PWR 1SPA: Character, Consequence, Conversation: Writing and Ethics: Example Texts on the Ethics of Virtue
Guide to library resources for PWR 1SPA
Ethics of Virtue
The Tao of the Tao Te Ching by Michael LaFargue; Lao Tzú
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 1992-01-01Interprets the concept of "Tao" in the Tao Te Ching as a spiritual state of mind cultivated in a particular school in ancient China, a state of mind which also expressed itself in a simple but satisfying life-style, and in a low-key but effective style of political leadership.Lao Tzu - Tao Te Ching by Úrsula K. Le Guin; J. P. Seaton (Contribution by); Lao Tzú
Call Number: Green Library BL1900 .L26 E5 1997APublication Date: 1997-08-19A poetic version of this Taoist classic from a leading literary figure in world literature. Le Guin's version is informed by her sensitivity to feminist concerns and she aims to reveal the text's immediate relevance to today.
Ethics of Happiness
Bentham by Michael Quinn
Call Number: SAL B1574 .B34 Q56 2022Publication Date: 2022-01-18This book will be essential reading for any student or scholar of Bentham, as well as those interested in the history of political thought, philosophy, politics, ethics and utilitarianism.Routledge Philosophy GuideBook to Mill on Utilitarianism by Roger Crisp
Call Number: Green Library B1603 .U873 C75 1997Publication Date: 1997-09-10Mill was one of the most important British philosophers of the nineteenth century; his Utilitarianism is a pivotal work in ethical thought. This book, written specifically for students coming to Mill - and perhaps philosophy - for the first time, will be an ideal guide. Mill on Utilitarianism introduces and assesses: * Mill's life and the background of Utilitarianism * the ideas and text of Utilitarianism * the continuing importance of Mill's work to philosophy This is the first book dedicated to Utilitarianism itself. Concisely written and engaging, it is perfect reading for those studying Mill or moral philosophy.Utilitarianism, Hedonism, and Desert by Fred Feldman
Call Number: Green Library BJ1012 .F434 1997Publication Date: 1997-08-13Fred Feldman is an important philosopher, who has made a substantial contribution to utilitarian moral philosophy. This collection of ten previously published essays plus a new introductory essay reveal the striking originality and unity of his views. Feldman's version of utilitarianism differs from traditional forms in that it evaluates behaviour by appeal to the values of accessible worlds. These worlds are in turn evaluated in terms of the amounts of pleasure they contain, but the conception of pleasure involved is a novel one and the formulation of hedonism improved. In Feldman's view pleasure is not a feeling but a propositional attitude. He also deals with problems of justice that affect standard forms of utilitarianism. The collection is ideally suited for courses on contemporary utilitarian theory.
Ethics of the Person
Kant's 'Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals' by Jens Timmermann (Editor)
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2010-08-04In his Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, Immanuel Kant portrays the supreme moral principle as an unconditional imperative that applies to all of us because we freely choose to impose upon ourselves a law of pure practical reason. Morality is revealed to be a matter of autonomy. Today, this approach to ethical theory is as perplexing, controversial and inspiring as it was in 1785, when the Groundwork was first published. The essays in this volume, by international Kant scholars and moral philosophers, discuss Kant's philosophical development and his rejection of earlier moral theories, the role of happiness and inclination in the Groundwork, Kant's moral metaphysics and theory of value, and his attempt to justify the categorical imperative as a principle of freedom. They reflect the approach of several schools of interpretation and illustrate the lively diversity of Kantian ethics today.
- A vindication of the rights of woman [electronic resource] : with strictures on political and moral subjectsThis is Wollstonecraft's classic treatise on women's oppression and women's rights which served as a model for many feminist arguments later in the 19th century.
I and Thou by Martin Buber; Martin Buber
Call Number: Green Library BM723 .B753 1970Publication Date: 1971-02-01Considered to be one of the most influential books of Western thought since its original publication in 1923, Martin Buber's slender volume I and Thou influenced the way we think about our relationships with one another and with God. Buber--one of the greatest Jewish minds of the 20th century--lays out a view of the world in which human beings can enter into relationships that enhance their mutual existential dignity (I-Thou relations).The Philosophy of Law by Frederick F. Schauer; Walter Sinnott-Armstrong
Call Number: Law Library Basement KF379 .P46 1996Publication Date: 1995-07-24PHILOSOPHY OF LAW examines such topics as the concept of law, the dispute between natural law theorists and legal positivists, the relations between law and morality, criminal responsibility and legal punishment, rights of the individual against the state, justice and equality, and legal evidence as compared with scientific evidence. Readings, selected from both philosophy and law journals, include classic texts, contemporary theoretical developments and well-known current court cases.
- Background/reference sources
- Example Texts on the Ethics of Virtue
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