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Library research quickstart guide: Tips for finding ONLINE books, articles, and primary sources

How-To Videos, tips and tricks, and exercises

Limit your Searchworks Results to Access: online

Search for online resources using the Access menu under Refine your results.Screenshot of SearchWorks with the Online option highlighted.

Use Articles+ to find articles with known citations

SearchWorks Articles+ is particularly good for finding articles when you already know the citation.

You can search for a known article by title (using quotation marks is more efficient). Type the title of the article in the search field. Use the search options drop down menu and select "Title". Alternatively, choose to search "All fields" and enter more information in the search field, such as author and journal title.

Screenshot of Searchworks Articles+ with the search field and search options highlighted.

Spotlight at Stanford exhibits

Spotlight at Stanford is an application for showcasing digital content in easy-to-produce exhibits. The digital material in these exhibits can Students and faculty can actually build their own Spotlight exhibits using material available in the Stanford Digital Repository and elsewhere. Here are some examples:

Digital collections from the Stanford Digital Repository

The SearchWorks homepage has links to several featured resources, such as the Digital collections. Searchworks homeage screenshot with Digital collections highlighted.