The Routledge international companion to emotional and behavioural difficulties by Ted Cole (Ed.); Harry Daniels (Ed.); John Visser (Ed.)Publication Date: 2013
This topical and exhaustively-researched Companion examines the difficulties of defining EBD, and the dangers of allocating this imprecise label to children. Bringing together the work of contributors from fifteen countries and across four continents, this book features the research of leading experts in the global field of EBD, who discuss and debate educators' key concerns by: looking at the overlaps between EBD, ADHD and mental health difficulties; outlining the types of appropriate schooling for children with EBD; urging readers to look beyond pupils' challenging behaviour in order to understand and respond to the social, biological and psychological causation; considering the key areas of assessment, whole-school and targeted approaches that help pupils with EBD in mainstream and in special settings; outlining helpful work with families, the crucial contribution of effective multi-agency working and the importance of supporting and developing teachers who work with challenging pupils.