Chinese electronic resources: Chinese databases in alphabetical order
Chinese databases in alphabetical order
Apabi China Digital Library: Newspapers 中华数字书苑报纸库
Apabi China Digital Library: Books 中华数字书苑电子图书
Bian jiang li shi di li shu ju ku 边疆历史地理数据库
China Comprehensive Gazetteers 中国综合方志库
Central Daily News 中央日報 (1928-2006)
China Multilingual Journal Database
CNKI: China Academic Journals 中国期刊全文数据
CNKI: China Core Newspapers Full Text 中国重要报纸全文数据库
CNKI: China Doctoral Dissertations 中国博士学位论文
CNKI: China Master Theses 中国优秀硕士学位论文
CNKI:China Monographic Series Full-text 中国学术辑刊全文数据库
CNKI: China Proceedings of Conferences 中国重要会议论文
CNKI: China Reference Works Online 中国工具书网络出版总库
CNKI: China Statistical Yearbooks 中国统计年鉴数据库
CNKI: National population census of China 中国人口普查数据库
China Cultural Revolution Database 中国文化大革命史料库
China, America, and the Pacific
China: Trade, Politics and Culture 1793-1980
Chinese Ancient Texts Database (CHANT) 漢達文庫
Chinese Civilization in Time and Space
Ch'ing Palace Memorials and Archives of the Grand Council 清代宮中檔奏摺及軍機處檔摺件
Da Cheng Lao Jiu Kan 大成老旧刊全文数据库
Da Gong Bao 大公报 1902-1949 including: 天津版(1902.06.17-1949.01.15) ; 上海版(1936.04.01-1949.12.31) ; 重慶版(1938.12.01-1949.12.31) ; 香港版(1938.08.13-1949.12.31) ; 桂林版(1941.03.15-1944.09.09) ; 漢口版(1937.09.18-1938.10.17) ; 重慶大公晚報(1944.09.01-1949.12.31)
Diaolong Full-text Database of Chinese and Japanese Ancient Books includes 正统道藏, 道藏輯要, 永乐大典, 四部丛刊, 续四部丛刊, 清代史料, 古今图书集成, 日本古典书籍, 敦煌史料, 四库全书, 续修四库全书
Early Twentieth Century Books in China (1912-1949) 民国图书数据库
Foreign Office files for China [1919-1980]
Global Times (1993-Present) 环球时报
Grand Secretariat Archives 内閣大庫檔案
故宫期刊知識库 = National Palace Museum journals archive
Han dian quanwen jiansuo xitong 瀚典全文檢索系統
Han Wei Liu chao bei ke 汉魏六朝碑刻数据库
History of Contemporary Chinese Political Movements 中國當代政治運動史數據庫
History of the Party Database 中共党史期刊数据库
History of the Communist Party of China database 中共党史经典文献数据库
Li dai bie ji ku: Pre-Ming 历代别集库:明前
Li jie quan guo zheng xie zi liao shu ju ku 历届全国政协资料数据库
Modern China 近代中國
National Index to Chinese Newspapers & Periodicals 全国报刊索引
National population census of China 中国人口普查数据库
NICNP: Chinese Periodical Full-text Database (1911~1949) 民国时期期刊全文数据库(1911~1949)
NICNP: Late Qing Periodical Full-text database (1833-1911) 晚清期刊全文数据库
People's Daily (1946-2012) 人民日报(provided by EastView)
People's Daily (1946-present) 人民日报 (provided by Oriprobe)
People's Liberation Army (PLA) Daily 解放军报
Pishu: China economy, public policy, and security database 皮書
ProQuest historical newspapers. Chinese Newspapers Collection (1832-1953)
ProQuest historical newspapers. South China Morning Post (1903-1995) 南华早报英文版
Qing dai shi liao wen xian 清代史料文献
Quan guo ren min dai biao da hui shu ju ku 全国人民代表大会数据库
Quan Tang shi fen xi xi tong 全唐诗分析系统
Quan Song shi fen xi xi tong 全宋诗分析系统
Si ku quan shu (Wenyuange Ed.) 文淵閣四庫全書(電子版). This new version of SKQS requires the download of a client and can be used anywhere on the Stanford campus via authenticated wired or wireless connection. The client download and installation guides are available here (requires a Microsoft Windows operating system and Internet Explorer). Users will benefit from correlated search functions that recognize Traditional-Simplified and Chinese-Japanese character sets. Note: To access this resource from off campus, please contact the East Asia Library for username/password information.
Si Ku series from Erudition For access, click on Ancient Classics on Erudition main page, then choose 四庫系列數據庫.
Sinica Sinoweb 中研院經典人文學刊
Song dai mu zhi ming shu ju ku 宋代墓志铭数据库
Su wen ku 俗文库 Database of Chinese Popular Literature To access, click on "Ancient Classics" on Erudition main page, then choose 中国俗文库 初集.
Tabloid newspapers 1897-1949 小报数据库
Taiwan Electronic Periodical Service (TEPS) 臺灣電子期刊服務網
Wan Qing Minguo Da Bao Ku 晚清民国大报库 For access, on the Erudition landing page, click on "Modern Documents" and then "Login". From the main menu bar, click on "晚清民国大报库".
WireScreen a software platform that provides comprehensive registry of information on over 5 million Chinese public and privately-held corporations and state investment firms. Access to this database is from a public computer in the East Asia Library only. Please check with the public service specialist at the front desk for use of this database.
Wanfang Data: China Local Gazetteers 万方数据: 新方志
Yi yue tong 易阅通:中国电子书库 Chrome browser not recommended for this site.
Zhongguo di fang li shi wen xian shu ju ku 中國地方歷史文獻數據庫
Zhongguo fang zhi ku 中國方誌庫 To access, click on "Ancient Classics" on Erudition main page, then choose 中国方志库合集.
Zhongguo gongchandang wen xian xin xi 中国共产党文献信息
Zhongguo ji ben gu ji ku 中國基本古籍庫
Zhongguo li dai shi ke shi liao hui bian 中國歷代石刻史料匯編
Zhongguo li shi wen xian zong ku. Jin dai bao zhi shu ju ku 中国历史文献总库. 近代报纸数据库
Zhongguo si fa dang an shu ju ku 中国司法档案数据库 (江津卷)
Zhongguo wen shi zi liao ji cui 中国文史资料集粹
- Journal articles
- E-books
- Reference tools
- Historical text
- Late Qing and Republic era
- PRC resources
- Taiwan and Hong Kong
- Taiwan Resource Center for Chinese studies TRCCS
- Statistics/Financial & Economic Data
- Local Gazetteers/Historical Geography
- News and Media
- Chinese databases in alphabetical order
- Databases in English
- Trial databases
- Last Updated: Dec 4, 2024 3:51 PM
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