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Bring the library into Canvas: Add course reserves

This guide is for TAs, instructors, Canvas admin, and subject specialists at Stanford. It outlines 1) how to invite a subject specialist to contribute to a Canvas course site and 2) how to embed a library guide into a Canvas course site.

Course reserves

Course reserves are library materials (such as e-books, chapters, articles, etc.) set aside for a specific academic course. Course reserves are set aside by library staff at the request of an instructor.


Add course reserves to a Canvas course site

  1. Use the Request Course Reserves form to request material for your course. Library staff will work quickly to obtain or license a digital surrogate.

  2. Once materials are on reserve, they will automatically be listed on your Canvas course site.  A "Library Reserves" tab will display in the left navigation bar.  Clicking on the tab will open the SearchWorks reserves list of all materials for the course. Students can navigate to the electronic resource or view the digitized work in an embedded viewer.  
