Education and psychology: Recent print books
This is a guide for those interested in the application of psychology to education, both research and practice, including cognition, learning science, motivation, and behavior modification.
Recent print books
Teaching with superpowers: ten brain-informed practices by C. Bobbi Hansen
Publication Date: 2024Incorporating the principles of neuroscience not only transforms the practices that take place in the classroom, but also empowers teachers, equipping them with the tools they need to feel and be successful in their work. Written in a lighthearted, easy-to-read format, author C. Bobbi Hansen showcases the potential of brain-informed practices to empower teachers and learners alike.Mindsets in the classroom: building a culture of success and student achievement in schools by Mary Cay Ricci
Publication Date: 2024The latest edition of Mindsets in the Classroom provides educators with ideas and strategies to build a growth mindset school culture, wherein students are challenged to change their thinking about their abilities and potential through resilience, perseverance and a variety of strategies.Dealing with the urgent educational challenge: promoting social-emotional well-being among teachers, students, and families by Walter S. Polka (Ed.); John E. McKenna (Ed.); Monica J. VanHusen (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Dealing with the Urgent Educational Challenge: Promoting Social-Emotional Well-Being among Teachers, Students, and Families provides readers with key research-based and pragmatically tested approaches and processes to deal with the unprecedented mental health issues prevalent in today's schools, families, and communities.New science of learning: exploration in mind, brain, and education by Issa M. Saleh (Vol. Ed.); Myint Swe Khine (Vol. Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023In an attempt to foster effective learning for the students, educators and researchers have been examining the complex relations between psychological, biological, sociological, and cultural aspects of the educative process. The common goal is to promote deep learning and maximize the potential of next-generation students in constructing knowledge, understanding, supporting, and advancing skills in their chosen fields. In the past decades, scientists and educational researchers are developing a new understanding of how the brain works and gaining knowledge of brain research that can transform how they teach in class.Cognitive flexibility: the cornerstone of learning by Evelyne Clement
Publication Date: 2022This book proposes a study of the fundamental notions of cognitive flexibility: its measurement and development, its links with metacognition and critical thinking and the role of context in its expression, as well as its involvement in discovering solutions, transferring knowledge and processing analogies.Learning and teaching early math: the learning trajectories approach by Douglas H. Clements; Julie Sarama
Publication Date: 2021Using straightforward, practical language, early math experts Douglas Clements and Julie Sarama show how learning trajectories help teachers understand children's level of mathematical understanding and lead to better teaching. By focusing on the inherent delight and curiosity behind young children's mathematical reasoning, learning trajectories ultimately make teaching more joyous: helping teachers understand the varying levels of knowledge exhibited by individual students, it allows them to better meet the learning needs of all children.Restoring students' innate power: trauma-responsive strategies for teaching multilingual newcomers by Louise El Yaafouri
Publication Date: 2022This book explores the effects of trauma on newcomer students and presents stress-mitigating strategies that empower these multilingual students as they transition to a new environment. Diverse insights and experiences bring high-powered learning spaces to life. However, the cultural backgrounds of newcomer students and their families can be very different from the dominant norms of the new community, resulting in misalignments that constitute a persistent challenge.The collective mindset: a roadmap for continuous innovation and mindful change by Richard Bernato; Anthony Annunziato; Al Pisano
Publication Date: 2022We present, in this book, a model and process called The Collective Mindset which embraces collaboration, communication, reflection, and future-thought. That is, for every action we take in education, we must understand how to empathize and relate to others, as well as reflect on how each decision affects others within the space.Teaching self-compassion to teens by Lorraine Hobbs; Niina Tamura; Christopher Germer (Foreword); Daniel J. Siegel (Afterword)
Publication Date: 2022Grounded in knowledge about the unique developmental challenges of adolescence, this book presents an innovative approach for teaching self-compassion to teens and young adults in clinical, educational, or community settings.Sources for a better education : lessons from research and best practices by Piet Kommers
Publication Date: 2022This textbook evolves from the intersection between ''Research'', ''Educational Information Technologies'' and recent ''Best Practices''. It offers diplomacy and erudite rhetoric in order to harvest from innovation projects and see how new professional needs for teachers are emerging day by day. The volume launches the compact background for the 21st century education that every teacher faces after being in charge for 3 or 6 years after pre-service training. ''Sources for a better education'' refers to the deep understanding and to the incentives for encouraging teachers to leave the comfort zone and experiment the next steps into a further sophisticated professionalism, without the threat of feeling in a ''Dilemma''.Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) for American Indian youth by National Native Children's Trauma Center; Lisa H. Jaycox; Audra K. Langley; Sharon A. Hoover
Publication Date: 2021The Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) program is designed to help students exposed to traumatic events who are suffering from emotional or behavioral problems. This tool is an adaptation of the CBITS program for American Indian youth, weaving in culturally appropriate and meaningful concepts about resilience and healing while maintaining CBITS' core cognitive-behavioral skill-building techniques.Happy, healthy teens: why focusing on relationships works by Kari O'Driscoll
Publication Date: 2022This book offers clear, actionable ways for parents and educators to create and strengthen relationships with teens during a key time of growth and development. With an emphasis on mindfulness, non-violent communication, and rooted in what we know about brain and social development during the adolescent years, this book is a great resource for anyone who is struggling to understand how to support and connect with young people.Critical theories for school psychology and counseling: a foundation for equity and inclusion in school-based practice by Sherrie L. Proctor; David P. Rivera
Publication Date: 2022"Critical Theories for School Psychology and Counseling introduces school psychologists and counselors to five critical theories that inform more equitable, inclusive work with marginalized and underserved student populations."Fostering mental health literacy through adolescent literature by Brooke Eisenbach (Ed.); Jason Scott Frydman (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022Fostering Mental Health Literacy through Adolescent Literature provides educators a starting point for engaging students in the study of adolescent literature that features mental health themes with the intended goal of developing students' mental health literacy while simultaneously attending to English Language Arts content and literacy standards.Emotionally naked: a teacher's guide to preventing suicide and recognizing students at risk by Anne Moss Rogers; Kimberly H. McManama O'Brien
Publication Date: 2021In Emotionally Naked: A Teacher's Guide to Preventing Suicide and Recognizing Students at Risk, trainer, speaker, and suicide loss survivor Anne Moss Rogers, and clinical social worker and researcher, Kimberly O'Brien, PhD, LICSW, empower middle and high school educators with the knowledge and skills to leverage their relationships with students to reduce this threat to life.Learning words from reading: a cognitive model of word-meaning inference by Megumi Hamada
Publication Date: 2021Clarifying the connection between reading and word learning processes, Megumi Hamada proposes a new model, the Cognitive Model of Word-Meaning Inference, to describe how we obtain and use word-form and contextual information for learning words and the pedagogical applications of this.Racial trauma in the school system: naming the pain by Connesia Handford; Ariel D. Marrero
Publication Date: 2022Racial Trauma in the School System provides foundational and clinical information for school-based mental health professionals to better understand and address the nuanced experience of racial trauma in their school. The book focuses on conceptualizing racial trauma and the impact it has on a child's development and academic functioning, providing information on how to look at racially based experiences through a trauma-informed lens. Examining a wide range of racial and ethnic identities, chapters explore critical issues such as ethno-racial identity development and diagnostic classifications to help readers develop a conceptual lens to guide their approach.Students of trauma: a handbook for classroom teaching in an environment of suffering by Dan Shepherd
Publication Date: 2021Students of Trauma: A Handbook for Classroom Teaching in an Environment of Suffering provides educators with real world strategies for working with students who have experienced trauma and who express that trauma through depression, aggression, anxiety, hyperactivity, and suspicion. This handbook, based on current educational research and on the experiences of actual teachers, provides practical guidance to individuals working in schools with hurting young people.Problematic sexual behavior in schools: how to spot it and what to do about it by J. Wilson Kenney
Publication Date: 2020In Problematic Sexual Behavior in Schools, Wilson Kenney lays out a comprehensive school and community-based model for identifying and addressing problematic sexual behavior in children that is based on best-practice models for threat assessment. The reader will find practical and fiscally sensitive recommendations regarding school and community supervision, ideas for accessing consultation, information about Title IX, and advice regarding how best to approach these topics with families.Teaching, learning, and trauma: responsive practices for holding steady in turbulent times, grades 6-12 by Beth Kelley; Brooke O'Drobinak
Publication Date: 2020In Teaching, Learning, and Trauma, the authors guide you through the process of creating a learning environment that combats the negative effects of chronic stress and trauma. They show you how to establish rituals and routines, develop personalization, and implement effective student engagement practices that create a relationship-based culture and effectively improve student achievement.
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