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Classics: Books and Journals

Useful resources for researchers in Classics at Stanford.

Books and Journals

Stanford Libraries maintains an active acquisitions program for titles related to Classics Studies. We try to subscribe to all major scholarly journals in the field, and receive new titles from most major publishers that pertain to Classics. These can easily by found by title or author in SearchWorks. If you need a book or resource that we do not own, it may be available through Interlibrary Borrowing, or it may be something that we want to acquire for Stanford collections. More details available on the Interlibrary Borrowing page.

While it is difficult to provide a comprehensive list of all titles that might be of interest to Classics scholars, the feed below provides a sampling of recently acquired books and journals. (clicking on the 'FEED' link will take you to SearchWorks and a larger list of titles).

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