ProQuest TDM Studio Quick-Start: Using TDM Studio
Workbench Dashboard
Launch and log in.
The landing page after login is called the Workbench Dashboard. From the Workbench dashboard, users can
- Create datasets for text and data mining (+ Create New Dataset)
- Access the development environment (Open Jupyter Notebook)
Create dataset
➊ You will be able to select two options from the dropdown, Select Publication Titles and Select ProQuest Databases.
- Select Publication Titles: allows you to specify your search along certain publications – e.g. New York Times or The Washington Post
- Select ProQuest Databases: allows you to specify your search along ProQuest’s databases – e.g. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses – Global
➋ In this example we select three news titles with international coverage: The New York Times, The Times of India, and The Canadian Press. The number of selected titles is noted at the bottom of the page.
➌ You can add as many publications as you would like to each dataset you create. Once you have selected all the publications that you wish to use, click Next: Refine Content.
➊ There are a number of filters available to refine your content, including full text, dates, source type, and document type. Select appropriate filters and click apply.
➋ When you are satisfied with the dataset that you have created, click Next: Review Dataset.
➌ A summary of your dataset appears in the upper left. If you want to modify it, click Refine Content on the progress bar. Enter a name for your dataset. Click Create Dataset when you are ready to generate it.
Once you have clicked Create Dataset, you are returned to the Workbench Dashboard. The dataset will display with the status of “Queued". TDM Studio processes 100,000 of documents an hour.
Compute environment
➊ Click Open Jupyter Notebook to enter the development environment.
➋ When you first enter the Jupyter Notebook, you will see several folders and notebooks. Start Here.ipynb will help you get started and import your dataset.
You will also find answers to common questions in the ProQuest TDM Studio Manual folder.
Get help
Email with questions or concerns.
- Last Updated: Dec 4, 2024 4:08 PM
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