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African Archive Beyond Colonization: Oxford Handbooks, Bibliographies


Oxford Handbooks, Bibliographies


Oxford University Press produces reference works with descriptions of important books, articles, journals.

Examples below.

Oxford Art Online

Oxford Bibliographies

Oxford Bibliographies: Adornment, Dress, and African Arts of the Body
Includes dress, fashion, hair styles, jewelry, textiles.

Oxford Bibliographies: Archaeology and the Study of Africa

Oxford Bibliographies: Archaeology of Central Africa
Angola, Burundi, Cameroun, Central African Republic, Chad, both Congos, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Rwanda, Zambia, metallurgy, pottery.

Oxford Bibliographies: Archaeology of Eastern Africa

Oxford Bibliographies: Archaeology of Southern Africa
Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique

Oxford Bibliographies: Archaeology of West Africa

Oxford Bibliographies: Art, Art History, and the Study of Africa
Includes kingdoms, royal art, spirituality, performance/masquerades.

Oxford Bibliographies: Art History of Ethiopia

Oxford Bibliographies: Art of the Dogon
Blacksmiths, ceramics, masks, sculpture, textiles, woodcarvers, Mali

Oxford Bibliographies: Arts of Central Africa
Mainly Dem. Rep. of the Congo, also Angola, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville, Malawi, Rwanda, Zambia.

Oxford Bibliographies: Arts of Western Africa
Includes Cameroon, Ghana, Nigeria, dress/fashion, masquerades

Oxford Bibliographies: Bamana Arts and Mande Traditions
Image sites,blacksmiths, leatherworkers,masks,  masons, masquerades, pottery, sculpture, terra-cottas, textiles, Mali, Guinea, the Gambia, Ivory Coast.

Oxford Bibliographies: Ephemeral Art and Performance in Africa
Includes mural paintings, power objects, funerary arts, body arts, masquerade/performance art, initiation arts.

Oxford Bibliographies: Ethiopia

Oxford Bibliographies: Iron Working and the Iron Age in Africa

Oxford Bibliographies: Northeastern African States, c. 1000 BCE-1800 CE
Includes Kush, Meroe, Nubia, Funj, Darfur, Aksum, Ethiopia.

Oxford Bibliographies: Roman Africa

Oxford Bibliographies: Southern Africa to 1850

Oxford Bibliographies: States of the Zimbabwe Plateau and Zambezi Valley
Includes the Mapungubwe, Great Zimbabwe, Mutapa, Torwa–Changamire-Rozvi (spelled Rozwi in some texts), and Ndebele states, 11th - 19th centuries. 

Oxford Bibliographies: Sudan and South Sudan

Oxford Bibliographies: Yoruba States, Benin, and Dahomey


Oxford Handbooks online

Oxford Handbook of African Archaeology

Oxford Handbook of Ancient Nubia. Includes Kerma, Kush, Egypt, Meroe, Funj, Sudan.

Oxford Handbook of Archaeological Theory.  Includes Colonial and Post-colonial Archaeologies

Oxford Handbook of Egyptology

Oxford Handbook of Islamic Archaeology
Includes Egypt, Maghreb, Sahara, Sub-Saharan Africa, Eastern African Coast, Nilotic Sudan, Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa, West Africa, Central Sudan (Kanem-Borno, Lake Chad, Hausa city states, Northern Nigeria)

Oxford Handbook of Maritime Archaeology - includes shipwrecks

Oxford Handbook of Museum Archaeology

Oxford Handbook of Prehistoric Figurines, includes Predynastic Egyptian Figurines, Prehistoric Figurines in Sudan, The Sahara, Southern Africa, West Africa, Equatorial Africa 

Oxford Handbook of South African History

Oxford Handbook of the Valley of the Kings

Subscrption required. Ebooks on art and architectural history published by The Art Institute of Chicago, The MIT Press, Yale University Press, Harvard Art Museums, and the Yale University Art Gallery. Includes an African section. Can search for images in the books.

  • One of the ebooks in the database is this publication -
    Snowden Jr., Frank M. "3. Iconographical Evidence on the Black Populations in Greco-Roman Antiquity." The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume I: From the Pharaohs to the Fall of the Roman Empire, edited by David Bindman and Henry Louis Gates Jr., Harvard University Press, 2010. A&AePortal,