Assessment in education: Recent e-books
This guide is for those beginning research on assessment and evaluation in education, including high-stakes testing.
Recent e-books
- Trends in assessment: ideas, opportunities, and issues for higher education by Stephen P. Hundley (Ed.); Caleb J. Keith (Ed.)Publication Date: 2024Informed by sessions at the Assessment Institute in Indianapolis, the oldest and largest U.S. event focused on assessing and improving higher education, this second edition of Trends in Assessment is intended to encapsulate lessons learned from the recent past, reflect the current state, and inspire future directions for higher education assessment.
- Cutting-edge innovations in teaching, leadership, technology, and assessment by Asma Khaleel Abdallah (Ed.); Ahmed Mohammed Alkaabi (Ed.); Rashid Al-Riyami (Ed.)Publication Date: 2024Cutting-Edge Innovations in Teaching, Leadership, Technology, and Assessment explores the dynamic and evolving field of education. The first domain provides innovative teaching methodologies, and delves into the transformative power of active learning, gamification, and project-based learning. Leadership's paramount role in shaping educational institutions is the focus of the second domain. It underscores the significance of visionary leadership in fostering an environment of continuous improvement and innovation. The third domain introduces the intriguing realm of chatbots and educational technologies. The final domain is dedicated to the revolution in assessment and evaluation practices. The section explores progressive forms of assessment, such as performance-based and formative assessments, and advocates for data-driven instruction to enhance student learning.
- Assessing through the lens of social and emotional learning: tools and strategies by Cynthia Sistek; Dee L. FabryPublication Date: 2024This empowering guide revolutionizes the assessment process by putting students at the center. Dive into practical strategies and best practices for fostering social and emotional learning (SEL) competencies through student-centered assessments and discover how you can transform classrooms into inclusive spaces where learning thrives.
- Design and implementation of higher education learners' learning outcomes (HELLO) by Kuntal Barua (Ed.); Neyara Radwan Mohammed Hassan (Ed.); Virendra Singh (Ed.); Ronnie Figueiredo (Ed.)Publication Date: 2024The Higher Education Learners' Learning Outcomes (HELLO) project offers a comprehensive solution to the challenge of creating comparative metrics of learning outcomes that are valid across various cultures, languages, and higher education institution types. Traditional methods of assessing learning outcomes in higher education have limited institutions' abilities to compare student performance to that of their peers, hindering efforts to improve teaching practices and enhance student learning. This project creates learning outcome measures that are culturally and linguistically appropriate for different types of higher education institutions, enabling institutions to compare student performance to that of their peers as part of efforts to improve teaching practices and enhance student learning.
- Assessing multilingual learners: bridges to empowerment by Margo GottliebPublication Date: 2024With its emphasis on relationship building as the backdrop for linguistically and culturally sustainable assessment, the bestselling second edition of Assessing Multilingual Learners significantly impacted the field of language education. Applying the groundbreaking assessment "as," "for," and "of" learning model to new contexts, this updated third edition offers educators welcoming and encouraging ways to support multilingual learners to succeed in school and beyond.
- Systemic racism and educational measurement: confronting injustice in testing, assessment, and beyond by Michael RussellPublication Date: 2024Systemic Racism and Educational Measurement provides a theoretical and historical reckoning with racism and oppression produced through educational measurement and research methodology. As scholars and professionals in the testing, measurement, and assessment of human learning and performance work to exorcise race sciences, white supremacy, and other injustices from the field's research and practice, new insights are needed into their root causes. This book is the first to posit that the theory of the White Racial Frame was and continues to be applied to the foundations, process, dissemination, and use of educational measurement, leading to instruments, findings, and decisions that perpetuate the racialized social structure of our nation.
- Grading for equity: what it is, why it matters, and how it can transform schools and classrooms by Joe FeldmanPublication Date: 2024In this newly updated edition of the best-selling Grading for Equity, Joe Feldman provides a valuable resource for anyone invested in grading and its impact on students' education, mental health, and future opportunities. Offering a research-based alternative to the status quo, this practitioner-friendly guide provides Extensive revisions that reflect how the pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement shifted traditional grading systems New data from both academic research and classrooms that demonstrate the benefits of equitable grading for all students Clear approaches to implement equitable grading practices Updated information on several equitable grading practices, including proficiency scales A new concluding chapter that explores implementing equitable grading system-wide
- Assessment by design: a practical approach to improve student learning by Sheri H. BarrettPublication Date: 2023Written with faculty in mind, Assessment by Design is a practical resource that will also be useful to student affairs staff and administrators dedicated to using assessment to improve learning in curricular and co-curricular settings. This book presents the Cycle of Assessment as a framework that supports assessment in service of improving student learning. The framework consists of the following stages: Developing Your Assessment Question; Planning Decisions to Consider; Collecting and Scoring the Data; Analyzing and Discussing Assessment Data; and Report and Act on Assessment Findings.
- Assessment methods and success factors for digital education and new media by Francisco Vicente Cipolla-FicarraPublication Date: 2023Assessment Methods and Success Factors for Digital Education and New Media analyses and evaluates the efficiency of the teaching-learning process and dissemination of knowledge to make the most of the potential of new information and communication technologies, examining the theories and practices of interactive content, under the formula of constructive criticism. Covering topics such as digital challenges, information architecture, and interactive design,...
- The buying and selling of American education: reimagining a system of schools for all children by Susan Tave Zelman; Margaret Erlandson SorensenPublication Date: 2023This book traces the history of American education as a foundation to examining persistent weaknesses in education today. Meaningful reform and improvement, which are urgent needs, will require broad, systemic change, based on the engagement of many sectors.This book offers a vision for such reform. Following successful models in other countries suggests options for moving away from current, deeply enmired, systemic inequities, to a system better suited to meeting a broad range of educational needs.
- Equity in data: a framework for what counts in schools by Andrew Knips; Sonya Lopez; Michael Savoy; Kendall LaParoPublication Date: 2023Your students are not just statistics. They aren't simply a set of numbers or faceless dots on a proficiency scale. They are vibrant collections of experiences, thoughts, perspectives, emotions, wants, and dreams. And taken collectively, all of that information is data-and should be valued as such. Equity in Data not only unpacks the problematic nature of current approaches to data but also helps educators demystify and democratize data. It shows how we can bake equity into our data work and illuminate the disparities, stories, and truths that make our schools safer and stronger-and that help our students grow and thrive.
- Formative assessment for 3D science learning: supporting ambitious and equitable instruction by Erin Marie Furtak; Lorrie A. Shepard (Foreword)Publication Date: 2023This book combines three-dimensional science learning, sociocultural theories of learning, and science for justice and equity to provide a comprehensive picture of formative assessment for today's K-12 science classroom. Using practical examples and strategies, the author provides guidance for classroom teachers around formative assessment task design that centers students' interests and builds on the resources they bring to school.
- An illusion of equity: the legacy of eugenics in today's education by Wendy Zagray Warren; Eric R. Jackson (Foreword)Publication Date: 2023An Illusion of Equity: The Legacy of Eugenics in Today's Education demonstrates how centuries of propaganda have led us to accept the idea that test scores indicate something so valuable about human beings that they should be used to organize society. Drawing on decades of experience as an educator, author Wendy Zagray Warren unpacks the origins of this practice, inviting us to probe the ideologies underlying testing procedures and score interpretation and to evaluate the rationale for using test scores as the sole markers for academic achievement.
- Mismeasuring schools' vital signs: how to avoid misunderstanding, misinterpreting, and distorting data by Steve Rees; Jill WynnsPublication Date: 2023This book helps school and district leaders avoid the pitfalls that await those making sense of their school's data. Whether you're interpreting achievement gaps, graduation rates or test results, you're at risk of reaching a mistaken judgment. By learning about common errors and how they're made, you'll be ready to choose safer, surer paths to making better sense of the wealth of data in your school or district. The authors help educators build better evidence, see conclusions more clearly, and explain the data more persuasively.
- Putting FACES on the data: what great leaders and teachers do! by Lyn Sharratt; Michael FullanPublication Date: 2023Sharratt and Fullan turn worldwide research into a road map for school leaders to use ongoing assessment to inform instruction and drive equity at the classroom, school, district, and state levels.
- Assessing competencies for social and emotional learning: conceptualization, development, and applications by Jeremy Burrus; Samuel H. Rikoon; Meghan W. BrennemanPublication Date: 2022Assessing Competencies for Social and Emotional Learning explores the conceptualization, development, and application of assessments of competencies and contextual factors related to social and emotional learning (SEL). As programs designed to teach students social and emotional competencies are being adopted at an ever-increasing rate, new measurements are needed to understand their impact on student attitudes, behaviors, and academic performance.
- Design and measurement strategies for meaningful learning by José Luis Gómez (Ed.); Isabel María Gómez-Barreto (Ed.)Publication Date: 2022Design and Measurement Strategies for Meaningful Learning considers the best practices, challenges, and opportunities of instructional design as well as the theory and impact of meaningful learning. It provides educators with an essential text instructing them on how to successfully design and measure the content they teach.
- Handbook of research on digital-based assessment and innovative practices in education by Jared Keengwe (Ed.)Publication Date: 2022The Handbook of Research on Digital-Based Assessment and Innovative Practices in Education identifies digital tools and applications for effective assessment of learning, shares various models of digital-based assessment in education, and considers best pedagogical practices for assessment in education. Covering a range of topics such as formative assessments, design thinking, virtual reality, and equity...
- Reading assessment to promote equitable learning: an empowering approach for grades K-5 by Laurie Elish-Piper; Mona W. Matthews; Victoria J. Risko; H. Richard Milner (Foreword)Publication Date: 2022Many standard reading assessment approaches fail to capture the strengths and needs of students from diverse sociocultural, linguistic, and academic backgrounds. From expert authors, this book guides educators in planning and conducting meaningful, equitable assessments that empower K-5 teachers and students, inform responsive instruction, and help to guard against bias.
- Teacher evaluation around the world: experiences, dilemmas and future challenges by Jorge Manzi (Ed.); Yulan Sun (Ed.); María Rosa García (Ed.)Publication Date: 2022This book presents some of the leading technical, professional, and political challenges associated with the development and implementation of teacher evaluation systems, along with characterizing some of these systems in different countries around the world. The book promotes a broader comprehension of the complexities associated with this kind of initiatives, which have gained relevance in the last two decades, especially in the context of policies aimed at improving the quality of education.
- Understanding and improving how K-12 multilinguals are taught: supporting multilinguals by Maryann HassoPublication Date: 2022Understanding and Improving how K-12 Multilinguals are Taught: Supporting Multilinguals details instructional strategies that can be used to better assess multilingual learners which are more improved than the existing evaluations. The author argues that assessments for multilingual learners need to be improved due to inequities within the public-school systems, and that assessments for students in K12 schools are not equitable.
- Unequal by design: high-stakes testing and the standardization of inequality by Wayne AuPublication Date: 2022This new edition of Unequal By Design: High-Stakes Testing and the Standardization of Inequality critically examines the deep and enduring problems within systems of education in the U.S., in order to illuminate what is really at stake for students, teachers, and communities negatively affected by such testing.
- Applying design thinking to the measurement of experiential learning by Adam Peck (Ed.); Danielle DeSawal (Ed.)Publication Date: 2021Applying Design Thinking to the Measurement of Experiential Learning is a forward-thinking and innovative look at assessment and design conditions that promote student learning. It proposes new models for education, conditions for student learning, and student learning assessment using design thinking and experiential learning. These topics include adjustments to curriculum, integrated learning environments, student success and student affairs, campus-wide design thinking, and testing assessments.
- Assessing student learning by design: principles and practices for teachers and school leaders by Jay McTighe; Steve Ferrara; Susan Brookhart (Foreword)Publication Date: 2021How can we help teachers use classroom assessments to gather appropriate evidence for all valued learning goals, and to use those assessments not just to measure learning but to promote it? This book provides an answer in a practical, proven, and unique Assessment Planning Framework that moves away from solely multiple-choice tests toward a wide range of approaches to classroom assessment activities, including performance-based assessments.
- Assessing with respect: everyday practices that meet students' social and emotional needs by Starr SacksteinPublication Date: 2021"Learn how approaching assessment through the lens of social and emotional learning can help ensure fair, equitable assessment; enhance learning; and improve students' emotional health."
- A comprehensive critique of student evaluation of teaching: critical perspectives on validity, reliability, and impartiality by Dennis E. ClaysonPublication Date: 2021"This thought-provoking volume offers comprehensive analysis of contemporary research and literature on student evaluation of teaching (SET) in Higher Education. In evaluating data from fields including education, psychology, engineering, science, and business, this volume critically engages with the assumption that SET is a reliable and valid measure of effective teaching."
- Giving students a say: smarter assessment practices to empower and engage by Myron DueckPublication Date: 2021"This practical, engaging guide explores how student-centered assessment not only improves student engagement and achievement but also ensures that assessment is accurate, meaningful, and fair."
- Going gradeless, grades 6-12: shifting the focus to student learning by Elise Burns; David FrangiosaPublication Date: 2021Great things happen when students are able to focus on their learning instead of their scores. However, assessment reform, including standards-based grading, remains a hotly debated issue in education. Going Gradeless shows that it is possible to teach and assess without the stress of traditional grading practices.
- Handbook of research on determining the reliability of online assessment and distance learning by Ana S. Moura; Pedro Reis; Natália D. S. CordeiroPublication Date: 2021The Handbook of Research on Determining the Reliability of Online Assessment and Distance Learning is a collection of pioneering investigations on the methods and applications of digital technologies in the realm of education. It provides a clear and extensive analysis of issues regarding online learning while also offering frameworks to solve these addressed problems.
- Measurement methodologies to assess the effectiveness of global online learning by Pedro Isaias (Ed.); Tomayess Issa (Ed.); Piet Kommers (Ed.)Publication Date: 2021Measurement Methodologies to Assess the Effectiveness of Global Online Learning aims to assess the effectiveness of online teaching and learning in normal and pandemic situations by addressing challenges and opportunities of adoption of online platforms as well as effective learning strategies, investigating the best pedagogical practices in digital learning, questioning how to improve student motivation and performance, and managing and measuring academic workloads online.
- Theoretical issues of using simulations and games in educational assessment : applications in school and workplace contexts by Harold F. ONeil; Eva L. Baker; Ray S. Perez; Stephen E. WatsonPublication Date: 2021"Presenting original studies and rich conceptual analyses, this volume reports on theoretical issues involved in the use of simulations and games in educational assessment. Chapters consider how technologies can be used to effectively assess, modify, and enhance learning and assessment in education and training."
- Assessing intelligence in children and adolescents: a practical guide for evidence-based assessment by John H. Kranzler; Randy G. FloydPublication Date: 2020This practical guide to the intellectual assessment of children and adolescents in schools is widely used, both by practicing school psychologists and by instructors and students in graduate school psychology programs. This second edition includes evidence-based best practices for the use and interpretation of intelligence tests in decision-making by counselors, teachers, administrators, and other school personnel.
- Assessment, Testing, and Measurement Strategies in Global Higher Education by Elena Aurel Railean (Editor)Publication Date: 2020Assessment, Testing, and Measurement Strategies in Global Higher Education is a comprehensive synthesis of correlations between assessment, testing, and measurement in the context of global education. It analyzes the impact of educational technology on learning analytics, challenges of rapidly changing learning environments, and computer-based assessment.
- Assessment tools for mapping learning outcomes with learning objectives by G. R. SinhaPublication Date: 2020Assessment Tools for Mapping Learning Outcomes With Learning Objectives provides vital research on the implementation of quality assessment methods for measuring the outcomes of select learning processes on students, while highlighting topics such as quality assessment, effective employability, and student learning objectives.
- Authentic Assessment in Social Studies by David SherrinPublication Date: 2020This engaging book will show you how to move beyond tests and essay writing to implement authentic assessments in your middle or high school social studies classroom.
- Beyond the tyranny of testing: relational evaluation in education by Kenneth J. Gergen; Scherto R. GillPublication Date: 2020Measurement-based assessment has dominated our educational systems at the expense of the learning and the well-being of students and teachers. In this book, Gergen and Gill propose a radical alternative to this broken system, which is based instead on an inspirational conception of schools as sites of collective meaning-making and a relational orientation to evaluation.
- Emerging methods and paradigms in scholarship and education research by Lorraine Ling; Peter LingPublication Date: 2020Emerging Methods and Paradigms in Scholarship and Education Research is designed to explain the areas of scholarship and their contemporary relationship to key components of academic work: research, teaching, service, and engagement. The chapter authors explore conceptions of scholarship, paradigms, and methods that fit a variety of contexts and needs.
- Evaluating boards and administrators: promoting greater accountability in higher education by Jeffrey L. BullerPublication Date: 2020How are administrators, particularly the chief executive officer and vice presidents, evaluated fairly and effectively? Since a majority of institutions are now required to perform these evaluations, they're seeking advice and examples of best practices, but there aren't resources available to provide these insights. This book will address that critical need. The target audience is college faculty and administrators, particularly those who need to develop or improve a system for evaluating governing boards or administrators because of accreditation requirements or legislative mandate.
- ICT-based assessment, methods, and programs in tertiary education by Serpil Meri Yilan (Ed.); Kasim Koruyan (Ed.)Publication Date: 2020ICT-Based Assessment, Methods, and Programs in Tertiary Education provides relevant theoretical frameworks and recent empirical research findings on integrating ICTs in tertiary education to enhance learning and allow students to take more control of their learning, highlighting topics such as assessment, language learning, and e-learning.
- Rating Professors Online by Pamela LeongPublication Date: 2020This book explores the emerging trends and patterns in online student evaluations of teaching and how online reviews have transformed the teacher-student relationship as developments in technology have altered consumer behaviors.
- The Scandal of Standardized Tests by Joseph A. Soares (Editor)Publication Date: 2020This update to SAT Wars provides new evidence in the case against standardized college entry tests, including the experiences of test-optional colleges.
- Ungrading: why rating students undermines learning (and what to do instead) by Susan D. Blum (Ed.); Alfie Kohn (Foreword)Publication Date: 2020The moment is right for critical reflection on what has been assumed to be a core part of schooling. In Ungrading, fifteen educators write about their diverse experiences going gradeless. Based on rigorous and replicated research, this is the first book to show why and how faculty who wish to focus on learning, rather than sorting or judging, might proceed. It includes honest reflection on what makes ungrading challenging, and testimonials about what makes it transformative.
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