Assessment in education: Background information
This guide is for those beginning research on assessment and evaluation in education, including high-stakes testing.
Background information
The Sage encyclopedia of educational research, measurement, and evaluation by Bruce B. Frey (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2018In addition to expected entries covering the basics of traditional theories and methods, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation also covers important sociopolitical issues and trends influencing the future of that research and practice.- Mental measurements yearbook by Buros Institute of Mental Measurements"Mental Measurements Yearbook, produced by the Buros Institute, contains fulltext information about and reviews of all English-language standardized tests covering educational skills, personality, vocational aptitude, psychology, and related areas as included in the printed Mental Measurements Yearbooks."
Handbook on assessments for gifted learners: identification, learning progress, and evaluation by Susan K. Johnsen; Joyce VanTassel-Baska
Publication Date: 2022Handbook on Assessments for Gifted Learners explores issues associated with building an effective identification system, clarifies and interprets the need for targeted learning progress assessments for gifted learners, and discusses program evaluation, assessments, and processes used to gauge programs' success.Handbook of research on program development and assessment methodologies in K-20 education by Victor C. X. Wang (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2018The Handbook of Research on Program Development and Assessment Methodologies in K-20 Education is an essential reference source for the latest terminology and concepts related to program development, featuring extensive coverage on a broad range of topics such as cognitive diagnostic assessments, self-directed learning, and digital education.The handbook of cognition and assessment : frameworks, methodologies, and applications by Andre A. Rupp (Ed.); Jacqueline P. Leighton (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2017This state-of-the-art resource brings together the most innovative scholars and thinkers in the field of testing to capture the changing conceptual, methodological, and applied landscape of cognitively-grounded educational assessments.Handbook of test development by Suzanne Lane (Editor); Mark R. Raymond (Ed.); Thomas M. Haladyna (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2016The second edition of the Handbook of Test Development provides graduate students and professionals with an up-to-date, research-oriented guide to the latest developments in the field. Including thirty-two chapters by well-known scholars and practitioners, it is divided into five sections, covering the foundations of test development, content definition, item development, test design and form assembly, and the processes of test administration, documentation, and evaluation.Handbook of International large-scale assessment : background, technical issues, and methods of data analysis by Leslie Rutkowski (Ed.); David Rutkowski (Ed.); Matthias von Davier (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2014The Handbook of International Large-Scale Assessment: Background, Technical Issues, and Methods of Data Analysis brings together recognized scholars in the field of ILSA, behavioral statistics, and policy to develop a detailed guide that goes beyond database user manuals.The Wiley handbook of psychometric testing : a multidisciplinary reference on survey, scale, and test development by Paul Irwing (Ed.); Tom Booth (Ed.); David J. Hughes (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2018Over the past hundred years, psychometric testing has proved to be a valuable tool for measuring personality, mental ability, attitudes, and much more. This handbook brings together contributions from leading psychometricians in a diverse array of fields around the globe. Each provides accessible and practical information about their specialist area in a three-step format covering historical and standard approaches, innovative issues and techniques, and practical guidance on how to apply the methods discussed.Handbook of research on formative assessment in pre-K through elementary classrooms by Christie Martin (Ed.); Drew Polly (Ed.); Richard Lambert (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2019The Handbook of Research on Formative Assessment in Pre-K Through Elementary Classrooms addresses gaps in the understanding of formative assessment and offers educators meaningful and comprehensive examples of formative assessment in the Pre-K through elementary grade levels, covering an array of topics such as literacy, professional development, and educational technologies.
- SEL Assessment Technical Guidebook"Assessments can provide educators with information about students’ status and growth in desired competencies. This information can then be used with internal and external constituents for both accountability and improvement. In the case of social and emotional learning (SEL) where policies and practices are dynamically evolving, many PreK-12 educators struggle to select technically sound assessments that can appropriately guide practices and contribute to valid interpretations of student learning."
Handbook on measurement, assessment, and evaluation in higher education by Charles Secolsky (Ed.); D. Brian Denison (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2018In this valuable resource, well-known scholars present a detailed understanding of contemporary theories and practices in the fields of measurement, assessment, and evaluation, with guidance on how to apply these ideas for the benefit of students and institutions.International handbook of teacher quality and policy by Motoko Akiba (Ed.); Gerald K. LeTendre (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2018The International Handbook of Teacher Quality and Policy is a comprehensive resource that examines how teacher quality is conceptualized, negotiated, and contested, and teacher policies are developed and implemented by global, national, and local policy actors.Handbook of human and social conditions in assessment by Gavin T. L. Brown (Editor); Lois R. Harris (Editor)
Publication Date: 2016The Handbook of Human and Social Conditions in Assessment is the first book to explore assessment issues and opportunities occurring due to the real world of human, cultural, historical, and societal influences upon assessment practices, policies, and statistical modeling. With chapters written by experts in the field, this book engages with numerous forms of assessment: from classroom-level formative assessment practices to national accountability and international comparative testing practices all of which are significantly influenced by social and cultural conditions.Standards for educational and psychological testing by American Educational Research Association; American Psychological Assocation; National Council on Measurement in Education
Publication Date: 2014These testing standards are a product of the American Educational Research Association, the American Psychological Association (APA), and the National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME). Published collectively by the three organizations since 1966, it represents the gold standard in guidance on testing in the United States and in many other countries.The SAGE handbook of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment by Dominic Wyse (Ed.); Louise Hayward (Ed.); Jessica Pandya (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2016The SAGE Handbook of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment focuses on examining how curriculum is treated and developed, and its impact on pedagogy and assessment worldwide.Handbook of tests and measurement in education and the social sciences by Paula E. Lester; Deborah Inman; Lloyd K. Bishop
Publication Date: 2014The Handbook is intended for all researchers in education and the social sciences--undergraduate students to advanced doctoral students and research faculty. Part I provides an introduction to basic quantitative research methods, including analysis and interpretation of statistical tests associated with each method. Part II of the Handbook includes over a 130 instruments organized under 40 topics, extracted from the research literature.
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