That's Entertainment! The Rhetoric of Hollywood's Inequities: Recommended Databases
Recommended Databases for researching bias in the entertainment industry
You can search for scholarly and non-scholarly articles using Searhworks Articles +, but Articles + is most valuable when you are searching for a known title or author.
Google Scholar is one way to search for articles. Databases add extra functionality, and the results are dependent on the subscriptions to journals and magazines Stanford pays for -- a lot more than you will find in Google Scholar -- and the databases are curated by subject area experts.
It's always useful to use the selected databases Academic Search Premier and Proquest Research Library but these additional databases will help you research topics in more depth once you choose a particular perspective to explore:
- Contemporary women's issuesDatabase of articles from numerous periodicals about women's issues. May be searched using keywords and/or selections from a set of thesaurus or controlled vocabulary entries.
- Ethnic newsWatchFull text articles from newspapers and periodicals published by the ethnic, minority and native press in the U.S. Coverage is from 1960 to date.
- FIAF international index to film periodicals plusFIAF index to film periodicals plus is a bibliographical index covering the foremost academic and popular film journals up to the present day. Some of these journals are available in full text. FIAF plus includes the following databases: International index to film periodicals (1972- ); International index to television periodicals (1979-1998); Treasures from the film archives; International directory of film and TV documentation collections; Bibliography of FIAF affiliates' publications; and the full text of five key reference works.
See for example this article found searching FIAF titled: The Culture Behind Closed Doors: Issues of Gender and Race in the Writers' Room
- Film & television literature index"Film & Television Literature Index is a comprehensive bibliographic database covering the entire spectrum of television and film writing. It has been designed for use by a diverse audience that includes film scholars, college students, and general viewers. Subject coverage includes film & television theory, preservation & restoration, writing, production, cinematography, technical aspects, and reviews"
- GenderWatchFull text collection of journals, magazines, newsletters, regional publications, books, booklets and pamphlets, conference proceedings and governmental n-g-o and special reports devoted to women's and gender issues. Contains materials dating back to the 1970's. Incorporated the publication Women "R".
- HeinOnline. Law journal libraryThis collection consists of full-text access to over 2,300 law journals, usually starting with the first volume and available through the most current content.
- Women's resources internationalAn interdisciplinary database combined from Women's Studies Abstracts (1984-present), Women's Studies Database (1972-present), New Books on Women and Feminism (1987-present), Women of Color and Southern Women (1975-present), The History of Women and Science, Health, and Technology : A Bibliographic Guide to the Professions and Disciplines (1970-1995), Women's Health and Development : An Annotated Bibliography (1970-1996), WAVE : Women's Audiovisuals in English : A Guide to Nonprint Resources in Women's Studies (1985-1990). NISC will add new databases as they become available.
- Last Updated: Jan 23, 2025 2:55 PM
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