academics and students who have made complaints about harassment, bullying, and unequal working conditions at universities, Ahmed explores the gap between what is supposed to happen when complaints are made and what actually happens.A comprehensive critique of student evaluation of teaching: critical perspectives on validity, reliability, and impartiality by Dennis E. Clayson
Publication Date: 2021"This thought-provoking volume offers comprehensive analysis of contemporary research and literature on student evaluation of teaching (SET) in Higher Education. In evaluating data from fields including education, psychology, engineering, science, and business, this volume critically engages with the assumption that SET is a reliable and valid measure of effective teaching."Confronting equity and inclusion incidents on campus: lessons learned and emerging practices by Hannah Oliha-Donaldson
Publication Date: 2021"This timely book unpacks critical incidents occurring on college and university campuses across the nation. Featuring the voices of faculty, staff, and students, this edited volume offers an interdisciplinary exploration of contemporary diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) challenges at the intersections of race, class, gender, and socioeconomic status, while illuminating lessons learned and promising practices."Decolonisation of higher education in Africa: perspectives from hybrid knowledge production by Emnet Tadesse Woldegiorgis (Ed.); Irina Turner (Ed.); Abraham Brahima (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021This book discusses the status and importance of decolonisation and indigenous knowledge in academic research, teaching, and learning programmes and beyond. Taking practical lessons from a range of institutions in Africa, the book argues that that local and global sciences are culturally equal and capable of synergistic complementarity and then integrates the concept of hybrid science into discourses on decolonisation.Designing courses with digital technologies : insights and examples from higher education by Stefan Hrastinski
Publication Date: 2021"Designing Courses with Digital Technologies offers guidance for higher education instructors integrating digital technologies into their teaching, assessment, and overall support of students. Written by and for instructors from a variety of disciplines, this book presents evaluations that the contributors have implemented in real-life courses, spanning blended and distance learning, flipped classrooms, collaborative technologies, video-supported learning, and beyond."Driving innovation with for-profit adult higher education online institutions by David Stein (Ed.); Hilda R. Glazer (Ed.); Constance Wanstreet (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021Driving Innovation With For-Profit Adult Higher Education Online Institutions focuses on teaching and learning in distance learning remote universities. This book explores, describes, and questions the role of these institution in the higher education landscape. This publication examines the ideas, programs, student services, and curriculum innovations that created the space for the for-profit distance education university to become a competitive force in the higher education marketplace.Educating the top 100 percent: policy pathways for public higher education by Stephen G. Katsinas; Nathaniel J. Bray; Martha J. Kanter
Publication Date: 2021Educating the Top 100 Percent assesses the decline of higher education funding and offers ambitious policy recommendations to restore the possibility of accessible, affordable education for all.Education, communication and democracy in Africa: a democratic pedagogy for the future by Chikumbutso Herbert Manthalu (Ed.); Victor Chikaipa (Ed.); Anthony Mavuto Gunde (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021This innovative volume critically examines the intersection between democracy, education and communication in African educational domains. Providing a platform for multidisciplinary research, it advances scholarship in democratic citizenship education in African higher education through methodological and theoretical innovation.Elevating marginalized voices in academe: lessons for a new generation of scholars by Emerald Templeton; Bridget H. Love; Onda Johnson
Publication Date: 2021"This book shares advice, how-to's, validations, and cautionary tales based on minoritized students' recent experiences in doctoral studies. Providing a change of view from inspirational works framed at the "traditional" graduate student towards the affirmation of marginalized voices, readers are given a look at the multiplicitous experiences of underrepresented identities in the predominantly, and historically, White academy."Enhancing higher education accessibility through open education and prior learning by Carolyn N. Stevenson
Publication Date: 2021Enhancing Higher Education Accessibility Through Open Education and Prior Learning provides a comprehensive resource book on open resources and prior learning in order to provide access and equity to higher education. The chapters pull together resources and case studies that exemplify alternative means to higher education. Highlighted topics within this book include remote e-learning, online fundraising, smart learning and assessments, effective learning, and faculty mentorship.Enhancing performance: a best practices guide for innovations in community colleges by Sandra J. Balkema (Editor); Roberta C. Teahen (Editor)
Publication Date: 2021Enhancing Performance: A Best Practices Guide for Innovations in Community Colleges is a collection of essays from community college leaders across the country addressing challenges facing today's community colleges and providing practical, successful solutions their institutions have implemented. Some of the essays address foundational issues, including the role of innovation, strategic enrollment management, and campus safety strategies on the future of community colleges.First-generation women college students starving to matter: revealing the lived experiences of a student population in crisis by Argyro Aloupis Armstrong
Publication Date: 2021Success in higher education relies on access to resources, connection, and a sense of meaning and purpose. Based on a yearlong qualitative study the book highlights the ways in which access to student resources, mattering and marginalization frame larger issues including mental health and food and housing insecurities.The fractured college prep pipeline: hoarding opportunities to learn by Heather E. Price
Publication Date: 2021This book walks readers through the stages of the high school college prep pipeline that introduce interlocked structural barriers to student achievement. The author shows how these barriers reinforce segregated structures that unfairly distribute the public good of education to some students and not others. Price argues that the college prep pipeline of Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate coursework in American high schools constitutes a new form of tracking in the 21st century.Fundraising principles for faculty and academic leaders by Aaron Conley; Genevieve G. Shaker
Publication Date: 2021This book includes evidence-based insights and recommendations to help academicians excel in raising philanthropic support for their institutions and units. The book provides historical and contemporary perspectives on core concepts and data, research revealing donors' giving motivations, engagement strategies and tactics for academic units, and guidance on management challenges including strategic plans, campaigns, and measuring performance.The future of Catholic higher education: the open circle by James L. Heft
Publication Date: 2021The Catholic Church has gone through more change in the last sixty years than in the previous six hundred. These changes have caused a significant shift in the future outlook of Catholic higher education as the United States has developed a culture that has grown less receptive to religious traditions and practices. Drawing upon his extensive experience, James Heft lays out the current state of Catholic higher education and what needs to be done to ensure that Catholicism isn't fazed out of the educational system.Handbook of research on leading higher education transformation with social justice, equity, and inclusion by Clint-Michael Reneau (Ed.); Mary Ann Villarreal (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021The Handbook of Research on Leading Higher Education Transformation With Social Justice, Equity, and Inclusion offers a window into understanding the deep intersections of identity and professional practice as well as guideposts for individual leadership development during contested times. The chapters emphasize how identity manifests in the way we lead, supervise, make decisions, persuade, form relationships, and negotiate responsibilities each day. In this book, the authors provide insight, examples, and personal narratives that explore how their identities, lens, and commitments shaped their leadership and supported their courageous acts for equity and social justice. It provides practical tools that leaders can draw on to inform sustainable equity and inclusion-focused practices and policies on college campuses and will discuss important campus climate issues and ways to address them.Handbook of research on multilingual and multicultural perspectives on higher education and implications for teaching by Sviatlana Karpava (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021The Handbook of Research on Multilingual and Multicultural Perspectives on Higher Education and Implications for Teaching focuses on both top-down and bottom-up perspectives on multilingual and multicultural education based on conceptual and empirical studies. This book provides evidence in support of sustainable multilingualism and multiculturalism in higher education, covering topics such as dialectic teaching, multilingual classrooms, and teacher education.Humanizing higher education through innovative approaches for teaching and learning by Enakshi Sengupta (Ed.); Patrick Blessinger (Ed.); Mandla Makhanya (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021This edited collection showcases how innovative approaches to teaching and learning have become the need of the hour in higher education. How might new technologies and a fresh take on curriculum design create a sufficient impact on learners? Pouring renewed emphasis onto the practice of innovative pedagogy, the authors chronicle the success stories of fresh interventions, and demonstrate the potential impact of re-inventing the learner-centered approach.Indentured students : how government-guaranteed loans left generations drowning in college debt by Elizabeth Tandy Shermer
Publication Date: 2021It didn't always take thirty years to pay off the cost of a bachelor's degree. Elizabeth Tandy Shermer untangles the history that brought us here and discovers that the story of skyrocketing college debt is not merely one of good intentions gone wrong. In fact, the federal student loan program was never supposed to make college affordable. The earliest federal proposals for college affordability sought to replace tuition with taxpayer funding of institutions. But Southern whites feared that lower costs would undermine segregation, Catholic colleges objected to state support of secular institutions, professors worried that federal dollars would come with regulations hindering academic freedom, and elite-university presidents recoiled at the idea of mass higher education. Cold War congressional fights eventually made access more important than affordability.International perspectives on gender and higher education: student access and success by Christine Fontanini (Ed.); K. M. Joshi (Ed.); Saeed Paivandi (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021Despite improved access to higher education for women, the distribution of women and men varies considerably between different fields of study. The chapters in this edited collection explore the participation status of women in higher education across the varying socio-economic and sociological backgrounds observed in different countries and regions.The intersection of high-impact practices: what's next for higher education? by Shauna Reilly; Samantha Langley-Turnbaugh
Publication Date: 2021The research presented by Drs. Reilly and Turnbaugh-Langley illustrates that student success is not just a function of participation in one or many high-impact practices, but rather the order, timing, and interaction of these practices that yields the highest impact. These chapters discuss various high-impact practices such as study abroad experiences, student research initiatives, and internships to explore how these kinds of activities augment and enrich the success of students.Language and decoloniality in higher education: reclaiming voices from the South by Zannie Bock (Ed.); Christopher Stroud (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021Language and Decoloniality in Higher Education brings together a collection of diverse papers that address, from various angles, the issue of decoloniality, language and transformation in higher education. It reflects the authors' cumulative years of experience as educators in higher education in different southern contexts. Distilled as case studies, the authors use a range of decolonial lenses to reflect on questions of knowledge, language and learning, and to build a reflexive praxis of decoloniality through multilingualism.Leadership and management strategies for creating agile universities by Thomas M. Connolly (Ed.); Stephen Farrier (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021Leadership and Management Strategies for Creating Agile Universities reflects on the challenges that higher education institutions have faced during the pandemic and the associated projected socio-economic impact yet to be felt. It also considers how different universities have addressed the challenges so as to learn what has and has not worked and speculates what future implications exist for the vision of a new higher education sector in a changing world.A leadership guide for women in higher education by Marjorie Hass
Publication Date: 2021Women face unique challenges as they move into senior leadership roles at colleges and universities. This guide provides them with the frank, supportive advice they need to advance their careers and lead with excellence. For years, Marjorie Hass, now the president of Rhodes College, was approached by women in higher education looking for advice and support as they took on leadership roles and navigated challenging career paths. Eventually, she began offering online seminars so she could meet in small groups to answer questions and encourage women to develop mutually supportive relationships.Managing social responsibility in universities: organisational responses to sustainability by Loreta Tauginienė (Ed.); Raminta Pučėtaitė (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021This book explores the concept of university social responsibility, drawing on a wide range of geographical perspectives, such as China and Germany. It also examines the diverse aspirations of universities, from preserving authenticity and safeguarding Catholic values, to embedding sustainability into the community.Measurement methodologies to assess the effectiveness of global online learning by Pedro Isaias (Ed.); Tomayess Issa (Ed.); Piet Kommers (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021Measurement Methodologies to Assess the Effectiveness of Global Online Learning aims to assess the effectiveness of online teaching and learning in normal and pandemic situations by addressing challenges and opportunities of adoption of online platforms as well as effective learning strategies, investigating the best pedagogical practices in digital learning, questioning how to improve student motivation and performance, and managing and measuring academic workloads online.Navigating difficult moments in teaching diversity and social justice by Mary E. Kite (Ed.); Kim A. Case (Ed.); Wendy R. Williams (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021This book examines common challenges that arise for educators teaching social justice and diversity-related courses and offers best practices for addressing them. Contributors cover issues such as the many roles instructors play, inside and outside of college and university classrooms, for example, in handling personal threats, responsibly incorporating current events related to social justice into classroom discussion, navigating one's own stigmatized or privileged identities, dealing with bias in teaching evaluations, and engaging in self-care.No study without struggle: confronting settler colonialism in higher education by Leigh Patel
Publication Date: 2021Examines how student protest against structural inequalities on campus pushes academic institutions to reckon with their legacy built on slavery and stolen Indigenous lands Using campus social justice movements as an entry point, Leigh Patel shows how the struggles in higher education often directly challenged the tension between narratives of education as a pathway to improvement and the structural reality of settler colonialism that creates and protects wealth for a select few.Overcoming fieldwork challenges in social science and higher education research by Abir El Shaban
Publication Date: 2021Overcoming Fieldwork Challenges in Social Science and Higher Education Research draws on the experience of conducting fieldwork in different contexts and world regions that are relevant to social science and education studies. The diverse experiences in research processes and contexts that this book offers provide readers with an authentic and realistic description of how research data is collected, the tools needed to envision some of the challenges that they might face, and how to effectively solve them.A place called home: school-university-community collaboration and the immigrant educational experience by R. Martin Reardon; Jack Leonard
Publication Date: 2021"At the end of 2019, almost 80 million people had been forced to leave the place they called home "as a result of persecution, conflict, violence, human rights violations or events seriously disturbing public order," according to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (https://www.unhcr.org/globaltrends2019/). This volume presents the concerted efforts of chapter contributors to alleviate the alienation of those who have been displaced and help them to feel at home in the country in which they have sought refuge."Plantation politics and campus rebellions: power, diversity, and the emancipatory struggle in higher education by Bianca C. Williams (Ed.); Dian D. Squire (Ed.); Frank A. Tuitt (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021Argues that plantation life, its racialized inequities, and the ongoing struggle against them are embedded in not only the physical structures but also the everyday workings of higher education.Point of reckoning : the fight for racial justice at Duke University by Theodore D. Segal
Publication Date: 2021In Point of Reckoning, Theodore D. Segal narrates the contested fight for racial justice at Duke from the enrollment of the first Black undergraduates in 1963 to the events that led to the Allen Building takeover and beyond. Segal shows that Duke's first Black students quickly recognized that the university was unwilling to acknowledge their presence or fully address its segregationist past.Promoting inclusive classroom dynamics in higher education: a research-based pedagogical guide for faculty by Kathryn C. Oleson
Publication Date: 2021Grounded in research and theory (including educational psychology,scholarship of teaching and learning, intergroup dialogue, and social justice theory), this book provides practical solutions to help faculty create an inclusive learning environment in which all students can thrive.The proper role of higher education in a democratic society by Vincent Bowhay (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021The Proper Role of Higher Education in a Democratic Society reexamines the purpose of higher education during rapidly changing times, offers practical advice and best practices to reclaim higher education's most fundamental mission, and argues that if higher education is called to prepare students to serve a government by the people, the people must be prepared to govern effectively. This book provides resources and suggestions for restoring the public faith in higher education by connecting the educational experience with civic engagement outcomes. Diverse perspectives presented in this book challenge traditional notions that civic engagement is handled by one office on a college campus and is only discussed during a presidential election.Quality assurance in higher education in Eastern and Southern Africa: regional and continental perspectives by Peter Neema-Abooki (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021This book examines the critical aspect of quality assurance maintenance of competitive-standards in African higher education. It explores both the micro and macro-levels of continental African higher education regulatory authorities, and analyses different institutional, regional and national practices for moving towards continental quality assurance approaches.Redefining liberal arts education in the twenty-first century by Robert E. Luckett (Editor); William D. Adams (Foreword by); Robert E. Luckett (Editor)
Publication Date: 2021Redefining Liberal Arts Education in the Twenty-First Century delves into the essential nature of the liberal arts in America today. During a time when the STEM fields of science, technology, engineering, and math dominate the narrative around the future of higher education, the liberal arts remain vital but frequently dismissed academic pursuits. While STEAM has emerged as a popular acronym, the arts get added to the discussion in a way that is often rhetorical at best.A research agenda for graduate education by Brian S. Mitchell
Publication Date: 2021A Research Agenda for Graduate Educationis a call to action for the graduate education community to commit to the same level of research and scholarship on itself that it expects from its students in their own disciplinary training. In this book, Brian S. Mitchell explores the current literature on graduate education for theoretical models that need testing, previous research that needs updating, and future research that may be explored.Reshaping graduate education through innovation and experiential learning by Toby S. Jenkins
Publication Date: 2021Reshaping Graduate Education Through Innovation and Experiential Learning offers practice-based reflections on efforts to infuse creativity, social action, engaged learning, or other creative interventions into the graduate classroom. The book includes personal narratives that are grounded in pedagogical perspectives from graduate school instructors who share their experiences with innovative and transformative teaching practices.The Soul of the American university revisited: from Protestant to postsecular by George M. Marsden
Publication Date: 2021The Soul of the American University is a classic and much discussed account of the changing roles of Christianity in shaping American higher education, presented here in a newly revised edition to offer insights for a modern era. As late as the World War II era, it was not unusual even for state schools to offer chapel services or for leading universities to refer to themselves as "Christian" institutions. From the 1630s through the 1950s, when Protestantism provided an informal religious establishment, colleges were expected to offer religious and moral guidance.Speech freedom on campus: past, present, and future by Joseph Russomanno (Ed.); Erwin Chemerinsky (Foreword); Ronald K. L. Collins; Will Creeley; Joe Dryden; Jeremiah Fuzy; Erica Goldberg; David Hudson; Brett Johnson; Rodney A. Smolla; Geoffrey R. Stone; Christina E. Wells
Publication Date: 2021The topic explored in Speech Freedom on Campus: Past, Present and Future is multi-layered, and its analysis is best accomplished through multiple perspectives. Joseph Russomanno's edited collection does precisely that, utilizing 10 different scholars to examine various aspects and issues related to speech freedom on campus.Strategies for the creation and maintenance of entrepreneurial universities by Colette Henry (Ed.); Bárbara Filipa Casqueira Coelho Gabriel (Ed.); Klaus Sailer (Ed.); Ester Bernadó-Mansilla (Ed.); Katja Lahikainen (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021Strategies for the Creation and Maintenance of Entrepreneurial Universities uses findings from a major EU-funded five country project (THEI2.0) focused on enhancing the implementation and impact of the EU-OECD's HEInnovate tool to offer valuable strategies to help universities become more entrepreneurial, especially in the current COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 environments.Successes and setbacks of social media: impact on academic life by Cheyenne Seymour (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021Successes and Setbacks of Social Media: Impact on Academic Life rigorously explores the positive and negative impacts of social media as a communication tool. The book incorporates a diverse group of opinions and perspectives, all of which reflect on how social media might influence academic success, relationships, self-worth, and engagement with virtual networks.Teaching and learning for social justice and equity in higher education: content areas by C. Casey Ozaki (Ed.); Laura Parson (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021This book explores theory and best practices to improve teaching and learning to promote equity in the classroom in specific disciplinary areas including STEM, healthcare, and the humanities. Each chapter includes actionable pedagogical or curricular recommendations such as course assignments and lesson plans.Teaching critical reading and writing in the era of fake news by Ellen C. Carillo (Ed.); Alice S. Horning (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021This collection offers support for instructors who are concerned about students' critical literacy abilities. Attending to critical reading to help students navigate fake news, as well as other forms of disinformation and misinformation, is the job of instructors across all disciplines, but is especially important for college English instructors because students' reading problems play out in many and varied ways in students' writing.The university becoming: perspectives from philosophy and social theory by Søren S. E. Bengtsen (Ed.); Sarah Robinson (Ed.); Wesley Shumar (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021This volume wholeheartedly engages with the current climate in higher education and provides not only a thorough analysis of the foundational elements constituting higher education but also a critical discussion of possible connections to societal and cultural domains and policy debates.What inclusive instructors do: principles and practices for excellence in college teaching by Tracie Marcella Addy; Derek Dube; Khadijah A. Mitchell; Mallory E. SoRelle
Publication Date: 2021Inclusive instruction is teaching that recognizes and affirms a student's social identity as an important influence on teaching and learning processes, and that works to create an environment in which students are able to learn from the course, their peers, and the teacher while still being their authentic selves. It works to disrupt traditional notions of who succeeds in the classroom and the systemic inequities inherent in traditional educational practices.Whiteness, power, and resisting change in US higher education: a peculiar institution by Kenneth R. Roth (Ed.); Zachary S. Ritter (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021This edited volume connects the origins of US higher education during the Colonial Era with current systemic characteristics that maintain white supremacist structures and devalue students and faculty of color, as well as areas of study that interrogate Whiteness. The authors examine power structures within the academy that scaffold Whiteness and promote inequality at all levels by maintaining a two-tier faculty system and a dearth of Faculty and Administrators of Color.Women of color in STEM: navigating the double bind in higher education by Beverly J. Irby; Nahed Abdelrahman; Barbara Polnick; Julia Ballenger
Publication Date: 2021Though there has been a rapid increase of women's representation in law and business, their representation in STEM fields has not been matched. Researchers have revealed that there are several environmental and social barriers including stereotypes, gender bias, and the climate of science and engineering departments in colleges and universities that continue to block women's progress in STEM. In this book, the authors address the issues that encounter women of color in STEM in higher education.
- Last Updated: Feb 7, 2025 10:53 AM
- URL: https://guides.library.stanford.edu/higher_education
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