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African Studies Resources for Stanford Researchers: Journal Articles for African Studies

Resources include databases licensed by the library plus open access resources.

Journal Articles for African Studies

Entries are not in alphabetical order. They are arranged by the most commonly used resources first, followed by specialized resources such as historical, medical, foreign language, etc. A few non article databases are included.


Searchworks - Article Search
Find journal articles, e-books, online monographs using Searchworks Article Search.

Full text articles.

Africa Bibliography (Manchester Univ. Press)
1984- Indexes journal articles, book chapters, some books.

African Studies Centre. Library (Leiden, The Netherlands) 
An excellent OPAC (online public access catalog), African Studies Centre Catalogue. The Catalogue includes annotated citations to articles, chapters from edited works acquired since 1988 and published in African Studies Abstracts.

African Studies Centre Leiden - Connecting Africa
Digital resources (full-text of publications, images and sound)  from almost 90 academic institutional repositories, including African universities.
Started in 2006 by the African Studies Centre Leiden, Leiden University, the Netherlands. Supported by the Netherlands African Studies Association.

Nexis Uni (1998 - )  Replaces Lexis-Nexis
Full text newspaper articles (U.S., European and African newspapers and journals, South Africa Constitutional Court judgments, and more).

Index Islamicus
See the various databases, print and online.

Stanford Libraries' Databases
Lists sources for journal articles, many available only for Stanford users (through subscription).
See also foreign statistical / government information.

Oxford Bibliographies: African Studies
From Oxford University Press. Annotated bibliographies by academics, with introductory comments.

South African E-Journals - SA ePublications
Stanford has full text access to the Social Sciences and Humanities set of journals published in South Africa from SABINET.

Citations to articles. Includes gender issues, health, HIV/AIDS, FMG, ethnic conflict. Links to some full text articles.

United States Congressional Record
Find full text U.S. congressional hearings and other U.S. Congress publications.

Intergovernmental and Non-Governmental Organizations Search
Specialized search engine for reports by international government organizations and NGOs. Good for development, human rights studies. Created by U.S. documents librarians. 

Historical Abstracts
Citations to journal articles.

19th Century UK Periodicals. See Series 2: Empire (Gale)
Full text articles on-line. Select Series 2: Empire. When you get citations, click on the underlined Title. To advance thru the article, click on Next.

C19: The Nineteenth Century Index (Proquest)
Licensed to Stanford users. Includes citations to magazine articles published in the 19th century up to the early 20th century in British periodicals. Includes some article citations for The Times newspaper. Select Search Indexes and limit by Periodicals. Stanford also has a separate full text database to The Times, 1785-1985. Some full text. Sometimes lead to content not available at Stanford.

British Periodicals (Proquest)
Full text articles mainly 20th century. Small number of items retrieved.

Periodicals Archive Online (Proquest)
Full text journal articles. 1869 October 9 through 1916 September 1.

Periodicals Index Online (Proquest)
Citations to journal articles from the 17th century to present. Some articles have links to the full text provided by JSTOR.

Search all the previous separate databases through Includes the below databases.

  • The African Women's Database has citations to English language articles, books, govt. documents, theses, etc. from 1986 to early 2000s
  • The Africana Periodical Literature Bibliographic Database has citations to journal articles from the mid-19th c. to date and indexes the e-journals - Africa Update, African Studies Quarterly, Electronic Journal of Africana Bibliography, Internet Journal of African Studies, Jouvert, a Journal of Postcolonial Studies, West African Review. 
  • Quarterly Index of African Periodical Literature (former index created by the U.S. Library of Congress.   A list of journals indexed is provided. 

For articles and books on education. Try ERIC via CSA Illumina. British Education Index has many articles as well.

Google Scholar
For academic journal articles, chapters in books, books. Find citations (and sometimes full text).

Google Books
Search the full text of books. When you find a relevant book, it's a good idea to look at the actual book as there may be additional content. Google Books shows only selected pages on-line. Has an experimental magazine section. In the Advanced search, limit by Magazines. Find articles, including photos, from Jet, Black World, Ebony.

Medical topics
African Index Medicus (full text articles), PubMed (citations), PubMed Central (full text articles), PsycInfoGlobal health (put AND between keywords).

Web of Science
Some full text articles, abstracts. Stanford access only.

In French. Full text articles online from academic journals. Includes Cahiers d'etudes africaines, Annales de geographie, Revue francaise de science politique. From Aliacom?and l'universite Lumiere Lyon 2 with the French Ministere de l'education nationale, de l'enseignement superieur et de la recherche.

CAIRN International
In French and English.  Includes full text English language articles selected from the larger French-language database. Articles from Afrique contemporaine, has abstracts and some articles from Afrique & Histoire.
Full text journal articles in French from academic journals.

In French. 400 titles of the French press published from 1631 to 1950. Official news site of the Bibliothèque nationale de France. Read the directions on Searchworks to access.

Liberation Journals Index
"...index covering the interwar Pan-African periodicals La Revue du Monde Noir, Légitime Défense, L’Étudiant Noir, the wartime Tropiques, and the postwar Présence Africaine, as well as the Québécois journal Liberté......" Descriptions of each journal, with references. Search by author, theme, genre (biography, interview, folklore, play, poetry, review, etc.).

China Academic Journals
in Chinese. Full text articles on China-Africa relations. From EastView Online.
See also China Core Newspapers (full text articles in Chinese).

African Newspapers - World Newspaper Archive (Readex, Newsbank)
Selected newspaper issues dating from 1800 to 1922.

African Journal Archive
Selected full text journal articles online. Journals from South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe. Topics include archaeology, biology, botany, classics, economics, education, geology, history, law, medicine, poetry, wildlife. From SABINET the South African library service.

Torrossa Casalini
Subscription only, some libraries subscribe. Full text articles and chapters, ebooks, ejournals from over 210 Italian, Spanish, French and Portuguese publishers. Some English full text articles / book chapters such as "Italian Colonial Policy Towards Islam in Ethiopia and the Responses of Ethiopian Muslims" by Hussein Ahmed and "Italian Cultural Influences in Somalia" (2004).

Database on public and private companies worldwide.

Google Dataset Search Engine

To find information in PDF format only, put in Google filetype:pdf and your search words. Many academic reports are in PDF format.