PWR 1BK: Writing what you eat: the rhetoric of food: E-books and databases
This is a guide to PWR 1BK: Writing what you eat: the rhetoric of food.
Writing what you eat: the rhetoric of food
This is a guide to PWR 1BK: Writing what you eat: the rhetoric of food.
Reference Books
The Physiology of Taste by Brillat-Savarin
ISBN: 9781112527883Originally published in 1854. Also known as Physiologie du goût. Gastronomy.Encyclopedia of Food and Health by Benjamin Caballero (Editor-In-Chief); Paul Finglas (Editor-In-Chief); Fidel Toldrá (Editor-In-Chief)
ISBN: 9780123849472Publication Date: 2015-09-14The Encyclopedia of Food and Health provides users with a solid bridge of current and accurate information spanning food production and processing, from distribution and consumption to health effects. The Encyclopedia comprises five volumes, each containing comprehensive, thorough coverage, and a writing style that is succinct and straightforward.The Oxford Companion to Sugar and Sweets by Sidney Mintz (Foreword by); Darra Goldstein (Editor-In-Chief)
ISBN: 9780199313396Publication Date: 2015-05-01The Oxford Companion to Sugar and Sweets explores the collective knowledge of 265 expert contributors, from food historians to chemists, restaurateurs to cookbook writers, neuroscientists to pastry chefs. The Companion takes readers around the globe and throughout time, affording glimpses deep into the brain as well as stratospheric flights into the world of sugar-crafted fantasies. Celebrating sugar while acknowledging its complex history, The Oxford Companion to Sugar and Sweets is the definitive guide to one of humankind's greatest sources of pleasure.Science and Politics by Brent S. Steel (Editor)
ISBN: 9781452258102Publication Date: 2014-05-14Recent partisan squabbles over science in the news are indicative of a larger tendency for scientific research and practice to get entangled in major ideological divisions in the public arena. This politicization of science is deepened by the key role government funding plays in scientific research and development, the market leading position of U.S.-based science and technology firms, and controversial U.S. exports (such as genetically modified foods or hormone-injected livestock). This groundbreaking, one-volume, A-to-Z reference features 120-150 entries that explore the nexus of politics and science, both in the United States and in U.S. interactions with other nations.Archaeology of Food by Mary C. Beaudry (Editor); Karen Bescherer Metheny (Editor)
ISBN: 9780759123649Publication Date: 2015-08-07The Archaeology of Food offers more than 250 entries spanning geographic and temporal contexts and features recent discoveries alongside the results of decades of research. The contributors provide overviews of current knowledge and theoretical perspectives, raise key questions, and delve into myriad scientific, archaeological, and material analyses to add depth to our understanding of food. The encyclopedia serves as a reference for scholars and students in archaeology, food studies, and related disciplines, as well as fascinating reading for culinary historians, food writers, and food and archaeology enthusiasts.The SAGE Encyclopedia of Food Issues by Ken Albala
ISBN: 9781452243016Publication Date: 2015-05-08The SAGE Encyclopedia of Food Issues explores the topic of food across multiple disciplines within the social sciences and related areas including business, consumerism, marketing, and environmentalism. This three-volume reference work will serve as a general, non-technical resource for students and researchers who seek to better understand the topic of food and the issues surrounding it.Encyclopedia of Food and Culture
ISBN: 9780684805689Publication Date: 2002-12-17This new three-volume set presents 600 articles on food and its place in human culture and society, covering everything from agronomy to zucchini. The "Encyclopedia's multidisciplinary articles--including "Comfort Food," "Ethnicity and Food," "Medieval Banquets" and "Nutrient Composition"--are supplemented by 450 photographs and illustrations, sidebars, recipes, menus, timelines and a comprehensive index.The Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America by Andrew Smith (Editor-In-Chief)
ISBN: 9780199734962Publication Date: 2012-11-30In over 1,400 entries, this new edition of The Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America reflects the many changes in American food consciousness during the twenty-first century. Entries from The Oxford Companion to American Food and Drink have also been added, as have a substantial number of biographies of culinary personalities. All bibliographies and non-historical entries have been revisited for updating.Encyclopedia of Junk Food and Fast Food by Andrew F. Smith
ISBN: 9780313335273Publication Date: 2006-08-30This A-to-Z reference is the first to focus on the junk food and fast food phenomena from a multitude of angles in addition to health and diet concerns. More than 250 essay entries objectively explore the scope of the topics to illuminate the American way through products, corporations and entrepreneurs, social history, popular culture, organizations, issues, politics, commercialism and consumerism, and much more. Interest in these topics is high.Handbook of Nutrition and Food by Carolyn D. Berdanier (Editor); Johanna T. Dwyer (Editor); David Heber (Editor)
ISBN: 9781466505711Publication Date: 2013-07-22Completely revised, the third edition contains 20 new chapters, 50 percent new figures, and updates to most of the previously existing chapters. Part I is devoted to food, including its composition, constituents, labeling, and analysis. Part II focuses on nutrition as a science, covering basic terminology, nutritional biochemistry, nutrition and genetics, food intake regulation, and micronutrients. Part III discusses the nutrient needs of humans, from infants to older adults, as well as needs under special circumstances, such as elite athletes, vegetarians, and space travelers. Part IV addresses assessment of nutrient intake adequacy. Part V examines clinical nutrition, from assessments in the clinic setting through the many conditions that are likely to be presented in a medical practice.Encyclopedia of Major Marketing Campaigns
ISBN: 9780787673567Publication Date: 2006-12-12This reference looks at 500 major marketing and advertising campaigns of the 20th century from a historical perspective and several related initiatives of earlier years that developed the basis for present day advertising.
Article databases
- Academic search premierA multidisciplinary database which provides full-text for over 4,650 scholarly publications, more than 3,600 of them peer-reviewed. Includes topics in the social sciences, humanities, general science, education and most areas of academic study. Abstracts and indexing provided for 8,200 journals in the collection. Coverage is from 1965 to the present.
- ProQuest. Research libraryProvides online access to an extensive collection of full-text articles from journals across a wide range of subject areas, including business, education, literature, political science, and psychology. User interface available in Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, and Turkish.
- Web of science core collectionWeb of Science Core Collection provides access to the world's leading citation databases. Authoritative, multidisciplinary content covers journals worldwide, including Open Access journals and conference proceedings. Includes current and retrospective coverage in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities, with coverage to 1900.
- FactivaProvides worldwide full text coverage of local and regional newspapers, trade publications, business newswires, press release wires, media transcripts, news photos, business-rich Web sites, investment analyst reports, market research reports, country and regional profiles, company profiles, historical market data.
Some search terms to use in SearchWorks and databases
Try these terms when searching in SearchWorks or in the article databases. Use the limiters on the left side of the results page (topics, date, language, etc.) to further limit your results.
- Gastronomy
- Nutrition
- Food habits
- Diets
- Cooking
- Food Consumption
- Food Preferences
- Last Updated: Dec 11, 2024 12:15 PM
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