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Congo - Democratic Republic of the Congo News and Newspapers, DRC Actualités: Congo - Democratic Republic of the Congo News and Newspapers

Congo - Democratic Republic of the Congo News and Newspapers

For current news: Politico,, 7sur7, Actu7, Actualite CD, Congo Indépendant, Media, Top Congo FM, Yabisonews

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is about the size of Western Europe and 3.5 times larger than Texas.

In French. Political, economic, education, health, culture, sports, society news.

Access World News
Subscription required. News from African newspapers, African radio news.  Maintained by Newsbank, Inc.

In French. Privately owned. Politics, economy, culture, health, security, society, sports.

Actualite CD  (Kinshasa)
In French. Political, economic, security news. Has cartoons. Audio and video reports.  Created 2016, "un média du Groupe Next Corp." Its journalist, Stanis Bujakera Tshiamala, was arrested Sept. 8, 2023 by the Govt.
Facebook page - DRC News
In French. Congo - DRC news from a news source which covers the continent. Based in France. (Kinshasa)
In French. Politics, economy, culture, justice, etc. Claims to fight against disinformation. Has journalists in Africa and Europe.

Agence Congolaise de Presse
In French and English. Government press agency. Created August 12, 1960 by then Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba.

alJazeera - Africa News
In English. The licensed site is more complete than the free site. Created by a merger with the former Africa News from Durham, NC.

BBC - DRC News
Current news.

Beni Lubero
In French, English, Spanish. Human rights news from the Eastern DRC.  Website started by Catholic priest Rev. Vincent Machozi while he was a Boston University School of Theology graduate student. Machozi was assassinated in 2016. 

Bomoko Media (Kinshasa)
In French. (Site is down May 19, 2024.) Politics, economy, sports, health.

Business et Finances
In French. Older news. Business news on the DRC.

Cap Sud Infos
In French. Political, sports news.  " est une propriété de « CAPSUD CONSULT », une entreprise de droit congolais"  

Chat Television (Kinshasa)
In French. Privately owned. Its director was arrested April 2023 for reporting on corruption in the mining industry.

Cheik FITA news
 In French. (Site is down May 19, 2024.) News of the Congolese diaspora in Belgium.  Political, social, economic and cultural news of the DRC.  X/twitter site.

Congo Check (Goma, DRC)
Fact checking project of the non-profit organization Initiative des factchekers du Congo IFC. Established 2018. Has support from Facebook, USAID, Sweden, and L'organisation internationale de la Francophonie.

Congo Indépendant
In French. Online newspaper established 2003, as a "counter-power". Politics, economic, publicizes threats to press freedom, etc.

Congo Libéré
In French. Politics, society, health, the environment, economy, fact checking. "édité par L’Shi Media Group à Lubumbashi." Reports on human rights issues.

Congo Vision
In English and French. Old news from 2020 and earlier. Has commentary by Ambassador Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja and Professor Elikya Mbokolo. Based in Brattleboro, Vermont. [KF] (Kinshasa)
In French and English (computer translation). Politics, economy, sports, music, culture.  Has news summaries from other newspapers/sources. Operates a radio station.

Fatshimetrie. The Citizen's Blog
News about the DRC. Politics, economy, society, culture, technology, ecology, etc.

Focus Mag TV
In French.  Agriculture, environment issues, funerals of prominent individuals such as the sculptor Alfred Liyolo and the musician Papa Wemba, plays, media, tourism, etc.

Forum des As
In French. Older news 2021 and older. Privately owned daily. Politics, culture, society, sports. 

In French. "...platform for information, .......for and around the peaceful and non-violent liberation movement of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Their movement seeks freedom for the DRC from the forces of occupation and corruption. Commentary, opinion. Download issues of their quarterly publication, Ingeta. Video of Le Conflit au Congo: La Vérité Dévoilée - Crisis In The Congo: Uncovering The Truth, from Friends of the Congo. Older video news. Book announcements. Based in Paris, France.

In French. [Sept. 2023 the site has some tech glitches but is up.] "Web Magazine d'actualité pour la promotion du Kongo-Central"  "une Association sans but lucratif (ASBL) composée de professionnels des médias et d’informatique." Has a Facebook page. 

[Kabumba] Justin KABUMBA
In French. X account of Kabumba, a journalist for France24.

Kinshasa Times (Kinshasa)
In French. Older news. Political, economic, health, environment, culture, sports news.

Libre Grand Lacs
In French. Private local news source. Economy, politics, sports, health, society, podcasts. Based in Bukavu, DRC. [KF]

Mama Radio - l'Association des femmes des médias, AFEM 
In French. From the Association of Women in the Media, AFEM, South Kivu, DRC. Promotes inclusivity (women, men, girls, boys), gender equity & sensitivity, community involvement.  Economy, villages savings & credit, cultural events, older news, etc. Covered the only woman candidate in the 2023 presidential election, Marie-Josée IFOKU, and other women candidates. X/Twitter page.

Matin Infos
In French. Political, economic, security, culture, sports news. Reprints articles from other news sources.

Le Maximum
In French  "un bihebdomadaire d'informations générales paraissant à Kinshasa" Political, economic, society, sport, culture news.

In French. Political, economic, culture, health, sports news. Diaspora news. Rental & for sale housing notices. Job offers. Based in Kinshasa.

L’Observatoire de la Liberté de la Presse en Afrique (OLPA)
In French. A NGO composed mainly of legal experts and volunteer journalist. Has letters regarding threats against journalists, online reports such as "Migration vers la Télévision Numérique Terrestre en République démocratique du Congo encore du chemin à parcourir"146 p.  Based in Kinshasa.

A verification initiative that conducts fact-checking across Africa. Established 2016. Based in Nairobi, offices Burundi, Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Guinea, CAR, Senegal, Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa.

Phare (Kinshasa)
In French. Politics, society, has cartoons. Web site for the print newspaper.

In French. Very current political news. Video news. Published by LEOPARDS GROUP SARL.

Le Potentiel (Kinshasa)
In French. "Quotidien indépendant pour l'action et la démocratie." Online edition of the print major daily newspaper.

La Prospérité
In French. Daily political, economic, society news. Lists job openings at the U.S. Embassy in Kinshasa. Partners with Radio Okapi and the UN Mission in the DRC. 

Radio Okapi
In French. Radio Okapi is the United Nations radio in the Dem. Rep. of the Congo. Politics, health, etc. Has links to radio programs in Kikongo, Lingala, Swahili. Connected with the Swiss NGO, Fondation Hirondelle. Based in Kinshasa.

Radio Svein
In French. Community radio. Politics, society, environment, education, economy. Reports on financial, corruption issues, South Kivu, Denis Mukwege (2018 Nobel Peace Prize winner), also non-Africa related news.

Radio-Television Nationale Congolaise, RTNC
In French. Government TV station. Politics, economy, health, sports. Has older news.

ReliefWeb - DRC News
Extensive information on the Great Lakes Crisis (Rwanda, Burundi, Congo (Kinshasa)), an extensive collection of newspaper articles, newswire stories, UN reports, etc. Maintained by the UN Dept. of Humanitarian Affairs.

In French. Privately owned.

Le Soft International
Web site of the print independent Kinshasa newspaper. " Published by Finpress Group Afrimages Kinshasa Bruxelles Paris."

La Tempête des Tropiques
In French. Current political, economic, social, cultural, sports news. 

Top Congo FM (Kinshasa)
In French. Privately owned radio station with national and community news, entertainment. Top Congo FM YouTube channel.

La Voix du Paysan Congolais
In French. [Site not open Sept. 2023] Bimestriel d'informations du monde rural et de l'environnement en DRC. Created in 2005 by CENADEP (Centre National d’appui au Développement et à la Participation Populaire), an NGO. and  Facebook page

Yabisonews (Kinshasa)
In French. Privately owned. Politics, justice, economy, security, culture, education, sports. News of North Kivu, Ituri, Kasai, etc.