Education research: Background information
This guide is for those interested in the larger issue of educational research, both quantitative and qualitative.
Background information
- SAGE researchmethodsSAGE Research Methods is a tool created to help researchers, faculty and students with their research projects. Users can explore methods concepts to help them design research projects, understand particular methods or identify a new method, conduct their research, and write up their findings. Since SAGE Research Methods focuses on methodology rather than disciplines, it can be used across the social sciences, health sciences, and other areas of research.
Handbook of critical education research: qualitative, quantitative, and emerging approaches by Michelle D. Young; Sarah Diem
Publication Date: 2024This handbook offers a contemporary and comprehensive review of critical research theory and methodology. Showcasing the work of contemporary critical researchers who are harnessing and building on a variety of methodological tools, this volume extends beyond qualitative methodology to also include critical quantitative and mixed-methods approaches to research.The handbook of critical theoretical research methods in education by Cheryl E. Matias
Publication Date: 2021"This book approaches theory as a method for doing research, rather than as a background framework. The book seeks to address three main questions: How does theory operate as a methodological approach for doing theoretical research? What are the various existing critical theoretical frames that can be utilized as theoretical research methods? How do the insights that theoretical research, rooted in theoretical research methods, contribute understandings of education that non-theoretical research often fails to grasp?"The Oxford encyclopedia of qualitative research methods in education [electronic version] by George W. Noblit
Publication Date: 2020"The Oxford Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods in Education has brought together scholars from across the globe who use qualitative methods in their research to address the history, current uses, adaptations for specific knowledge domains and situations, and problematics that drive the methodology. The two-volume set is the most comprehensive resource available on qualitative methods in education."Handbook of qualitative research in education by Michael R. M. Ward (Ed.); Sara Delamont (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2020This updated second edition extends the discussions surrounding the key qualitative methods used in contemporary educational research. Featuring comprehensive coverage of research across all stages of education, it provides sophisticated and concise discussions on both the building blocks of the field and the latest advances in research.Handbook of teaching and learning social research methods by Melanie Nind (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023This comprehensive Handbook illustrates the wide range of approaches to teaching and learning social research methods in the classroom, online, in the field and in informal contexts. Bringing together contributors from varied disciplines and nations, it represents a landmark in the development of pedagogical culture for social research methods.Handbook of research on educational leadership and research methodology by Viktor Wang (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022The Handbook of Research on Educational Leadership and Research Methodology discusses the evolution of educational leadership knowledge, thoughts, and practices by sharing the perspectives, experiences, theories, and philosophies related to educational leadership and research methodologies across all levels of education. Covering topics such as critical race design, toxic leadership, and adult learning,...The SAGE handbook of comparative studies in education by Larry E. Suter (Ed.); Emma Smith (Ed.); Brian D. Denman (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2019Educational practices have rapidly changed in the last few decades, especially in how exchanges of information and learning are delivered and processed. Yet, while the field of international comparative studies has grown, there has not been an extensive study on the relationship between educational practices, students, and how practitioners are prepared and trained. This handbook explores international educational practices and behaviours through new research and a review of existing research...The Wiley handbook of action research in education by Craig A. Mertler (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2019The Wiley Handbook of Action Research in Education is the first book to offer theoretical, conceptual, and applied/practical presentations of action research as it is found and conducted solely in educational settings. Covering primarily PK-12 educational settings, the book utilizes a cross-section of international authors and presentations to provide global perspectives on action research in education.
- Last Updated: Jan 22, 2025 8:46 AM
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