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Gabon News and Newspapers, Gabon Actualités : Gabon News and Newspapers

News sources and newspapers from and about Gabon, West Africa.

Gabon News and Newspapers

Agence Gabonais de Presse
In French. Politics, economy, society, environment, sports, provinces, etc. Founded 1960.
In French. Its news comes from other Gabon news sources. - Gabon News
Current news from PANA (the Dakar based news agency created to provide an African perspective on news events) and other sources. Formed from a merger with the former Africa News from Durham, NC.

BBC - Africa

Le Confidentiel
In French. Independent weekly on Gabon's political, economic, security and diplomatic issues.

Conjoncture Economique
In French. Economic news of Gabon, Cameroun.

Direct Infos
In French. Economic and financial news. Has full text economic reports, for ex "République Gabonaise – Plan d’Accélération de la Transformation 2021-23" 375 pages

Echos du Nord
In French. Weekly. Older sample articles from the print newspaper. Recent issues sold by Sodipresse.

In French. Politics, economy, environment, society.

France24 - Gabon News
In English and French.

In French. TV news.

Gabon Martin
In French. Limited number of short articles. Culture, economy, politics, society, sports.

Gabon Media Time
In French. Politics, economy, health, sports, cartoons.

Gabon Review
In French. Politics, economy, society, sports, environment, culture. Based in Libreville, Gabon.

In French. Politics, economy, environment, sports, health.
In French. In opposition to the Government. Politics, economy, sports, society. Based in Libreville, Gabon.

In French. Economie, société, politique, sport, culture, santé, éducation. Video news.

Groupe Gabon Televisions
In French.

In French. Politics, society, sports, education, health, economy, environment.

In French. Private news agency began 2008. A weekly press review is free. A daily review requires a subscription. Based in Librevile, Gabon.

International Committee of the Red Cross
May have current news reports. See their country report or use their keyword search.

La Libreville
In French. Politics, economy, climate, society.

In French. Politics, economy, environment, culture, society, sports.

Le Monde Diplomatique (Paris)
Small number of older news stories in French. Click on "Rechercher."

Nouveau Gabon
In French. Politics, economy, finance, health Has a Gabon Who's Who directory.

Pyramid Medias Gabon
In French. Daily online news. Politics, economy, society, culture, sports. Reports on rights of political prisoners, story of hospital staff not being paid. The Groupe Pyramidmedia also publishes the weekly, le Temps.

RFI - Africa News
In French.

In French. Politics, investigations, economy, society, sports, culture.

In French. Daily news. Government paper. Politics, economy, sports, society.

United Nations, ReliefWeb - Gabon
Gabon news.  "A project of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)."

VOA, Voice of America - Gabon News
U.S government site.

Vox Populi 241
In French. Politics, economy, society, culture, health, etc.