African American Art: Find images
Research guide for the study of African American art and artists from ca. 1800s to present
Image resources
- ARTSTOROver 3 million high-quality images covering multiple disciplines. Rights have been cleared and images can be used in papers and presentations. It is now part of JSTOR.
- Visual Resources Center's ImagebaseCollection of approximately 200,000 images which are used for research and teaching at Stanford. Download available.
- Cantor CollectionsWorks from the permanent collection only. Some records include bibliography in addition to object information.
- Anderson CollectionWorks from the permanent collection. Some object records include short essays.
- is a digital library containing 4 million items, including images, texts, audio and video, from European museums, galleries, libraries, archives and audio-visual collections. Search by collections, filter by availability.
For contemporary artists, check search engines, social media and artist's website.
- Last Updated: Jan 8, 2025 12:18 PM
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