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Stanford Libraries
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Stanford Libraries
Music research online: essential tools to explore Western art music
Stream media
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Music research online: essential tools to explore Western art music
: Stream media
Sources to help you construct an outline for research into a historical periods, genres, composers, instruments, and theoretical topics
Stream audio
Naxos music library
Naxos currently streams over 150,000 complete albums. Check out the resources section, which includes a pronunciation guide.
Music Online : Classical Music Library
Streams over 76,000 albums from the Medieval period to the 21st century.
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Stream video
High definition live streams of performances from around the world. Medici also includes archived performances (VOD) and master classes.
Met Opera on demand. Student access
Over 450 performances, with many current productions streamed in HD
Access digital scores
And a few more things... >>
Get an overview in music encyclopedias
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Access digital scores
Stream media
And a few more things...
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Ray Heigemeir
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