Education resources: Background information
This guide is designed for those getting started on research in education
Background information to get started
The Oxford encyclopedia of educational psychology by Li-fang Zhang (Editor-In-Chief)
Publication Date: 2021This collection of full-length articles by leading scholars specializing in a wide array of topics signifying the diverse origins and theoretical and philosophical foundations of the field situates educational psychology within the larger contexts of psychology and education. Contributors from different parts of the world have incorporated relevant theoretical perspectives and empirical work conducted in diverse cultures into the broader context of the topics they examined.Handbook of critical approaches to politics and policy of education by Kenneth J. Saltman; Nicole Nguyen
Publication Date: 2022"The Handbook of Critical Approaches to Politics and Policy of Education provides a broad overview of educational policy and politics from critical perspectives engaging with both foundational and cutting-edge topics. In critical perspectives, educational policy debates and programs for reform are about more than narrow questions of efficacy say to raise test scores or for simply more educational inclusion, fairer school spending, or even cultural responsiveness. Rather, policy and reform debates represent contested visions for schools and society by social groups vying for hegemony"--The Oxford encyclopedia of qualitative research methods in education [electronic version] by George W. Noblit
Publication Date: 2020"The Oxford Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods in Education has brought together scholars from across the globe who use qualitative methods in their research to address the history, current uses, adaptations for specific knowledge domains and situations, and problematics that drive the methodology. The two-volume set is the most comprehensive resource available on qualitative methods in education."Handbook on teaching and learning for sustainable development by Walter Leal Filho (Ed.); Amanda Lange Salvia (Ed.); Fernanda Frankenberger (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021Exploring the important role of education in both pursuing and implementing sustainable development, this timely Handbook highlights how teaching methods at schools and universities can impact the future. It looks at ways not only to inform students about matters related to sustainable development, but also to empower them to adopt behaviours and actions that lead to more sustainable lifestyles.The Oxford encyclopedia of gender and sexuality in education by Cris Mayo (Editor-In-Chief)
Publication Date: 2022The Oxford Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality in Education brings together researchers from around the globe to explore how gender and sexuality shape the experiences of learners across a wide range of educational levels. The Encyclopedia offers insights into research on the affordances,impact, and disparities in education related to gender and sexuality in their most complex and transnational forms. The diversity of viewpoints, experiences, and research backgrounds provides readers with a fuller appreciation of the impact of intersectionality, as well as a global overview of gender and sexuality research in education.The SAGE encyclopedia of higher education by Miriam E. David (Ed.); Marilyn J. Amey (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2020With over 600 signed entries, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Higher Education demonstrates the impact higher education has had on global economies and universities across the world. This encyclopedia touches on all aspects of higher education through: key concepts, debates, approaches, schools of thought on higher education, and role of universities.The Oxford Handbook of the History of Education by John L. Rury (Editor); Eileen H. Tamura (Editor)
Publication Date: 2019This handbook offers a global view of the historical development of educational institutions, systems of schooling, ideas about education, and educational experiences.The Oxford handbook of language and race by H. Samy Alim (Ed.); Angela Reyes (Ed.); Paul V. Kroskrity (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2020The Oxford Handbook of Language and Race positions issues of race as central to language-based scholarship. In twenty-one chapters divided into four sections--Foundations and Formations; Coloniality and Migration; Embodiment and Intersectionality; and Racism and Representations--authors at the forefront of this rapidly expanding field present state-of-the-art research and establish future directions of research.The Routledge handbook of second language acquisition and writing by Rosa Manchón; Charlene Polio
Publication Date: 2022"The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Writing is the authoritative compendium of theoretical perspectives and empirical developments on how and why the processes involved in writing (planning, composing, reflecting, monitoring, retrieving knowledge, processing feedback) can promote language learning."The handbook of critical literacies by Edited by Jessica Zacher Pandya, Raúl Alberto Mora, Jennifer Helen Alford, Noah Asher Golden
Publication Date: 2022"The Handbook of Critical Literacies aims to answer the timely question: what are the social responsibilities of critical literacy academics, researchers, and teachers in today's world."Handbook of social justice interventions in education. Volume 2 by Carol A. Mullen (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021The Handbook of Social Justice Interventions in Education features interventions in social justice within education and leadership, from early years to higher education and in mainstream and alternative, formal and informal settings.Educational neuroscience: development across the life span by Michael S. C. Thomas (Ed.); Denis Mareschal (Ed.); Iroise Dumontheil (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2020The field of educational neuroscience uses new insights about the neural mechanisms of learning to improve educational practices and outcomes. The first volume to bring together the latest knowledge on the development of educational neuroscience from a life-span perspective, this important text offers state of the art, authoritative research findings in educational neuroscience before providing evidence-based recommendations for classroom practice.Handbook of special education research. Volume I, Theory, methods, and developmental processes by Thomas W. Farmer; Elizabeth Talbott; Kristen L. McMaster; David L. Lee; Terese C. Aceves
Publication Date: 2022Divided into two volumes, Handbook of Special Education Research provides a comprehensive overview of critical issues in special education research. This first volume addresses key topics in theory, methods, and development, exploring how these three domains interconnect to build effective special education research.The Oxford encyclopedia of global perspectives on teacher education by Jo Lampert (Editor-In-Chief)
Publication Date: 2019The Oxford Encyclopedia of Global Perspectives on Teacher Education includes new articles on innovative, grounded, and theory-based workbeing done by established global scholars who are interrogating educational issues related to teacher education. A major aim of the project is to pave the way for scholars to learn from each other, recognizing not only similarities but also differences in perspectives, and in doing so, encourage those working in teacher education to create more sustainable, focused, and collaborative approaches to the merging of theory and practice.The Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning by Richard E. Mayer (Ed.); Logan Fiorella (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning examines cutting-edge research to guide creative teaching methods in online classrooms and training. Recognized as the field's major reference work, this research-based handbook helps define and shape this area of study. This third edition provides the latest progress report from the world's leading multimedia researchers, with forty-six chapters on how to help people learn from words and pictures, particularly in computer-based environments.
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