Biology: Stay up-to-date with new research
Tools to find literature on topics in biology, to stay-up-to date with research publications, and to manage your citations
Search alerts, author alerts, and citation alerts
Once you select a database to work with, you can start automating your searches by setting up alerts. Creating alerts will help you stay-up-to-date with research in your area and will ultimately help save you time. Most databases will allow you to set up alerts when:
- a specific search returns new results,
- an author publishes new material, or
- a publication is cited.
Web of Science alerts
PubMed alerts
Set up a My NCBI account to save searches, manage collections of saved articles, and more
Save searches and set up citation alerts using your My NCBI account
Biology Librarian
- Last Updated: Feb 13, 2025 11:04 AM
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