Civic education: Recent e-books
This is a guide for those interested in education for furthering civic and community engagement and teaching citizenship--in the U.S. and globally--both research and practice.
Recent e-books
What kind of citizen?: educating our children for the common good by Joel Westheimer
Publication Date: 2024As democracy faces increasing struggles around the globe, there has never been a more important time to talk about civic education and the core democratic purposes of schooling. What Kind of Citizen? asks readers to imagine the society they would like to live in and then shows how schools can make that vision a reality. This updated edition responds to the many challenges that have occurred since this book was first published, such as a global pandemic, social justice protests, a rise in autocratic leaders, anti-woke laws, and more.Civic engagement in communities of color: pedagogy for learning and life in a more expansive democracy by Kristen E. Duncan (Ed.); Wayne Journell (Series ed.); Ashley N. Woodson (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2023Situated at the intersection of race and civics, this volume discusses how communities of color interpret and enact civics both within and beyond the classroom. Chapters focus on historical and contemporary topics ranging from issues facing Asian immigrant communities to the Black Lives Matter at School curriculum.Education for liberal democracy: using classroom discussion to build knowledge and voice by Walter C. Parker; James A. Banks (Series ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Our democracy is in crisis. Both political trust and a shared standard of truth are broken. In this book, Walter Parker shows why and how civic education can help. Offering a centrist approach suitable for a polarized society, Parker focuses on two linked curriculum objectives: disciplinary knowledge and voice. He illustrates how classroom discussion, alongside concept formation and deep reading, expand students' minds while developing their ability to speak with others and form opinions.Learning to depolarize: helping students and teachers reach across lines of disagreement by Kent Lenci
Publication Date: 2023In this provocative new book, Kent Lenci describes how educators can tackle the challenge of preparing students to communicate and collaborate across lines of deep disagreement-to face the political and ideological "other"-despite the conventional wisdom that schools should be apolitical.School-university-community collaboration for civic education and engagement in the democratic project by edited by R. Martin Reardon, Jack Leonard
Publication Date: 2022In this eighth volume in the Current Perspectives on School/University/Community Research series, we feature the work of brave educators who are engaged in school-university-community collaborative educational endeavors. Authors focus on a wide range of projects oriented to civic education writ large-some that have been completed and some that are still in progress-but all authors evince the passion for civic education that underpins engagement in the democratic project.Global citizenship education for young children: practice in the preschool classroom by Robin Elizabeth Hancock
Publication Date: 2022Designed to assist educators of young children in building awareness of their roles as members of a global community in an increasingly divided world, this essential guide is an illuminating resource which answers the question: Is it possible to teach global citizenship in the first five years of life? Global Citizenship Education for Young Children takes a close look at the practice of two preschools with vastly different histories, curricula and demographics and introduces readers to the range of possibilities that exist within early childhood global citizenship education.Teaching anti-fascism : a critical multicultural pedagogy for civic engagement by Michael Vavrus; James A. Banks (Series ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This timely book examines how fascist ideology has taken hold among certain segments of American society and how this can be addressed in curriculum and instruction. Vavrus presents middle, secondary, and college educators and their students with a conceptual framework for enacting a critical multicultural pedagogy by analyzing discriminatory discourse and recommending civic anti-fascist steps people can take right now.Handbook of research on promoting global citizenship education by Jared Keengwe (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022A global citizen is an individual who believes in a public responsibility for their local community to grow and interconnect amongst the world's diverse people and things. Global citizenship education is a fast-moving process that continues to intertwine communities all over the world. As we move toward a more global world, the improvement in education, health, poverty rates, and standard of living should come with it.
Civic literacy in schools and communities: teaching and organizing for a revitalized democracy by Brian Charest; Kevin K. Kumashiro (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2021This practical book provides teachers, teacher educators, and school leaders with concrete strategies for doing community-based work. By reframing the act of teaching to include working for social change, the author pushes readers to see school and community revitalization as reciprocal, not separate, projects.Digital civics and citizenship: an applied approach by Casey Davis
Publication Date: 2021This book provides a guide for librarians, educators, counselors, and administrators to guide secondary and higher education students in successfully practicing responsible citizenship and civics in the digital world. In our world where our social credit is held increasing value, digital civics and citizenship are powerful tools, especially for students just venturing into this expansive realm.The proper role of higher education in a democratic society by Vincent Bowhay (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021The Proper Role of Higher Education in a Democratic Society reexamines the purpose of higher education during rapidly changing times, offers practical advice and best practices to reclaim higher education's most fundamental mission, and argues that if higher education is called to prepare students to serve a government by the people, the people must be prepared to govern effectively. This book provides resources and suggestions for restoring the public faith in higher education by connecting the educational experience with civic engagement outcomes. Diverse perspectives presented in this book challenge traditional notions that civic engagement is handled by one office on a college campus and is only discussed during a presidential election.Supporting civics education with student activism: citizens for a democratic society by Pablo A. Muriel; Alan J. Singer
Publication Date: 2021This book empowers teachers to support student activists. The authors examine arguments for promoting student activism, explore state and national curriculum standards, suggest activist projects, and report examples of student individual and group activism.Sustaining a free society: roles and responsibilities of citizens, leaders, and schools by Roger Soder
Publication Date: 2021The book first outlines in practical real-world terms fifteen conditions that must be in place to sustain a free society. One critical condition given extended consideration is the need for a long-term time perspective. Conditions do not exist in the abstract: they are created by people and the choices we make. Thus we need to consider the roles and responsibilities of those involved in a free a society: citizens and those they choose as leaders.Teaching and learning for comprehensive citizenship: global perspectives on peace education by Candice C. Carter
Publication Date: 2021Ultimately concerned with how citizenship education for peace can be enriched through interdisciplinary learning, this edited volume reveals the role of peace education in global citizenship by illuminating instruction for comprehensive citizenship.Teaching and learning practices that promote sustainable development and active citizenship by Sandra Saúde (Ed.); Maria Albertina Raposo (Ed.); Nuno Pereira (Ed.); Ana Isabel Rodrigues (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021Teaching and Learning Practices That Promote Sustainable Development and Active Citizenship provides comprehensive research on education as a fundamental factor in empowering citizens to understand and act on the multiple risks and challenges to the sustainability of our society and world, highlighting a range of critical learning strategies such as global and critical education, development education, and transformational education.
Bring the world to the child: technologies of global citizenship in American education by Katie Day Good
Publication Date: 2020In this book, Katie Day Good traces the roots of the digital era's "connected learning" and "global classrooms" to the first half of the twentieth century, when educators adopted a range of media and materials--including lantern slides, bulletin boards, radios, and film projectors--as what she terms "technologies of global citizenship." Good describes how progressive reformers in the early twentieth century made a case for deploying diverse media technologies in the classroom to promote cosmopolitanism and civic-minded learning.Civics education in contentious times: working with teachers to create locally-specific curricula in a post-truth world by William Toledo
Publication Date: 2020Civics Education in Contentious Times: Working with Teachers to Create Locally-Specific Curricula in a Post-Truth World is a longitudinal research study that focuses on the collaboration between a researcher and elementary teachers to design and implement locally-specific civics curriculum in a predominately Latinx-serving Title I school.Creating a democratic climate for kids: a new guide for educators, parents and other significant adults in kids' lives by Mary Lou McCormick
Publication Date: 2020The way to make children committed to our democratic way of life is to make them full participants in it. This new guide is provided to assist educators and parents in making our schools and homes models of democracy, giving our kids the freedom of choice, and bestowing on them the basic rights of citizenship. Parents and educators must unite as democratic leaders to guide, coach, and stimulate our young people to assume responsibility for themselves.Diversity, transformative knowledge, and civic education: selected essays by James A. Banks
Publication Date: 2020In pieces both poignant and personal, Banks shares some of his most groundbreaking and innovative work. Diversity, Transformative Knowledge, and Civic Education aims to unpack the "citizenship-education dilemma," whereby education programs strive to teach students democratic ideals and values within social, economic, political, and educational contexts that contradict justice, equality, and human rights.Learning how to hope: reviving democracy through our schools and civil society by Sarah M. Stitzlein
Publication Date: 2020Democracy is struggling in America. Citizens increasingly feel cynical about an intractable political system, while hyper-partisanship has dramatically shrank common ground and intensified the extremes. Out of this deepening sense of political despair, philosopher of education Sarah M.Stitzlein seeks to revive democracy by teaching citizens how to hope. Offering an informed call to citizen engagement, Stitzlein directly addresses presidential campaigns, including how to select candidates who support citizens in enacting and sustaining hope.Teaching history for justice: centering activism in students' study of the past by Christopher C. Martell; Kaylene M. Stevens; Wayne Journell (Series ed.)
Publication Date: 2020Learn how to enact justice-oriented pedagogy and foster students' critical engagement in today's history classroom. Over the past 2 decades, various scholars have rightfully argued that we need to teach students to "think like a historian" or "think like a democratic citizen." In this book, the authors advocate for cultivating activist thinking in the history classroom.Visible learning® for social studies, grades K-12: designing student learning for conceptual understanding by John Hattie, Julie Stern, Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey
Publication Date: 2020How do social studies teachers maximize instruction to ensure students are prepared for an informed civic life? This book shows how the field is more than simply memorizing dates and facts--it encapsulates the skillful ability to conduct investigations, analyze sources, place events in historical context, and synthesize divergent points of view.
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