PWR 1KR: Trust, Rhetoric, and Writing: Primary sources available online
A guide to resources for PWR 1KR: Trust, Rhetoric and Writing. Moore, K.
Spotlight at Stanford exhibits
Spotlight at Stanford is an application for showcasing digital content in easy-to-produce exhibits. The digital material in these exhibits can Students and faculty can actually build their own Spotlight exhibits using material available in the Stanford Digital Repository and elsewhere. Here are some examples:
- The History of Artificial IntelligenceThe rich archival documentation available in the Stanford Libraries on the history of artificial intelligence includes important film, video and audio resources, as well as traditional print materials and even early computer files. These materials provide access to a variety of events and activities from Stanford, Silicon Valley, or the artificial intelligence community as a whole, including tours of labs and project, robots in action, and public lectures, to name only a few examples. These materials were captured in both non-digital formats, such as film, audio tape, and text, as well as digital files from the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and Stanford University Medical Experimental Computer Resource (SUMEX) project.
- Joint Committee on Atomic EnergyThe Joint Committee on Atomic Energy was established by the Atomic Energy Act of 1946 and existed from 1946 to 1977. It was created to "make continuing studies of the activities of the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) and of problems relating to the development, use, and control of atomic energy." Through hearings and other public informational activities, the committee played a significant role in encouraging peaceful uses of atomic energy, dealing with subjects such as budget authorization bills for the Atomic Energy Commission, international agreements regarding atomic energy (stemming from President Dwight D. Eisenhower's "Atoms-For-Peace" speech of December 1953), and various mutual defense agreements. Examples of other matters the Joint Committee covered include: developments at the national energy labs; health impacts of nuclear energy; nuclear waste management. This collection of published committee hearings and prints includes policy as well as limited technical information. Included in this extensive collection are statistics from various sources, folding maps and charts, photographs, bibliographies, selective indexes, periodical and journal article reprints, and selections of various government and public reports. Selective reprints of congressional bills and public laws are included as well.
- Recording Civic Action in China: Chinese NGO web archiving projectThis is a digital collection of archived websites and social media of selected Chinese grassroots non-government organizations. Currently the collection includes complete captures of 200 NGOs in six areas since 2015--gender, environment, education, labor, rural development and health. It is a growing collection with continuing addition of new content. A bibliography of scholarly works on Chinese NGOs and emerging civil society that published in recent 30 years and a timeline of critical milestone event in the history of Chinese grassroots NGO development, including laws, regulations and government policy, establishment of major NGOs, important conferences and high impact events, are also presented on this exhibition.
- Research from Stanford University: Data and More from Stanford's Cutting Edge ResearchersThis collection includes research outputs from Stanford-associated researchers on the wide variety of topics and fields under investigation at Stanford University, including statistics, engineering, biology, chemistry, social sciences, humanities, medicine, physics, geosciences, and the environment. This content is made discoverable and accessible via deposit into the Stanford Digital Repository (SDR)
- Virtual Tribunals International criminal tribunal records (1945-present)A comprehensive database of international criminal tribunal records, from post-World War II cases through to contemporary tribunals, fully digitized and rendered searchable online.
Other primary sources available online
- Video (1971) Philip G. Zimbardo, Stanford Prison ExperimentThe Stanford prison experiment was a study of the psychological effects of becoming a prisoner or prison guard. The experiment was conducted in 1971 by a team of researchers led by Psychology Professor Dr. Philip Zimbardo, Ph.D., at Stanford University. Twenty-four undergraduates were selected out of over 75 to play the roles of both guards and prisoners and live in a mock prison in the basement of the Stanford psychology building. Roles were assigned at random. The participants adapted to their roles well beyond what even Zimbardo himself expected, leading the guards to display authoritarian measures.
- Video: War made easy : how presidents & pundits keep spinning us to deathWar Made Easy exposes how presidential administrations of both parties have relied on a combination of deception and media complicity to sell one war after another to the American people. Narrated by actor Sean Penn, and based on the acclaimed book by Norman Solomon, the film exhumes five decades of remarkable archival footage to reveal in stunning detail how the American news media have uncritically disseminated and glamorized the pro-war messages of successive presidential administrations. The film gives special attention to parallels between the Vietnam War and the war in Iraq, setting government spin and media collusion from the present alongside virtually identical patterns from the past
- War PropagandaOnline materials, including Hoover Archives, of war propaganda: images, videos and e-books.
- Last Updated: Jan 27, 2025 2:39 PM
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