Geophysics: Subject specific journals & databases
Browse select geophysics journals and databases
Covers worldwide technical literature on geology and geophysics ... GEOREF organizes and indexes papers from over 4,500 serials and other publications representative of the interests of the twenty professional geological and earth science societies that are members of the AGI.

SEG digital library
"The SEG Digital Library provides a single access point and interface consistency for the Society of Exploration Geophysicists' two journals, its meeting abstracts, and its best-selling encyclopedic dictionary. Coverage includes a complete archive all technical articles published in Geophysics, The Leading Edge, Interpretation, SEG Technical Programs Expanded Abstracts, Global Meeting Abstracts, Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics (JEEG), Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP) Proceedings, Exploration Geophysics, ASEG Extended Abstracts

EarthDoc enables you to browse through thousands of event papers and journal articles online. Around 45,000 technical documents can be accessed, including event papers and articles from several technical journals. Pre-conference papers are available on EarthDoc two weeks prior to every EAGE event.

ASCE library
A comprehensive online tool for locating articles of interest across all disciplines of civil engineering. The ASCE Library includes ASCE conference proceedings beginning in 1998, and all ASCE journal and periodical volumes published since 1995.

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