LGBTQ and education: Recent e-books
This guide is for those interested in issues surrounding LGBTQ communities and education, both research and practice.
Recent e-books
Fierce, fabulous, and fluid: how trans high school students work at gender nonconformity by L. J. Slovin
Publication Date: 2024Fierce, Fabulous, and Fluid presents a poignant critique of educational policies aimed at supporting trans and gender-nonconforming youth in schools. Over the years, caring adults have recognized these students as vulnerable and have tried to create inclusive environments to address their unique challenges. However, the book argues that these approaches have inadvertently perpetuated a narrow definition of trans identity, leaving many trans, non-binary, and gender-nonconforming youth feeling excluded and unseen.Queer thriving in Catholic education: going beyond the pastoral paradigm for LGBTQ+ inclusion by Sean Whittle (Ed.); Seán Henry (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This book provides readers with the opportunity to go beyond anecdote and supposition in order to get a fuller grasp of research around Catholic education and LGBTQ+ matters. This is an edited collection of chapters which explores LGBTQ+ matters in relation to Catholic education.Gender expression and inclusivity in early childhood: a teachers' guide to queering the classroom by Samuel Broaden
Publication Date: 2024This important and engaging guide details best practices for supporting the exploration and expression of gender in early years contexts. It explains how to use self-reflection, community collaboration, and action plans to create supportive environments and equitable opportunities for queer children and teachers in early years classrooms and schools.Perspectives on transforming higher education and the LGBTQIA student experience by Andrew Herridge (Ed.); Kaity Prieto (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Perspectives on Transforming Higher Education and the LGBTQIA Student Experience is a comprehensive academic exploration of the intricate world of LGBTQIA students in higher education. This book sheds light on the multifaceted challenges and complexities that LGBTQIA students face, transcending the boundaries of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, ability, and socio-economic class.LGBTQIA students in higher education by Kaity Prieto (Ed.); Andrew Herridge (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024LGBTQIA Students in Higher Education: Approaches to Student Identity and Policy is a seminal work designed to enlighten and inform students, faculty, student affairs practitioners, higher education administrators, and policymakers, and is structured to provide a holistic understanding, this book encompasses critical themes, including LGBTQIA student identity development, the intersectionality of identity, LGBTQIA student experiences within the campus climate, and the impact of laws and policies on their lives.
Black and queer on campus by Michael P. Jeffries
Publication Date: 2023Michael P. Jeffries shows that Black and queer college students often struggle to find safe spaces and a sense of belonging when they arrive on campus at both predominantly white institutions and historically black colleges and universities. Many report that in predominantly white queer social spaces, they feel unwelcome and pressured to temper their criticisms of racism amongst their white peers. Conversely, in predominantly straight Black social spaces, they feel ignored or pressured to minimize their queer identity in order to be accepted.Digital me: trans students exploring future possible selves online by Z. Nicolazzo; Alden C. Jones; Sy Simms
Publication Date: 2023The internet is where trans people have come to become. Creating an identity in digital space can be important for how trans people learn about themselves, their communities, and the possibilities available to them. While the internet and digital space is not the only way of coming to understand oneself in a community, it is a space of liberatory possibility and creativity. There is room to invent what may not yet exist for gender on the edges of what many consider to be "real."LGBTQI+ allies in education, advocacy, activism, and participatory collaborative research by Wendy Cumming-Potvin
Publication Date: 2023"This topical book explores the Ally perspective in advocating for Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, Queer and Inter-sex (LGBTQI+) human rights across American, Canadian, and Australian educational contexts. This book aims to clarify the terms and dynamics of mobilizing heterosexual and cisgender privilege in the interests of promoting safe, welcoming and inclusive educational communities for all stake holders, particularly those students who self- identify as LGBTQI+"Not alone: LGB teachers organizations from 1970 to 1985 by Jason Mayernick
Publication Date: 2023Between 1970 and 1985, lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) educators publicly left their classroom closets, formed communities, and began advocating for a place of openness and safety for LGB people in America's schools. They fought for protection and representation in the National Education Association and American Federation of Teachers, as well as building community and advocacy in major gay and lesbian teacher organizations in New York, Los Angeles, and Northern California. In so doing, LGB teachers went from being a profoundly demonized and silenced population that suffered as symbolically emblematic of the harmful "bad teacher" to being an organized community of professionals deserving of rights, capable of speaking for themselves, and often able to reframe themselves as "good teachers."Promoting inclusive education through the integration of LGBTIQ+ issues in the classroom by Francisco Javier Palacios-Hidalgo (Ed.); Cristina A. Huertas-Abril (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Promoting Inclusive Education Through the Integration of LGBTIQ+ Issues in the Classroom offers theoretical considerations and practical examples of how LGBTIQ+ issues can be addressed in education, including instances of curriculum responses, teacher training, and recommendations for supporting LGBTIQ+ students.Queerness as being in higher education: narrating the insider/outsider paradox as LGBTQ+ scholars and practitioners by edited by Antonio Duran, Ryan A. Miller, T.J. Jourian, and Jesus Cisneros
Publication Date: 2023Drawing on autotheoretical methods, this insightful volume explores how LGBTQ+ scholars, practitioners, and scholar-practitioners exist within and negotiate an insider/outsider paradox within higher education, highlighting issues of affect, legibility, and embodiment.Rethinking school spaces for transgender, non-binary and gender diverse youth: trans-ing the school washroom by Jennifer C. Ingrey
Publication Date: 2023"Positing the washroom as an epistemological site which exemplifies the way in which school spaces govern how gender is experienced, normalized, and understood by youth, this text illustrates how current school policies and practices around bathrooms fail to dismantle cisnormativity and recognize trans lives. Drawing on media-policy analysis, empirical study, and arts-based methodologies, it demonstrates how school spaces must be re-thought via a trans-centred epistemology, to be reflected in teacher education, policy, and curricula."
LGBTQ leadership in higher education by Raymond E. Crossman (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022In this book 15 LGBTQ presidents and chancellors in higher education provide insight into their experiences and highlight the importance of queer leadership for the academy and the world. Prior to this century, there were few known gay or lesbian presidents in North American higher education.Queer & trans advocacy in the community college by Joshua Moon Johnson; Emilie Mitchell; Lemuel W. Watson
Publication Date: 2022There are more than 1,000 community colleges in the U.S. Even with the extraordinary number of students that the community college system educates, approximately 15 institutions nationally have paid staff to provide LGBTQ services to students. That being said, community colleges are now putting a larger emphasis on understanding and supporting this community. For example, The California Community College (CCC) system's 116 colleges now require all campuses to create a plan on how to improve success rates of LGBTQ+ students.Queering STEM culture in US higher education: navigating experiences of exclusion in the academy by Kelly J. Cross; Stephanie M. Farrell; Bryce Hughes
Publication Date: 2022"Adopting an intersectional lens, this timely volume explores the lived experiences of members of the queer and trans community in post-secondary STEM culture in the US to provide critical insights into progressing socially just STEM education pathways."Towards queer literacy in elementary education: always becoming allies by Selena E. Van Horn
Publication Date: 2022This book blends multiple research studies, historical and current events, reflective teaching examples, and guidance for LGBTQ+ inclusion and queer pedagogy in elementary schools.The transformative potential of LGBTQ+ children's picture books by Jennifer Miller
Publication Date: 2022In The Transformative Potential of LGBTQ+ Children's Picture Books, Jennifer Miller identifies an archive of over 150 English-language children's picture books that explicitly represent LGBTQ+ identities, expressions, and issues. This archive is then analyzed to explore the evolution of LGBTQ+ characters and content from the 1970s to the present.
Big Gay Adventures in Education Supporting LGBT+ Visibility and Inclusion in Schools by Daniel Tomlinson-Gray (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021Big Gay Adventures in Education is a collection of true stories by 'out' teachers, and students of 'out' teachers, all about their experiences in schools. The book aims to empower LGBT+ teachers to be the role models they needed when they were in school and help all teachers and school leaders to promote LGBT+ visibility and inclusion.The experiences of queer students of color at historically white institutions : navigating intersectional identities on campus by Antonio Duran
Publication Date: 2021By presenting data from student interviews and reflection journals, the book explores what it means to hold multiple minoritized identities, and asks how such intersections are navigated, contested, and experienced on college campuses. Exploring both micro- and macro-level mappings of marginalization and power, the text reveals issues including institutional erasure, pervasive whiteness in college and LGBTQ+ communities, and institutionalized racism and heterosexism, and offers in-depth insights into the material, psychological, emotional, and social impacts on queer students of color.Intersectional perspectives on LGBTQ+ issues in modern language teaching and learning by Joshua M. Paiz (Ed.); James Edward Coda (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021This edited book examines how sexuality and sexual identity intersect and interact with other identities and subjectivities - including but not limited to race, religion, gender, social class, ableness, and immigrant or refugee status - to form reinforcing webs of privilege and oppression that can have significant implications for language teaching and learning processes. The authors explore how these intersections may influence the teaching of different languages and how pedagogies can be devised to increase equitable access to language learning spaces. They seek to open the conversation on intersectional issues as they relate to sexuality and language teaching and learning, and provide a conversational space where readers can engage with the notion of intersectionality.Supporting gender identity and sexual orientation diversity in K-12 schools by Megan C. Lytle (Editor); Richard A. Sprott (Editor)
Publication Date: 2021This book reviews timely, pragmatic interventions and strategies to support LGBTQ students in K12 schools. Where formal programs affirming diversity of gender expression and sexual orientation are not yet in place, contributors provide insights and practical tips for creating a positive, safe school environment. Topics include how stigma based on gender expression or sexual orientation can affect children and adolescents in school performance and risktaking behavior, and how schools can flip the narrative on bullying and victimization to one that promotes strengths and school connectedness.
Incorporating LGBTQ+ Identities in K-12 Curriculum and Policy by April Sanders (Ed.); Laura Isbell (Ed.); Kathryn Dixon (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2020Incorporating LGBTQ+ Identities in K-12 Curriculum and Policy provides comprehensive research on inclusive curriculum design and education policy that specifically impacts LGBTQ+ students. Featuring an array of topics such as gender diversity, mental health services, and preservice teachers...The queer aesthetics of childhood: asymmetries of innocence and the cultural politics of child development by Hannah Dyer
Publication Date: 2020In The Queer Aesthetics of Childhood, Hannah Dyer offers a study of how children's art and art about childhood can forecast new models of social life that redistribute care, belonging, and political value. Dyer suggests that childhood's cultural expressions offer insight into the persisting residues of colonial history, nation building, homophobia, and related violence.Queer approaches: emotion, expression and communication in the classroom by Kristin LaFollette; Nicholas Santavicca
Publication Date: 2020"This edited collection supports queer educators and students, underscores the reasons society does not see LGBTQ representation in classroom spaces, and offers "queered" pedagogical approaches for teaching students from diverse backgrounds. This collection places value on every educator and student through prioritizing inclusivity, and the chapters carefully articulate what (queer) inclusivity is, why it matters for all educators, students, and administrators, and what can happen when inclusive environments are not created and/or sustained."Queer campus climate by Benjamin Arnberg
Publication Date: 2020Queer Campus Climate: An Ethnographic Fantasia is a visceral and provocative account of the lives of ten queer college men living in the Deep South.Supporting success for LGBTQ+ students: tools for inclusive campus practice by Cindy Ann Kilgo
Publication Date: 2020Despite increasing visibility and acceptance in some spheres, many LGBTQ+ students continue to experience a negative climate on college campuses, presenting barriers to their academic and personal success. This volume explores the last decade of research on LGBTQ+ college students with an eye toward understanding their needs and the unique conditions related to their college success.Transgender educators : understanding marginalization through an intersectional lens by Michele Dow
Publication Date: 2020This book argues that despite the greater visibility of transgender people today, their lives as professional teachers and administrators remain enormously difficult. Workplace discrimination against transgender educators continues to run rampant, especially outside of the traditionally liberal enclaves. In fact, if their workplace is a safe haven which it rarely is, many transgender educators lead double lives as professionals during the day and marginalized people outside of their workplace.
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