Anthropology of education: Recent print books
This is a guide for those researching the anthropology of education, including ethnography.
Recent print books
The dreamkeepers: successful teachers of African American children by Gloria Ladson-Billings
Publication Date: 2022Discover how to give African American children the education they deserve with this updated new resource In the newly revised Third Edition of The Dreamkeepers: Successful Teachers of African American Children, distinguished professor Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings delivers an encouraging exploration of the future of education for African American students.Applying anthropology to general education: reshaping colleges and universities for the 21st century by Jennifer R. Wies; Hillary J. Haldane
Publication Date: 2022"The current higher education policy and practice landscape is simultaneously marked by uncertainty and hope, and nowhere are these tensions more present than in discussions and actions around general education. This volume uses an anthropological approach to contemplate ways of reimagining general education for the 21st century and how faculty, teachers, administrators, and others can transform the educational endeavor to be holistic, comprehensive, and aligned with the needs of people and the planet in the decades to come."Accountability and culture of school teachers and principals: an eight-country comparative study by Zehava Rosenblatt and Theo Wubbels
Publication Date: 2021Accountability and Culture of School Teachers and Principals studies the degree to which teachers and principals in eight countries view themselves as taking responsibility, working by clear standards, reporting transparently, and accepting feedback at work. The book focuses on cultural values that explain variation in accountability levels of school educators, drawing on data from Canada, China, Hungary, Israel, the Netherlands, Spain, South Africa, and Zimbabwe.
- Last Updated: Oct 8, 2024 8:30 AM
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