New education books: New e-books
This is a guide of e-books recently received by Cubberley Education Library.
Teaching 6-12 math intervention: a practical framework to engage students who struggle by Juliana Tapper
Publication Date: 2025This practical resource offers a classroom-tested framework for secondary math teachers to support students who struggle. Teachers will explore an often-overlooked piece of the math achievement puzzle: the gatekeeping cycles of mathematics and the importance of teachers' own expectations of students. The immediately applicable strategies in this book, developed through the author's work as a math intervention teacher, intervention specialist, and instructional coach, will give teachers the tools to help students overcome math anxiety, retention struggles, and even apathy.AI-powered scholar: a beginner's guide to artificial intelligence for academic writing & research by Bron Eager
Publication Date: 2025This book is a practical and comprehensive guide on using AI tools to streamline and optimise the academic writing and research process. Through a series of step-by-step instructions and practical tips, this book provides readers with the knowledge and tools they need to leverage the power of AI to produce high-quality academic publications.Embodied learning in the schools: designs that link brain, body, and technology in K-12 classrooms by Theodore "TJ" Kopcha; Ceren Ocak
Publication Date: 2025Embodied Learning in the Schools explores the relevance of embodied perspectives to instructional designers and education scholars seeking to improve the design, development, and analysis of technology-enhanced learning environments in K-12 settings. Given recent technological advances in touch-based, geolocational, and body integrative devices, there is considerable opportunity to leverage embodied perspectives of cognition to enrich learning in schools today.Using data-based processes to create sustainable change in your school and community: a step-by-step guide for leaders in education by Christan R. Pankiewicz; Heather L. Walter; Katherine Mitchem
Publication Date: 2025Rooted in the idea that education is an open, dynamic system composed of a continuous interchange of components, this eye-opening resource presents a data-based, process-focused framework for solving the unique problems of your specific school or system.The Bloomsbury handbook of ethics of care in transformative leadership in higher education by Mary Drinkwater (Ed.); Yusef Waghid(Ed.)
Publication Date: 2025The Bloomsbury Handbook of Ethics of Care in Transformative Leadership in Higher Education explores how the use of different ethic of care lenses can be used to nurture and sustain relationships within, between and beyond humans as part of the role and responsibilities of HEIs in addressing local and global crises and change.Managing innovation inside universities: systematic change for research, service and learning by Randolph Hall
Publication Date: 2024This book offers guidance on capturing the creative forces of the faculty, staff and students at universities. Given their unique and central role in America and the world, it examines how university research, learning and service can be integrated to address the needs of society as it is both enabled and changed by technology. In turn, the book assesses the challenges and opportunities for universities to be more successful and impactful through innovation, viewing universities as integrated systems.Innovative school reforms: international perspectives on reimagining theory, policy, and practice for the future by William T. Pink (Editor-In-Chief); Kitty te Riele (Ed.); Meg Maguire (Ed.); Kim Beasy (Ed.); Emma Towers (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This book is a curated collection of international chapters focused on the reform of K-12 schools. Three key, yet different cultural, economic, and political settings are highlighted: Australia, the UK, and the US. Within their own context, each author details the required reforms that would maximize learning for all students. The intersectionalities of factors such a race, gender, class, ethnicity, disability, language, and economic inequities, are interrogated for their impact on the efficacy of reform strategies.Technology-enabled learning and design methodologies: lessons from creative, agile, immersive, and analytical advancements by Andrea Filatro; Carolina Costa Cavalcanti
Publication Date: 2025Technology-Enabled Learning and Design Methodologies offers a comprehensive and example-rich guide to the latest technological and methodological advancements in education. This book systematically organizes a rich variety of educational innovations into four distinct groups of teaching-learning methodologies, each with its own focus and disruptive potential...A moral inquiry into epistemic insights in science education: personal and global perspectives of socioscientific issues by Dana L. Zeidler (Ed.); Ly Do
Publication Date: 2024This edited volume reveals a reflective culmination of the Socioscientific Issues (SSI) framework that examines past, present, and future trends along with advances in the field of science education. It presents, for the first time, what the precursors and nascent features of the framework entailed and examines the underlying presuppositions that have guided this research program as it matured into present day conceptualizations and cutting-edge advances of the SSI framework along with implications for the future.Tracing the impact of first-year writing: identity, process, and transfer at a public university by Laura Wilder
Publication Date: 2024Tracing the Impact of First-Year Writing presents the results of a large-scale longitudinal study of college writers that explores the impact of a required first-year writing course with a comparative approach not previously available. Over five years Laura Wilder conducted 143 interviews with, and collected 774 pages of writing from, 58 students, half of whom had taken a new first-year writing course and half who had not. Wilder found that while in many ways the experiences of both groups are comparable--demonstrating how students receive valuable educations in rhetoric and writing from a variety of sources beyond a first-year writing course--students who took the first-year writing course were much more likely to identify as writers.Teach truth: the struggle for antiracist education by Jesse Hagopian
Publication Date: 2025In the face of relentless attacks on antiracist education, a much-needed reckoning with the roots of this latest wave of censorship and an urgent call to action to defend education. In just the last few years, scores of states have introduced or passed legislation that would require teachers to lie to students about structural racism and other forms of oppression. Books have been cut from curricula and pulled from school library shelves. Teachers have been fired and threatened with discipline.
New e-books
Personalized reading: digital strategies and tools to support all learners by Michele Haiken
Publication Date: 2024Unlock the power of personalized reading with practical strategies and easy-to-use ideas to engage students in the digital age. In the first edition of this book, the authors identified ways for working with four different types of readers--struggling readers, reluctant readers, English learners, and advanced readers--using technology to accommodate their various reading journeys and learning styles. The second edition identifies a fifth type of reader--the emerging reader--and ways of personalizing instruction to their needs.A is for arson: a history of vandalism in American education by Campbell F. Scribner
Publication Date: 2023In A Is for Arson, Campbell F. Scribner sifts through two centuries of debris to uncover the conditions that have prompted school vandalism and to explain why attempts at prevention have inevitably failed. Vandalism costs taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars every year, as students, parents, and even teachers wreak havoc on school buildings. Why do they do it? Can anything stop them? Who should pay for the damage? Underlying these questions are long-standing tensions between freedom and authority, and between wantonness and reason.The handbook of plurilingual and intercultural language learning by Christiane Fäcke (Ed.); Xuesong (Andy) Gao (Ed.); Paula Garrett-Rucks (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2025Our evolving understanding of the role of English as a lingua franca and our growing sensitivity to the unique needs of students and teachers who communicate across languages and cultures has led to significant changes in language teaching, pedagogy, and curriculum design. The Handbook of Plurilingual and Intercultural Language Learning is a field-defining book, which examines the various ways learners learn and acquire language in a truly global context.Fundamentals of developmental cognitive neuroscience [digital] by Heather Bortfeld; Silvia A. Bunge
Publication Date: 2024An exciting introduction to the scientific interface between biological studies of the brain and behavioural studies of human development. The authors trace the field from its roots in developmental psychology and neuroscience, and highlight some of the most persuasive research findings before anticipating future directions the field may take.Polarized by degrees: how the diploma divide and the culture war transformed American politics by Matt Grossmann; David A. Hopkins
Publication Date: 2024Over the past several decades, American society has experienced fundamental changes - from shifting relations between social groups and evolving language and behavior norms to the increasing value of a college degree. These transformations have polarized the nation's political climate and ignited a perpetual culture war.Building mental resilience in children: positive psychology, emotional intelligence, and play by Louiza Ioannidou (Ed.); Agathi Argyriadi (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Mental resilience in children is an essential aspect of childhood well-being and long-term success. Positive psychology, emotional intelligence, and play are critical when nurturing this resilience and building mental strength. Emotional intelligence may help children recognize and manage their emotions effectively, while preparing them to overcome personal challenges.Who am I as a teacher?: migrant teachers' redefined professional identity by Annika Käck
Publication Date: 2024"Who am I as a teacher in a new country?" migrant teachers ask themselves. To understand oneself as a teacher, one must identify and coordinate the past and present with a future direction, which causes migrant teachers to talk about a transformed professional identity with additional skills.Yet another costume party debacle: why racial ignorance persists on elite college campuses by Ingrid A. Nelson
Publication Date: 2024Drawing on interviews and archival research, Yet Another Costume Party Debacle shows us how colleges both contest and reproduce racialized systems of power. Sociologist Ingrid A. Nelson juxtaposes how students and administrators discuss race with how they behave in the aftermath of racially charged campus controversies.Networks of trust: the social costs of college and what we can do about them by Anthony Simon Laden
Publication Date: 2024Higher education is a familiar battlefield in today's culture wars. The right accuses colleges and universities of indoctrinating conservative students with liberal values; the left, with failing to be sufficiently inclusive. The anxieties expressed on both sides of the political spectrum have much in common, however, and they are triggered not by colleges' failures but by their successes.Inaccessible access: rethinking disability inclusion in academic knowledge creation by Kelly Fagan Robinson (Ed.); Mark T. Carew (Ed.); Nora Ellen Groce (Ed.); Indigo Ayling (Ill.); Michele Friedner (Afterword); Carol Rivas; Julia F. Sauma; Julia K. Modern; Valéria Aydos; Harshadha Balasubramanian; Rebekah Cupitt; Sara M. Acevedo; Sumi Colligan; Valerie Black; Nell A. Koneczny; Erin L. Durban; Krisjon Olson; Mark R. Bookman
Publication Date: 2025Inaccessible Access ethnographically addresses barriers to inclusion within knowledge-making. It focuses on the social, environmental, communicative, and epistemological barriers that people with disabilities confront and embody throughout the course of their learning and living and in the specific context of their higher education institutions and in research. It is presented by a neurodiverse, disabled, and non-cis cohort of authors, all of whom acknowledge a continuum of (in)access that is available to each contributor contingent on their inherent intersectionalities and alterities.Teaching music to students with differences and disabilities: a label-free approach by Alice M. Hammel; Ryan M. Hourigan
Publication Date: 2025The latest edition of the landmark text Teaching Music to Students with Differences and Disabilities: A Label-Free Approach--designed for music education faculty, in-service music administrators, in-service music teachers, and preservice music teachers--offers a comprehensive manual and reference guide that introduces those in the field of music education to best practices when teaching music to students with differences and disabilities.Transdisciplinary teaching and technological integration for improved learning: case studies and practical approaches by Rajendra Kumar (Ed.); Eng Tek Ong (Ed.); Subuh Anggoro (Ed.); Tin Lam Toh (Ed.); Masanori Fukui (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Transdisciplinary Teaching and Technological Integration for Improved Learning: Case Studies and Practical Approaches embodies a commitment to these approaches, incorporating three cyclical activities--research, participation, and action--that collaboratively seek answers to practical questions through features of participatory and situational research. The book explores problem identification, action planning, observation collection, and behavioral data analysis. Covering topics such as artificial intelligence tools, higher education institutions, and university student satisfaction...Victorian alphabet books and the education of the eye: British approaches to literacy through the nineteenth century by A. Robin Hoffman
Publication Date: 2024Victorian Alphabet Books and the Education of the Eye shows how the familiar genre went beyond mere reading instruction to offer nineteenth-century British writers, illustrators, and publishers a site for representing and re-thinking literacy itself. This interdisciplinary study traces how individuals throughout the Victorian era deployed alphabet books to promote visual literacy or oral culture as a vital complement to textual literacy.Handbook of social and emotional learning by Joseph A. Durlak (Ed.); Celene E. Domitrovich (Ed.); Joseph L. Mahoney (Ed.); Timothy P. Shriver (Introduction); Maurice Elias (Foreword); The Weissberg Scholars (Afterword)
Publication Date: 2025The world's leading SEL scholars describe state-of-the-art interventions that build students' competencies for managing emotions, showing empathy for others, forming supportive relationships, and making responsible decisions. The scientific underpinnings of SEL are explored and its impact on academic achievement and behavior is examined. The Handbook discusses ways to assess SEL and design effective, developmentally and culturally informed programs for students in preschool through secondary school settings and beyond.STEM for all: how to connect, create, and cultivate STEM education for all learners by Leena Bakshi McLean
Publication Date: 2025Containing all of the practical tools needed to put theory into practice, STEM for All by Leena Bakshi McLean provides a roadmap for teachers, instructional coaches, and leaders to better understand the challenges that create low engagement and scores in STEM subjects and implement exciting and culturally relevant teaching plans.The Bloomsbury handbook of diversity, crises and transformative leadership in higher education by Yusef Waghid (Ed.); Mary Drinkwater (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024The Bloomsbury Handbook of Diversity, Crises and Transformative Leadership in Higher Education explores the intersections of contemporary understandings and practices of leadership within higher education around diversity, inclusion and indigeneity. With contributions from four continents, the handbook brings together diverse perspectives to explore a range of topics including access, equity, cultural competence, decolonisation, student activism and indigenous insights.Postcritical theory and curriculum in Latin America: didactics, Bildung and US hegemony by Silvia. Morelli
Publication Date: 2025Drawing on a range of postcritical theories including postmodernism, poststructuralism, and postcolonialism, this book provides a comprehensive analysis of the current state of curriculum in Latin America.Affective learning for contemporary education: exploring the limits of psychology for educational purposes by Tom Feldges
Publication Date: 2025Assuming that affective states form an important part of how humans relate to their environment, this book posits that the currently dominant cognitive approach to the field of psychology is unable to account sufficiently for this experiential reality of human life. Providing a philosophical investigation of this disparity, chapters offer an in-depth discussion of affective states for transformative learning, chart the journey of Psychology as an independent academic discipline, and engage classical learning theories in order to offer a broader understanding of complex, field-specific arguments, and engage readers from multidisciplinary backgrounds.A forgotten migration: Black Southerners, segregation scholarships, and the debt owed to public HBCUs [digital] by Crystal R. Sanders
Publication Date: 2024A Forgotten Migration tells the little-known story of "segregation scholarships" awarded by states in the US South to Black students seeking graduate education in the pre-Brown v. Board of Education era. Under the Plessy v. Ferguson decision, decades earlier, southern states could provide graduate opportunities for African Americans by creating separate but equal graduate programs at tax-supported Black colleges or by admitting Black students to historically white institutions. Most did neither and instead paid to send Black students out of state for graduate education. Crystal R. Sanders examines Black graduate students who relocated to the North, Midwest, and West to continue their education with segregation scholarships, revealing the many challenges they faced along the way.The Routledge companion to the history of education in India, 1780-1947 by Parimala V. Rao
Publication Date: 2025"This companion presents a comprehensive overview of educational policies in India, tracing the development of modern education from the late eighteenth century until Indian independence. It also studies various aspects of indigenous education and examines the education system under the British administration."Handbook of special education by James M. Kauffman (Ed.); Daniel P. Hallahan (Ed.); Paige Cullen Pullen (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024The Handbook of Special Education brings greater clarity to the ever-expanding topic of educating exceptional children. Across the volume, chapter authors review and integrate existing research, identify strengths and weaknesses, note gaps in the literature, and discuss implications for practice and future research.Mother tongue prestige: the sociolinguistics of privilege in urban middle-class education in India by Jessica Sujata Chandras
Publication Date: 2024"This book studies the intersection of language and social privilege in education in India. Drawing on rich ethnographic detail and primary data, it introduces a conversation of privilege, specifically contemporary configurations of caste and socioeconomic class in India, to the fields of South Asian studies and sociolinguistic educational studies. The author examines how and why education at the pre-primary, secondary, and higher education levels in India remains largely segregated by socioeconomic class and caste through the lens of language."Generative AI in writing education: policy and pedagogical implications by Dylan Medina
Publication Date: 2025"Generative AI, such as ChatGPT and Gemini, has substantially disrupted educational spaces, forcing educators, policymakers, and other stakeholders to reconsider writing and how it should be used in education. Responding to this disruption, this book provides technically sound guidance on how various stakeholders should engage with generative AI. After providing a foundational and technical discussion of the technology, this book directly addresses the educational context."There is no one way to teach math: actionable ideas for grades 6-12 by Henri Picciotto; Robin Pemantle
Publication Date: 2024A collaboration between a seasoned math teacher and a research mathematician, this resource offers balanced instructional ideas based on student intellectual engagement and skilled teacher leadership. It is solidly grounded in many areas of classroom practice, but rather than serving as a prescriptive how-to manual, the authors invite reflection and discussion across classrooms and math departments, much in the way you would share ideas in the teachers' lounge or across the table at a conference. Chapters offer practical suggestions and concrete examples to teachers of grades 6-12 on just about every aspect of the job: manipulatives, technology, lesson planning, group work, classroom discussion, and more.Generative AI in the English composition classroom: practical and adaptable strategies by Daniel Plate; James Hutson; Elizabeth Melick; Susan Edele
Publication Date: 2025Generative AI in the English Composition Classroom proposes strategic methodologies to ensure that AI is utilized as a facilitator of learning and creativity, rather than as a shortcut to academic success. With a particular emphasis on sophisticated large language models such as Claude, ChatGPT, and Gemini, this book critically addresses potential challenges, including concerns related to academic integrity. It includes case studies and practical strategies to exemplify how AI can enhance the writing process while emphasizing the continuing importance of a solid foundation in writing structure, processes, and rhetorical strategies.Learning to lead: undocumented students mobilizing education by Jennifer R. Nájera
Publication Date: 2024In Learning to Lead, Jennifer R. Nájera explores the intersections of education and activism among undocumented students at the University of California, Riverside. Taking an expansive view of education, Nájera shows how students' experiences in college--both in and out of the classroom--can affect their activism and advocacy work. Students learn from their families, communities, peers, and student and political organizations. In these different spaces, they learn how to navigate community and college life as undocumented people.Factors impacting student well-being and coping tactics by Peter Jo Aloka (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Factors Impacting Student Well-Being and Coping Tactics presents a comprehensive analysis of the factors influencing mental, emotional, and social health in higher education settings. This book explores the intrinsic and extrinsic elements shaping student well-being through meticulously curated chapters, from risk factors to protective mechanisms. By offering evidence-based strategies and practical recommendations, the book empowers academics, administrators, and counselors to proactively address students' challenges and foster a supportive environment conducive to personal and scholarly growth.Building resilient education models post crisis by Sancha Gray (Ed.); Leah Purpuri (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Building Resilient Education Models Post Crisis explores strategies for education resilience across institutions. It provides various models in education technology transformation and inclusive classroom practices. This book covers topics such as diversity and inclusion, education sociology, and crisis management,...Brothers in grief: the hidden toll of gun violence on Black boys and their schools by Nora Gross
Publication Date: 2024Brothers in Grief closely attends to the neglected victims of youth gun violence: the suffering friends and classmates who must cope, mostly out of public view, with lasting grief and hidden anguish. Sociologist Nora Gross tells the story of students attempting to grapple with unthinkable loss, inviting readers in to observe how they move through their days at school and on social media in the aftermath of their friends' and classmates' deaths. Gross highlights the discrepancy between their school's educational mission and teachers' and administrators' fraught attempts to care for students' emotional wellbeing.
New e-books 1
- Neurodevelopment in the post-pandemic world: the altered trajectory of children's education, mental health, and brain development by Molly Colvin; Jennifer Linton Reesman; Tannahill GlenPublication Date: 2024The COVID-19 pandemic caused worldwide and sustained educational and psychosocial disruption for children and adolescents. Schools, when they were able to remain open, quickly shifted to adopt untested virtual instruction methods that varied widely in implementation. Youth were exposed to increased stress at home, including adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), and mental health conditions increased. Young children who needed support for developmental and learning delays, as well as disabilities, missed critical interventions and/or entered school later. Older adolescents were lost entirely from the educational system.
Impacts of generative AI on creativity in higher education by Ziska Fields (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Impacts of Generative AI on Creativity in Higher Education reveals a solution in the integration of generative AI into higher education. To revolutionize how we nurture and harness student creativity, the book explores the intersection of creativity, generative AI, and higher education with a fresh perspective and practical guidance for educators and institutions. It delves into the fundamental concepts of generative AI and its potential applications, providing educators with the tools to create more engaging and innovative learning environments.Emergent trends in comparative education: the dialectic of the global and the local by Lauren Ila Misiaszek (Ed.); Robert F. Arnove (Ed.); Carlos Alberto Torres (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Emergent Trends in Comparative Education: The Dialectic of the Global and the Local addresses the changes and multiple new topics that arise in education vis-à-vis processes of globalization and social transformation. As such, it complements and expands the scope of Comparative Education: The Dialectic of the Global and the Local, Fifth Edition. Chapters systematically examine the intersecting global crises in society and education occasioned by COVID-19, across types and levels of education, geographic and linguistic contexts, and fields of theory and practice.Comparative education: the dialectic of the global and the local by Carlos Alberto Torres (Ed.); Robert F. Arnove (Ed.); Lauren Ila Misiaszek (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022Now in its fifth edition, Comparative Education: The Dialectic of the Global and the Local has established itself as the state-of-the art, comprehensive as well as sophisticated framework for taking into account the dynamic interactions of local, national, regional, and transnational factors shaping education systems around the world.Teaching data literacy in social studies: principles and practices to support historical thinking and civic engagement by Tamara L. Shreiner; Wayne Journell (Series ed.)
Publication Date: 2024We are surrounded by data and data visualizations in our everyday lives. To help ensure that students can critically evaluate data--and use it to promote social justice--this book outlines principles and practices for teaching data literacy as part of social studies education. The author shows how social studies content and skills can enhance both data literacy and its importance in supporting students' historical thinking and civic engagement.Class, race and education under neoliberal capitalism by Dave Hill (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024In this collection of essays, Dave Hill lays bare how the capitalist class in the knowledge industry/academia, use ideological (and repressive) state apparatuses, such as education, to divide, disarm and demoralise critical, Marxist analysis and activism.Handbook of moral and character education by Larry Nucci
Publication Date: 2025The Handbook of Moral and Character Education offers a definitive, state-of-the-art synthesis of leading scholarship in moral and character education. A subject of international interest and the focus of numerous governmental curricular mandates, the moral development and character formation of students are increasingly recognized as an essential component of a well-rounded schooling experience. This comprehensive volume explores the philosophical, psychological, and educational issues that define the field; links robust theoretical and empirical foundations to effective classroom practice; highlights implications for civic engagement and social justice; and follows the lessons learned from moral and character education into contexts outside of schools.Creating an inclusive social studies classroom for exceptional learners by Darren Minarik (Ed.); Timothy Lintner (Ed.)
ISBN: 9798887306469Publication Date: 2024"Creating an Inclusive Social Studies Classroom for Exceptional Learners serves as a comprehensive reference guide for K-12 educators and university-based social studies methods instructors and special education instructors wanting to create more inclusive opportunities for students with disabilities in the general education curriculum. Numerous research-based methods and instructional strategies are shared that enable teachers to effectively engage all learners in the social studies classroom. Social studies educators are encouraged to become a leading voice in support for the inclusion of students with disabilities in K-12 general education classrooms."Sharing the legacy and narrative leadership experiences of black women in education by Ashley N. Storman (Ed.); Destiny Reddick (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Sharing the Legacy and Narrative Leadership Experiences of Black Women in Education invites readers to step into the shoes of black women as leaders in academia and education, providing an authentic and raw glimpse into their experiences. The book challenges societal workplace expectations and attempts to reshape conversations around how intersectionality cross-connects with diversity, equity, and inclusion. By intertwining powerful storytelling with compelling research, it seeks to dismantle the barriers that have hindered the progress of black women with a focus on offering relevant theoretical frameworks and the latest academic research.Revolutionizing inclusive education: mindfulness, neurodiversity, and executive functioning skills by Efthymia Efthymiou
Publication Date: 2024Revolutionizing Inclusive Education: Mindfulness, Neurodiversity, and Executive Functioning Skills explores the life-changing potential of inclusive education. With a strong emphasis on the word "revolutionizing," the book challenges traditional practices and conventional thinking in the field of inclusive education. By integrating mindfulness practices, understanding neurodiversity, and developing executive functioning skills, the book offers a fresh and innovative approach to inclusive classrooms. Covering topics such as assistive technology, neurodivergent learners, and student well-being...Transdisciplinary approaches to learning outcomes in higher education by Rajendra Kumar (Ed.); Eng Tek Ong (Ed.); Subuh Anggoro (Ed.); Tin Lam Toh (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024The isolated nature of academic disciplines restricts the potential for collaborative problem-solving and innovative approaches to teaching and learning. This fragmentation limits the effectiveness of educational outcomes and fails to prepare students for the multidimensional demands of the modern world. To address this pressing issue, Transdisciplinary Approaches to Learning Outcomes in Higher Education provides a comprehensive framework for transdisciplinary research in higher education. This book offers a systematic approach to transdisciplinary research and equips researchers, educators, and policymakers with the tools needed to break down disciplinary barriers and foster interdisciplinary collaboration.Robot-proof: higher education in the age of artificial intelligence by Joseph E. Aoun
Publication Date: 2024In 2017, Robot-Proof, the first edition, foresaw the advent of the AI economy and called for a new model of higher education designed to help human beings flourish alongside smart machines. That economy has arrived. Creative tasks that, seven years ago, seemed resistant to automation can now be performed with a simple prompt. As a result, we must now learn not only to be conversant with these technologies, but also to comprehend and deploy their outputs. In this revised and updated edition, Joseph Aoun rethinks the university's mission for a world transformed by AI, advocating for the lifelong endeavor of a "robot-proof" education. Aoun puts forth a framework for a new curriculum, humanics, which integrates technological, data, and human literacies in an experiential setting, and he renews the call for universities to embrace lifelong learning through a social compact with government, employers, and learners themselves.Power of persuasive educational technologies in enhancing learning by Mageswaran Sanmugam (Ed.); Darren Lim (Ed.); Nurul Maziah Mohd Barkhaya (Ed.); Wan Ahmad Jaafar Wan Yahaya (Ed.); Zuheir Khlaif (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Power of Persuasive Educational Technologies in Enhancing Learning addresses the needs of future generation classroom through leveraging the art and science of persuasion to be incorporated into pedagogical, andragogical and Heutagogical approaches in teaching and learning while also utilizing various technologies. Also, this book offers novel and practical proposition and precedent to be employed in training, classrooms, higher institutions and more...Exploring technology-infused education in the post-pandemic era by Lawrence A. Tomei (Ed.); David D. Carbonara (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Exploring Technology-Infused Education in the Post-Pandemic Era is a comprehensive resource that addresses the pressing need for documented research on the value of technologies introduced during the pandemic. Tailored for K-16 classroom teachers, it offers practical, real-world insights into seamlessly incorporating virtual classrooms, social media, videoconferencing, and other 21st-century technologies into everyday instructional content.Adaptive learning technologies for higher education by Tran Minh Tung (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024By focusing on specific learning experiences and a variety of methodologies, including online platforms and gamification, the book provides practical techniques to enhance classroom environments. It also emphasizes technology integration, skills-based learning programs, and inclusivity, addressing critical areas of concern for educators seeking to improve student engagement and outcomes.Policy development, curriculum design, and administration of language education by Gülin Zeybek (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Policy Development, Curriculum Design, and Administration of Language Education unites a wide range of voices, viewpoints, and research methods to illuminate the complex difficulties encountered by language educators. The book provides insights that are applicable to different educational policies, and ongoing professional development for language instructors. Covering topics such as collaborative writing, linguistically responsive teachers, and second language teaching...Higher admissions: the rise, decline, and return of standardized testing by Marvin Krislov; Prudence Carter; Nicholas Lemann; Patricia Gándara
Publication Date: 2024"The widespread adoption of the test accompanied the development of the world’s first mass higher education system—and served to promote the idea that the United States was becoming a “meritocracy” in which admission to selective higher education institutions would be granted to those who most deserved it. In Higher Admissions, Nicholas Lemann reflects on the state of America’s aspirational meritocracy and the enduring value and meaning of standardized testing."Practitioner research in college-based education by M. Mahruf C. Shohel, (Ed.); Alex Mortby (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This innovative book offers a roadmap for academic scholars, providing insights into practitioner-led research across the global landscape of college-based education. This book is more than a collection of theoretical frameworks; it is a solution-oriented guide that illuminates the intricacies of research practices, methodologies, and their real-world applications within the context of academic institutions. By uniting educators, researchers, policymakers, and practitioners, this book creates a powerful platform for sharing experiences and collaborative efforts to enhance teaching and learning.Sociocultural theory and second language developmental education by Matthew E. Poehner; James P. Lantolf
Publication Date: 2024Sociocultural Theory (SCT), as formulated by Russian psychologist L. S. Vygotsky nearly a century ago, is distinct among traditions in the field of second language (L2) studies in its commitment to praxis. According to this view, theory and research provide the orienting basis for practice, which in turn serves as a testing ground for theory (Vygotsky, 1997). This Element offers a synthesis of foundational concepts and principles of SCT and an overview of two important areas of praxis in L2 education: Concept-Based Language Instruction, which organizes language curricula around linguistic concepts, and Dynamic Assessment, a framework that integrates teaching and diagnosing learner L2 abilities.Transmedia applications in literacy fields by Jason D. DeHart (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Transmedia Applications in Literacy Fields addresses the critical gap in our understanding of transmedia storytelling and its impact on literacy development. By bringing together a diverse range of perspectives from leading scholars and educators, this book provides a comprehensive overview of how readers and viewers navigate the rich tapestry of stories across media. Through detailed case studies, classroom vignettes, and ethnographic examinations, readers gain valuable insights into the evolving nature of literacy in the digital age.Transforming teacher preparation through identity, development, and effective technologies by Denise LaVoie Sargent (Ed.); Kristin M. Murphy (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This compilation responds to the pressing need for a paradigm shift in teacher preparation, offering insights, recommendations, and diverse perspectives from experts worldwide to address the current crisis and shape the future of education. Teacher shortages and diminishing enrollment rates, coupled with the departure of educators, pose a significant threat to the quality of education globally. Urban areas, in particular, witness a disproportionate exodus of educators, creating disparities that impact the most vulnerable students. The COVID-19 pandemic has further emphasized the need for innovative, technology-driven solutions in teacher preparation. As schools deal with these issues, the imperative is to not only reflect on the current state of teacher preparation but also to set forth recommendations that will transform the field, ensuring a robust and resilient education system for the years to come.Interdisciplinary approach to fostering change in schools by Ahmet Melih Güneş; (Ed.); Eyup Yünkül (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Interdisciplinary Approach to Fostering Change in Schools offers a comprehensive solution by harnessing the power of multidisciplinary perspectives. This book understands that the complexity of modern education demands a multifaceted approach. It brings together insights from diverse disciplines such as educational management, technology, social studies, and language teaching to provide a holistic view of the challenges schools face today. Importantly, each chapter offers practical strategies and solutions grounded in research and real-world experience.The nature and nurture of talent : a new foundation for human excellence by David Yun Dai
Publication Date: 2024Within these pages, discover evolving complexity theory (ECT), a unified theory of talent development that integrates a rich body of research and explores a wide array of talent-related phenomena. This theory challenges conventional wisdom, shifting the focus from genetics and environmental factors to the dynamic interplay of self-organized development and real-time person-environment interactions. This book provides a practical roadmap, emphasizing actions over genetic determinants, guiding readers toward the attainment of higher levels of excellence.Shadow education in Asia by Bayezid Alam (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Shadow education, the practice of private tutoring outside formal schooling, has become pervasive in Asia. Driven by intense exam competition and dissatisfaction with mainstream education, it plays a significant role in the region's educational landscape. However, its implications and regulatory frameworks still need to be studied and better understood. This book, Shadow Education in Asia: Policies and Practices , addresses this gap by comprehensively analyzing shadow education policies and practices in Asia.Navigating teaching in an era of social distancing and global conflict by Shalin Hai-Jew (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Navigating Teaching in an Era of Social Distancing and Global Conflict focuses on the state of teaching and learning in this current moment. The following chapters evaluate the responses and data from the previous pandemic, as well as other crisis situations. In addition to these insights, the varied professionals on this project explore preemptive preparedness and improved responses at both a local and a global level. Covering topics such as barriers to access, holistic development, and emergency remote teaching...Culture, schooling, and children's learning experiences by Robyn M. Holmes; Jaipaul L. Roopnarine
Publication Date: 2024As countries experience increasing cultural diversity both within and between their borders, contemporary researchers are exploring the connection between culture and children's learning and academic experiences. One important goal is to provide all children with educational experiences that are culturally sensitive, relevant, and effective in helping them reach their maximum potential and preparing them for the future.New approaches in mobile learning for early childhood education by Stamatios Papadakis (Ed.); Michail Kalogiannakis (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024New Approaches in Mobile Learning for Early Childhood Education explores the advantages inherent in mobile learning, highlighting various forms of ICT as technically appropriate tools that cater to the developmental needs of children. The book underscores the distinctive benefits of mobile learning, such as heightened user motivation, intuitive usability, and high accessibility and reliability. It positions ICT as an indispensable asset, overshadowing conventional teaching approaches, and emphasizes the principal benefit of these advancements: the facilitation of accelerated and more effective learning in education.Challenges and transitions in education in times of crisis by Leah Purpuri (Ed.); Sancha Gray (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Challenges and Transitions in Education in Times of Crisis is the solution to the unprecedented challenges that COVID-19 brought to the education sector. It goes beyond just analyzing the problems and delves deep into innovative and actionable solutions that have emerged from this crisis. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the educational environment, from pre-pandemic to post-pandemic, through a lens of opportunity. It is a guide for all stakeholders in education, presenting evidence-based strategies and best practices to address the complex issues facing our schools.Instructional technology theory in the post-pandemic era by David D. Carbonara (Ed.); Lawrence A. Tomei (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Instructional Technology Theory in the Post-Pandemic Era investigates the facets of incorporating technology and virtual spaces into education permanently. The experienced educators that compiled this book utilize their years of knowledge to bring to light the intricacies of adapting virtual education laboratories for the foreseeable future. They examine student performance metrics, detail teacher development practices, consider the social aspects of tech-infused education, and explore the implementation of new pedagogies for best results. Covering topics such as companionship in distance education, pandemic teaching experiences, and professional and teacher development...Digital literacy at the intersection of equity, inclusion, and technology by Katelyn Burton Prager (Ed.); Nurhayat Bilge (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This book seeks to unravel the issues that permeate the educational sphere, fostering broader multidisciplinary conversations. It is a pivotal resource designed to empower teacher-scholars as they navigate the swiftly evolving terrain of the digital age. The primary objective of this text is to examine the intersection of equity/inclusion and digital pedagogies. It embarks on a journey to explore how educators can harness the power of technology to create learning environments that are inherently equitable, both online and offline. Not merely theoretical, this book is a blend of insightful theoretical chapters on equitable digital pedagogies and a wealth of practical materials, including assignments, syllabi, and course/program designs.Preconceptions of policies, strategies, and challenges in education 5.0 by Ali Sorayyaei Azar (Ed.); Ahmad Albattat (Ed.); Marco Valeri (Ed.); Viana Hassan (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024By delving into the transformative landscape of education, this book provides a roadmap for policymakers, educators, and institutions to navigate the complexities of the 5.0 era. Through carefully analyzing policies, competencies, strategies, directions, and challenges, the book offers valuable insights into how education can adapt and thrive in the digital age. Focusing on essential competencies for success in the 5.0 era, the book equips readers with the knowledge and tools needed to meet the challenges of modern education. By exploring innovative teaching methodologies, technology integration, and collaborative approaches, Preconceptions of Policies, Strategies, and Challenges in Education 5.0 becomes a guide for shaping the future of education, and provides practical strategies for implementing Education 5.0.Technology-mediated language learning and teaching by Ruby Vurdien (Ed.); Wendy Chambers (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Technology-Mediated Language Learning and Teaching is a timely solution to this pressing issue, offering a comprehensive overview of the latest research and theoretical frameworks in using advanced digital technologies in language education. By exploring topics such as gamification, social media, artificial intelligence, and augmented reality, this book provides educators with a roadmap for enhancing student engagement and improving learning outcomes. Through a combination of theoretical insights and practical case studies, this volume equips educators with the knowledge and tools they need to navigate the complex landscape of technology-enhanced language learning.Class dismissed: when colleges ignore inequality and students pay the price by Anthony Abraham Jack
Publication Date: 2024Elite colleges are boasting unprecedented numbers with respect to diversity, with some schools admitting their first majority-minority classes. But when the twin pandemics of COVID-19 and racial unrest gripped the world, schools scrambled to figure out what to do with the diversity they so fervently recruited. And disadvantaged students suffered. Class Dismissed exposes how woefully unprepared colleges were to support these students and shares their stories of how they were left to weather the storm alone and unprotected.Cases on collaborative experiential ecological literacy for education by Lizoon Nahar (Ed.); Nada Tayem (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Cases on Collaborative Experiential Ecological Literacy for K-12 Education is a groundbreaking book, a beacon of hope, and a comprehensive solution to the pressing environmental education gap. It uniquely reports on experiential projects that have successfully empowered teachers and students across all academic levels worldwide. The book's compelling narratives, reflections, and empirical research serve as a roadmap, illustrating how direct experiences can profoundly influence environmental literacy. By providing insights into effective classroom strategies, national policies, and global collaborative initiatives, this book provides educators and students with the tools to not only understand environmental issues but actively contribute to solutions.Augmented reality and the virtual reality in special education by V. Ajantha Devi (Ed.); Williamjeet Singh (Ed.); Yogesh Kumar (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Discover the groundbreaking potential of augmented reality in special education with this comprehensive book, which fills a significant research gap and explores the transformative impact of AR/VR on teaching and learning experiences for individuals with disabilities. Millions of young people across the world have impairments. Because of their apparent problems, these young people have typically been marginalized or excluded from schools. Studies on augmented reality applications in education for special children are still in their early stages and there is a dearth of research on the effects and implications of augmented reality in education for special children or individuals with special needs, such as intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and physical disabilities.Degrees of risk: navigating insecurity and inequality in public higher education by Blake R. Silver
Publication Date: 2024An ethnographic analysis of how insecurity is at the heart of contemporary higher education. Institutions of higher education are often described as "ivory towers," places of privilege where students exist in a "campus bubble," insulated from the trials of the outside world. These metaphors reveal a widespread belief that college provides young people with stability and keeps insecurity at bay. But for many students, that's simply not the case. Degrees of Risk reveals how insecurity permeates every facet of college life for students at public universities.Teaching for equity, justice, and antiracism with digital literacy practices: knowledge, tools, and strategies for the ELA classroom by Meghan E. Barnes (Ed.); Rick Marlatt (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024To embrace today's culturally and linguistically diverse secondary English Language Arts (ELA) classrooms, this text presents ways in which teachers can use digital tools in the service of antiracist teaching and developing equity-oriented mindsets in teaching and learning.The Bloomsbury handbook of language learning and technology by Regine Hampel (Ed.); Ursula Stickler (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This handbook draws together international perspectives on technology and its application to language teaching and learning, written and edited by leading scholars in the field.Fluency doesn't just happen in multiplication and division: strategies and models for teaching the basic facts by Nicki Newton; Ann Elise Record; Alison J. Mello
Publication Date: 2024Fluency in math doesn't just happen; it is a well-planned journey. In this book, you'll find practical strategies and activities for teaching your elementary students basic multiplication and division.Authentic opportunities for writing about math in middle school: prompts and examples for building understanding by Tammy L. Jones
Publication Date: 2025This resource offers hands-on strategies you can use to help students in grades 6-8 discuss and articulate mathematical ideas, use correct vocabulary, and compose mathematical arguments.Using generative AI effectively in higher education: sustainable and ethical practices for learning, teaching and assessment by Sue Beckingham (Ed.); Jenny Lawrence (Ed.); Stephen Powell (Ed.); Peter Hartley (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Using Generative AI Effectively in Higher Education explores how higher education providers can realise their role and responsibility in harnessing the power of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) ethically and sustainably. This rich collection of established and evaluated practices from across global higher education offers a practical guide to leading an agile institutional response to emerging technologies, building critical digital literacy across an entire institution, and embedding the ethical and sustainable use of GenAI in teaching, learning, and assessment.A just future: getting from diversity and inclusion to equity and justice in higher education by Nimisha Barton
Publication Date: 2024A Just Future addresses the precarious future of American higher education and diversity and inclusion initiatives along with it. From a global pandemic to a national reckoning with anti-Blackness, the 2020 historical conjuncture brutally revealed the impact of structural inequalities on historically marginalized communities and galvanized college students, diversity officers, and educators on a scale not seen since the 1960s. In so doing, it exposed the unfinished business of the civil rights era and the limits of diversity and inclusion reforms. Barton draws on abolitionist frameworks of social change to provide a bold, comprehensive guide to abolitionism in education, not only for diversity, equity, and inclusion practitioners but also higher education leaders and faculty.A pedagogy of kindness by Catherine J. Denial
Publication Date: 2024Academia is not, by and large, a kind place. Individualism and competition are what count. But without kindness at its core, Catherine Denial suggests, higher education fails students and instructors--and its mission--in critical ways. Part manifesto, part teaching memoir, part how-to guide, A Pedagogy of Kindness urges higher education to get aggressive about instituting kindness, which Denial distinguishes from niceness.Islam, education, and freedom: an uncommon perspective on leadership by Melanie C. Brooks; Miriam D. Ezzani
Publication Date: 2024Islam, Education and Freedom explores six key areas of freedom: identity, acceptance, pedagogy, conflict, trust, and love. Based on a qualitative case study of a progressive Islamic school in Southern California, North Star Academy, the book illustrates through the voices of the participants how each particular freedom was applied in the school. The authors show how the six freedoms were understood, taught, and practiced with the aim of developing courageous and confident American Muslims.Neurodiversity and the twice-exceptional student: a comprehensive resource for teachers by Rhonda Filmer
Publication Date: 2024Providing a comprehensive blueprint in an easy-to-use format, this book explains classroom techniques for differentiation with tips and advice based on research and teacher experience. The topics covered include learning disabilities, gifted and high potential education, talent development and general classroom pedagogy involving curriculum differentiation and individualised programming. It also explains, in more depth, the varying presentations of neurodiversity in the form of specific learning disabilities, autism and attention deficits in the gifted/high potential student to enable teachers to acquire more knowledge of the nuances evident in each twice-exceptional student.Inclusive leadership: from theory to practice by Sheryl Cowart Moss (Ed.); Rolandria Justice Emenuga (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Inclusive leaders create strong cultures with systems to respond to unique needs and encourage hidden potential.Intersectionality and leading social change in education: professional learning to transform self, others, and the field by Aubrey H. Wang (Ed.); Margaret Grogan (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This book explores a social change and transformational approach to leadership. As educational leaders are increasingly serving a changing demographic of students and also addressing persistent challenges and heightened tension around race and equity, it's becoming necessary for educators to approach leadership in new and radical ways.Narratives of qualitative research: making praxis visible by Josh Tenenberg
Publication Date: 2024Narratives of Qualitative Research uses a novel form of writing about how to do qualitative research called a praxis narrative. Each narrative is told from the author's perspective in carrying out one of his past research studies in the social sciences. Told chronologically and in a first-person voice, the narratives position the reader alongside the narrator so as to vicariously experience how research happens in its situated particulars. Rather than a set of idealizations and universalized pronouncements, the author reveals what really goes on when one is in the thick of complex and challenging research studies, the points of trouble along with the successes.Rethinking teacher supervision and evaluation: how to shift the conversation to coaching, continuous improvement, and student learning by Kim Marshall
Publication Date: 2024In the third edition of this longtime bestseller, nationally recognized education leader Kim Marshall offers a framework for supervisors who want to motivate and inspire their colleagues and bring more good teaching to more classrooms more of the time. Rethinking Teacher Supervision and Evaluation shows you how to break away from outdated evaluation approaches, describing an innovative approach that enlists teachers and teacher teams in improving the performance of all students.Promoting equitable classroom practices in higher education: approaches beyond curriculum by Heidi L. Hallman (Ed.); Valerie Mendoza (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This edited volume seeks to put theory into practice by inviting contributions by scholars who aim to transform the higher education classroom through equitable classroom practices premised on culturally sustaining pedagogy. Contributors to the edited volume are faculty in higher education who depict change in instruction that fosters a more inclusive and equitable learning environment.Improving equity in data science: re-imagining the teaching and learning of data in K-16 classrooms by Colby Tofel-Grehl (Ed.); Emmanuel Schanzer (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Improving Equity in Data Science offers a comprehensive look at the ways in which data science can be conceptualized and engaged more equitably within the K-16 classroom setting, moving beyond merely broadening participation in educational opportunities. This book makes the case for field wide definitions, literacies and practices for data science teaching and learning that can be commonly discussed and used, and provides examples from research of these practices and literacies in action.
New e-books 2
The education wars: a citizen's guide and defense manual by Jennifer C. Berkshire; Jack Schneider
Publication Date: 2024A perfectly timed book for the educational resistance--those of us who believe in public schools Culture wars have engulfed our schools. Extremist groups are seeking to ban books, limit what educators can teach, and threaten the very foundations of public education. What's behind these efforts? Why are our schools suddenly so vulnerable? And how can the millions of Americans who love their public schools fight back? In this concise, hard-hitting guide, journalist Jennifer C. Berkshire and education scholar Jack Schneider answer these questions and chart a way forward.Promoting inclusive systems for migrants in education by Paul Downes (Ed.); Jim Anderson(Ed.); Alireza Behtoui(Ed.); Lore Van Praag (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024"
With a range of international contributions and case studies from Canada, the US, Hong Kong, Japan and Europe, the book offers critical, theoretically innovative understandings examining national policies and practices to develop reforms, focusing on agency, heterogeneity and systems of relational spaces for migrant youth."Supporting young children of immigrants and refugees: the promise and practices of early care and learning by Maura Sellars; Scott Imig; Douglas R. Imig
Publication Date: 2024This text offers a comprehensive portfolio of approaches to support young children with refugee backgrounds. It covers trauma informed pedagogies, transitioning to school, authentic inclusion, play, social and emotional learning, and intergenerational trauma.Towards a socially just mathematics curriculum: a theoretical and practical approach by Tony Cotton, Manjinder Jagdev, Balbir Kaur and Pete Wright
Publication Date: 2024"Drawing from many years of shared experiences in mathematics teaching and teacher education, the authors of Towards a Socially Just Mathematics Curriculum offer a pedagogical model that incorporates and introduces learners to new cultures, challenges stereotypes, uses mathematics to discuss and act for social justice, and develops a well-rounded and socially just pedagogy."Neoliberalizing diversity in liberal arts college life by Bonnie Urciuoli
Publication Date: 2022As neoliberalism has expanded from corporations to higher education, the notion of "diversity" is increasingly seen as the contribution of individuals to an organization. By focusing on one liberal arts college, author Bonnie Urciuoli shows how schools market themselves as "diverse" communities to which all members contribute.The contribution of mathematics to school STEM education: current understandings by Judy Anderson (Ed.); Katie Makar (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This book presents contemporary STEM education research conducted by mathematics education researchers and their collaborators which highlights the important and pivotal role of mathematics in school STEM education.Ethics and mathematics education: the good, the bad and the ugly by Paul Ernest (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024The volume ventures into a burgeoning new field. It offers a unique set of investigations, both theoretical and in terms of practices. It announces the ethics of mathematics education as a new subfield of research and includes valuable contributions from many of the best-known researchers in mathematics education; additionally, it is a valuable resource for students, teachers and researchers in the field.Self-studies of teacher education practice online: theorizing the emotional work in times of crisis by Mary F. Rice (Ed.); Ramona Maile Cutri (Ed.); Juanjo Mena (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This edited volume explores the emotional work of being an online teacher educator. The chapter authors discuss the intense work involved in planning, teaching, and navigating intuitional contexts in order to build a relationship between online teaching and the Self-Study of Teacher Educator Practice (S-STEP) methodology.Toward inclusive learning design: social justice, equity, and community by Brad Hokanson (Ed.); Marisa Exter (Ed.); Matthew M. Schmidt (Ed.); Andrew A. Tawfik (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023This book examines how society has been affected by the social upheaval of the years since George Floyd's death and efforts by those in education and educational technology to address the concerns of equity, community and social justice. This book is a practical yet scholarly guide in the pursuit of inclusive design, drawing from a diverse range of authors with a broad range of application and theory.Brave new words: how AI will revolutionize education (and why that's a good thing) by Salman Khan
Publication Date: 2024In Brave New Words, Salman Khan, the visionary behind Khan Academy, explores how artificial intelligence and GPT technology will transform learning, and offers a road map for teachers, parents, and students to navigate this exciting (and sometimes intimidating) new world. A pioneer in the field of education technology, Khan examines the ins and outs of these cutting-edge tools and how they will revolutionize the way we learn and teach.Project based learning in real world U.S. history classrooms: engaging diverse learners by Diana B. Turk; Stacie Brensilver Berman
Publication Date: 2024Project Based Learning in Real World U.S. History Classrooms demonstrates how a project based learning approach can enrich and enliven the learning and teaching of U.S. history for middle and secondary level students. It offers rich, pedagogically innovative, and academically rigorous project based learning units that can help students connect with and deeply understand key events and trends in U.S. history.Learning on location: place-based approaches for diverse learners in higher education by Ashley J. Holmes
Publication Date: 2024This book offers an innovative framework and set of pedagogical pathways for deepening college student learning through critical engagement with place. Though the what and how of teaching and learning rightly take center stage in research of best practices, this book argues that the where of education deserves increased attention. Drawing from interviews and case studies with college and university educators in the United States and Canada, Learning on Location highlights pedagogies-in-action and identifies programmatic models for embedding location-based learning within specific courses, majors, curricula, and campus-wide initiatives.Great college teaching: where it happens and how to foster it everywhere by Corbin M. Campbell; Jonathan Gyurko (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2023Great College Teaching highlights where and how exemplary teaching is practiced in U.S. higher education and charts a course for cultivating teaching improvement throughout all types of institutions.Rebuilding support for higher education: practical strategies for principled leaders by Paul L. Gaston
Publication Date: 2025Once closely associated with the common good, higher education is now regarded principally as a benefit for individuals. As a consequence, support for colleges and universities has declined dramatically over the past 50 years, having serious implications for both public and private institutions. After summarizing the erosion of public funding, acknowledging examples of "self-inflicted damage," and proposing tactics for improvement, this book suggests how to engage natural allies and advocates of higher education, describes three key priorities that every higher education leader should pursue, and emphasizes the importance of maintaining rigorous and conspicuous transparency.Improving your school one week at a time: building the foundation for professional teaching and learning by Jeffrey Zoul; Spiri Diamantis Howard
Publication Date: 2024Learn how you can work more effectively with your staff to improve your school. In this unique book, Jeffrey Zoul and Spiri Diamantis Howard reveal how a powerful tool, "Friday Focus" emails or newsletters, can help school principals communicate more proactively and consistently with their teachers while improving instruction and morale.Lifting the veil on enrollment management: how a powerful industry is limiting social mobility in American higher education by Stephen J. Burd (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024In Lifting the Veil on Enrollment Management, Stephen J. Burd brings together higher education journalists, researchers, and industry insiders to examine how this industry has evolved to shape US college admissions since its inception in the 1980s. Noting the inequities that have been caused or perpetuated by enrollment management strategies, the contributors offer specific recommendations and policy proposals to reduce the industry's influence and restore equitable access to education.How to better serve racially, ethnically, and linguistically diverse (RELD) students in special education: a guide for under-resourced educators and high-needs schools by Buruuj Tunsill
Publication Date: 2024This important guide offers practical teaching solutions to address the challenges facing RELD students in special education, particularly in high needs schools where the number of students identified as needing special education is above the national average.Educational pluralism and democracy: how to handle indoctrination, promote exposure, and rebuild America's schools by Ashley Rogers Berner
Publication Date: 2024In Educational Pluralism and Democracy, education policy expert Ashley Rogers Berner envisions a K-12 education system that serves both the individual and the common good. Calling for education reform that will enable US public schools to fulfill the longstanding promise of American education, Berner proposes a radical reimagining of both the structure and content of US public school systems. She urges policymakers to embrace educational pluralism, an internationally common model in which the government funds diverse types of schools that deliver more universal content.Deliberative policymaking: redesigning how we make education policy by Elizabeth Grant
Publication Date: 2024In Deliberative Policymaking, Elizabeth Grant advances a fresh framework for making collective decisions about US schools. Grant argues that education policy itself can be made fundamentally better by improving education policymaking methods. Informed by accounts of recent policymaking actions as well as her own considerable experience as a federal-level policymaker, she offers a keen assessment of which components of existing education policy and policymaking have been effective and which have not.A teacher's guide to conversational AI enhancing assessment, instruction, and curriculum with chatbots by David A. Joyner
Publication Date: 2024A Teacher's Guide to Conversational AI explores the practical role that language-based artificial intelligence tools play in classroom teaching, learning experiences, and student assessment. This introductory primer offers comprehensive, novice-friendly guidance into the challenges and opportunities of incorporating AI into K-12 schools and college classes in ways that are appropriate, nourishing to students, and outcomes-driven.Storytelling and improvisation as anti-racist pedagogies: challenging white supremacy in elementary education by Samuel Jaye Tanner; Erin T. Miller
Publication Date: 2024This book theorizes and describes the concept of transformative critical whiteness pedagogies that are rooted in theories and practices of improvisation.Redesigning special education systems through collaborative problem solving : a guidebook for school leaders by Michelle Brenner; Kelly Miller
Publication Date: 2024Special education is facing a period of increasing conflict, which is leading to untenable jobs and an exodus from the field. This important and innovative book offers a framework that can begin to resolve many of the consequential challenges special educators, schools, and students are dealing with.Quotas: the "Jewish question" and higher education in Central Europe, 1880-1945 by Michael L. Miller (Ed.); Judith Szapor (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024In 1920, the Hungarian parliament introduced a Jewish quota for university admissions, making Hungary the first country in Europe to pass antisemitic legislation following World War I. Quotas explores the ideologies and practices of quota regimes and the ways quotas have been justified, implemented, challenged, and remembered from the late nineteenth century until the middle of the twentieth century.Becoming the system: a raciolinguistic genealogy of bilingual education in the post-civil rights era by Nelson Flores
Publication Date: 2024Bilingual education is usually framed as a tool of antiracism. In Becoming the System, author Nelson Flores challenges that framework by examining the ways that institutionalizing bilingual education in the post-Civil Rights Era in the United States has served to maintain rather than challenge racial hierarchies.Education and dialogue in polarized societies: dialogic perspectives in times of change by Ola Erstad (Ed.); Bente Eriksen Hagtvet (Ed.); and James V. Wertsch (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024"The basic rationale underlying this book is that education is a key social system where learning to take different perspectives, to stimulate dialogue and intersubjectivity are fundamental for social and cultural development. We bring together scholars from North-America and Europe, but with relevance on a global scale."Monolingual policies in multilingual schools: tensions, ambivalence, and thinking teachers by Jürgen Jaspers
Publication Date: 2024In Monolingual Policies in Multilingual Schools, Jürgen Jaspers shows how a more complex understanding of teacher behavior is crucial to explain how teachers navigate the competing concerns of the authorities who pay their salaries, the pupils whose opportunities they wish to support, and the scholars who share their knowledge with them. Drawing on seven years of research in Dutch-medium schools in Belgium, Jaspers investigates how teachers at monolingual schools deal with the fact that they teach linguistically diverse groups of pupils.Without a prayer: religion and race in New York City public schools by Leslie Beth Ribovich
Publication Date: 2024Without a Prayer redefines secularization and desegregation as intrinsically linked. Using New York City as a window into a national story, the volume argues that these rulings failed to successfully remove religion from public schools, because it was worked into the foundation of the public education structure, especially how public schools treated race and moral formation. Moreover, even public schools that were not legally segregated nonetheless remained racially segregated in part because public schools rooted moral lessons in an invented tradition--Judeo-Christianity--and in whiteness.What comes after lunch?: alternative measures of economic and social disadvantage and their implications for education research by Thomas Downes (Ed.); Kieran M. Killeen (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024"A large and growing literature in learning sciences and in the field of education itself has pivoted towards studies that explore the relationship between social/emotional health and the learning of children. The growing body of research on social/emotional health and learning (e.g. Gershoff, Aber, Raver, and Lennon, 2007) suggests that more refined measures of wealth, income and hardship more fully account for the effects of economic disadvantage than does FRPL."Teaching reading comprehension to students with learning difficulties by Sharon Vaughn; Alison Boardman; Janette K. Klingner
Publication Date: 2024Now in a revised and expanded third edition, this important resource helps teachers understand how good readers comprehend text and how best to support students who are struggling. It presents effective instructional methods for learners at all grade levels, including those with reading disabilities.Fierce, fabulous, and fluid: how trans high school students work at gender nonconformity by L. J. Slovin
Publication Date: 2024Fierce, Fabulous, and Fluid presents a poignant critique of educational policies aimed at supporting trans and gender-nonconforming youth in schools. Over the years, caring adults have recognized these students as vulnerable and have tried to create inclusive environments to address their unique challenges. However, the book argues that these approaches have inadvertently perpetuated a narrow definition of trans identity, leaving many trans, non-binary, and gender-nonconforming youth feeling excluded and unseen.Career journeys of diverse leaders in higher education: climbing the rough side of the mountain by George R. Blumenthal; Josefina Castillo Baltodano; Ding-Jo H. Currie
Publication Date: 2024This book provides a study of diverse leadership development through the extraordinary journeys of ten retired presidents and chancellors who have left an indelible impact on higher education.Beyond worksheets by Amy Minter Mayer
Publication Date: 2024Beyond Worksheets helps K-12 teachers make learning fun, engaging, and relevant using the latest research, actionable classroom strategies, and the ed tech software and systems they already have. Used correctly, these tools let you deepen learning, student engagement, and student participation.Learning to hide: the English learning classroom as sanctuary and trap by Tricia Hagen Gray
Publication Date: 2024"Just inside the school doors from the back parking lot, in the farthest reaches from the school entrance, there is a short corridor that leads to the hallway that houses Washington River High School’s two English Learning classrooms. These classrooms offer both safe sanctuary for the school’s growing population of Latinx students and a troublingly hidden space that allows most of the school and community to maintain the pretense of the generally prosperous, White, neighbor-helping-neighbor place of their myopic nostalgia."Enhancing curricula with service learning models by Sharon Valarmathi (Ed.); Jacqueline Kareem (Ed.); Veerta Tantia (Ed.); Kishore Selva Babu (Ed.); Patrick Jude Lucas (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Enhancing Curricula with Service Learning Models provides a comprehensive blend of theoretical frameworks, practical experimentation, and real-world examples to guide educators, administrators, and policymakers in fostering profound student engagement. It emphasizes the role of emerging educational paradigms, like service-learning, in instilling a sense of civic duty and purpose in students. By enriching the educational dialogue with an emphasis on the pivotal role of student engagement in creating transformative and purposeful learning experiences, this book empowers educators and institutions to create impactful and sustainable programs.Inclusive educational practices and technologies for promoting sustainability by Santosh Kumar Behera (Ed.); Atyaf Hasan Ibrahim (Ed.); Faten Romdhani (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024In today's rapidly evolving world, the digital learning gap presents a significant challenge, impacting the effectiveness of education and the development of essential skills for future generations. Inclusive Educational Practices and Technologies for Promoting Sustainability offers a multifaceted solution to these pressing issues by exploring the transformative potential of Educational Technology (EdTech), the insights of environmental psychology, and the importance of holistic measures of human welfare. By showcasing how EdTech can bridge the digital learning gap, enabling teachers to employ diverse strategies and better meet students' needs, we demonstrate its potential to revolutionize education and support the growth of the next generation.AI algorithms and ChatGPT for student engagement in online learning by Rohit Bansal (Ed.); Aziza Chakir (Ed.); Abdul Hafaz Ngah (Ed.); Fazla Rabby (Ed.); Ajay Jain (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024AI Algorithms and ChatGPT for Student Engagement in Online Learning offers a comprehensive approach to leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms and ChatGPT to enhance student engagement in digital classrooms. This book addresses the pressing need for innovative strategies to keep students actively involved in their online learning journey. By harnessing the power of AI algorithms, educators can personalize learning paths to suit individual student needs, ensuring that content is relevant and engaging. Additionally, ChatGPT serves as a virtual assistant, providing students with instant feedback and support, fostering a sense of connection to the learning process.Inclusivity and indigeneity in education for sustainable development by Santosh Kumar Behera (Ed.); Atyaf Hasan Ibrahim (Ed.); Faten Romdhani (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024A major issue globally revolves around the urgent need to reshape our education system, aligning it with the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set to transform the world by 2030. These goals, comprising 17 distinct objectives and 169 targets, form an ambitious agenda that seeks to recalibrate the global landscape across social, economic, and environmental dimensions. Inclusivity and Indigeneity in Education for Sustainable Development stands as a catalyst for fostering dialogue on the interconnected realms of education, indigeneity, and sustainable development. It explores the relationships between these pillars and offers a comprehensive understanding of their transformative potential.Enhancing higher education and research with OpenAI models by Şirvan Şen Demir Demir (Ed.); Mahmut Demir (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Enhancing Higher Education and Research With OpenAI Models explores the intersection of artificial intelligence and higher education, focusing on the social sciences. A collaborative team of academics and AI expert's analyses aims to illuminate the transformative potential of integrating AI technologies into traditional educational settings. The book unravels the rich tapestry of the history of higher education in the social sciences, tracing the evolution from conventional blackboards to the modern digital landscape. It meticulously examines the increasing integration of technology in classrooms. It sets the stage for the impact of AI-driven tools and data analytics on pedagogy, personalized learning experiences, and broader access to education.Exploring educational equity at the intersection of policy and practice by José. Sánchez-Santamaría (Ed.); Brenda Boroel Cervantes (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Exploring Educational Equity at the Intersection of Policy and Practice dives deep into the heart of the equity crisis, synthesizing innovative scholarship to illuminate the multifaceted challenges within the educational system. By critically examining the evolution and various dimensions of educational equity on a global scale, the book presents the intricate web of issues that require our attention. From this thorough analysis, this book propels readers toward a transformative journey, offering methodologically robust interventions and evidence-based insights.Integrating generative AI in education to achieve sustainable development goals by Ruchi Doshi (Ed.); Manish Dadhich (Ed.); Sandeep Poddar (Ed.); Kamal Kant Hiran (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Integrating Generative AI in Education to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals addresses profound challenges and offers promising solutions at the crossroads of AI and education. This book assembles distinguished academics, researchers, and practitioners, forming a collective voice on the intersection of Generative AI and education. The three-part structure dissects the technical aspects of AI-powered innovations in educational design, explores multidisciplinary applications enhancing educational content, and highlights AI-driven solutions to address equality and inclusion concerns within educational systems.Augmented reality and the future of education technology by Rashmi Aggarwal (Ed.); Prachi Gupta (Ed.); Satinder Singh (Ed.); Rajni Bala (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Augmented Reality and the Future of Education Technology investigates the diverse applications and implications of these technologies and provides a practical framework for their strategic integration. Addressing educators, researchers, administrators, and policymakers, this book offers insights into the rise of transformative technologies, their impact on pedagogy, and strategies for effective adaptation. By exploring topics such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and pedagogical transformation, this book is a roadmap for navigating the complexities of educational technology.Revolutionizing curricula through computational thinking, logic, and problem solving by Mathias Mbu Fonkam (Ed.); Narasimha Rao Vajjhala (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024In today's rapidly evolving educational landscape, traditional teaching methods often fail to equip students with the skills necessary for success in the 21st century. They face the challenge of preparing students for professions that still need to be created using tools and technologies that are still emerging. Revolutionizing Curricula Through Computational Thinking, Logic, and Problem Solving offers a transformative solution to this challenge. By advocating for computational thinking as a fundamental skill set applicable across all academic disciplines, the book provides educators with the tools to bridge this gap.A cross-cultural examination of women in higher education and the workplace by Abu-Lughod (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024A Cross-Cultural Examination of Women in Higher Education and the Workplace delves deep into this global movement, comprehensively exploring the multifaceted challenges and triumphs women face as they navigate the intricate tapestry of higher education and professional environments. This book weaves together insights from diverse fields such as social stratification, women's studies, race and ethnic studies, public policy, and ethics.Voices on the margins: inclusive education at the intersection of language, literacy, and technology by Yenda Prado; Mark Warschauer
Publication Date: 2024In Voices on the Margins, Yenda Prado and Mark Warschauer provide an ethnography of an extraordinary full-inclusion public charter school in the western United States-Future Visions Academy. And they ask- What does it mean to be inclusive in today's schools with their increasingly pervasive use of digital technologies? Voices on the Margins examines the ways digital technologies support inclusion and language and literacy practices for culturally and linguistically diverse children with and without disabilities.Wake: why the battle over diverse public schools still matters by Karey Alison Harwood
Publication Date: 2024The Wake County Public School System was once described as a beacon of hope for American school districts. It was both academically successful and successfully integrated. It accomplished these goals through the hard work of teachers and administrators, and through a student assignment policy that made sure no school in the countywide district became a high poverty school. When the school board election of 2009 swept into office a majority who favored "neighborhood schools," the diversity policy that had governed student assignment for years was eliminated. Wake: Why the Battle Over Diverse Public Schools Still Matters tells the story of the aftermath of that election, including the fierce public debate that ensued during school board meetings and in the pages of the local newspaper, and the groundswell of community support that voted in a pro-diversity school board in 2011.Her truth and service: Lucy Diggs Slowe in her own words by Lucy Diggs Slowe; Amy Yeboah Quarkume (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Lucy Diggs Slowe (1885-1937) was one of the most remarkable and accomplished figures in the history of Black women's higher education. She was a builder of institutions, organizing the first historically Black sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha, while a student at Howard University in 1908; establishing the first junior high school for Black students in Washington, D.C.; and founding as well as leading other major national and community organizations. In 1922 Slowe was appointed the first Dean of Women at Howard, making her the first Black woman to serve as dean at any American university.Grad school life: surviving and thriving beyond coursework and research by Jacqueline M. Kory-Westlund
Publication Date: 2024Grad school isn't easy. It's even less easy when you're also managing a second job, a family, or depression--or when you are a first-generation student, or if you come from an underrepresented group or a lower socioeconomic-status background. That's where this book comes in. It will help you keep up a personal life, make the most of your time, and prepare for your career--whether in academia or beyond. This pragmatic book explains how to persevere through the grad school long haul, covering challenges both on and off campus.Queer thriving in Catholic education: going beyond the pastoral paradigm for LGBTQ+ inclusion by Sean Whittle (Ed.); Seán Henry (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This book provides readers with the opportunity to go beyond anecdote and supposition in order to get a fuller grasp of research around Catholic education and LGBTQ+ matters. This is an edited collection of chapters which explores LGBTQ+ matters in relation to Catholic education.HBCU: the power of historically Black colleges and universities by Marybeth Gasman; Levon T. Esters
Publication Date: 2024Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) play a pivotal role in promoting social and economic mobility for African Americans and in mentoring the next generation of Black leaders. In HBCU, Marybeth Gasman and Levon T. Esters explore the remarkable impact and contributions of these significant institutions.Radical university-district partnerships: a framework for preparing justice-focused school leaders by Jennifer Goldstein (Ed.); Nell Scharff Panero (Ed.); Maritza Lozano (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This inspirational book provides a concrete model of why university-district partnerships are essential to preparing justice-focused school leaders, and how these partnerships can thrive. Readers will find details of one such partnership, Leadership Education for Anaheim Districts (LEAD), which incorporated high-impact practices for equity, self-knowledge, and system change.Enhancing inclusive instruction: student perspectives and practical approaches for advancing equity in higher education by Tracie Marcella Addy; Derek Dube; Khadijah A. Mitchell
Publication Date: 2024The book centers the voices of students of diverse backgrounds to explore how instructors can approach equitable, inclusive teaching. Modeling the importance of continuous growth, it provides the knowledge and skills to further any college instructor's inclusive teaching journey.Teaching world languages with the five senses: practical strategies and ideas for hands-on learning by Elizabeth Porter
Publication Date: 2024An innovative, practical guide to teaching with all five senses--touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing Grounded in research on language learning and the brain Includes authentic examples of instruction from different languages Each chapter includes a real-world story and classroom application ideas and strategiesAn educator's guide to dual language instruction: increasing achievement and global competence, K-12 by Gayle Westerberg; Leslie Davison
Publication Date: 2024Comprehensively updated, the second edition is a user- friendly resource for teachers and administrators to ensure their school's success in implementing and maintaining a dual language program. The book is filled with step-by-step instructions and strategies you can try immediately. The second edition includes key updates on technology, digital resources, and current demographics, standards, and data.Revolutionizing English education: the power of AI in the classroom by Clarice M. Moran (Ed.); Kathryn Hackett-Hill; Melanie Hundley; Laura E. Jacobs; Nathaniel James; David Kuriny; Benjamin N. Lathrop; Robert W. Maloy; Rick Marlatt; Ewa McGrail; J. Patrick McGrail; Stefani Boutelier; Hannah Moehrke; Magdalena Pando; Emily Pendergrass; Amy Piotrowski; Alicja Rieger; Daniel Rieger; Mary F. Rice; Matthew Scialdone; Kayleh Settie; Blaine E. Smith; Lou Ellis Brassington; Amy Traylor; Torrey Trust; Ingrid Vredevoogd; Carl A. Young; Sarah K. Burriss; Anthony Celaya; Megan Coward; Sharon A. Edwards; Leonardo Flores; Brittany Gaddis
Publication Date: 2024Although many educators began worrying about the implications of AI in student learning and creative activity, this book will demonstrate that AI can be harnessed as a source of inspiration and meaningful instruction. With an emphasis on useful classroom strategies as well as a consideration of the ethics of AI, this book seeks to start a conversation in this nascent area of research and practice.Career narratives and academic womanhood: in the spaces provided by Lisa Ortiz-Vilarelle
Publication Date: 2024"Career Narratives and Academic Womanhood is a collection of essays in which life writing scholars theorize their early-career, mid-career, and late-career experiences with the documents that shape their professional lives as women: the institutional auto/biography of employment letters, curriculum vitae, tenure portfolios, promotion applications, publication and conference bios, academic website profiles, and other self-authored narratives required by institutions to compete for opportunities and resources."System wise: continuous instructional improvement at scale by Adam Parrott-Sheffer; Carmen Williams; David Rease; Kathryn Parker Boudett
Publication Date: 2024In System Wise, Adam Parrott-Sheffer, Carmen Williams, David Rease, Jr., and Kathryn Parker Boudett provide a blueprint to scale up the Data Wise process for continuous improvement, extending it from classrooms and schools to broader educational contexts. The System Wise approach highlights the adaptability of the Data Wise protocols, which promote agency among students and teachers, data literacy among educators, and capacity building within organizations to achieve better learning outcomes system wide.Suicide in schools: a practitioner's guide to multi-level prevention, assessment, intervention, and postvention by Terri A. Erbacher; Jonathan B. Singer; Scott Poland
Publication Date: 2024The Suicide in Schools Model provides readers with clear, step-by-step guidelines on how to work proactively with school personnel and community professionals, how to screen, assess, and monitor suicide risk, create collaborative safety plans, and plan for reentry after a suicidal crisis. The authors expand this new edition with detailed case examples and innovative approaches such as upstream prevention strategies, usable handouts, and internet resources to effectively work with youth facing a suicidal crisis as well as students, families, and school staff who have suffered a suicide loss.What kind of citizen?: educating our children for the common good by Joel Westheimer
Publication Date: 2024As democracy faces increasing struggles around the globe, there has never been a more important time to talk about civic education and the core democratic purposes of schooling. What Kind of Citizen? asks readers to imagine the society they would like to live in and then shows how schools can make that vision a reality. This updated edition responds to the many challenges that have occurred since this book was first published, such as a global pandemic, social justice protests, a rise in autocratic leaders, anti-woke laws, and more.Seven crucial conversations in early childhood education: where have we been and why does it matter? by Nancy File (Ed.); Nancy E. Barbour (Ed.); Andrew J. Stremmel (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Designed to spark an interchange of ideas, this book presents early childhood education as a nuanced, shifting, and complex field. Readers will bear witness to several decades of the lived experiences of influential leaders engaged in conversation about seven major topics: systems of early care and education, diversity and children's rights, developmentally appropriate practice, perspectives on play, curriculum and pedagogy, the care of infants and toddlers, and families and family engagement.Redesigning the future of education in the light of new theories, teaching methods, learning, and research by Şenol Orakcı (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024"Learning used to be confined to a physical place. Now, it’s no longer limited by walls or daylight or location. Learning happens in spaces that transcend these boundaries. These spaces can still have physical elements, but they are no longer defined by a physical footprint and constrained by the limitations of time, space, and matter. Learning can now take place on any device, in any place, and at any time. 21st century skills are one of the concepts we use most frequently when talking about innovative education."Radical Brown: keeping the promise to America's children by Margaret Beale Spencer; Nancy E. Dowd; Walter Allen (Foreword); H. Richard Milner (Series ed.)
Publication Date: 2024In Radical Brown, renowned developmental scholar Margaret Beale Spencer and critical legal analyst Nancy E. Dowd offer a fresh perspective on the Brown v. Board of Education decision. Noting that decades of flawed implementation have subverted Brown's great promise of educational equality for K-12 public school students, Spencer and Dowd propose a bold framework for a new interpretation of the Supreme Court decision, one that is inclusive, identity affirming, and culturally sensitive.Observing and recording the behavior of young children by Dorothy H. Cohen; Virginia Stern; Nancy Balaban
Publication Date: 2024Now available in an updated seventh edition, this popular resource is designed to deepen pre- and inservice teachers' understanding of children (birth-age 8) as unique individuals within a developmental context. Observation notes recorded over time reveal patterns in children's behavior, as well as ways in which behaviors may change.School communities of strength: strategies for educating children living in deep poverty by Peter W. Cookson; David C. Berliner (Forewor)
Publication Date: 2024In School Communities of Strength, Peter W. Cookson, Jr., lays out a blueprint for providing equitable educational opportunities for students from all socioeconomic strata, and particularly for the five million American children who live with the extreme material hardship known as deep poverty. This work issues an urgent call to action for K-12 schools to put in place the policies, practices, and programs that enable economically vulnerable students to thrive.Innovative approaches to teaching and assessing teamwork in higher education: setting priorities, using evidence-informed practices, and avoiding pitfalls by Cynthia G. Campbell; Iryna Babik; R. Eric Landrum
Publication Date: 2024* offers a persuasive argument for the importance of teamwork in college courses. * presents innovative techniques grounded in the science of teamwork, along with multifaceted contemporary teamwork assessment methods for advancing and assessing teamwork skills in all disciplines.The impact of ChatGPT on higher education: exploring the AI revolution by Caroline Fell Kurban; Muhammed Sahin
Publication Date: 2024The Impact of ChatGPT on Higher Education takes you on a trailblazing journey into ChatGPT's transformative potential and the ethical considerations in higher education. Authored by experts at the forefront of educational transformation and technology's impact on learning, this book offers invaluable insights for educators, leaders, policymakers, and AI enthusiasts. Dive deep with the authors as they navigate from theory to practice, unravelling power dynamics, social structures, and ChatGPT's profound influence.Higher education and the carceral state: transforming together by Annie Buckley (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024"Higher Education and the Carceral State: Transforming Together explores the diversity of ways in which university faculty and students are intervening in the system of mass incarceration through the development of transformative arts and educational programs for students in correctional institutions."Descriptosaurus grammar companion ages 9 to 12: a language toolkit and support for creative writing by Alison Wilcox
Call Number: 2024"Descriptosaurus Grammar Companion Ages 9 to 12 is a flexible grammar toolkit based on current research about effective strategies for teaching grammar tools and sentence construction (investigation, imitation, combining and expansion). It includes guidelines, exercises, scaffolds and models, and by showing a clear progression route to the acquisition and consolidation of increasingly more complex grammar tools it provides teachers and students with a road map that makes learning about sentence construction and revision visible."The essential Howard Gardner on education by Howard Gardner
Publication Date: 2024During his long and distinguished career as scholar and teacher, Howard Gardner has made vast contributions to our understanding of learning and how to create environments that support growth in all learners across their lifespans. In this compelling collection of his writings, Gardner lays out his principal ideas about education.Dismantling disproportionality in practice: a guide to fostering culturally responsive districts and schools by María G. Hernández; Reed Swier; Hui-Ling Sunshine Malone; Pedro A. Noguera (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2024This resource offers culturally responsive processes and concrete tools to address disproportionality and create more equitable schools. The authors draw on their work with school districts to demonstrate how using a theory of change can address disproportionate outcomes of special education placement and exclusionary discipline for students of color.23 myths about the history of American schools: what the truth can tell us, and why it matters by Sherman Dorn (Ed.); David A. Gamson (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024In this fascinating collection, some of the foremost historians of education-including Barbara Beatty, Larry Cuban, Linda Eisenmann, Yoon Pak, John Rury, and Jonathan Zimmerman-debunk commonly held myths about American schooling.Reclaiming the cultural politics of teaching and learning: skooled in punk by Greg Vass
Publication Date: 2024This monograph is focused on how and why punk can productively contribute to efforts that are responding to the influences of dominant culture in education, such as the effects of standardization, heightened accountabilities, and 'gap talk'. For this Element, punk can be thought of as social practices that generate cultural resources that can be utilized to critique dominant culture. Hence, this Element aims to make the case that punk sensibilities offer educators opportunities to reclaim the cultural politics of teaching and learning.
New e-books 3
Mobilizing teachers: education politics and the new labor movement in Latin America by Christopher Chambers-Ju
Publication Date: 2024With detailed case studies of Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico, this book is the first comparative analysis of teacher politics in Latin America. Drawing on extensive field research and multiple sources of data, it enriches theoretical perspectives in political science and sociology on the interplay between protests, electoral mobilization, and party alliances.Reimagining Nigeria's educational system: improving academic performance through high stakes standardized testing by Joseph Abiodun Balogun
Publication Date: 2024This book assesses the challenges within the Nigerian educational system and provides a concrete plan to revitalize the low-performing system by strengthening high-stakes testing at all levels.Traditional values and local community in the formal educational system in Senegal: relevance, need, and barriers to the integration of local knowledge by Maguette Diame
Publication Date: 2024"This book explores the discourse of traditional values and local practices within the formal educational system in Senegal, investigating how these cultural elements are present in the daily life of the community and integrated into formal schools and teaching."Education, colonial sickness: a decolonial African indigenous project by Njoki Nathani Wane (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Today, decolonization is deemed a basis for restorative justice under the lens of the psychological, economic, and cultural spectrum. In this book, the editor and her authors confront various dimensions of decolonizing work, structural, epistemic, personal, and relational, which are entangled and equally necessary. This book illuminates other sites and dimensions of decolonizing not only from Africa but also other areas.The call to courage: standing up and speaking out against the assault on democracy, educators, and students in America's schools by Sheldon Berman; Luvelle Brown
Publication Date: 2024A democratic and pluralistic society requires that individuals honor and respect differences in identities and beliefs, endorse the pursuit of truth through examination of factual evidence, and participate in open dialogue to resolve issues of difference. Education in a democratic society must support the development of these attitudes, skills, and values in young people. Yet our nation's culture wars are being fomented by those who have a contradictory vision of American education. The current times call on each of us to understand what is at risk and to summon the courage to stand up for the pursuit of justice, equity, and a meaningful democracy.Discussions and democracy: motivation, growth, and the new social studies classroom by Christopher T. Dague
Publication Date: 2024Discussions and Democracy: Motivation, Growth, and the New Social Studies Classroom is written in a vernacular that will springboard and support teachers' understandings of implementing discussion-based approaches in their classrooms. Moreover, Discussions and Democracy drills down more deeply into student motivation and engagement.Elevate equity in Edtech: expanding inclusive leadership through the ISTE standards by Victoria Thompson
Publication Date: 2024Discover the connections between technology and equity, and develop a road map for integrating the ISTE Standards into your work to help foster equity in your school community.The phonics playbook: how to differentiate instruction so students succeed by Alison Ryan
Publication Date: 2024The Phonics Playbook is the one phonics-focused resource that offers a solution for phonics instruction in real-world K-3 classrooms. Understanding phonics instruction in theory is one thing, but actually integrating it into daily classroom life--in a way that meets the needs of diverse students--is another. This book offers simplified instruction and practical guidance for differentiating instruction using three models: whole group instruction with elements of differentiation, phonics-focused small group instruction, and small group reading instruction that also incorporates phonics.Whiteness in the ivory tower: why don't we notice the white students sitting together in the quad? by Nolan L. Cabrera; James A. Banks (Series ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Whiteness is the foundation of racism and racial violence within higher education institutions. It is deeply embedded in the ideologies and organizational structures of colleges and universities that guide practices, policies, and research. The purpose of this book is not to simply uncover these practices but, rather, to intentionally center the harm that Whiteness causes to communities of Color broadly in order to transform these practices.Try it!: math problems for all by Jerry Kaplan; Ysemay Dercon (Ill.)
Publication Date: 2024Breaking away from the standard drill and practice routine Try It! Math Problems for All is a collection of offbeat, open-ended math problems designed to make even the most math averse student excited about working through these challenging yet accessible problems.Heritage language teaching: critical language awareness perspectives for research and pedagogy by Sergio Loza (Ed.); Sara M. Beaudrie (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This innovative, timely text introduces the theory, research, and classroom application of critical approaches to the teaching of minoritized heritage learners, foregrounding sociopolitical concerns in language education. Beaudrie and Loza open with a global analysis, and expert contributors connect a focus on speakers of Spanish as a heritage language in the United States to broad issues in heritage language education in other contexts - offering an overview of key concepts and theoretical issues, practical pedagogical guidance, and field-advancing suggestions for research projects.The existential toolkit for climate justice educators: how to teach in a burning world by Jennifer Atkinson; Sarah Jaquette Ray
Publication Date: 2024An easy-to-use field guide for teaching on climate injustice and building resilience in your students--and yourself--in an age of crisis. As feelings of eco-grief and climate anxiety grow, educators are grappling with how to help students learn about the violent systems causing climate change while simultaneously navigating the emotions this knowledge elicits. This book provides resources for developing emotional and existential tenacity in college classrooms so that students can stay engaged.Multilingual learning: assessment, ideologies and policies in Sub-Saharan Africa by Colin Reilly
Publication Date: 2024"This edited volume provides the follow up to Erling et al.s (2021) Multilingual Learning and Language Supportive Pedagogies in Sub-Saharan Africa. The strategies put forward in Volume 1 included multilingual pedagogies that allow students to draw on their full linguistic repertoires, translanguaging and other language supportive pedagogies. While there is great traction in the pedagogical strategies proposed in Volume 1, limited progress has been made in terms of multilingual education in SSA. Thus, the main focus of this follow-up volume is to explore the question of why former colonial languages and monolingual approaches continue to be used as the dominant languages of education, even when we have multilingual pedagogies and materials that could and do work and despite substantial evidence that learners have difficulties when taught in a language they do not understand.Empowering students and elevating universities with innovation centers by Giuseppe Cantafio (Ed.); Afzal Sayed Munna (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024As educational institutions strive to prepare students for an unpredictable future, traditional models of teaching and learning face obsolescence. The digital age demands a large shift in educational approaches, necessitating creative solutions to equip students with the skills required to navigate an era defined by rapid technological advancements and societal complexities. It is within this context that Empowering Students and Elevating Universities With Innovation Centers unfolds, offering a detailed exploration into the pivotal role of innovation centers in reshaping the educational narrative.Impact of gun violence in school systems by Jeffrey Herron (Ed.); Sharon R. Sartin (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024In the wake of rising concerns over safety in educational environments, Impact of Gun Violence in School Systems delves into the urgent issue of gun violence within the United States' school systems. The narrative, set in the present tense, unfolds as a call to action for academic scholars to address the critical need for enhanced safety measures in schools. Examining topics such as gun violence, mental health, school suspension, student success, bullying, violence reduction programs, alternative schools, inner-city youth programs, and zero-tolerance policies, the manuscript synthesizes current research, real-world examples, and innovative solutions.Utilizing AI for assessment, grading, and feedback in higher education by Nasser Hamed Al Harrasi (Ed.); Mohamed Salah El Din (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Utilizing AI for Assessment, Grading, and Feedback in Higher Education emerges as a beacon of guidance for academic scholars, policymakers, and administrators in response to this pressing dilemma. Through a meticulous analysis of contemporary literature, the book comprehensively explores AI's role in higher education. By delving into topics ranging from assessment automation to ethical considerations, it equips readers with the knowledge and insights needed to harness AI's transformative potential while mitigating its pitfalls. With contributions from leading experts across diverse disciplines, this book catalyzes interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation.Transformative leadership and change initiative implementation for P-12 and higher education by Tracy Mulvaney (Ed.); William O. George (Ed.); Jason Fitzgerald (Ed.); Wendy Morales (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024In Transformative Leadership and Change Initiative Implementation for P-12 and Higher Education , the echoes of Heraclitus's wisdom reverberate, reminding educational leaders that the only constant is change. This book delves into the core of transformative strategies employed by thought leaders across the educational spectrum, from P-12 schools to university corridors. Guided by transformative leadership principles, this book traverses the intricate tapestry of topics such as technology integration, educational entrepreneurship, and global citizenship, providing a roadmap for leaders to navigate the complexities of the modern educational landscape. The emphasis on social-emotional leadership and learning underscores the importance of nurturing the holistic development of students, ensuring they thrive both academically and emotionally.Engaging higher education teachers and students with transnational leadership by Gareth Richard Morris (Ed.); Shayna Kozuch (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Engaging Higher Education Teachers and Students With Transnational Leadership provides a comprehensive roadmap for navigating the future of higher education from a leadership and management perspective. Drawing on real-world examples and concrete advice, it offers insights into critical topics such as employee wellbeing, AI, digital transformation, and student engagement. The book equips leaders and managers with the tools they need to adapt and thrive in uncertainty by exploring new education models, institutional governance, and the impact of new technologies.AI-enhanced teaching methods by Zeinab E. Ahmed (Ed.); Aisha A. Hassan (Ed.); Rashid A. Saeed (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024AI-Enhanced Teaching Methods recognizes the urgency of the ongoing technological shift and delves into an exploration of how AI can be effectively harnessed to redefine the learning experience. The book serves as a guide for educators, offering insights into navigating between conventional teaching methodologies and the possibilities presented by AI. It provides an understanding of AI's role in education, covering topics from machine learning to natural language processing. Ethical considerations, including privacy and bias, are thoroughly addressed with thoughtful solutions as well.Evaluating global accreditation standards for higher education by Arshi Naim (Ed.); Alok Saklani (Ed.); Shad Ahmad Khan (Ed.); Praveen Kumar Malik (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Evaluating Global Accreditation Standards for Higher Education, is a comprehensive guide for overcoming the modern accreditation conundrum. This invaluable resource equips academic scholars and professionals with the tools and knowledge they need to successfully navigate the accreditation process at both local and international levels. From program criteria and curriculum development to faculty professional development and alumni engagement, this book offers a roadmap to excellence.Utilizing AI tools in academic research writing by Anugamini Priya Srivastava (Ed.); Sucheta Agarwal (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Utilizing AI Tools in Academic Research Writing unfolds a transformative journey through the symbiotic relationship between AI and academic inquiry. It offers practical insights into the myriad ways AI can revolutionize academic pursuits. This book extends beyond theoretical discussions, delving into practical dimensions of AI integration, demonstrating how it facilitates topic identification, refines research design, empowers data analysis, and enriches literature reviews.Strategies and digital advances for outcome-based adult learning by Janice E. Jones (Ed.); Mette L. Baran (Ed.); Preston B. Cosgrove (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Strategies and Digital Advances for Outcome-Based Adult Learning discusses the latest advancements in adult learning as well as learning assessments to identify adult learner success. It adds to the pertinent research with an update of new information, tools, tips, and techniques for working with the adult learner in the modern educational environment.Resilience of educators in extraordinary circumstances : war, disaster, and emergencies by Sengupta (Ed.); Arnthorsson (Ed.); Mobasher (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024In August 2021, Afghanistan found itself in the grip of an unprecedented crisis as the Taliban swiftly regained control of the nation, quickly extinguishing the flame of academic freedom. The book, Resilience of Educators in Extraordinary Circumstances: War, Disaster, and Emergencies, captures the gravity of this unfolding humanitarian crisis, shedding light on the plight of those who sought refuge from the shadows of oppression. Beyond merely recounting the hardships faced, the book strategically delves into the interventions and coping mechanisms employed by individuals and organizations. It endeavors to identify the gaps in addressing the educational needs of a population caught in the crossfire of conflict. By showcasing exemplary contributions from institutions, local governments, and humanitarian actors, the book aims to construct a narrative of best practices on a global scale.Reshaping learning with next generation educational technologies by James Braman (Ed.); Alexis Brown (Ed.); Mary Jo Richards (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This book delves deep into the convergence of artificial intelligence (AI), disruptive technologies, and cutting-edge educational practices, revealing their transformative power. Through practical examples, visionary insights, and thought-provoking analyses, it provides a roadmap for educators, researchers, and professionals to navigate this changing educational landscape. It's a call to action, urging academia to seize the transformative potential of these groundbreaking technologies.Transformative intercultural global education by Isabel María Gómez Barreto (Ed.); Gorka Roman Etxebarrieta (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Transformative Intercultural Global Education is a project aimed at shedding light on educational inequalities stemming from race, migration, forced displacement, and cultural factors. Through innovative empirical results, theoretical frameworks, and educational practices, this book seeks to contribute to quality education and, subsequently, a more sustainable society. The objective is to provide educators with proposals that strengthen educational policies and programs aligned with global citizenship, fostering sensitivity, critical thinking, and commitment towards respectful and tolerant coexistence. The research outcomes are designed to encourage actions that promote equity, social justice, and the sustainable development of a global society.Global perspectives on decolonizing postgraduate education by Mishack Thiza Gumbo (Ed.); Michael Gaotlhobogwe (Ed.); Constantino Pedzisai (Ed.); Zingiswa Mybert Monica (Ed.); Christopher B. Knaus (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Global Perspectives on Decolonizing Postgraduate Education serves as a compelling solution to the problem at hand. It offers a comprehensive roadmap to decolonize postgraduate education, infusing it with indigenous approaches, paradigms, theories, and methods. Through critical examination and practical strategies, this book empowers academics, curriculum designers, and postgraduate students to embark on a transformative journey. Through this book, readers will gain the tools and insights needed to critically assess Western-oriented postgraduate education.Empowering teams in higher education: strategies for success by Tashieka Simone Burris-Melville; Shalieka Tiffia Burris; Kristin Bledsoe
Publication Date: 2024In higher education, students often graduate without the necessary teamwork skills, leaving them unprepared for the demands of the modern workplace. Empowering Teams in Higher Education: Strategies for Success addresses these challenges head-on, offering a practical guide for improving teamwork and creating a collaborative learning environment. By providing insights, strategies, and real-world examples, this book equips students and educators alike with the tools they need to succeed.Addressing issues of learner diversity in English language education by Thao Quoc Tran (Ed.); Tham My Duong (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Addressing Issues of Learner Diversity in English Language Education recognizes that traditional, one-size-fits-all approaches to language education are insufficient in meeting the needs of a varied and global learner population. It grapples with effectively teaching English to individuals with diverse linguistic backgrounds, learning styles, and cultural contexts. The challenges range from learner autonomy and motivation issues to navigating mixed-level classes and integrating technology into language teaching.Decolonizing inclusive education by Erin Keith (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Inclusive education faces a critical challenge rooted in an outdated paradigm that treats students as fixer-upper projects rather than recognizing their holistic needs. Addressing this pervasive issue, Decolonizing Inclusive Education: Centering Heartwork, Care, and Listening, provides a groundbreaking solution. By shifting the focus to heartwork, care, and listening, the book pioneers a decolonizing praxis in inclusive education. It challenges the prevailing tool-centric model and advocates for an approach that embraces the diverse identities, funds of knowledge, and cultural understandings of students. The book delves into topics such as classroom stories, engaging families, funds of knowledge, and decentering whiteness, offering a comprehensive guide to transform inclusive education into a space that not only acknowledges but celebrates the holistic well-being and growth of every student.AI approaches to literacy in higher education by Oscar Oliver Eybers (Ed.); Alan Muller (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024AI Approaches to Literacy in Higher Education delves into the synergies between advanced technology and the cultivation of literacy skills, illuminating innovative methodologies and applications that redefine educational paradigms. This book is a comprehensive analysis of AI's potential to elevate literacy among higher education students. The book strategically integrates research studies, case analyses, and theoretical perspectives to construct a nuanced understanding of AI's role in shaping literacy outcomes.Encouraging transnational learning through virtual exchange in global teacher education by Alina Slapac (Ed.); Cristina A. Huertas-Abril (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Encouraging Transnational Learning Through Telecollaboration in Global Teacher Education aims to provide resources and recommendations for global teacher educators, practitioners, researchers, and pre-service and in-service teachers on developing international virtual exchange programs in teacher education. The book aims to showcase effective online pedagogies, provide practical values of online collaborative teaching and learning, and connect theory to practice in critical global citizenship and teacher development.Challenging bias and promoting transformative education in public schooling through critical literacy by Lyndsey Aubin Benharris (Ed.); Katharine Covino (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Public education faces a significant problem with the acquisition of literacy through conventional methods, which can perpetuate biases and reinforce the dominant culture. To address this issue, Challenging Bias and Promoting Transformative Education in Public Schooling Through Critical Literacy presents powerful solutions. Edited by Lyndsey Benharris and Katharine Covino, this groundbreaking book explores how critical literacy can be effectively employed by public school educators to challenge biases, center marginalized voices, and foster inclusive learning environments.The antiracist world language classroom by Krishauna Hines-Gaither and Cécile Accilien
Publication Date: 2023Krishauna Hines-Gaither is the owner of Hines- Gaither Consulting, a firm dedicated to diversity and inclusion, and Vice President for Equity, Diversity and Justice at Mount Saint Mary's University, Los Angeles, CA. Cécile Accilien is former Chair of the Interdisciplinary Studies Department and current Professor of African and African Diaspora Studies at Kennesaw State University, GA. She is Vice-President of the Haitian Studies Association and Co-Owner of Soley Consulting, LLC, a diversity, equity, and inclusion firm.Inequality in key skills of city youth: an international comparison by Stephen Lamb; Russell W. Rumberger
Publication Date: 2024"This research volume addresses the topic of educational inequality from a global perspective. This book brings together an international group of scholars who examine how well a sample of city school systems from around the world are preparing young people, particularly poor and minority students, with the skills needed for further study and work, and life more broadly."The art of learning math: a manual for success by Susan Midlarsky
Publication Date: 2024The Art of Learning Math is a journey into what makes math meaningful. It takes the reader through the developmental stages of learning math, from infancy to adulthood. It weaves stories, examples, research references, reasons, the arts, and evolutionary understandings to make it relevant and comprehensible to readers. It also provides concrete, actionable tools to help the reader be successful in their endeavor, whether that is to educate groups of children, their own children, or themselves.Integrating mindfulness into anti-oppression pedagogy: social justice in higher education by Beth Berila
Publication Date: 2024Drawing from mindfulness education and social justice teaching, this book explores an effective anti-oppressive pedagogy for university and college classrooms.Autism spectrum disorders: advancing positive practices in education by Angela Stone-MacDonald; David F. Cihak; Dianne Berkell Zager
Publication Date: 2023The fifth edition of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Advancing Positive Practices in Education provides readers with a comprehensive and accessible understanding of current research and evidence-based practices in autism spectrum disorders (ASD), linking research, theory, and practice. This new edition includes new chapters on trauma and co-morbidity, current trends in autism research, social media, neurodiversity, and aging in people with ASD.The American teacher: a history by Lawrence R. Samuel
Publication Date: 2024Told chronologically and divided into ten decades, The American Teacher sheds light on the important role that teachers have played in this country over the last one hundred years. The subject is parsed through the voices of educators, intellectuals, and journalists who have weighed in on its many different dimensions from the 1920s right up to today. The American teacher is a key site of race, gender, and class, we learn from a survey of its history, revealing some of the tensions embedded in our constructed social divisions. Controversy has always surrounded teachers in the United States, making them a fascinating subject to explore in depth. The "schoolteacher" has long served as a principal player in American culture, making The American Teacher a kind of character study that distinguishes fact from fiction. Rather than a research study itself, the work draws on the most important scholarship that has been completed over the years.The school leaders our children deserve: seven keys to equity, social justice, and school reform by George Theoharis; Lynda Tredway (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2024Drawing on the experiences and words of successful public-school principals, Theoharis shows why social justice leadership is needed and how it can be effective in creating more equitable schools. Although they faced tremendous barriers, the principals featured in this book made important strides toward closing the outcome and opportunity gaps in their schools by using inclusive, equitable practices. Featuring a mix of theory and practical strategies, this edition has been updated with new examples and frameworks relevant to today's leaders.Schoolishness: alienated education and the quest for authentic, joyful learning by Susan D. Blum
Publication Date: 2024The author defines "schoolishness" as educational practices that emphasize packaged "learning," unimaginative teaching, uniformity, constant evaluation by others, arbitrary forms, predetermined time, and artificial boundaries, resulting in personal and educational alienation, dependence, and dread. Drawing on critical, progressive, and feminist pedagogy in conversation with the anthropology of learning, and building on the insights of her two previous books Blum proposes less-schoolish ways of learning in ten dimensions, to lessen the mismatch between learning in school and learning in the wild.Faculty learning communities: working towards a more equitable, just, and antiracist future in higher education by Kristin N. Rainville (Ed.); David G. Title (Ed.); Cynthia G. Desrochers (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024"This edited book on Faculty Learning Communities (FLCs) provides and explores powerful examples of FLCs as a impactful form of professional learning for faculty in higher education. The chapters describe faculty learning community initiatives focused on diversity, equity, and belonging in higher education. "Literacy in America: a cultural history of the past century by Lawrence R. Samuel
Publication Date: 2024Literacy in America: A Cultural History of the Past Century is a history of literacy in the United States over the last one hundred years. Told chronologically and supported by hundreds of research studies done over the years as reported in scholarly journals, the work sheds new light on the important role that literacy and reading in general have played in this country since the 1920s. The subject is parsed through the voices of educators, intellectuals, and journalists who have weighed in on its many different dimensions.Is grad school for me?: demystifying the application process for first-gen BIPOC students by Yvette Martínez-Vu; Miroslava Chavez-Garcia
Publication Date: 2024Is Grad School for Me? is a calling card and a corrective to the lack of clear guidance for historically excluded students navigating the onerous undertaking of graduate school--starting with asking if grad school is even a good fit. This essential resource offers step-by-step instructions on how to maneuver the admissions process before, during, and after applying. Unlike other guides, Is Grad School for Me? takes an approach that is both culturally relevant and community based.Descriptosaurus: a language toolkit and support for creative writing ages 9 to 12 by Alison Wilcox
Publication Date: 2024"It provides young writers with a language toolkit with which to expand their descriptive vocabulary, experiment with language and sentence structure and build up narratives based around settings, characters and creatures. Its inspiring, original and proven approach encourages use of the correct grammatical structures, and helps children add colour to their writing through evaluation and experimentation."Habitats local and far away, grade 1: STEM road map for elementary school by Carla C. Johnson; Janet B. Walton; Erin E. Peters-Burton
Publication Date: 2024This interdisciplinary, four-lesson module uses project- and problem-based learning to help students act as explorers of climates, plants, and animals locally and around the world, to develop an action plan that encourages preservation of an endangered species.Building racial competency in white educators through the transformative act of writing: writing through whiteness by Paul F. Walsh
Publication Date: 2023This book argues that the transformative act of writing can be used to strengthen the racial competency of White educators in profound ways, leading them to a more comprehensive consciousness regarding the way their racial identity impacts them personally and professionally.Youth created media on the climate crisis: hear our voices by Richard Beach; Blaine E. Smith
Publication Date: 2023This timely book provides effective methods and authentic examples of teaching about climate change through digital and multimodal media production in the English Language Arts classroom. The chapters in this edited volume demonstrate the benefits of addressing climate change in the classroom through innovative media production and cover a range of different types of media, including video/digital storytelling, social media, art, music, and writing, with rich resources for instruction in every chapter.Delivering promise: equity-driven educational change and innovation in community and technical colleges by Xueli Wang
Publication Date: 2024In Delivering Promise, award-winning scholar of higher education Xueli Wang tells a story of educational change and innovation that has and continues to occur at countless campuses of community and technical colleges. Wang weaves together a careful account of how faculty, staff, administrators, institutional researchers, and college leaders rapidly adjusted to crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic, while grappling with a new or renewed commitment to centering equity in their work.Discipline problems: how students of color trouble whiteness in schools by Tadashi Dozono
Publication Date: 2024"Dozono shows how what are traditionally framed as discipline problems can be seen through a different lens as responses to educational practices that marginalize non-white students. Discipline Problems reveals how students of color seek out alternate avenues for understanding their world and imagines a pedagogy that champions the curiosity, intellect, and knowledge of marginalized learners."Improving schools: simple approaches and understandings to realize growth by Kevin Popadines
Publication Date: 2024Schools are the bridge to the future. Their success is vital for the success of communities and the country. There are opportunities and avenues to improvement that are unfortunately overlooked and underutilized. The path to improving schools, districts and education overall is not a singular one, but there are common areas that should be explored. Improving Schools: Simple Approaches and Understandings to Realize Growth is an exploration of those common areas that if given the correct attention and focus could serve to improve schools.Representation, inclusion and social justice in world language teaching: research and pedagogy for inclusive classrooms by Lillie Padilla (Ed.); Rosti Vana (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Representation, Inclusion and Social Justice in World Language Teaching fills the gap in the existing body of research, ensuring that a social justice perspective is included in the World Language curriculum.To advance the race: Black women's higher education from the antebellum era to the 1960s by Linda M. Perkins
Publication Date: 2024From the United States' earliest days, African Americans considered education essential for their freedom and progress. Linda M. Perkins's study ranges across educational and geographical settings to tell the stories of Black women and girls as students, professors, and administrators. Beginning with early efforts and the establishment of abolitionist colleges, Perkins follows the history of Black women's post-Civil War experiences at elite white schools and public universities in northern and midwestern states.Teaching with literacy programs: equitable instruction for all by Patricia A. Edwards; Kristen L. White; Laura J. Hopkins; Ann M. Castle
Publication Date: 2023In Teaching with Literacy Programs, Patricia A. Edwards, Kristen L. White, Laura J. Hopkins, and Ann M. Castle present a model that allows educators to address educational inequity through the critical and adaptive use of existing literacy curriculum materials. In this accessible work, they advise educators on ways to combine common classroom materials, such as basal readers and core reading programs, with instructional practices that provide high-quality, responsive instruction to all students.Fascism on trial : education and the possibility of democracy by Henry A. Giroux; Anthony R. DiMaggio
Publication Date: 2024This book interrogates rising fascism in America. It spotlights the major facets of fascism that increasingly characterize contemporary US politics, in relation to political authoritarianism, the rise of anti-intellectualism, the mainstreaming of conspiracy theories, the glorification of political street violence and state violence, rising white supremacy, and the militarization of US political discourse. Alongside this, Giroux and DiMaggio show how the assault on critical education and pedagogy is central to the fascist program.Going global in the world language classroom: ideas, strategies, and resources for teaching and learning with the world by Erin Austin
Publication Date: 2024Master educator Erin E.H. Austin shares original strategies to facilitate productive language learning and demonstrates how to foster a rigorous, inclusive, and enriching environment. Designed to improve student motivation and engagement, the book is a shift from teaching about the world to teaching with the world.Patterns of revision. Inviting 4th graders into conversations that elevate writing by Whitney La Rocca; Jeff Anderson
Publication Date: 2024How do we get fourth-grade writers to revise? And once we do get them thinking about revision, what, exactly, do they do? What do we do? In Patterns of Revision, best-selling authors Whitney La Rocca and Jeff Anderson answer these questions and more. This practical resource uses the research-proven and classroom-tested methods of sentence combining in a meaningful, engaging way that supports authentic writing as well as writing for performance-based or multiple-choice tests.The shaping of American higher education: emergence and growth of the contemporary system by Carrie B. Kisker; Arthur M. Cohen
Publication Date: 2024Combining historical perspective with in-depth coverage of current events, The Shaping of American Higher Education offers an authoritative account of the past, present, and future of higher education in the United States. Readers will gain a thorough understanding of trends in student access and equity, faculty professionalization, curricular expansion, institutional growth, college administration and governance, public and private funding, outcomes, and accountability.The social-emotional learning upgrade: merging SEL and technology curricula to support young learners by Christopher J. Kazanjian
Publication Date: 2024The Social-Emotional Learning Upgrade explores how today's educators can connect two previously separated but important curricula in their schools: social-emotional learning and educational technology.Teaching and confronting racial neoliberalism in higher education: autoethnographic explorations of the race studies classroom by Michelle D. Byng
Publication Date: 2024"This book examines the way in which professors must confront the social implications of racial neoliberalism. Drawing on autoethnographic research from the authors combined 100 years of teaching experience, it recognizes the need for faculty to negotiate their own experiences with race, as well as those of their students. It focuses on the experiential nature of teaching, supplementing the fields focus on pedagogy, and recognizes that professors must in fact highlight, rather than downplay, the realities of racial inequalities of the past and present."Building critical literacy and empathy with graphic novels by Jason D. DeHart
Publication Date: 2024Beginning with the assertion that educators can effectively use comics and graphic novels to develop readers' critical literacy and empathy, DeHart explores the use of graphic novels across grade levels in a wide range of topics and themes. Taking When Stars Are Scattered by Victoria Jamieson and Omar Mohamed as a recurring focal text, DeHart argues that critical conversations can be opened up through well-chosen graphic novels.Catalytic improvement communities: cultivating flourishing schools by edited by Jonathan Eckert, Bradley W. Carpenter
Publication Date: 2024From communities of practice to professional learning communities to Networked Improvement Communities (NICs) much has been made in the scholarly and consultancy literature about collaborative approaches to improvement.Close reading in elementary school: bringing readers and texts together by Diana Sisson; Betsy Sisson
Publication Date: 2024This book provides step-by-step strategies and scaffolds for teaching close reading and improving students' comprehension of complex texts.Horace's hope, Friedman's folly: the purpose and promise of public common schools in a democratic republic by Curtis J. Cardine
Publication Date: 2024Horace's Hope, Friedman's Folly explains the forces behind the current efforts to privatize education. It also works to debunk the idea that public education should be based on a capitalistic model of action that places education of our youth into the hands of corporations.Leading with heart and soul: 30 inspiring lessons of faith, learning, and leadership for educators by Irvin L. Scott
Publication Date: 2024Drawing on spiritual principles and Dr. Irvin Scott's experience as a classroom, school, district, and non-profit leader, this book will reinvigorate you and your team as you try to answer your most pressing questions about the future of education, including: How do we empower innovative, servant-hearted educational leaders to meet the needs of students?Success in graduate school and beyond: a guide for STEM students and postdoctoral fellows by Nana Lee; Reinhart Reithmeier
Publication Date: 2024Success in Graduate School and Beyond is designed to empower graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in STEM with practical tools, tips, and skill development strategies to plan and create their dream career pathway. Intended as a professional development course book, this balanced, self-reflective guide to workplace readiness is organized into five sections that support graduate student development: self-reflection, wellness, skills, networking, and planning for future success.Publicization: how public and private interests can reinvent education for the common good by Jonathan Gyurko
Publication Date: 2024How public are America's public schools? They may be tax funded and free, but the effects of market-based policies, exclusionary governance, insufficient funding, and structural inequities impair schools' ability to prepare future citizens, workers, neighbors, and stewards of the planet. Gyurko offers a fresh look at the "publicness" of American education through historical accounts, scholarly research, first-hand reporting, and political analyses.The right to learn: resisting the right-wing attack on academic freedom by Jennifer Ruth (Ed.); Valerie C. Johnson (Ed.); Ellen Schrecker (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024The Right to Learn speaks out fearlessly against the far right's decades-long war against intellectual freedom. This essential anthology outlines and contextualizes the culture wars' demonization of critical race theory, Ron DeSantis's "Don't Say Gay" law, and other hot-button issues. With an introduction that places the current crisis within the broader context of the ongoing attacks on American democracy, The Right to Learn features the testimony and analysis of activists, scholars, and attorneys with firsthand experience in the struggle against well-funded conservative groups' assaults on academic freedom.The Sage handbook of sociology of education by Mark Berends (Ed.; Barbara Schneider (Ed.); Stephen Lamb (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024The Sage Handbook of Sociology of Education is an international and comprehensive groundbreaking text that serves as a touchstone for researchers and scholars interested in exploring the intricate relationships between education and society. Leading sociologists from five different continents examine major topics in sociology from a global perspective.Core practices in teacher education: a global perspective by Pam Grossman (Ed.); Urban Fraefel (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024In Core Practices in Teacher Education, Pam Grossman and Urban Fraefel bring together international voices in a global showcase of practice-based approaches to teacher education. This generous volume presents the work of teacher educators and researchers from Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, and Switzerland, among others, highlighting various methods for teacher preparation and instruction rooted in core practices. The contributors describe real-world implementation of methods that give preservice and novice teachers opportunities to enact practices during professional training.Coaching in communities: pursuing justice, teacher learning, and transformation by Melissa Mosley Wetzel; Erica Holyoke; Kerry H. Alexander; Heather Dunham; Claire Collins
Publication Date: 2023The authors "argue that to coach for transformation, teachers need to redefine coaching as something done in community to learn together and focus on addressing inequities in school."Trauma-informed practices for early childhood educators: relationship-based approaches that reduce stress, build resilience and support healing in young children by Julie Nicholson; Linda Perez; Julie Kurtz; Shawn Bryant; Drew Giles
Publication Date: 2023This second edition of Trauma-Informed Practices for Early Childhood Educators continues to guide childcare providers and early educators working with infants, toddlers, preschoolers and early elementary-aged children to understand trauma as well as its impact on young children's brains, behavior, learning and development. The book covers a range of trauma-responsive teaching strategies that readers can use to create strength-based environments that support children's health, healing and resiliency.Teaching and learning STEM: a practical guideTeaching and Learning STEM by Richard M. Felder; Rebecca Brent
Publication Date: 2024Teaching and Learning STEM: A Practical Guide covers teaching and learning issues unique to teaching in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) disciplines. Secondary and postsecondary instructors in STEM areas need to master specific skills, such as teaching problem-solving, which are not regularly addressed in other teaching and learning books. This book fills the gap, addressing, topics like learning objectives, course design, choosing a text, effective instruction, active learning, teaching with technology, and assessment--all from a STEM perspective.Pro-Blackness in early childhood education: diversifying curriculum and pedagogy in K-3 classrooms by Gloria Swindler Boutte; George Lee Johnson; Jarvais J. Jackson; Saudah N. Collins; Janice R. Baines; Anthony Broughton; George Lee Johnson; Joyce E. King (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2024Drawing from a critical case study of K-3 teachers who use Pro-Black teaching in their daily instruction, this important book puts forth positive perspectives regarding Blackness and Black people that are not evident in most educational settings. An easy-to-understand text provides evidence-based curriculum examples, pedagogies, and resources; demonstrates how teachers can achieve Pro-Black teaching while also addressing curricular standards and other demands on their time; and explains the benefit of Pro-Black teaching for all children.Preparing leaders for deeper learning by Marjorie E. Wechsler; Steven K. Wojcikiewicz
Publication Date: 2023Leadership Preparation for Deeper Learning spotlights educational leaders as key actors in the urgent task of readying students for college, careers, and citizenship in an evolving world. Marjorie Wechsler and Steven Wojcikiewicz argue that, in response to new understandings of learning and development and emerging societal needs, K-12 school leaders must be able to shift institutions toward deeper learning models, in which collaboration, critical thinking, and project-based learning are fundamental concepts.Navigating social justice: a schema for educational leadership by Martin Scanlan
Publication Date: 2023In Navigating Social Justice, Martin Scanlan introduces a comprehensive social justice schema that melds organizational learning with leading for equity. Scanlan distills wisdom gleaned from the experiences of a variety of educational professionals as well as from his own more than three decades of work in equity-focused partnership with elementary schools.Gender expression and inclusivity in early childhood: a teachers' guide to queering the classroom by Samuel Broaden
Publication Date: 2024This important and engaging guide details best practices for supporting the exploration and expression of gender in early years contexts. It explains how to use self-reflection, community collaboration, and action plans to create supportive environments and equitable opportunities for queer children and teachers in early years classrooms and schools.Disrupting hierarchy in education: students and teachers collaborating for social change by Hakim Mohandas Amani Williams (Ed.); Hana Huskić (Ed.); Christina M. Noto (Ed.); Antonia. Darder (Foreword; Monisha Bajaj (Afterword)
Publication Date: 2024This timely book features rich examples of students and teachers, defined as learning partners, disrupting hierarchy in education by collaborating on social change projects. At the book's core is Paulo Freire's theorization of students and teachers working together toward co-liberation. Co-written by learning partners, each chapter in this collection highlights a social change project that puts Freire's theories into action.Handbook of research on teaching the English language arts by Douglas Fisher; Diane Lapp
Publication Date: 2024Now in its fifth edition, the Handbook of Research on Teaching the English Language Arts--sponsored by the International Literacy Association and the National Council of Teachers of English--remains at the forefront in bringing together prominent scholars, researchers, and professional leaders to offer an integrated perspective on teaching the English language arts and a comprehensive overview of research in the field.Instructional moves for powerful teaching in higher education by Jeremy T. Murphy; Meira Levinson
Publication Date: 2023Based on work conducted through the Instructional Moves project at Harvard University, Instructional Moves for Powerful Teaching in Higher Education outlines the many ways in which good college and graduate school teaching is rooted in deliberate pedagogical choices that support active learning. Jeremy T. Murphy and Meira Levinson distill good instruction to its essential components, analyzing the careful steps successful instructors take to create learning spaces that encourage all students to do ambitious work.Restorative resistance in higher education: leading in an era of racial awakening and reckoning by Richard J. Reddick
Publication Date: 2023In Restorative Resistance in Higher Education, diversity researcher and educator Richard J. Reddick shares the wisdom gained from three decades of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) work in educational settings. Reddick centers DEI efforts as challenging yet essential components of college life, recognizing campus environments not just as mirrors reflecting societal values and biases but also as crucibles for social change.
New e-books 4
Improving literacy through home, school, and community partnerships by Al Ryanne Gabonada (Ed.); Cecille Marie Titar (Ed.); Merry Ruth Morauda (Ed.); Arjohn Gime (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Improving Literacy Through Home, School, and Community Partnerships is a groundbreaking book that unravels the complexities of this challenge and illuminates the transformative potential within collaborative efforts. By delving into the dynamic interplay between home, school, and community, the book offers a roadmap to bridge existing gaps and forge a path toward a more literate society.Integrating cutting-edge technology into the classroom by Ken Nee Chee (Ed.); Mageswaran Sanmugam (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Integrating Cutting-Edge Technology Into the Classroom delves into the profound impact of technological disruptions on teaching methodologies, student engagement, and overall learning outcomes. This book doesn't merely document technological advancements; it is a trigger for a fundamental shift in the research community. By showcasing real-world applications and their impact on student achievement, the book propels researchers into uncharted territories, sparking collaboration and dialogue.Cultivating literate citizenry through interdisciplinary instruction by Chyllis E. Scott (Ed.); Diane M. Miller (Ed.); Matthew Albert (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Cultivating Literate Citizenry Through Interdisciplinary Instruction delves into the necessary concepts within the realm of literacy across and within various academic disciplines. From the foundational core courses of English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies to enriching extracurricular pursuits like agriculture, theater arts, visual arts, and kinesiology, this book encapsulates the essence of fostering literacy competencies in all domains.Effective and meaningful student engagement through service learning by Sharon Valarmathi (Ed.); Jacqueline Kareem (Ed.); Veerta Tantia (Ed.); Kishore Selva Babu (Ed.); Patrick Jude Lucas (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Effective and Meaningful Student Engagement Through Service Learning is a comprehensive exploration of the transformative power of service learning in contemporary education. Within this text, seasoned researchers and practitioners delve into the intricacies of student engagement, emphasizing the importance of active involvement in the learning process. This book opens with a reflection on education, where traditional practices give way to innovative pedagogies. This includes a new pedagogical approach that not only imparts knowledge but also cultivates socially responsible citizens.Incorporating the human element in online teaching and learning by Laura E. Gray (Ed.); Shernette D. Dunn (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Incorporating the Human Element in Online Teaching and Learning , meticulously crafted for college professors, researchers, graduate students, policymakers, instructional designers, and college administrators, provides a comprehensive roadmap for mitigating the attrition crisis in online education. The book equips educators with culturally responsive pedagogical practices by addressing the critical need for humanistic engagement in online courses, ensuring that online learning spaces become more inclusive and supportive. As a result, the strategies outlined in this book empower educators to create a sense of belonging for diverse student populations and offer a blueprint for colleges and universities to foster professional development opportunities.Minority women in K-12 education leadership: challenges, resilience, and support by Annette G. Walters (Editor)
Publication Date: 2024The objective of Minority Women in K-12 Education Leadership is clear-to provide readers, educational allies, educators, administrators, and stakeholders with a profound understanding of the intersections of gender, leadership, and ethnicity/color in educational leadership. This book goes beyond identifying challenges; it celebrates the resilience of minority women leaders, explores the support systems they rely on, and offers practical strategies for success. The content delves into the physical, mental, emotional, and social dimensions of their experiences, aiming to bridge theoretical and practical concepts and provide valuable insights for practitioners, scholars, and stakeholders.Embracing technological advancements for lifelong learning by Hawamdeh (Ed.); Abdelhafid (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024At the forefront of academic exploration and innovation is Embracing Technological Advancements for Lifelong Learning, a book of robust research covering an era where the digital revolution is reshaping education. This book brings insights into in-depth investigations of how digital technologies are transforming the landscape of continuing education. It delves deep into the strategies, resources, and best practices that organizations can harness to unlock the full potential of digital transformation.Rebuilding higher education systems impacted by crises: navigating traumatic events, disasters, and more by Mustafa Kayyali (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024The 21st century has witnessed a rapid escalation in the frequency and severity of crises affecting higher education institutions. These crises span from the abrupt shift to online learning necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic to the enduring ramifications of climate change on campus infrastructure. Additional factors such as financial pressures, evolving demographics, and the ever-changing technological landscape further complicate the challenge. This book embarks on a deep exploration of these challenges and offers practical solutions, making it an indispensable resource for anyone vested in the future of higher education.Digital technologies in modeling and management by Deepanraj Balakrishnan (Ed.); Maria Lapina (Ed.); G. S. Prakasha (Ed.); Mohammad Sajid (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Digital Technologies in Modeling and Management: Insights in Education and Industry explores the use of digital technologies in the modeling and control of complex systems in various fields, such as social networks, education, technical systems, and their protection and security. The book consists of two parts, with the first part focusing on modeling complex systems using digital technologies, while the second part deals with the digitalization of economic processes and their management.Discussions of inclusive education within African contexts by Jonathan Chitiyo
Publication Date: 2024Despite global efforts to promote inclusive education, many African countries need help implementing inclusive practices in their educational systems. The lack of guidelines and preparedness among school practitioners often hinders the effective inclusion of students with disabilities in mainstream education. This results in a significant number of students with disabilities being marginalized and deprived of their right to quality education. Discussions of Inclusive Education Within African Contexts addresses this pressing issue to equip school practitioners with the knowledge and strategies to implement inclusive practices effectively.Defending public education: when partisanship, anarchic dissent, and universal singularity attack by Jeff Swensson
Publication Date: 2024Throughout this discussion, the tactics and intentions of the foes of public schools are called-out for their devastating impact on teaching, learning, and social reality. This book is a clarion call to defend traditional public schools and their role as the launching pad for the intellectual autonomy and open futures that all US students deserve.Implementing problem-based instruction in secondary mathematics classrooms by Sarah Ferguson; Denise L. Polojac-Chenoweth
Publication Date: 2024Problem-based instruction (PBI) is a research-based, student-centered instructional strategy that uses rich mathematical tasks to connect students' previously acquired math knowledge to new mathematical concepts. Unlike traditional teaching and learning strategies, PBI facilitates learning by making connections between mathematical concepts and real-world applications rather than through noncontextual, rote learning of skills, steps, and equations.#BlackEducatorsMatter: the experiences of Black teachers in an anti-Black world by Darrius A. Stanley (Ed.); Kofi Lomotey (Afterword); H. Richard Milner (Series ed.)
Publication Date: 2024The personal accounts, educator portraits, and research findings assembled by Darrius A. Stanley in #BlackEducatorsMatter constitute an unstinting exploration of the experiences of Black K-12 teachers in the United States. Spotlighting the invaluable work of Black educators, this volume reveals that although they are underrepresented in educational institutions, they have profound positive influence not only on students of color but also on school climate and ultimately on all of society.Handbook of research on special education teacher preparation by Erica D. McCray (Ed.); Elizabeth Bettini (Ed.); Mary T. Brownell (Ed.); James McLeskey (Ed.); Paul T. Sindelar (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024The new edition of this landmark text expands our current understanding of teacher education broadly by providing an in-depth look at the most up-to-date research on special education teacher preparation. Offering a comprehensive review of research on attracting, preparing, and sustaining personnel to effectively serve students with disabilities, it is fully updated to align with current knowledge and future perspectives on special educator development, synthesizing what we can do to continue advancing as a field.Pursuing practical change: lesson designs that promote culturally responsive teaching by Heather Dean; Amber E. Wagnon
Publication Date: 2024Today's educators are aware of the need for social emotional learning in their classroom and can share the tenets of a culturally responsive pedagogy. However, what they lack is the practical strategies for implementation of these pivotal classroom practices. Pursuing Practical Change: Lesson Designs That Promote Culturally Responsive Teaching is an answer to this need!Social justice art education: a framework for activist art pedagogy by Marit Dewhurst; Joni Boyd Acuff (Foreword); Amelia Kraehe (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2023Nearly a decade after Social Justice Art, innovative arts educator Marit Dewhurst returns with a new edition offering further guidance for developing meaningful, justice-centered art programming. Reflecting on a growing interest in the field and its place within larger movements that uses creative strategies to drive social change, Dewhurst brings new research to bear on her interviews with educators, artists, and students to suggest clear, actionable approaches to facilitating the collaborative process of creating art for social change.Teaching climate change to children: literacy pedagogy that cultivates sustainable futures by Rebecca Woodard; Kristine M. Schutz; Carla Shalaby (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2024Teaching Climate Change to Children describes the journey of two literacy researchers to learn about climate change and support relevant literacy pedagogy for young children (pre-K-6). The authors argue that climate change and social justice are inextricable from each other; that children in the younger grades are capable of learning about climate change; and that reading, writing, and language study is well-suited to this work.Teaching digital storytelling: inspiring voices through online narratives by Sheila Marie Aird (Ed.); Thomas P. Mackey (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This book presents the stories of educators who through digital storytelling inspire students from diverse communities to construct their empowering digital narratives. Educators from a wide range of disciplines present innovative case studies of teaching digital storytelling through the lens of personal narratives, metaliteracy, and information literacy.Leading continuous improvement in schools: enacting leadership standards to advance educational quality and equity by Erin Anderson; Kathleen M. W. Cunningham; David H. Eddy-Spicer
Publication Date: 2024* Aligns improvement efforts with two sets of standards, NELP and PSEL - no other books in the field do this. * To help ground the main points in this volume, each chapter features a case that presents a leader who is simultaneously leading a school while also learning about improvement science in their graduate class. * To help instructors use this book in their courses, each chapter includes teaching notes and an action inventory aligned to the case examples and chapters.Lesson study with mathematics and science preservice teachers: finding the form by edited by Sharon Dotger, Gabriel Matney, Jennifer Heckathorn, Kelly Chandler-Olcott, and Miranda Fox.
Publication Date: 2024The number of teacher educators using lesson study with preservice teachers is small but growing. This book is aimed at teacher educators who may want to try lesson study in university contexts without the challenge of translating the practice from the K-12 context on their own. In this volume, lesson study is broadly overviewed, attention is given to its constituent steps, and examples of lesson study in preservice contexts are shared. Given the broad array of teacher education program designs, numerous contingencies guide teacher educators in their implementation of lesson study, given their contextual affordances and limitations.Teaching climate science in the elementary classroom: a place-based, hope-filled approach to understanding earth's systems by Stephanie Sisk-Hilton
Publication Date: 2024Discover new ways to help elementary students engage with and understand the world around them by incorporating climate-informed learning into the classroom. This book features foundational climate concepts, easily implementable activity plans, and inspiring examples of student engagement.Trends in assessment: ideas, opportunities, and issues for higher education by Stephen P. Hundley (Ed.); Caleb J. Keith (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Informed by sessions at the Assessment Institute in Indianapolis, the oldest and largest U.S. event focused on assessing and improving higher education, this second edition of Trends in Assessment is intended to encapsulate lessons learned from the recent past, reflect the current state, and inspire future directions for higher education assessment.- Classroom design for student agency: create spaces to empower young readers and writers by Lynsey Burkins; Franki Sibberson; Carla Shalaby (Foreword); Detra Price-Dennis (Afterword)Publication Date: 2023Classrooms should be spaces where every child feels safe to bring their whole self to school. This book shows how to set up preK-grade 6 classrooms that support student agency, independence, and choice.
Co-teaching in teacher education: centering equity by Christina M. Tschida (Ed.); Elizabeth A. Fogarty (Ed.); Joy N. Stapleton (Ed.); Kristen Cuthrell (Ed.); Diana B. Lys (Ed.); Ann Bullock (Ed.); Teresa Washut Heck (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2024This volume examines teacher preparation programs that have successfully used a co-teaching model to improve the clinical experience for teacher candidates and to instill a disposition for equitable practice. Blending research and practitioner voices, this book presents co-teaching as a viable and valuable framework that provides support for teacher candidates, allowing them to grow and learn through reciprocal relationships.Antiracist research on K-12 education and teacher preparation: policy making, pedagogy, curriculum, and practices by Molly Zhou (Ed.); Terrell Brown (Ed.); James Thompson (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Antiracist Research on K-12 Education and Teacher Preparation: Policy Making, Pedagogy, Curriculum, and Practices provides current research on anti-racist education in teacher education and K-12 education. This book intends to engage teachers and educators in general to discuss diversity topics such as racism and how to react in the larger picture of teaching in K-12 and in higher education with a focus on teacher preparation.Disability, intersectionality, and belonging in special education: socioculturally sustaining practices by Elizabeth A. Harkins Monaco; L. Lynn Stansberry Brusnahan; Marcus C. Fuller; Martin O. Odima
Publication Date: 2024Disability, Intersectionality, and Belonging in Special Education focuses on preparing educators who use socioculturally sustaining practices, curricula, and instruction through an intersectional lens. This book empowers preservice students and special education practitioners and administrators to meet the needs of disabled individuals. Understanding the full range of requirements relating to socioculturally sustaining practices is imperative to working with individuals with disabilities as well as with their families and caregivers.Finding your path as a woman in school leadership: a guide for educators, allies, and advocates by Kim Cofino; Christina Botbyl
Publication Date: 2024Featuring the experiences of over 70 successful female leaders in international, public, and private schools around the world, Finding Your Path as a Woman in School Leadership brings together interconnected stories about the realities of being a woman in K-12 school leadership today.Integrating racial justice into your high-school biology classroom: using evolution to understand diversity by David Upegui; David E. Fastovsky
Publication Date: 2024In this guide, educators and authors David Upegui and David Fastovsky offer a pedagogical prescription for how you can integrate the study of racial justice with evolutionary biology in your existing high-school biology curriculum.A light in the tower: a new reckoning with mental health in higher education by Katie Rose Guest Pryal
Publication Date: 2024Written from the perspective of a bipolar-autistic professor, A Light in the Tower is both a bracing account of the mental health crisis in higher education and a passionate and informed proposal for how to teach with mental health in mind. Pryal contends that higher education's mental health crisis is the result of long-term systemic problems in education that demand nothing short of a revolution.Machine learning in educational sciences: approaches, applications and advances by Myint Swe Khine (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This comprehensive volume investigates the untapped potential of machine learning in educational settings. It examines the profound impact machine learning can have on reshaping educational research. Each chapter delves into specific applications and advancements, sheds light on theory-building, and multidisciplinary research, and identifies areas for further development.Reading and writing place: connecting rural schools and communities by Erika L. Bass; Amy Price Azano
Publication Date: 2024In Reading and Writing Place: Connecting Rural Schools and Communities Erika L. Bass and Amy Price Azano suggest there is a need to add nuance to the ways we consider and engage with place in the classroom. Using a narrative writing project completed with two rural schools in two states, the authors provide an explanation of critical placed education and how students' explorations of place through writing led the authors to develop a concept of place (Big "P" and small "p" place).Teaching and learning. Volume 2: an inclusive model for academic and social cognition by Marjorie S. Schiering
Publication Date: 2024The transfer to remote learning significantly impacted present-day teaching and learning, as well as communication. This second volume informs readers on how to use Teaching and Learning 2011 and 2023 Models for applicable student-centered social-emotional learning and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. It will also go through communication techniques that promote student success and classroom harmony.Teaching history today: applying the triad of inquiry, primary sources, and literacy by Mark Newman
Publication Date: 2024Teaching History Today is about placing inquiry, primary sources, and literacy foundations of history instruction front and center in the education of preservice history teacher candidates and in-service classroom history teachers. By focusing on these major components of teaching and learning, readers can learn how to organize the massive amount of historical content into effective units. They can see how to integrate the learning of content with the development of skills. And they can gain expertise into how and why to engage students collaboratively in the learning process.Teaching villainification in social studies: pedagogies to deepen understanding of social evils by Cathryn van Kessel (Ed.); Kimberly Edmondson (Ed.); Michalinos Zembylas (Foreword); Wayne Journell (Series ed.)
Publication Date: 2024In this collection, scholars from the United States, Canada, and Australia examine the concepts of villainification and antivillainification in social studies curriculum and popular culture, as well as within broader sociocultural contexts. Villainification is the process of identifying an individual or a small group of individuals as the sole source of a larger evil. Antivillainification considers the messy space in between individual and group culpability in order to help students develop a sense of responsibility to each other as humans in communities on this planet.Topics in mathematics for elementary teachers: a technology-enhanced experiential approach by Sergei Abramovich
Publication Date: 2024"This book reflects the author’s experience in teaching a mathematics content course for pre-service elementary teachers. The book addresses a number of recommendations of the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences for the preparation of teachers demonstrating how abstract mathematical concepts can be motivated by concrete activities. Such an approach, when enhanced by the use of technology, makes it easier for the teachers to grasp the meaning of generalization, formal proof, and the creation of an increasing number of concepts on higher levels of abstraction."Widening the lens : integrating multiple approaches to support adolescent literacy by Deborah Vriend Van Duinen; Erica R. Hamilton; Julie Bell (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2024Drawing on an asset-based approach to adolescents and their literacy practices, this book is a powerful resource for secondary teachers across all content areas. The authors encourage a "widened lens" approach that considers varied perspectives and research findings when engaging in multiple and often competing initiatives, issues, and pedagogies.Artful teaching: integrating the arts for understanding across the curriculum, K-8 by David M. Donahue (Ed.); Jennifer B. Stuart (Ed.); Louise Music (Foreword); Lois Hetland (Afterword)
Publication Date: 2024Both a practitioner's guide and a school reform model, the new edition of this popular book shares exemplary arts-integration practices across the K-8 curriculum. Rather than providing formulas or scripts to be followed, each chapter carefully describes how the arts offer an entry point for gaining insight into why and how students learn to assist teachers in developing their own philosophy and practice. This updated second edition features scholarship and art at the forefront of contemporary practice and addresses social justice issues such as racial, climate, and economic justice.Creating a culture of excellence: a school leader's guide to best practices in teaching, curriculum, professional development, supervision, and evaluation by Jeffrey Glanz
Publication Date: 2024Drawing from research, Creating a Culture of Excellence is a resource that serves as a guide to the best practices in teaching, curriculum, professional development, supervision, and evaluation. Attending to these five processes, utilizing best practices in the field of research and practice, will ensure high-quality instruction in any school. This book is replete with engaging learning activities and vignettes to reinforce ideas and concepts.Creating space for ourselves as minoritized and marginalized faculty: narratives that humanize the academy by edited by Claudia García-Louis, Sonja Ardoin, Tricia R. Shalka, Keon M. McGuire, and Eugene T. Parker III
Publication Date: 2024Creating Space for Ourselves as Minoritized and Marginalized Faculty moves away from conventional faculty success books by providing early career faculty with innovative perspectives about successfully navigating the professoriate, while humanizing their lived experiences and naming the unspoken. Through the use of interdisciplinary methods, such as creative artistic expression, testimonios, and personal narratives, chapter authors share experiences learned about surviving, thriving, navigating, and succeeding as early career underrepresented and marginalized faculty.The development of personal learning environments in higher education: promoting culturally responsive teaching and learner autonomy by edited by Yilin Sun and Xiaoshu Xu
Publication Date: 2024This book offers forward-thinking insights into the variety of student-centered learning interactions, particularly culturally and linguistically responsive pedagogies, that can be integrated into PLEs. Attending to quality assessment rubrics, the nuances of stakeholders’ needs, and theoretically sound frameworks, these cross-cultural, interdisciplinary chapters explore how leaders, instructors, technologists, and learners can form a precise yet flexible ecosystem to fully realize PLEs in which co-created, intercultural narratives yield rich, relevant digital learning experiences.Engaging young engineers: teaching problem-solving skills through STEM by Angela Stone-MacDonald; Kristen Wendell; Anne Douglass; Mary Lu Love; Amanda Wiehe Lopes
Publication Date: 2024Boost young children's problem-solving skills and set them up for long-term success with the second edition of this practical guidebook! Enhanced with new lessons and timely topics--including equity and the use of makerspaces--this book will help you get all children ready for kindergarten by teaching them basic practices of engineering design and critical thinking skills.Pedagogies of quiet: silence and social justice in the classroom by Monica Edwards
Publication Date: 2024Pedagogies of Quiet: Silence and Social Justice in the Classroom started with one teacher's frustration with a room full of quiet students and shifted into exploring why and how teachers can incorporate a quiet praxis into their classrooms. Mindful of students who have been historically silenced or ignored-LGBTQ students and introverted students-this book dives into the historical and theoretical forces that shape classroom participation.The participatory creativity guide for educators by Edward P. Clapp; Julie Rains
Publication Date: 2024Offering an embracing approach to creativity that encompasses invention and innovation, this practical guide reframes creativity as a mode of experience that all young people and adults have the opportunity to participate in.Promoting meaningful student-faculty experiences in graduate education by Eugene T. Parker, III (Ed.); Teniell L. Trolian (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Covers three salient and critical topics associated with student-faculty engagement for graduate and professional students: a) curriculum and teaching, b) identity and experiences, and c) graduate and professional student mentoring.Transformational leadership for rapid school improvement by Kevin Perks (Ed.); Terry Hofer (Foreword); Charles S. Dedrick (Afterword)
Publication Date: 2024To address today's numerous goals and challenges, K-12 schools need transformational leaders-leaders able to substantively enhance and improve educational systems and educator practices in order to achieve better, longer-lasting outcomes for all students. This practical resource is for superintendents, principals, and other education leaders who are charged with rapidly improving their schools and districts.Smart mobile communication & artificial intelligence : proceedings of the 15th IMCL Conference. Volume 1 by Michael E. Auer (Ed.); Thrasyvoulos Tsiatsos (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024To discuss and assess the trends in the interactive mobile field are the aims connected with the 15th International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication, Technologies, and Learning (IMCL2023), which was held 9-10 November 2023. Since its beginning in 2006, this conference is devoted to new approaches in interactive mobile technologies with a focus on learning.Try to love the questions: from debate to dialogue in classrooms and life by Lara Schwartz
Publication Date: 2024Try to Love the Questions gives college students a framework for understanding and practicing dialogue across difference in and out of the classroom. This invaluable guide explores the challenges facing students as they prepare to listen, speak, and learn in a college community and encourages students and faculty alike to consider inclusive, respectful communication as a skill--not as a limitation on freedom.Real talk about classroom management: 57 best practices that work and show you believe in your students by Serena Pariser
Publication Date: 2024When we think of classroom management, we traditionally think of ways to keep students quiet, well behaved, and on task. Since the first edition of this book was written in 2018, the world has changed - a lot. This second edition walks teachers through how to keep and even stay one step ahead of our ever changing world.Autoethnographic tactics to closing the gap on educational attainment by Anika Chanell Thrower (Ed.); Alex Evangelista (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Through their work, the co-editors are committed to promoting access to higher education and improving outcomes for marginalized populations. This essential resource is designed for scholars interested in promoting cultural awareness, equity, and diversity in higher education institutions, and it provides must-read perspectives for instructors teaching stress management courses, diversity and inclusion departments, campus sustainability departments, and others. This book offers a detailed analysis of the enrollment crisis, strategies to address its many sources, and is an important contribution to the ongoing conversation about equity and access in higher education.Navigating the coaching and leadership landscape: strategies and insights for success by Andrew J. Wefald (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Navigating the Coaching and Leadership Landscape: Strategies and Insights for Success, is poised to bridge the divide between theory and practice in coaching and leadership. By meticulously examining the theoretical underpinnings and practical applications of coaching within leadership contexts, our comprehensive volume offers a long-awaited solution to this pressing problem.Navigating innovative technologies and intelligent systems in modern education by Madhulika Bhatia (Ed.); Muhammad Tahir Mushtaq (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024In traditional educational settings, teachers often need help engaging students, adapting to diverse learning styles, and keeping pace with technological advancements, which can lead to disengagement, limited learning outcomes, and a lack of preparation for the demands of the modern world. Navigating Innovative Technologies and Intelligent Systems in Modern Education offers a transformative solution to these challenges. By exploring innovative strategies such as flipped learning, gamification, and personalized instruction, this book equips educators with the tools to create dynamic, student-centered learning environments.Teacher and student perspectives on bilingual and multilingual education by Hung Phu Bui (Ed.); Truong Cong Bang (Ed.); Cuong Huy Nguyen (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Teacher and Student Perspectives on Bilingual and Multilingual Education offers a comprehensive solution to the challenges educators face. By bringing together leading scholars and researchers, this edited volume provides a cutting-edge exploration of critical issues in L2 English education, offering educators practical insights and evidence-based strategies. The book covers various topics, including L2 motivation, learner engagement, classroom assessment, corrective feedback, and technology integration.Educational innovation to address complex societal challenges by Jacobo Roda Segarra (Ed.); Santiago Mengual-Andres (Ed.); Antonio Cortijo Ocaña (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Educational Innovation to Address Complex Societal Challenges begins by dissecting pedagogical renewal and educational innovation, illustrating their expansive reach and adaptability in addressing the diverse educational challenges of our time. It emphasizes that these innovative elements extend beyond mere educational enhancements, presenting many opportunities to catalyze substantial societal change. A crucial aspect highlighted is the reciprocal relationship between educational practices and social reality, creating a symbiotic circle that adds meaning to the educational process. The chapters present diverse perspectives and innovative proposals that underscore the flexibility of educational practices.Practices and implementation of gamification in higher education by Veronica Membrive (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Practices and Implementation of Gamification in Higher Education is a comprehensive book that explores the integration of gamification in tertiary education as an innovative approach to teaching and learning. By leveraging the mechanics of games, educators are able to achieve enhanced results, foster critical thinking, and promote positive behavior among students. This book compiles a collection of practical lesson proposals from experienced educators at the university level, providing detailed instructions and necessary materials for implementing gamification in the classroom.Pursuing equity and success for marginalized educational leaders by LeAnne C. Salazar Montoya (Ed.); Christopher Bonn (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024As the demand for authentic and practical guidance in navigating the leadership pipeline becomes increasingly urgent, institutions struggle to prepare aspiring leaders effectively and develop a more inclusive curriculum. Within the pages of Pursuing Equity and Success for Marginalized Educational Leaders, the remedy for this intricate challenge unfolds. This book emerges as a product of collaboration between seasoned practitioners and esteemed researchers, presenting a comprehensive guide aimed at empowering aspiring leaders hailing from marginalized backgrounds. It is a valuable resource, offering practical guidance and research-backed strategies. From understanding the crucial role of authenticity in leadership to navigating complex policy dynamics and addressing the demands of a rapidly changing job market, this book provides actionable solutions.Technological tools for innovative teaching by Mohamed Khaldi (Editor)
Publication Date: 2024Technological Tools for Innovative Teaching emerges as a comprehensive solution to the challenges educators encounter in the modern academic arena. The book unravels the intricacies of pedagogical scenarios, providing a step-by-step guide to designing learning activities that align with educational objectives. By addressing topics such as the pedagogy of error, flipped classroom strategies, and tech pedagogy, the book equips scholars with a diverse toolkit to revolutionize their teaching methods. This transformative resource extends beyond theoretical discussions, offering practical insights into the implementation of innovative teaching practices, adult education strategies, and knowledge management.Academic integrity in the age of artificial intelligence by Saadia Mahmud (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Academic Integrity in the Age of Artificial Intelligence takes a panoramic view, transcending academia to explore the reverberations of AI ethics across industries. As medicine and the arts also grapple with the AI conundrum, the ramifications of academic integrity stretch far beyond lecture halls and research labs.Inquiries of pedagogical shifts and critical mindsets among educators by Aaron R. Gierhart (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Inquiries of Pedagogical Shifts and Critical Mindsets Among Educators delves into unexplored pedagogy through a compendium of original research studies. The focus is on narrative inquiries, case studies, and phenomenological investigations, offering a nuanced understanding of pedagogical shifts and critical mindsets among P-16 educators. Inspired by Novoa's conceptualization of "Tipping Points," the book unfolds the narratives and lived experiences that propel educators toward transformative shifts in their teaching methodologies.- Cutting-edge innovations in teaching, leadership, technology, and assessment by Asma Khaleel Abdallah (Ed.); Ahmed Mohammed Alkaabi (Ed.); Rashid Al-Riyami (Ed.)Publication Date: 2024Cutting-Edge Innovations in Teaching, Leadership, Technology, and Assessment explores the dynamic and evolving field of education. The first domain provides innovative teaching methodologies, and delves into the transformative power of active learning, gamification, and project-based learning. Leadership's paramount role in shaping educational institutions is the focus of the second domain. It underscores the significance of visionary leadership in fostering an environment of continuous improvement and innovation. The third domain introduces the intriguing realm of chatbots and educational technologies. The final domain is dedicated to the revolution in assessment and evaluation practices. The section explores progressive forms of assessment, such as performance-based and formative assessments, and advocates for data-driven instruction to enhance student learning.
Preparing students for the future educational paradigm by Fatima Al Husseiny (Ed.); Afzal Sayed Munna (Editor)
Publication Date: 2024Preparing Students for the Future Educational Paradigm delves into the intricate web of learning ecosystems, exploring their pivotal role in shaping the education of tomorrow. The contemporary educational landscape demands a paradigm shift, and this book addresses the key challenges and opportunities inherent in learning ecosystems. It dissects these interconnected networks of individuals, groups, and resources designed to foster learning, laying bare the essential elements defining efficiency, equity, and inclusivity. This book identifies the pressing issues facing learning ecosystems and provides innovative ideas and practical strategies for rejuvenating these ecosystems. The reader will understand technology's vital role, educators' empowerment, and promoting lifelong learning mindsets.Unlocking learning potential with universal design in online learning environments by Michelle Bartlett (Ed.); Suzanne Ehrlich (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Unlocking Learning Potential With Universal Design in Online Learning Environments not only highlights challenges but provides its readers with a variety of solutions. Each chapter unveils real case studies, research findings, and best practices, from historical contexts and the evolution of UDL to addressing diverse learner needs in the digital age. The book also doesn't shy away from challenges, offering solutions for overcoming resistance and barriers. It concludes with a visionary outlook on the future of UDL in online education, compelling readers to reflect on their UDL journey and take a resounding call to action for inclusive online education.Humanizing online teaching and learning in higher education by Laura E. Gray (Ed.); Shernette D. Dunn (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Humanizing Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education steps forward as a guide, offering an extensive array of tools and strategies meticulously crafted to foster student engagement and infuse the essential human touch into the digital educational landscape. In an era marked by the emergence of technology, this book also serves as a pivotal guide for colleges and universities in their pursuit of forming comprehensive professional development opportunities for online faculty and staff. It offers nuanced insights into leveraging cutting-edge educational technology, including AI, to facilitate deeper and relevant learning experiences that connect students seamlessly to the real world.Navigating virtual worlds and the metaverse for enhanced e-learning by Nadia Chafiq (Ed.); Patricia W. Cummins (Ed.); Khalil Shehadeh Al-Qatawneh (Ed.); Imane El Imadi (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Navigating Virtual Worlds and the Metaverse for Enhanced E-Learning offers a meticulously curated collection of original research and insights, serving as a guiding light in the complex world of digital learning. It not only identifies the challenges and opportunities presented by digital transformation but also provides concrete solutions and innovative approaches. By delving into topics such as pedagogical engineering, reverse pedagogy, and the educational metaverse, it not only highlights the challenges but also provides actionable solutions.Transforming education for personalized learning by Afzal Sayed Munna (Ed.); Husam Alharahsheh (Ed.); Alessandro Ferrazza (Ed.); Abraham Pius (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Transforming Education for Personalized Learning delves into the imminent challenges besieging education, offering pragmatic solutions to metamorphose classrooms into dynamic learning environments with research, real-world illustrations, and expert perspectives. It scrutinizes fundamental shifts required in pedagogical methods, curriculum construction, assessment frameworks, and the judicious integration of technology. Central to its philosophy is the accentuation of personalized learning, the cultivation of critical thinking, and the nurturing of creativity and collaboration among students. Emphasizing an inclusive and equitable educational system, the book discerns the varied needs and strengths of learners.Challenges of globalization and inclusivity in academic research by Swati Chakraborty (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Challenges of Globalization and Inclusivity in Academic Research examines the impact of globalization on academic research within the domains of social sciences, religion, and technology. Through meticulous analysis and case studies, it dissects the multifaceted effects of globalization, shedding light on how it has shaped research questions, methodologies, and teaching approaches in these critical disciplines. This book is an exploration of challenges and a guidebook for positive change. It navigates through topics such as unconscious bias in research, gender representation in academia, and ethical considerations in international collaborations. It encourages readers to develop a nuanced understanding of the need for diversity and inclusivity in research practices, laying the foundation for a more equitable and globally connected research community.Innovative instructional design methods and tools for improved teaching by Mohamed Khaldi (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Innovative Instructional Design Methods and Tools for Improved Teaching is meticulously crafted to address the pressing issues faced by academic scholars today. This book transcends the conventional boundaries of educational discourse, offering a roadmap for designing learning activities beyond routine exercises. It unveils a comprehensive approach, integrating pedagogical strategies and innovative teaching practices, providing educators with the tools they need to revolutionize their approach to instruction.Leading and managing change for school improvement by Nadire Gülçin Yildiz (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Leading and Managing Change for School Improvement provides a thorough understanding of the ways in which schools are continuously changing and what must be done so that educational leaders can effectively manage these changes. The book also assesses different environments within which schools are established, promotes positive school culture, and ascertains ways of making schools more effective. Covering topics such as professional development, school improvement, and school culture...Enhancing education with intelligent systems and data-driven instruction by Madhulika Bhatia (Ed.); Muhammad Tahir Mushtaq (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Enhancing Education With Intelligent Systems and Data-Driven Instruction goes beyond the constraints of conventional teaching methods, offering a comprehensive guide that inspires and equips educators with innovative tools and approaches. From integrating innovative technology to cultivating collaborative learning environments, the book provides a roadmap for educators to reimagine their teaching practices. By embracing student-centered approaches, fostering diversity, and utilizing digital tools effectively, this book empowers teachers to transform their classrooms into dynamic hubs of inspiration, motivation, and empowerment.Handbook of research on inclusive and accessible education by Mbulaheni Obert Maguvhe (Ed.); Nwacoye Gladness Mpya (Ed.); Marubini Christinah Sadiki (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024The Handbook of Research on Inclusive and Accessible Education emerges as an inspiration for change, providing a profound solution to the persistent issue of exclusion. The book encapsulates a collective effort to reimagine education. It advocates for a paradigm shift-moving away from the confinement of special schools and towards inclusive, mainstream settings.The role of generative AI in the communication classroom by Sanae Elmoudden (Ed.); Jason S. Wrench (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024The Role of Generative AI in the Communication Classroom delves into the multifaceted dimensions of AI, specifically focusing on OpenAI's revolutionary Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (Chat GPT) and its profound influence on the landscape of communication education. This book navigates the intersection of technology, education, and ethics, shedding light on the imperative need for a collaborative approach to shape AI's evolution.Attacking the elites: what critics get wrong--and right--about America's leading universities by Derek Bok
Publication Date: 2024Drawing on over fifty years of experience as a student, professor, dean, and president of Harvard University, Derek Bok examines the current disputes involving admissions, diversity, academic freedom and political correctness, curriculum and teaching, and even athletics in order to determine which complaints are unsubstantiated, which are valid, and how elite universities can best respond to their critics.Capital of mind: the idea of a modern American university by Adam R. Nelson
Publication Date: 2024Capital of Mind is the second volume in a breathtakingly ambitious new economic history of American higher education. Picking up from the first volume, Exchange of Ideas, Adam R. Nelson looks at the early decades of the nineteenth century, explaining how the idea of the modern university arose from a set of institutional and ideological reforms designed to foster the mass production and mass consumption of knowledge.Indebted mobilities: Indian youth, migration, and the internationalizing university by Susan Thomas
Publication Date: 2024Indebted Mobilities draws on Susan Thomas's close shadowing of a group of middle-class Indian migrant men who attended a public university in New York just as the institution sought to "internationalize" its campus in the wake of ongoing withdrawal of state funding. Thomas takes the reader along with the young men as they study, work, and socialize, pursuing the successful futures they believed to be promised when they migrated for an American education. All the while, they must face their marginalization as they become enmeshed in the fraught inclusion politics of contemporary university life in the United States. At the heart of these encounters is these students' relationship to debt--not just material ones that include student loans, but moral and affective debts as well.Teaching to live: Black religion, activist-educators, and radical social change by Almeda M. Wright
Publication Date: 2024Teaching to Live: Black Religion, Activist-Educators, and Radical Social Change interrogates the stories of African American activist-educators whose faith convictions inspired them to educate in radical and transformative ways. Many of these educators are known only or primarily for their educational theory or activism, and their religious convictions have often been obscured or outright ignored. Almeda M. Wright seeks to rectify this omission, exploring the connections between religion, education, and struggles for freedom within twentieth-century African American communities by telling the stories of key African American teachers.Reading to belong: identity, perspective and advocacy in the elementary grades by Alyson Lamont; Pamela Washington; Emilie Hard
Publication Date: 2024This work aims to equip educators with tools to facilitate critical conversations with students - to question what they read, consume, and hear. Reading to Belong: Identity, Perspective and Advocacy in the Elementary Grades bridges the gap between research and practice by sharing snapshots of conversations happening in real classrooms. The language of mirrors and windows anchors discussions as students deepen an understanding of themselves, experience different perspectives, and ultimately use this knowledge to change their world for the better.Culturally sustaining policymaking in indigenous communities: partnering to promote lasting change by Aprille J. Phillips
Publication Date: 2024The author scrutinizes how leaders and intermediaries in Nebraska, involved at various tiers of policy development and reform, conceptualized and implemented school accountability policy in Indian country. In particular, Phillips explores state-directed reform efforts in a school on the Santee Sioux Reservation consistently labeled as failing and persistently experiencing intervention from outsiders presented as experts. The book interrogates who gets to define educational quality, who counts as an expert on improving schools, and what improvement actually looks like. Additionally, the text highlights the way local educators and members of the community employed everyday tactics and incognito acts of improvement to reshape school turnaround efforts.Engaging the rewired brain by David A. Sousa
Publication Date: 2024This new edition from bestselling educational neuroscience author David Sousa offers research-based, practical solutions and serves as a framework for educators who want to effectively leverage technology to enhance student learning in an environment that demands constant engagement and stimulation.The Routledge International Handbook of gender beliefs, stereotype threat, and teacher expectations by edited by Penelope W. St J. Watson, Christine M. Rubie-Davies, and Bernhard Ertl
Publication Date: 2024"An understanding of how gender beliefs, stereotype threat, and teacher expectations interrelate is vital to creating safe, equitable, and encouraging learning spaces. The collection summarises how gender beliefs, stereotype threat, and teacher expectations act in association to influence gendered student achievement, engagement, and self-beliefs, and suggests ways toward rectifying their negative effects. "Handbook of educational psychology by Paul A. Schutz (Ed.); Krista R. Muis (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024The fourth edition of the Handbook of Educational Psychology, sponsored by Division 15 of the American Psychological Association, addresses new developments in educational psychology theory and research methods while honoring the legacy of the field's past. Comprising 31 chapters written by a diverse group of recognized Educational Psychologist and/or Learning and Motivational Scientist (EDP/LMS) scholars, this volume provides integrative reviews and critical syntheses of inquiry across a variety of foundational and new areas.School food politics in Mexico: the corporatization of obesity and healthy eating policies by José Tenorio
Publication Date: 2024"This book situates obesity as a structural problem enabled by market-driven policy change, problematizing the focus on individual behavior change which underpins current obesity policy. It argues that the idea of healthy lifestyles draws attention away from the economic and political roots of obesity, shifting blame onto an ‘uneducated’ population."Debunking the grit narrative in higher education: drawing on the strengths of African American, Asian American, Pacific Islander, Latinx, and Native American students by Angela M. Locks; Rocío Mendoza; Deborah Faye Carter
Publication Date: 2024Debunking the Grit Narrative in Higher Education examines pressing structural issues currently impacting African American, Asian American, Pacific Islander, Latinx, and Native American students accessing college and succeeding in U.S. postsecondary environments.Reaching and teaching neurodivergent learners in STEM: strategies for embracing uniquely talented problem solvers by Jodi Asbell-Clarke
Publication Date: 2024This book empowers educators to embrace the unique talents of neurodivergent learners in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. An exploration of the exciting opportunities neurodiversity presents to build an innovative workforce is grounded in research from psychology, neuroscience, and education.Freedom teaching: overcoming racism in education to create classrooms where all students succeed by Matthew Kincaid
Publication Date: 2024In Freedom Teaching, educator and distinguished anti-racism practitioner Matthew Kincaid delivers a one-stop resource for educators and educational leaders seeking to improve equity and increase the cultural responsiveness of their school. In this book, you'll discover the meaning and fundamentals of anti-racist education and find a roadmap to reducing the impact of systemic racism in your classroom.Personalized and inclusive engagement for the design, delivery, and evaluation of university eLearning: the P-I-E model by Hugh Kellam
Publication Date: 2024The book examines the intersections of online learning theories and models in the current research literature for teaching in digital environments in postsecondary education. It describes the connection between eLearning theory and practice to develop a pragmatic and adaptable model for the design, development, and implementation of interactive, personalized, and inclusive online learning experiences.Assessing through the lens of social and emotional learning: tools and strategies by Cynthia Sistek; Dee L. Fabry
Publication Date: 2024This empowering guide revolutionizes the assessment process by putting students at the center. Dive into practical strategies and best practices for fostering social and emotional learning (SEL) competencies through student-centered assessments and discover how you can transform classrooms into inclusive spaces where learning thrives.The Sage handbook of online higher education by Safary Wa-Mbaleka (Ed.); Kelvin Thompson (Ed.); Leni Casimiro (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024The SAGE Handbook of Online Higher Education presents a cutting-edge collection of 50 essays that explores the rapidly evolving landscape of online teaching and learning in higher education. Assembled and contributed by a team of leading experts, the Handbook adopts a uniquely holistic approach to examining the needs of online education. Chapters bring together voices from diverse and international backgrounds to provide insights applicable to a broad range of contexts, and present practical strategies for planning, delivering quality online higher education.Assessment by design: a practical approach to improve student learning by Sheri H. Barrett
Publication Date: 2023Written with faculty in mind, Assessment by Design is a practical resource that will also be useful to student affairs staff and administrators dedicated to using assessment to improve learning in curricular and co-curricular settings. This book presents the Cycle of Assessment as a framework that supports assessment in service of improving student learning. The framework consists of the following stages: Developing Your Assessment Question; Planning Decisions to Consider; Collecting and Scoring the Data; Analyzing and Discussing Assessment Data; and Report and Act on Assessment Findings.Designing equitable and accessible online learning environments by Lydia Kyei-Blankson (Ed.); Jared Keengwe (Ed.); Esther Ntuli (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Designing Equitable and Accessible Online Learning Environments is a pioneering endeavor which delves into the multifaceted dimensions of online education and reveals a crucial revelation that students from disadvantaged backgrounds exhibit a pronounced affinity for online courses. This book magnifies the essence of this observation, venturing beyond the surface to uncover the means to cultivate a genuinely inclusive online pedagogical experience. Meticulously curated, this book amalgamates diverse perspectives from luminaries in the field. The ultimate aspiration is to empower educators, administrators, researchers, and students with a profound understanding of the symbiotic relationship between inclusivity and technology.Inclusive education in bilingual and plurilingual programs by Lidia Mañoso-Pacheco (Ed.); José Luis Estrada Chichón (Ed.); Roberto Sánchez-Cabrero (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Inclusive Education in Bilingual and Plurilingual Programs assembles a compendium of international theoretical and practical contributions, shedding light on the intricate interplay between diversity and bilingual or plurilingual education. This book delves into the multifaceted realm of attention to diversity in education, where the focus is on tailoring teaching methods to the specific needs of students, encompassing differences in abilities, learning paces, and styles, which empowers students to acquire essential competencies and attain educational objectives at each stage of their academic journey. Secondly, it traverses the landscape of bilingual and plurilingual education, which has emerged in response to the societal, employment, and economic demands for language proficiency beyond one's mother tongue.Transforming education with generative AI by Sharma (Ed.); Bozkurt (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Within the pages of Transforming Education With Generative AI: Prompt Engineering and Synthetic Content Creation, readers embark on a journey into the heart of this transformative phenomenon. Generative AI's influence extends deeply into education, touching the lives of educators, administrators, policymakers, and learners alike. Within the pages of this book, we explore the intricate art of prompt engineering, a skill that shapes the quality of AI-generated educational content.Restructuring general education and core curricula requirements by Julie Tatlock (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Many faculty members find themselves at a crossroads where their influence on curriculum management is subject to fluctuation. Moreover, those dedicated to teaching core courses face a dwindling number of tenure-track positions. Restructuring General Education and Core Curricula Requirements is a groundbreaking book that emerges as the solution to these pressing challenges. This remarkable work serves as a beacon of hope in these turbulent times, offering a comprehensive exploration of the core curricula dilemma and paving the way for transformative change. It addresses the need for thoughtful reflection on the meaning of core curricula in the modern world, diving into its history, and presenting innovative solutions for institutions seeking to provide students with a rigorous and relevant core education.Perspectives on transforming higher education and the LGBTQIA student experience by Andrew Herridge (Ed.); Kaity Prieto (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Perspectives on Transforming Higher Education and the LGBTQIA Student Experience is a comprehensive academic exploration of the intricate world of LGBTQIA students in higher education. This book sheds light on the multifaceted challenges and complexities that LGBTQIA students face, transcending the boundaries of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, ability, and socio-economic class.Promoting crisis management and creative problem-solving skills in educational leadership by Afzal Sayed Munna (Ed.); Uzoechi Nwagbara (Ed.); Yahaya Alhassan (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024In the ever-evolving field of education, leaders face unprecedented challenges that require effective crisis management and creative problem-solving skills. However, there is a significant research gap in this area, with limited resources available to guide leaders in the post-pandemic world. To address this pressing issue, Promoting Crisis Management and Creative Problem-Solving Skills in Educational Leadership offers a comprehensive solution. This book, authored by renowned scholars and practitioners, provides a roadmap for reimagining educational leadership and equipping leaders with the necessary skills to thrive in challenging times.Adjunct faculty in online higher education: best practices for teaching adult learners by Lori Beth Doyle (Ed.); Tanya McGlashing Tarbutton (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Adjunct Faculty in Online Higher Education: Best Practices for Teaching Adult Learners delves into the pivotal role of adjunct faculty instructors in the booming realm of online higher education, with a specific focus on adult learners. As the demand for online education continues to soar, administrators, program directors, and adjunct faculty instructors alike are presented with unique challenges and opportunities. This comprehensive guidebook provides a wealth of knowledge and best practices for adjunct faculty instructors seeking to excel in online teaching roles.Reshaping entrepreneurial education within an industry 4.0 context by Vannie Naidoo (Ed.); Rahul Verma (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Reshaping Entrepreneurial Education Within an Industry 4.0 Context sheds light on the barriers preventing widespread technological adoption and the profound changes that Industry 4.0 brings to education. As the fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0, continues to unfold, this book delves into how this phenomenon is reshaping the field of education. With an increasing number of tertiary education students around the world, the necessity for higher education institutions to undergo radical transformations driven by technological advancements is greater than ever before. This book presents a comprehensive analysis of how digital technology and capabilities are becoming integral to building more flexible and adaptive tertiary education systems in regions like Latin America and the Caribbean.Advancing student employability through higher education by Bryan Christiansen (Ed.); Angela M. Even (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Higher education, traditionally responsible for developing personnel, struggles to bridge the mismatch between the skills taught in academia and those demanded by employers. From fundamental communication skills to advanced problem-solving and collaborative thinking abilities, the deficiencies hinder organizations in an era of heightened competition. Advancing Student Employability Through Higher Education offers a comprehensive solution to address this critical deficiency.Modern early childhood teacher education: theories and practice by Mihaela Badea (Ed.); Mihaela Suditu (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Modern Early Childhood Teacher Education: Theories and Practice delves into the multifaceted tapestry of early school education, dissecting its historical underpinnings while navigating the complexities of contemporary educational paradigms. The book unfurls a comprehensive exploration of diverse global early schooling systems, dissecting their historical trajectories and contemporary challenges.Using STEM-focused teacher preparation programs to reimagine elementary education by Courtney Mayakis; Chris Godwin; Julia Calabrese (Ed.); Miriam Sanders (Ed.); John A. Williams (Ed.); Emily Cayton (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Using STEM-Focused Teacher Preparation Programs to Reimagine Elementary Education presents anecdotal stories of how elementary education programs have altered their content offerings, field experiences, and curricula to expand their teacher candidates' knowledge and exposure to STEM disciplines and fields. Covering key topics such as diversity, teacher education, and technology integration...Culturally responsive schooling for indigenous Mexican students by William Perez; Rafael Vásquez
Publication Date: 2024This book uncovers the social and educational experiences of an increasing yet understudied population of young immigrants in the US, focusing on multilingual students who speak one of three Indigenous languages: Zapotec, Mixtec and P'urhépecha. It explores students' ethnoracial identities, Indigenous language use and transnational practices and the influence of these factors on school adjustment, academic achievement and educational pathways.Foundations of critical race theory in education by Edward Taylor (Ed.); David Gillborn (Ed.); Gloria Ladson-Billings (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Editors and contributors are amongst the most highly regarded scholars in CRT in the world Includes seminal legal writings on which critical race theory is based alongside cutting edge educational research Revised edition includes new material on applying CRT to quantitative data, the social funding of race, post-Obama political backlashes, and racialized immigration policies.The green book : for Black folks in education by Shawn F. Brown
Publication Date: 2024The Green Book: For Black Folks in Education is a nonfiction book written for parents and educators to examine best practices for supporting Black children in schools. Dr. Brown addresses topics such as parenting, high expectations, unconscious bias, community, culture, and navigating the traditional American educational system. This book provides a professional and personal lens to view the experiences of Black children in schools.Differentiating phonics instruction for maximum impact: how to scaffold whole-group instruction so all students can access grade-level content by Wiley Blevins
Publication Date: 2024Author Wiley Blevins is renowned for changing the way educators think about teaching children to read, helping thousands of teachers implement effective phonics instruction. Now, Blevins gets us to think in powerful new ways about differentiating whole-class phonics lessons, so students at every skill level can engage.Start with radical love : antiracist pedagogy for social justice educators by Crystal Belle
Publication Date: 2024In this groundbreaking book, educator, poet, and activist Dr. Crystal Belle challenges traditional educational practices and offers a new approach to teaching rooted in radical love and social justice. Combining research with personal experiences and interviews, Dr. Belle explores the roots and practical application of a social justice education framework grounded in Critical Race Theory (CRT), heart healing, educator beliefs, and a deep understanding of the structural inequities in education.Storytelling with purpose: digital projects to ignite student curiosity by Michael Hernandez
Publication Date: 2024Storytelling enables us to make sense of the world and bring order to our thinking. Now more than ever, students are hungry for authentic learning experiences that offer opportunities to make an impact beyond the classroom. With practical advice and examples of how to plan, create, publish and assess student stories, this book offers a fresh approach to digital storytelling.Creating your signature online course: design, tone, and narrative in digitized instruction by Kimberly A. Hall
Publication Date: 2024Creating Your Signature Online Course guides educators through the development of engaging, efficient, aesthetically pleasing, and narrative-rich online learning spaces.Who are you without colonialism?: pedagogies of liberation by Clelia O. Rodríguez; Josephine Gabi
Publication Date: 2023"It is a collective offering to those who are responding to a call of Liberation based on Indigenous Principles to protect and defend the land beyond theories, beyond rhetorical and metaphorical questions."Differentiated instruction: a guide for world language teachers by Deborah Blaz
Publication Date: 2024In the third edition of a bestseller, author Deborah Blaz helps you differentiate lessons for your world language students based on their learning styles, interests, prior knowledge, and comfort zones.
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